Oh my gosh!
By bmurr00
She has ADHD!
By its your boi jose
Moth flight has stage 1 of ADHD which is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. This means that she has a lot more energy than others and is distracted more easily but this could help her to think outside the box and find solutions others constantly.
When you are bored
By suuuuuprg
Queenfur(she cat) killed cats:0 Unknown. Likes nothing. Dislikes nothing.
Kin, none. Mate none. Kits. None adopted kits:Mist, King Crown.
My Favorite Warriors book
By Honeyslime5
I’ve read a lot of the warrior books and this one is a really great one.Part of the reason I like the book is because it has to do with how medicine cats came to be. In other books the parts with the medicine cats are more interesting to me.
Gina ⬇️
By Lord Hunkyhair for the win
1) Do not tell people your real name. Maybe make up a code name?
2) Maybe next time add periods and capitalize? It was slightly difficult to read
3) Good idea! I would be a nice play!
-Airkit of Riverclan
Sunset of the Skywings
Best book ever
By fire star cloud tree
Hi I’m Gina and I really liked the book have it at home and it so good it probably the best book in the series maybe even the world I just really think it’s amif anyone doesn’t like the book or the series then the just don’t know a good series when they see one i also think this book would make a amazing play and here a little bit of the song I made for it it called a different way and would be sung by half moon and when moth flight brings the other medicine cats to the moon stone and see star clan moth flight and half moon will say there lines and the when moth flight says but what if I’m not ment to be a medican cat half moon will say you are meant to be one all of you and then half moon will do her solo here’s a sample a different way to serve you clan not just one but all it’s your destiny to be with herb’s and us a clan of stars star clan( I’m so sorry but that’s all I remember) anyways I hope you make moth flights vision into a play and if you do please include my song I’ll rewrite and make it better then post the complete song to tell Erin hunter my idea ( all of it including the song) and that I’m her biggest fan and hopes she continues making these amazing books in the future.
Chapter six of Sunsetsplash's Destiny! Part one!
By 👾👾👾1532
Whispersong: yeah, they're both pretty cute. Energetic, cheerful Salmonpaw and easily annoyed Sunsetpaw would make a funny couple. I didn't think about SalmonxSunset though, but I think it's a good ship.
It won't be in the fanfic, though. But I think I might do extras after Sunsetsplash's Destiny is finished and write about what could have happened if she chose a different path, or did something differently, and SalmonxSunset would be included there! 🤗
Sunsetpaw was sitting outside of the apprentice's den with Splashpaw. She flicked her tail impatiently as she watched the leader, Sharpstar, shared tongues with his deputy. Almost a whole moon had passed since she became an apprentice, and tonight she'd be going to her first Gathering! If tonight ever got here, that is. The day had dragged on, and now that the sun was going down, it felt like time was going even slower. " Hey, relax!" Splashpaw mewed. Her voice was sweet, teasing even. " It's almost time to leave." Sunsetpaw looked at her sister. " I am relaxed." She sniffed, forcing her tail to stop moving. Splashpaw smiled slyly. " Oh, really? You've been flicking your tail for a little while —"
" No I haven't!"
" — and now you're keeping it still on purpose. Admit it, you're excited for the Gathering." Splashpaw purred, licking her chest fur calmly. Sunsetpaw frowned.
Surely Splashpaw, the most chipper, eager apprentice in Thunderclan, would be excited too, right? But her sister didn't show a sign that said she was thrilled to be attending the Gathering. Sunsetpaw laid down and curled her paws under her belly.
When the sky had went from pink to purple to black, Sharpstar stood up, stretched, and made his way around the clearing, beckoning the cats he had chosen to come to the Gathering. The last den he stopped by was the apprentice's den, and Sunsetpaw jumped to her paws as the leader approached. " Eager, are you?" He purred as Sunsetpaw joined the little group of cats, and Splashpaw got up to stand beside her mentor, Thistlepelt. Sunsetpaw nodded, and Sharpstar smiled.
" I hope you enjoy your first Gathering, you two." He meowed before leading his cats out of the camp.
As they walked, Sunsetpaw looked at the other cats that were coming to the Gathering. She recognized the fawn pelt of Doefeather padding beside Thistlepelt, her fur brushing against his grey-brown tabby pelt. Hollythrush was on Sharpstar's right, her dark shape nearly impossible to see in the shadows. Brackenheart was on the leader's left. Smokecloud brought up the rear, and Sunsetpaw and Splashpaw were in the middle. They reached Fourtrees, and Sharpstar crouched at the top of a slope, concealed by brambles and vines. As the other cats followed their leader, Sunsetpaw felt confused. Was this what they were supposed to do?
She crouched too, impatience and excitement bubbling inside her. Her first Gathering!
Sharpstar flicked his long black tail and immediately all the older cats sprang up, bounding down the slope. Not wanting to be left behind, Sunsetpaw quickly followed them down the ridge. When they reached the bottom, Thunderclan cats spread out like water, and Sunsetpaw recoiled at the thick, smothering wave of scents in her nose. She scanned the clearing for familiar pelts, and almost at once saw her sister join a group of apprentices. As a night-black Shadowclan tom jumped up, miming a ferocious battle with a brown tabby, the other apprentices watched, eyes wide, at the spectacle. Splashpaw especially, her eyes sparkling. A little bit away, Doefeather and Thistlepelt were sharing tongues with each other. Smokecloud — Sunsetpaw's heart skipped a beat when she saw the tom — was talking with a large grey and white tom, his bushy grey tail twitching at the tip. Unsure of what to do, Sunsetpaw just picked a direction and started walking. No sooner had she entered the crowd of cats did a Riverclan apprentice pad up to her. His thick, sleek pelt, characteristic of Riverclan cats, was pink-orange like salmon, and his bright green eyes glimmered. " Hey!" He meowed cheerfully. " I haven't seen you before. Is this your first Gathering?"
" Yes."
" Cool! How do you like it so far? Great, huh?"
Sunsetpaw looked around and flattened her ears. " It's very loud." She muttered. " And busy."
The Riverclan apprentice nodded sensibly. " Yeah, I know what you mean. I was a bit overwhelmed at my first Gathering, too. Say, what's your name?"
He added suddenly, titling his head. " Mine's Salmonpaw."
" I'm Sunsetpaw."
" That's a pretty name. What's your clan? You smell like Thunderclan to me."
" I'm definitely not Riverclan." Sunsetpaw said bluntly. She found this tom annoying, and wished he would go away and bother some other apprentice. When Salmonpaw looked slightly dejected, Sunsetpaw sighed inwardly and touched noses with him, reluctantly. " It's Thunderclan, Salmonpaw. Hey, why don't you go meet my sister?
Her name is Splashpaw, and she's over there." She pointed with her tail towards where Splashpaw was still talking with the other apprentices. " She's the white and russet one. She'd like to meet you, I'm sure." • And then you can stop bothering me• Sunsetpaw thought to herself. Salmonpaw's eyes lit up again and he licked his
chest fur, which was fluffy and white. " Yeah, I'll go do that. Bye, Sunsetpaw! See you again sometime!" He meowed as he bounded away.
" I hope not," Sunsetpaw muttered as she watched the Riverclan apprentice disappear into the crowd.
Next chapter's in the next book!
- Sunsetsplash
By soph of bred
I kinda ship SalmonPaw x Sunsetpaw/splash. Sorry if it’s a bad ship.. just kinda cute couple
She woke up in her den, and she felt something laying next to her. She looked in the space next to her and found a beautiful lilac lying on her side. “Must have been MistyLeaf,” she thought. Then she got up and headed for the medicine cat's den. When she got there MistyLeaf was already waiting for her at the entrance of his den. “GrayWillow! Guess what?!” He didn’t wait for a response, “I’m getting my medicine apprentice today!” He meowed excitedly. “He is a-“ “All cats old enough to catch their own prey, please gather at the high rock,” Blackstars call made MistyLeafs eyes light up, and he ran out of his den in an instant. GrayWillow pelted after him to the high rock. “Our medicine cat is ready to get his first ever apprentice. He has served this clan well and has saved many lives, but one day he will retire. MistyLeaf, please step up.” The spotted Tom stepped up to the front, too excited to wait. “About 5 moons ago, one of our queens, SmallStorm, had a wonderful bunch of kits. Her firstborn kit, Poppykit, is ready to become an apprentice. And we have decided to make her our medicine apprentice, so when one day MistyLeaf retires, she will take his place as our medicine cat.” GrayWillow could easily scan the crowd, and pick out the reddish brown kit. She had a shine of pride glowing in her eyes. “PoppyKit, please come up,” Blackstar said. Poppykit leaped up to her paws and skittered to where MistyLeaf stood. “MistyLeaf, you have saved lives ever since you were MistyPaw. And you stood where Poppykit now stands, as MistyKit,” Blackstar said. “And Poppykit, you would’ve made an amazing warrior, but Starclan has a different plan for you. Will you, Poppykit, take the role of the medicine apprentice, and one day the medicine cat?” Poppykit smiled and nodded her head as fast as she could. “For now on, until you get your medicine cat name, you shall be none as PoppyPaw. And MistyLeaf, I hope you pass on your amazing healing on to Poppypaw.” After Blackstar finished, everyone started chanting, ‘POPPYPAW!’ ‘POPPYPAW!’ ‘POPPYPAW!’ GrayWillow ran over to join the crowd. She saw MistyLeaf and said, “Thanks for the flowers.” “What flowers?” MistyLeaf said. GrayWillow's eyes faded from one of affection to one of confusion. If MistyLeaf didn’t give her the flowers, who did? She turned around after congratulating PoppyPaw, and her answer was right in front of her. There stood HalfFace, flowers in his jaw.
GrayWillow woke up and stretched, yawned, and went out of her den. Of course, she was headed for the medicine cat's den, to see LionKit and MistyLeaf, and also PoppyPaw. She decided it was time she brought some flowers, to confess her love for MistyLeaf. When she reached the den, with a flower from HalfFace behind her ear, she went in and found MistyLeaf. “Oh, hey GrayWillow! How’s your day been?” MistyLeaf meowed. “I got this for you! I wanted to know if..” GrayWillow hesitated to get out her words. “MistyLeaf, can you be my mate?!” She quickly spat out the words. “I..I.. I’m sorry, but..” MistyLeaf trailed off. “But what?!” GrayWillow mewed. “Medicine cats can’t have mates.. I’m so sorry I..” MistyLeaf studdererd. “But I.. I love you!” GrayWillow cried. “I’m sorry, but I just can’t.. medicine cat code,” MistyLeaf said. “Well, I know who left you the flowers,” MistyLeaf meowed. “Flowers? Who?!“ GrayWillow asked. “HalfFace, he likes you, a lot! You should ask him,” MistyLeaf suggested. GrayWillows eyes flashed. He does like me! I was so blind… “Well, thank you MistyLeaf. I’m disappointed you can't,” GrayWillow said. She didn’t bother seeing Lionkit. Instead, she went to her den. Inside, HalfFace was sleeping in his den. She went and curled up in her den next to his, and nudged the flowers closer to her.
GrayWillowWe’re on patrol!” GrayWillow woke up to HalfFace looking over her, shouting to wake her up. “Ok! Ok! I’m coming!” GrayWillow said. She got up and followed HalfFace out of the den. At the gorse tunnel entrance, WhitePelt was waiting. “What are you doing here?!” GrayWillow screamed at her. “Calm down, GrayWillow, she is on patrol with us!” HalfFace said. “What why?!” WhitePelt and GrayWillow said at the same time. “Because, Blackstar told me to bring you, so it’s an order,” HalfFace said. They didn’t want to complain, so they just kept going out of the camp.
Hawkwings thingy. Also, btw the next one there is romance.
Ivywhisker’s Truth Chapter List! (Epilogue)
By warriorsIScool
I mean the title ⬆️😂
I suggest you take a screenshot(s) of this so while you are looking for the next chapter you don’t have to go back here. Happy reading!
Chapters: (the ones that have two books/audiobooks have 2 parts since they’re LoNg)
Prologue (Doeheart’s Escape/Duskfall): part one in Leafpool’s something, part 2 in Graystripe’s Vow
1. Into the Wild audiobook
2. Fire and Ice audiobook
3. Rising Storm audio
4. A Dangerous Path and The Darkest Hour audiobooks
5. Twilight the new prophecy book
6. Sunset the new prophecy and The Sight power of three books
7. Dark River power of three book
8. Outcast power of three book
9. Eclipse power of three book
10. Midnight the new prophecy audiobook
11. Veil of Shadows the broken code audiobook
12. The Place of No Stars audiobook
13. Bramblestar’s Storm and SkyClan’s destiny books
14. Moth Flight’s Vision audiobook
15.Hawkwing’s Journey book
16. Tigerheart’s Shadow book
17. Crowfeather’s Trial book
18. Squirrelflight’s Hope book
Epilogue: the broken code #2
Epilogue part 2: the broken code #4 audiobook
Aaand that’s it! Ivywhisker’s Truth is officially finished!
Nearly a year after I started Ivywhisker’s Truth in February, her story was completed in December.
Thank you all so much for coming on this journey with me! (Wow i sound dramatic)
Should I remove it since I’m finished?? What do you guys think?
By Rosy Spotted Kitten
Suuuuuuprg: Pfffff Magnolia’s not really bragging, plus I have 10th grade level reading comprehension. And maybe another thing I forget…. Stop being a bossy feather-head. 😝 🪶 🪶 😝. Go be bossy somewhere else. Go bug the Harry Potter reviews. Leave all of us people alone. (Also, I’m guessing you’re a boy, which probably makes sense on why you’re so mean to OakStream……) I was nice to you, but you just keep being mean to OakStream. So, go and take yourself, across the reviews, to another book series reviews. Bye now. 😝