Home / Warriors: Omen of the Stars #1: The Fourth Apprentice

Warriors: Omen of the Stars #1: The Fourth Apprentice By Erin Hunter

Warriors: Omen of the Stars #1: The Fourth Apprentice

By Erin Hunter

  • Release Date: 2009-11-24
  • Genre: Fantasy for Kids
  • $9.99
Score: 4.5
From 453 Ratings


Erin Hunter’s #1 nationally bestselling Warriors series continues in Warriors: Omen of the Stars!

The first book in this fourth series, Warriors: Omen of the Stars #1: The Fourth Apprentice, brings more adventure, intrigue, and thrilling battles to the epic world of the warrior Clans.

It has been foretold that Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and one other cat will hold the power of the stars in their paws. Now they must wait for a sign from StarClan to tell them which of their Clanmates will complete the prophecy.


  • Book 1: The struggle for hope (Sercrethunter PART 1)

    By redpandazozo14
    ‘Ugh. Worst. Mentor. In. History.’ Secret’paw thought as she lumped onto a rock. She was staring down at the down where a grasshopper was running free, like a bunny. She signed, ‘Why can’t Zebra’stripe have some respect to me? Not even a shred of it!’. Then her mother, Golden’leaf, had came up to her. “Who stuck a frog up your snout?” She spoke softly, “Zebra’stripe.” “Don’t blame you, oldest male in the clan and still has that grump to ‘em. Reckon it will only get worse over moons.” Golden’leaf sneered, and snuck back into her cave. Chapter 2 Chapter 3 ‘What?!’ Update: New OC names and thx for the review Antelope! Chapter 4 TO BE CONTINUED IN PART 2 Sorry if bad. I will try better if you guys don’t think it’s good
  • Review of Redpandazozo14’s fanfic :D

    By Ant3lopeTheSandWing
    I really like it so far, I think it’s very interesting, buttttttttttt- it’s a bit to rushed! I feel like I’m running a marathon while reading this (not literally, of course) but yeah, other than that, great job :) also, do you have a warrior name I can call you by?/ your nickname? Kakapo The RainWing! (WoF fandom) Bumble’Wing Of ThunderClan! (Warriors fandom)
  • MapleDawns Secret (Prologue)

    By RoseQuartez_Song writer
    SandyCloud lay hidden in the bushes as she waited, and waited, and waited. But still, no SpringFurl. A flash of brown fur at the edge of her vision made her head snap the other way. “SandyCloud. We’ve talked about this…” A voice hissed. “Get away from me WinterOak.” SandyCloud snarled. “SpringFurl isn’t coming, he’s guarding his new kits.” New kits?! Argh! “Who is his mate?” SandyCloud asked, sliding under the bush and standing up to face the tall white and brown Tom. “Why do you want to know?” So I can kill her! Her brain screamed. “To congratulate her,” She mewed, trying her best to sound casual. “It’s ShimmeringRose. Now leave SandyCloud.” WinterOak whisked his tail and trotted away. You’ll regret ever crossing SandyCloud of DesertClan. Just you wait SpringFurl! I’ll become SandyStar and destroy your clan myself. +|• Who’s that cat?! •|+ Name: SandyCloud Desc: She is a sandy colored she with marbled rosettes and bright green eyes. Ex-M8: SpringFurl Kits: FallowHeart, and OryxTail Name: WinterOak Desc: Winter is a brown Tom who’s top is white. He has icy blue eyes and a cold stare. M8: FernField Kits: LeapingKit, PoinsettiaKit, HollyKit, and WitheringKit
  • Nightfall’s Flight (chapter one)

    By mistyfox🦊😻
    Disclaimer: Hi! I’m Blackrose, (MistyFox) And I haven’t been on here in like a year so I haven’t been doing reviews in a long time but I’m trying get back into it with a fanfic so enjoy!! Chapter one: They say a leader is strong and courageous. A leader is willing to step forward and defend their people at any cost. Leaders provide a shelter for the ones around them when they are in need. But who provided shelter for the leader? Starclan. At least, they try. They can’t physically shove a cat out of the way of a tree falling on them. Or, they can’t haul them out of the icy waves when a cat is on the verge of dying. But they try in their non- physical way. Most loathe Starclan for their lack of physical protection. A queen’s newborn kit dies and the queen cursed Starclan, blaming them. But Starclan isn’t all-powerful. This is how Nightfall lost her trust in the cats up in Silverpelt. It was a rainy day in leaf-bare when she gave birth to three kits. All but one dying. Adderheart, the medicine cat, tried his best to keep them alive but it was no use. Nightfall has resented her dead ancestors since. Who could really blame her? Nightfall stiffens when she rouses to her kit squealing in the night. “Nightfall!” He whimpers. “What is it, Berrykit?” Berrykit’s dark head peers up at Nightfall shyly. “In my dream, I was chasing a mouse and then chased it too close to the water and fell in! It was so cold and wet! And I could hear Starclan calling my name to come join them! But Nightfall, I want to stay here with you!” Nightfall bristled. What kind of mouse-brained dream was Starclan sending her only son? Did they want all her kits to die, so she could suffer for a reason she could not place? Nightfall licked her son soothingly into a half-sleep. “It’ll be okay. You’re young and strong. You still have a long life to live.” But I won’t be here forever. Nightfall continued in her head. And you’ll be alone for the taking. Berrykit licked Nightfall awake the next morning and fluttered his green eyes at her. “Wake up! Tawnykit and Sagekit want to play outside! Can I go?” Berrykit’s eyes brimmed with pleading and Nightfall nodded hesitantly. “You May go. But stick to Tawnykit and Sagekit!” Berrykit acknowledged her with a flick of his black tail, then scampered off. Mouseflight, the other nursing queen yawned and stretched beside Nightfall, her claws unsheathed for an instant before she sheathed them again. “You get too worried about Berrykit. Let him have fun!” Mouseflight prompted, grooming herself gingerly. Nightfall did the same just to hide her irritation at her denmate. “There’s nothing wrong with wanting to keep your kit safe.” She said back evenly. “Don’t be surprised if he grows to resent this behavior thought.” Mouseflight added smoothly, making Nightfall hiss quietly. She shook herself and walked out of the muggy den, more than annoyed. She saw that the other clan members were beginning to rouse, and the dawn patrol was just returning, carrying their small loads that were equally scrawny. “I’m sick and tired of missing my catch!” Icepaw hissed to her littermate who went on the patrol with her. “You aren’t very good at hunting, you know.” Jaypaw retorted. His eyes filled with amusement. “I’ll show you,” Icepaw challenged, and she sprang on top of him and pinned him to the ground. “Stop behaving like kits, Icepaw and Jaypaw!” Volepelt sternly meowed. The two apprentices immediately sprang up and ducked their heads in shame. Meanwhile, the toms were maneuvering a small boulder on their backs to a den. Nightfall brightened when she saw her mate, Lionwing aiding them. She padded over to him. “That looks heavy.” She said simply. “Yeah. It’s a barrier of sorts.” He said dryly. Nightfall’s pelt got bigger with anxiety. She followed them in their haul. “Why do we need a barrier?” She asked, ducking her head as they placed it near the entrance to the camp. “The dawn patrol reported that Shadowclan is getting greedy with prey and they threatened to raid the camp for some of ours. Jokes on them. We have very little.” Nightfall stopped in her tracks. Shadowclan was coming to raid camp? When? How? How aggressive would they be? She instantly swept her head around, searching for the only thing that mattered. “Where’s Berrykit?” She asked with concern in her voice. Lionwing looked around too. “I saw them go into the Forest.” Icepaw said simply. Nightfall bristled. “Why didn’t you stop them?” But she didn’t wait for an answer. She was sprinting toward the Forest leaving confused glances behind her. The Forest was oddly quiet, and that made Nightfall fret worse. “Berrykit!” She yowled. “Over here!” Called a small voice. Nightfall swerved toward it, only to find Tawnykit and Sagekit. “Berrykit?” Nightfall asked. “He’s lost! We can’t find him!” Chapter two in the next book of this series!
  • Fireshade’s POV!!

    By Dove's Wing
    In The Last Hope, I made a story about Dovefeather and in it she has an abusive ex-mate. And now I’m making his side of the story. Fireshade ——————————— Description:bright ginger tabby tom with brown tabby stripes, green eyes Mother: Grassheart-brown tabby she-cat with blue eyes (dead, murdered) Father: Flamepelt-reddish ginger tom with green eyes (dead, drowned) Sister: Cherrypaw-ginger tabby she-cat with green eyes (dead, poisoned) Brother: Chestnutpaw-brown-red tom with blue eyes (dead, got run over) Former mates: Dovefeather and Softflower Mate: Silverbreeze-thick-furred silver tabby she-cat with pretty blue eyes Daughters: Sparkstorm-light ginger and yellow she-cat with blue eyes, has a mate; Doekit-tan ticked tabby she-kit with green eyes Sons: Tigershade-dark brown tom with ginger tabby stripes and green eyes; Gorsekit-red tomkit with green eyes Story: Firekit was born on a stormy day, when rain and coldness had ravaged the land for moons now. He was apprenticed to Redwater, who didn’t care for Firepaw. Firepaw was shocked to learn Redwater had actually killed a Clanmate. And it was none other than Firepaw’s mother, Grassheart. Redwater got exposed and exiled, earning Fireshade his warrior name. When Dovekit was born he noticed her immediately and decided she would be his mate. (Break time I’m tired) When Fireshade got her as an apprentice, he realized she loved him greatly and was pleased. After Lilacflower had kitted Greenkit, he had started to notice his apprentice’s affection for him waver, and when she was made a warrior while Greenpaw had just become a apprentice, he took his chance. But Dovefeather was reluctant to let him closer than sharing a nest and expressing some feelings of love. So one morning he decided he was sick and tired of her being more interested in a misfit apprentice than him. So he got physical and Dovefeather woke up shocked and wailing. She went straight to Finchstar and tattled. When she found out she was expecting a few days later, she attacked him and blinded him in his left eye. Fireshade was exiled and angrily found a new home. But then he met a cat he never expected to see again. Redwater. And he was leading two young cats along the Thunderpath. Apparently he had gotten six cats pregnant and had two more litters on the way. Redwater told him the best way to make a she-cat love you. And when Softflower arrived claiming to love him, he tried his ways. But it failed, and he was forced to treat her horribly. She ran away expecting his daughter. Finally Fireshade left Redwater and tried to find a place in WindClan for himself. Breezestar accepted him and Silverbreeze became his new mate. At a Gathering, Softflower and Dovefeather were outraged to find him there. He met his kits, Tigerpaw and Sparkpaw, and then Silverbreeze got pregnant. She birthed Gorsekit and Doekit when he passed. THE END BYE NOW Spoiler: It’s official! I am planning a fanfic! I’m thinking of putting it in the audiobooks but I’ll tell y’all for certain later. Here’s a little sneak peek! Beware the evil queen who will make the stars fade but the frost with fire shall guide them back The prophecy for this ff! Sorry if it’s bad! My friend made it so I will give her credit. I added like one thing. I’m sorry if it’s bad 😭 I think I’ll start it on/around May 25th (when I get out of school) Anyway I hope you read it when it comes out and if you want, you can try to guess the meaning of the prophecy. However it will be revealed after the ff is finished. I might tell you before then but I probably won’t. Sincerely, Silverflame of SunClan Sunsetsplash: Lol I kinda like him now too 😅. I felt like if I got extra detailed, he would just be misunderstood instead evil really. Ig that’s why he’s in StarClan and not the Dark Forest. I was just thinking, if you want ofc, you can have Fireshade. Like to put in a Clan or whatever. And no credit needed I’m not dramatic about much (lol not that at least).
  • Love!!!

    By Felicitylovecats
    It’s so good! Read the sample and gonna get it soon! Can’t wait! Thank you warrior cats for making all these different, wonderful books this is my favorite series! -Mintleaf
  • Chapter Sixteen of Sunsetsplash's Destiny! Part two!

    By 👾👾👾1532
    " Sunsetsplash!" A voice made Sunsetsplash turn around. ThunderClan had arrived at the Gathering, and they were still waiting for ShadowClan to show up. She groaned as she saw the familiar pink-orange pelt rush towards her. " Hey, Salmonpaw...Gah!" Salmonpaw had crashed into her, purring, and lashed his tail happily. " Watch it!" Sunsetsplash hissed, trying to free herself from the thick striped fur. " Sorry, Sunsetsplash, I couldn't stop." He meowed, letting her stand up. Sunsetsplash shook out her fur and narrowed her eyes at Salmonpaw, who leaned closer. " And besides, I'm not Salmonpaw anymore. I'm a warrior now. I'm Salmonleap." " That's cool. And speaking of warriors, how did you know my warrior name?" She asked him. It was weird how he knew that she was a warrior when it wasn't announced yet. Salmonleap faltered, but then he flicked his tail dismissively." Word gets around." Was all he said. Somehow, Sunsetsplash didn't think so. " Okay...see you." Sunsetsplash melted into the crowd before the annoying tom could follow her and rejoined Smokecloud. The tom was in the middle of a heated argument with Riverlily over Sunningrocks, and his blue eyes blazed like flames. " Sunningrocks is ThunderClan territory, Riverlily. Always has been, and always will be." He hissed. Riverlily rolled her eyes and bared her teeth. " Yeah, right. Leave it to the ThunderClan mouse-brains to claim everything they can get their conceited furry paws onto." " Actually, Riverlily." Sunsetsplash meowed teasingly. " Smokecloud may be a mouse-brain, but not all of us are." Smokecloud deflated and glared at her, but Riverlily purred. " Hey! It's Sunsetpaw!" The pretty tabby knew her from previous Gatherings. " No. It isn't." Riverlily furrowed her brow. " But I...weren't you —" " It's Sunsetsplash." She corrected with a purr. Riverlily's eyes lit up. " Wow! Really! You and your sister?" " Yep." " That's great!" " Sunsetsplash," Smokecloud broke in. " ShadowClan arrived." Sure enough, when Sunsetsplash looked over towards the pine forest, she could see ShadowClan cats pour from the trees. Ravenstar, his blue-black pelt sleek, was at the head. Without hesitation, he leaped onto the rock and gazed down at every cat in the clearing. The WindClan leader, Harestar, a scrawny looking yellow tabby tom, was first to speak. " Shall we start the Gathering?" Ravenstar nodded, Sharpstar gave his agreement, and Herringstar meowed her approval. " Good. Then I shall go first." Harestar stepped forward and addressed the four clans. " WindClan is well. Prey is plentiful, despite the fact that Leaf-Fall is almost upon us." Herringstar took his place. The beautifully sleek silver tabby flicked her bushy tail as she spoke of how well-stocked their fresh-kill pile was, and that they were as protective of their borders as always. Sharpstar was next, and he announced that ThunderClan prey was running. " Also, we have two new warriors in our clan. However, only one is here today, unfortunately. Sunsetsplash, and her Splashtail." Sunsetsplash shrank in her burning pelt as yowls erupted from the crowd and then died away. Beside her, Smokecloud purred. " Shut up." She hissed at him. Sharpstar stepped aside for Ravenstar to make the final speech. " ShadowClan is well. Our prey is plentiful, our borders well defended, and our warriors fierce and well trained. Also, we have a new cat in our ranks." Ravenstar flicked his tail, and a cat padded forth from the ShadowClan group. Sunsetsplash couldn't make out the pelt until the cat was standing beside Ravenstar. Sunsetsplash gasped as she recognised the black, amber and brown mottled pelt a moment before Ravenstar said the tom's name. " Please welcome Dark Shadow to ShadowClan." Heheh... - Sunsetsplash
  • Phoenix!!

    By Rachel S344
    Those are some very interesting ocs. Oakstar would love to have them join the clan! I’ll be sure to give credits to you in the fanfic. ~•Shadowheart•~
  • Shadowheart!

    By catlover🐱09
    Nice clan, I have a oc to put in Phoenixflower(a black faced shecat with a dark red, flaming red, and orange, ombré pelt with black paws and a long flaming red tail with amber, red, sky blue ombré eyes) Personality: loyal, brave, kind, wary of those she doesn’t know and It take a long time to earn her trust Position:queen Mate: Leo(all golden tom with amber, green and midnight blue eyes with stars in paws steps)( kinda like a starclan cat but is not dead) Position:warrior but eventually wants to be deputy Kits: flarekit(mini mommy flaming red, and orange, ombré pelted shekit with black paws and a long flaming red tail with amber, red,and orange ombré eyes) Duskkit(golden, red and orange ombré tom with sparkling paws and amber orange, gold, and blue ombré eyes) fawnkit( gold shekit with dark red paws and tip tail with small black spots and orange green and amber ombré eyes) foxkit(small dark red shekit with white ears paws and chest and a fluffy tail, with dark forest green eyes and small black spots all over spine ) ~phoenix~
  • Great book!!!

    By catgjg
    Loved it! Gave me lots of name ideas😁 —————Onto the Oc I made————— Name: Satyr’Paw -:-:-:-:-:-:-:Family-:-:—:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:- Dad: ThistleFur Mom: DiamondFrost Sisters: SoaringPaw and FawnCreek Brothers: CanaryPaw Mentor: BrightFeather ——————Stats—————— Loyalty: 65% Courage: 40% Agility: 95% Caring: 90% ——————-Story——————- SatyrPaw darted through the trees, barely even feeling the soft grass beneath him. He saw a flicker of movement behind a stump. A sparrow? A mouse? No, even better, a rabbit! He stopped short and silently crept towards his prey. He leapt. “SATYRPAW!” He awoke to find that he had leapt on FireflyPaw’s tail. “You stupid mouse brain!” She spat. “Sorry.. sheesh” Satyr muttered. “Anyways, BrightFeather has been calling you.” She mewed smugly. “Great.” He mewed. SatyrPaw stretched, then padded over to where he could see BrightFeather and DiamondFrost chatting like birds. “I can’t believe he’s still asleep..” scoffed BrightFeather. “I’m not anymore,” SatyrPaw grumbled, hearing his mentor’s comment. “Oh, hi sleepyhead,” His mother mewed gently, “BrightFeather is going to take you to the moonstone today so you can finish you assessment.” “Yes!!” Satyr mewed, seeing BrightFeather’s expression, he stopped, “i-I mean, thank you.” ————The End————