Home / Warriors: Power of Three #3: Outcast

Warriors: Power of Three #3: Outcast By Erin Hunter

Warriors: Power of Three #3: Outcast

By Erin Hunter

  • Release Date: 2009-10-13
  • Genre: Fantasy for Kids
  • $9.99
Score: 4.5
From 389 Ratings


Erin Hunter's #1 nationally bestselling Warriors series continues with the third book  in the Power of Three series! The third book in this third series, Warriors: Power of Three #3: Outcast, brings more adventure, intrigue, and thrilling battles to the epic world of the warrior Clans.

A secret prophecy shapes the lives of Firestar's grandchildren, and Jaypaw believes that the cats of the ancient Tribe of Rushing Water may hold the key. But when he, Hollypaw, and Lionpaw travel to the Tribe's mountain home, they may discover secrets they never expected.


  • Chapter 22 of Sunsetsplash's Destiny! Part 1!

    By đŸ‘ŸđŸ‘ŸđŸ‘Ÿ1532
    🎹 🎹 A loud shriek split the air. Sunsetsplash pricked her ears towards the nursery, keeping a close eye on her kits, who were play-fighting with Specklebranch. ThunderClan's ranks were about to swell. Stormkit, Shadowkit and Leafkit were about to be apprenticed ( in a quarter moon's time ) and Doefeather's and Thistlepelt's kits were being born today. Sunsetsplash frowned as she caught her sister's eye. Splashtail was licking her paw, her tail neatly wrapped around her paws, as she watched the three kits played with their adopted father. There was something soft in her eyes, and Sunsetsplash felt her fur prickle. Surely she didn't want to have kits with Salmonleap, did she? ‱ Is it too much to ask for her to be loyal? ‱ Having kits would destroy them! Sunsetsplash sighed and padded over to Specklebranch and her kits. The mottled tom was letting them play with his tail, always whisking it out of reach just before they snagged it with their tiny thorn-sharp claws. Stormkit was still the biggest, and his tail lashed as he tried to catch Specklebranch's tail. Leafkit was on her hind paws, balancing precariously, as her forepaws flailed in a desperate attempt to swat at the dappled tail. Shadowkit was staring at it was a thoughtful expression. The little black she-kit was always the most contemplative and thoughtful kit of the litter. She watched her kits play with Specklebranch, daydreaming of the day when they would become warriors. . . " Leafpaw, Shadowpaw, Stormpaw," Sharpstar's yowl echoed throughout the clearing. " ThunderClan welcomes you as new apprentices, and I hope you learn well from your mentors." Sunsetsplash yowled her kits names, her heart filled with pride and joy, though she felt a wave of grief as well. Smokecloud, he's not here to see this... " Don't worry, Smokecloud is watching from StarClan," Specklebranch breathed into her ear, as though reading her mind. Sunsetsplash purred shakily and leaned against the mottled tom, burying her nose into his scruff. She pulled away and saw her kits next to their mentors. Leafpaw got Swallowstream for her mentor, which Sunsetsplash's found kind of funny, since Smokecloud was Swallowstream's kit, but perhaps the grey tabby enjoyed the opportunity. Shadowpaw was asking Flowerhaze questions about training and the territory, and the brown tabby seemed to be enjoying the talk. Stormpaw, bouncing around his mentor's paws — he reminded Sunsetsplash of Splashtail when they were apprentices — as Hollythrush led him from camp. When the 'paws left, the crowd broke up. Doefeather, whose tawny head had been poked out of the nursery to watch, disappeared back into the den. Sunsetsplash stood up and shook out her pelt. She turned and saw Willowlight padding over to her. Her mother's eyes were shining. " Such wonderful grandkits, Sunsetsplash," The grey she-cat purred. She licked Sunsetsplash's cheek, who purred back with affection. " Mother! You sound like an elder, talking about grandkits!" Willowlight purred even louder than before. " You'll understand one day, when one of your kits have kits. And besides. . . I'm practically an elder already." Sunsetsplash stiffened and pulled away to stare at her mother. " What do you mean? You're not — you're still young!" She didn't understand what Willowlight was talking about. Sure, she was a little slower, and white had begun to speckle her muzzle, but she wasn't old! Willowlight purred yet again. " Don't be a mouse-brain, dear. My mother was born at the same time Sharpstar was. I was an apprentice when he became leader! And your father's the same age as me —" " But you can't be an elder!" Sunsetsplash burst out. " You — you — you still need to be a warrior! ThunderClan can't afford to lose two warriors." " But we have many more warriors. It's apprentices we need more than warriors, and we currently have three, with more on the way." Willowlight's gaze drifted over to her other daughter. " I wonder when Splashtail will get a mate...?" Sunsetsplash froze in shock. Her thoughts flashed to Salmonleap. . . " I don't know, mother." She said, a little too quickly in her opinion. " I don't think that there's a cat in ThunderClan who could match her fire." She cursed herself in her head. ‱ Why did I say that? Not a cat in ThunderClan. . . I might as well have told her which clan did have that cat!‱ " Maybe," Willowlight murmured thoughtfully. " Yeah. . Maybe. . ." Sunsetsplash left the conversation feeling deeply unsettled.
  • Hi! Oc time!

    By silver the sky wing
    Hi yall! Thrush here! Got a new warriors oc(see below)! Hope u like! Add 🎹 if u do! Moonflight Names: Moon’kit, Moon’paw Pelt: A skinny shecat with grey fur and green eyes She’s nice, has a temper tho Clan is WindClan Hope you like her! Thrush Moonflight
  • Oakclan needs you!!

    By Rachel S344
    Hi!! Shadowheart here and oakclan needs you! We’ve been rebuilding our clan since the four clans disappeared oakstar needs help getting warriors. (Ps. This will be a fanfic eventually on wattpad) Roster time!!! Leader: Oakstar/dark brown tabby Tom with green eyes/mates with Shadowheart Deputy: fawnbrook/ small dark grey she-cat with hazel eyes Medicine cat: sootscar/ashy grey she-cat with amber eyes Medicine cat apprentice: rustpaw/ginger Tom with blue eyes Warriors 4/10 Sparrowwing/blue-ish grey Tom with dark brown eyes Ravenheart/small black Tom with white paws and green eyes Cloudsoar/white she-cat with amber eyes Dawnstrike/mousy brown she-cat with golden eyes Minteye/ brown tabby she-cat with mint green eyes/ kin- stoneheart bramblekit willowkit and frecklekit Stoneheart/ light grey Tom with dark grey splotches/ minteye bramblekit willowkit and frecklekit Leo/all golden tom with amber, green and midnight blue eyes with stars in paws steps/mate:phoenixflower Apprentices Ripplepaw/small brown tabby Tom with green eyes Queens 2/10 Speckleheart/beautiful tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes Shadowheart/black she-cat with blue eyes formerly of emberclan/mates with oakstar (mother of minteye, stoneheart, bramblekit, willowkit, and frecklekit) Phoenixflower/black faced shecat with a dark red, flaming red, and orange, ombrĂ© pelt with black paws and a long flaming red tail with amber, red, sky blue ombrĂ© eyes/mate:Leo/ kits:flarekit, duskkit, fawnkit, foxkit Elders 0/10 Oakstar is awaiting on your arrival to the clan! ~‱Shadowheart‱~of oakclan
  • Hc! Chapter 2! Dovepool here! Edited-

    By a mega super duper fan
    Lol I’m grounded- Juniper slept through all of the commotion and would have slept still if a queen hadn’t woken her up,”I’m sorry,dear” The queen mewed sadly,”what for?” When the queen didn’t reply it made juniper nervous. “You have to stay here
 you are our prisoner” Sorry it was short I’m still getting the allegiance’s done an stuff
  • AbyssclanâŹ‡ïž

    By catloverđŸ±09
    Phoenix(a black faced shecat with a dark red, flaming red, and orange, ombrĂ© pelt with black paws and a long flaming red tail with amber, red, yellow, and orange ombrĂ© eyes) Personality: loyal, brave, kind, wary of those she doesn’t know and It take a long time to earn her trust, Mate:Leo Position:queen Leo(golden tom with sparkling stars in pelt and amber gold and green ombrĂ© eyes){not dead yet was born that way} Personality:loyal, friendly, kind, caring, and will die for his mate and kits Position:leader Kits: flare(mini mommy flaming red, and orange, ombrĂ© pelted shekit with black paws and a long flaming red tail with amber, red,and orange ombrĂ© eyes) Dusk(golden, red and orange ombrĂ© tom with sparkling paws and amber orange and gold ombrĂ© eyes) fawn( gold shekit with dark red paws and tip tail with small black spots and orange green and amber ombrĂ© eyes) ~ Phoenix~ ~cosmoheart~
  • Abyss clan! Also tigress, I’m WhisperSong now.

    By soph of bred
    Warriors RoaringRage: dark blood red tom with amber to black ombré eyes, dark rusty brown streaks and a crescent moon on his forehead. Apprentice is DarkPaw, mate is SweetFlower (deputy) Submitted by; Tigress SweetFlower: Pale Maine coon Shecat with flower shaped pupils and ombré rainbow colored eyes. Mate is RoaringRage Had three kits. RANK: Queen. Submitted by; Tigress WhisperSong: A white Shecat with lavender swirls and ombré gray to lavender eyes. Her kits died when Redcough came to the camp, and her mate went missing. Submitted my; me APPRENTICES DarkPaw: black Shecat with scattered dark gray stripes, emerald eyes. Mentor: RoaringRage Rank: Apprentice. Submitted by; tigress KITS ScarletKit: blood red Maine coon shekit with amber to black ombré eyes. Mom: SweetFlower Dad: RoaringRage Rank:Kit Submitted by; tigress DustKit: pale brown Tom with rainbow colored ombré eyes. Half blind. Scarletkits brother. Submitted by; tigress MapleKit: pale brown and dark red shekit. With amber to yellow ombré eyes. Dust kits sister. Submitted by; Tigress. Apprentices: 1/7 Warriors: 1/9 Deputy: 1/1 Leader: 0/1 Kits: 3/6 Queens: 1/7 Elders: 0/5 Please, can I have some cats? Im all out of ideas, and I need cats for Abyss clan which comes at the end part of the book btw. ^Whispersong^
  • ✹ 🌾 ☀ DayClan ☀ 🌾 ✹

    By Lord Hunkyhair for the win
    Look at The Sight for more info. So you wanna be part of the dark secret? The dark secret is
.. that not only does DayClan have a dark past, but it has a rebellious group lurking in the group. They are called “Night Shadows”. This group fights against the rules for good reasons or bad reasons, that we may never know. They have a secret way to show which one is a fellow rebel. Every rebel cat wears some sort of pink flower. They hide it in art and other things to. Sometimes they even put it on their nests! Actually there is a message by them here? 🌾this is what it looks like
  • TimberLeaf!

    By Rosy Spotted Kitten
    Here are some cats for Abyss Clan! DarkPaw-black she-cat with scattered dark gray stripes, dark emerald green eyes. Warrior name: DarkWhisper. Mentor is RoaringRage. Rank: Obvi Apprentice. RoaringRage-dark blood red tom with amber to black ombré eyes, dark rusty brown streaks and a crescent moon on his forehead. Apprentice is DarkPaw. Mate is SweetFlower. Rank: Deputy SweetFlower-pale Maine coon she-cat with flower shaped pupils and ombré rainbow colored eyes. Mate is RoaringRage. Has three kits. Rank: Queen. ScarletKit-blood red Maine coon she-kit with amber to black ombré eyes. Mom: SweetFlower. Dad: RoaringRage. Rank: Kit. Warrior name: ScarletFlame. DustKit-pale brown tom-kit with rainbow colored ombré eyes. Half blind in right eye. Mom: SweetFlower. Dad: RoaringRage. Rank: Kit. Warrior name: DustRainbow. MapleKit-pale brown and dark red she-Kit with amber to red to yellow ombré eyes. Mom: SweetFlower. Dad: RoaringRage. Rank: Kit. Warrior name: NA. She is going to die as an apprentice protecting a hurt kit from a badger. I hope these cats help you clan grow! -Tigress
  • Name ideas part 2!

    By mistyfoxđŸŠŠđŸ˜»
    Thunderstike Treetuft Moaningsparrow Leafshade Owlfeather Greenflower Nightbird Radishfoot Steadyrock Sageleaf Juniperheart Roseberry Icewhisker Skycloud Blackfrost Bluebellfur Nightfrost Sweetheart Gingerpelt Cindersky Clovershine Mountainridge Greysmoke
  • SplatterPelt. . .

    By tatertotsy 13
    She isn’t THAT old. .well maybe. .she was the very first cat in AU ShadowClan. She joined at 18 moons. She’s only like. . .30 some moons. . Also FleetingJoy and SweetWhisker are in the same litter