Home / Warriors Super Edition: Yellowfang's Secret

Warriors Super Edition: Yellowfang's Secret By Erin Hunter

Warriors Super Edition: Yellowfang's Secret

By Erin Hunter

  • Release Date: 2012-10-09
  • Genre: Fantasy for Kids
  • $10.99
Score: 4.5
From 425 Ratings


An epic stand-alone adventure in Erin Hunter’s #1 nationally bestselling Warriors series!

In this Warriors Super Edition, delve into the backstory of one of the most beloved cats in all the Clans—before she joined ThunderClan, before she became a medicine cat, before Warriors #1: Into the Wild began. . . .

Yellowkit can't wait to fight for her Clan. But when she earns her warrior name, Yellowfang, she realizes that her true destiny is to become a healer. As a loyal medicine cat, Yellowfang has proven her dedication to ShadowClan—but her dreams are haunted by a dark prophecy that threatens to destroy the Warrior clans forever.

Join the legion of fans who have discovered the epic adventures, fierce Warrior cats, and thrilling fantasy world of the mega-bestselling Warriors series. This standalone entry is perfect for new readers and dedicated fans alike.

Yellowfang's Secret also includes an exclusive manga short story!


  • Chapter 1 of Quietstep’s Secret

    By Story book teller
    “Mama can me and Desertkit go out and play,”he whined looking up to his mother from inside her stomach the Queen looked down with an annoyed face showing that she had been asked this question many times before”Quietkit and Desertkit I can’t even count how many times I’ve told you the answer,”she said”Then when can we,”the tiny she(Desertkit)answered back waiting for a response”Well that’s going to be a bit,”Quietkit sighed and look over to his sister sitting next to him watching her gaze back wondering what was running through her thoughts with that giving him something to do.At the sound of a swish he turned his head as a cat entered holding something in there mouth they slowly moved towards them dropping what was in there mouth and nudged it towards the two kits.He looked up to his mother right as she pushed him forwards Quietkit stood up and began wobbling towards the thing sniffing it a couple of times not interested in the cat”I see you have a very brave kit,”the cat finally spoke to brake the silence”who-who are you,”Desertkit asked wide eyed”I am Oakleaf Medicine cat of Cloudclan,”the Tom puffed there chest out in pride”Then where is our father,”Quietkit spoke up his voice sounded like a squeak”Aspentouch;your father,”Oakleaf paused for a moment to think sitting down on the mossy spread out of the nursery floor the walls were covered with fuzzy vines making the den warm and cozy”Aspentouch is right now out hunting,”he answered gazing into Quietkit wonderous eyes”Mother could father come visit us when he is albacore from hunting,”he looked back excitement in his voice making it suns like a purr “That would be nice,Oakleaf could you tell him,”she looked up to the medicine cat as he nodded”Thank you,”she smiled”Quietkit looked back around to the Tom”Well what does a medicine cat do,”he asked wanting to know more”Medicine cats heal the clan or all cats when there in danger we also talk to Starclan quite often,”Quietkit leaned closer what if I was a Medicine cat his mind was on the thought “That sounds boring,”Desertkit replied”Who would do that when you could fight for your clan,”she boasted knowing that she was going to be a warrior”Well it’s a choice we all have like how I need an apprentice,”he mewed a bit offended he stood up now in the mods for leaving”Well I’m off,”he left quickly what if I was a med one cat Quietkit thought I would pretty much be a hero -Next chapter in Mothflights Vision Thanks for reading😁
  • Dear Pikachu Cinderance

    By bahumbug123456789
    I know everyone has their own opinion, but don’t you think thats a bit harsh. It’s an amazing book and it’s not very easy to come up with an idea like making your own world with maps and clans and characters and such. By the way, great job to everyone one on the Erin Hunter team, just great job. People who like this should read Wings Of Fire, it is great too and written by Tui T Sutherland, someone on the Erin Hunter team. -OtterFang of Riverclan Stardancer the Night Wing
  • SandClans whisper (Shades Pov)

    By RoseQuartez_Song writer
    Before this chapter starts I just want you guys to know this one is kinda short. It’s won’t be as long as the others because I’m not feeling like taking up too much of the story with her pov until time comes. So until then this will be her last chapter. WoodenPaw: About time! Also when do I get my warrior name? DunePaw: Whenever our time comes! Now come on I want to watch! “Stop!” Shade cried leaping towards Rose. But she was a mouse length too short and Dappled whisked Rose away. “You have no time for me, or our kits any more because this stupid she cat has taken all your time! You haven’t bothered to comfort me or our kits when Feather died! You spend all your time in here with her!” Dappled spat angrily. “Dappled I-“ Shade began. “Dappled I’m sorry you feel this way. If you want I can get a new Cave Guard. I’m sure one of the newest New-Namers would love to. It’s a great honor and we thank you and will thank Shade, if you want her to quit, for your protection. SpiritClan would be happy,” Rose mewed slipping away from Dappled and padding away before throwing over her shoulder, “Also it wasn’t just Feather who I killed,” WoodenPaw: I wasn’t expecting that! Dappled is so mean! DunePaw: No, Shade is! Who’s in the wrong? Dappled- Just wants to spend time with her mate Shade- Just doing her job SOMEONE IS! Who is it?!
  • Final chapter of CrowWing’s betrayal

    By slimswedee
    CrowWing looked at the clan with hatred as warriors turned their heads at him with unsheathed claws TurtleStar yowled “CrowWing.You have committed crimes against the clan you tried to kill your deputy and you killed a kit and you murdered HawkFeather.What do you have to say for yourself.” CrowWing snarled back “I have served my clan since I as an apprentice and I have trained 3 apprentices while SpeedingSky only trained 1 apprentice and she’s barely strong enough to be deputy.She would die in the next battle and when you know I’m the option it would be too late.Your a weak leader.”TurtleStar raised his tail for silence. The senior warrior who was also CrowWing’s littermate Mudcloud yowled “Traitor.” CrowWing looked up at TurtleStar and meowed “Well what are you gonna do about it.” TurtleStar looked down and hissed “CrowWing I sentence you to exile, if you are seen in our territory my warriors have the order to kill you.” CrowWing looked up and gave a sneer and began to walk out of the BogClan camp and he then turned to his best friend. “LeafWillow.Are you coming?” The grey Tom looked up and meowed “Of course I’m coming.”CrowWing and LeafWillow walked out of the camp and they spotted the abandoned two leg nest were Monty and his rouges,Krusty,Charles,Brush,Tails,Frost and Hawthorn lived.CrowWing knew that Monty would let them join their rouge group.Monty hated the clans more then anything.CrowWing trotted to the abandoned two leg nest and walked inside through the window and he trotted around the two leg nest with LeafWillow.Amber eyes glowed from the darkness of the two leg nest and light from the window showed Monty coming forward with Krusty and Hawthorn.Krusty’s stomach was swollen, carrying unborn kits inside.Monty then snarled at CrowWing “What are you doing here clan cat?” CrowWing snarled in reply “I am CrowWing and this is Leaf Willow.We have come for your help.”
  • Firestar’s family tree!!!

    By Dove's Wing
    Jake is the son of Crystal and unknown and littermates are Ferris and Whiskers. Jake and Quince had Ruby, Sock and Scourge. Jake and Nutmeg had Firestar/Rusty, Princess, unknown, unknown and unknown. Princess and Oliver had Cloudtail. Firestar and Sandstorm had Leafpool and Squirrelflight. Leafpool and Crowfeather had Lionblaze, Jayfeather and Hollyleaf. Lionblaze and Cinderheart had Hollytuft, Sorrelstripe, Fernsong, Snaptooth, Spotfur and Flywhisker. Sorrelstripe and Dewnose had Myrtlebloom and Bayshine, fostered Finchlight and Nightheart. Fernsong and Ivypool had Bristlefrost (RIP), Thriftear and Flipclaw. Spotfur and Stemleaf (RIP) had Bristlekit, Graykit and Stemkit. Meanwhile, Crowfeather and Nightcloud also had Breezepelt, unknown and unknown. Breezepelt and Heathertail had Woodsong, Appleshine, Smokehaze (RIP) and Brindlewing. Meanwhile, Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw/star had Alderheart, Sparkpelt, Juniperkit (RIP) and Dandelionkit (RIP). Sparkpelt and Larksong (RIP) had Finchlight and Nightheart. Meanwhile, Cloudtail and Brightheart had Whitewing, Dewnose, Ambermoon (RIP) and Snowbush (RIP). Whitewing and Birchfall had Dovewing and Ivypool. Dovewing and Tigerstar 2.0 had Pouncestep, Lightleap and Shadowsight. ——————————————————— Meanwhile, Crowfeather’s parents are Deadfoot and Ashfoot. Ashfoot’s parents are Wrenflight and Stagleap and littermates are Onestar and Morningflower. Morningflower and unknown had many unknown kits. Wrenflight’s parents are Palesky and Woollytail and littermates are Rabbit?, Bristle? and Fly?. Stagleap’s littermates are Doespring and Ryestalk. Ryestalk and Shrewclaw had Mudclaw and Tornear. Shrewclaw’s parents are Redclaw and Brackenwing and littermates are Barkface (med cat). Onestar and Whitetail had Heathertail and Galekit (RIP). Onestar and Smoky had Darktail. Deadfoot’s parents are Meadowslip and Hickorynose and littermates are Sorrelshine and Pigeonflight. Sorrelshine is Whitetail’s mother. Palesky and Sandgorse had Tallstar and Finchkit. Tallstar was Jake’s best friend and travel buddy. ——————————————————— Brightheart’s parents are Frostfur and Lionheart and littermates are Brackenfur, Cinderpelt (RIP) and Thornclaw. Frostfur’s parents are Robinwing and Fuzzypelt and siblings are Brindleface (RIP), Dustpelt (RIP), Ravenpaw (RIP), Chestnutkit (RIP), Cherrypaw (RIP), Longtail (RIP) and foster brother is Whitestorm (RIP). Brindleface and Redtail had Sandstorm (RIP). Brindleface and Whitestorm had Ashfur, Ferncloud (RIP), Elderkit (RIP) and Tulipkit (RIP), adopted Cloudtail. Ferncloud and Dustpelt had Shrewpaw (RIP), Spiderleg (RIP), Hollykit (RIP), Larchkit (RIP), Birchfall, Foxleap (RIP) and Icecloud (RIP). Spiderleg and Daisy had Rosepetal and Toadstep (both RIP). Smoky and Daisy had Berrynose, Mousewhisker and Hazeltail (RIP) Berrynose and Poppyfrost had Molewhisker and Cherryfall. Poppyfrost’s parents are Sorreltail (RIP) and Brackenfur and littermates are Molepaw (RIP), Cinderheart, Honeyfern (RIP), Seedpaw (RIP) and Lilyheart. Lilyheart and Snowbush had Larksong, Honeyfur and Leafshade. ——————————————————— Tigerstar 2.0’s parents are Tawnypelt and Rowanclaw/star and littermates are Flametail (RIP) and Dawnpelt (RIP). Tawnypelt’s parents are Tigerstar 1.0 and Goldenflower (RIP). Goldenflower’s parents are Speckletail and Smallear and littermates are Lionheart (RIP). Tigerstar 1.0’s parents are Leopardfoot (RIP) and Pinestar/Pine (RIP Ig) and littermates are Mistkit (RIP) and Nightkit (RIP). Pinestar’s parents are Oakstar and Sweetbriar and littermates are Birchface and Frecklewish. Leopardfoot’s parents are Swiftbreeze and Adderfang and littermates are Patchpelt (RIP), Willowpelt (RIP), Redtail (RIP) and Spottedleaf (RIP) Patchpelt and Willowpelt (yes I’m not kidding. Siblings had kits together) had Graystripe (RIP forever), Sorreltail, Rainwhisker (RIP), Sootfur (RIP) and Darkstripe. Graystripe and Silverstream had Stormfur and Feathertail (RIP). Stormfur and Brook Where Small Fish Swim had Pine That Clings to Rock and Lark That Sings At Dawn. Graystripe and Millie had Bumblestripe, Blossomfall and Briarlight (RIP). Blossomfall and Thornclaw had Stemleaf, Eaglewing, Shellfur and Plumstone. Dawnpelt and Crowfrost had Juniperclaw (RIP Ig), Strikestone (RIP) and Sleekwhisker. ——————————————————— Ok that took lots of brainpower and remembering. Tysm for reading and I hoped this helped some of y’all!. Baiii!!! Sincerely, Silverflame of SunClan ☀️ Have a blessed day/night!!! Frostheart: Thanks! Can’t believe I forgot him lol. Also I made the Twigbranch family tree. It’s in the first AVOS book. Also if I forgot any family members or anything please just tell me and I’ll fix it.
  • Fanfic >:3 ~WhisperSong

    By soph of bred
    The moonlight gave way into the apprentices' den. “All cats old enough to catch their own prey, please come to the high rock.” Willowpaws eyes fluttered open. She stood up and stretched, then she bounded off to the high rock. She found a spot next to Mudpaw and MistyLeaf, and sat down. “Recently, there was a patrol of cats out in the woods,” Blackstar started. “There ended up being a fight, and one of the cats perished. The blame was put on GrayWillow, a young warrior. But she turned out innocent. And I took her warrior name away, I made a mistake,” Blackstar continued. “So this shall be the time I rename her, back to GrayWillow. Everycat must now call her the name of GrayWillow. This meeting shall be dismissed.” Blackstar finished, and leaped off of the high rock. GrayWillow decided it would be a good time to get some prey for SmallStorm GrayWillow also planned to see SmallStorms kits. When she reached the prey pile she picked out a jucy vole, and prodded off toward the nursery. When she reached the nursery entrance she peered in to see SmallStorm, suckling her kits. She walked in and set the prey down next to her. “Thank you, GrayWillow. I appreciate it.” GrayWillow smiled and said, “How are your kits doing? What are their names?” “Oh they're doing great! This is PoppyKit,” She nudged a small reddish brown kit, and it squirmed back to where it was before. “This is Lionkit,” GrayWillow looked down to see a blonde shekit with tabby patterns along her face. “And finally, this is Lemonkit.” She nudged another blonde Kit, this time it was a Tomkit. Before GrayWillow left, Poppykit stumbled to her feet, yawned, and opened one of her eyes. “Hello, my name is Poppykit!” The small brown kit said. “One of her eyes seems to be irritating her,” SmallStorm said, with a frown on her face. “Well, I should leave now,” GrayWillow meowed. She touched noses with the small kit, and trotted out of the nursery. She grabbed a vole, and started chewing on it. She was halfway done with the vole, when she heard a loud gasp come from the nursery, it was Smallstorm! GrayWillow whipped around and thought, maybe it was the vole, or worse! She flew towards the nursery, and saw SmallStorm, sitting in front of Poppykit, grooming her. Her fur was bristling, but it went down as she relaxed. “What happened?! Is Poppykit ok?!” GrayWillow stammered. “She’s fine, But her sister is hurt.” Lionkit! I wonder what happened to her. And where is she? As if SmallStorm could read GrayWillows mind she said, “She’s in the medicine den, please can you check on her? I can't leave these kits alone.” SmallStorm said. GrayWillow opened her mouth to retort, but instead just nodded respectfully and left. GrayWillow trotted into the medicine den and found MistyLeaf, frowning as he inspected ThrushHeart, a long-haired calico Shecat with a wound across her leg. “Where is Lionkit? SmallStorm sent me to check up on her.” “She’s resting in a den over there,” MistyLeaf nodded over to a small hollowed out area. GrayWillow padded over to the hollow and found a den with Lionkit resting on top of it. GrayWillow found a wound on her thigh, and splinters along the cut. “Oh hello, GrayWillow!” Lionkit said after sleepily opening her eyes. She had beautiful teal eyes, but she looked awfully different from her mother. “What happened? Are you ok?” GrayWillow started to shout questions at Lionkit. “I’m fine, I just fell into some sticks.” The shekit had scratches all over her pelt. GrayWillow was relieved that she was ok. “Try not to be too curious. After all, curiosity killed the cat. Or should I kit,” GrayWillow warned. “Oh please, that’s just a nursery tale.” Obviously Lionkit didn’t believe what GrayWillow had said, but she will regret that one day. She is going to get herself killed! I bet she won’t even make it to apprenticeship. GrayWillow shook her head, trying to chase away all of these negative thoughts. “Well I think you’ll make a great apprentice, if you don’t kill yourself before six moons,” GrayWillow said in a joking manner. “I won’t! I promise!” Lionkit said. She attempted to leap to her feet, but instead stumbled and fell back down due to her gash. “GrayWillow, can you grab that tree dew? It’s next to the thistle.” GrayWillow heard MistyLeafs question and responded instantly. She would do anything for him… “Right away, Mistystar!” GrayWillow jokes. She turned around and looked at the organized pile of herbs, cobwebs, and other healing things. She scanned her eyes along the bunch and found the dew. “Found it!“ She exclaimed to MistyLeaf. “Well then bring it over already!” He retorted. She pelted over to the entrance and stopped next to MistyLeaf. “I have the dew!” She meowed. “Thank you, GrayWillow! You're the best. I really like you.” MistyLeaf said. There was an affectionate gleam in his eye, and a shimmer from his smile. “N-no problem! It’s my job,” GrayWillow said. “No, really I owe you!“ MistyLeaf said. “You don’t owe me anything! I’m happy with what I have. I’m happy with you!” GrayWillow retorted. After that, nothing was said. She touched noses with the medicine cat, and brushed his flank on her way out. She stared up at the sky, and didn’t notice TimberLeaf in front of her. She walked right into Timberleaf, causing her to stumble for a moment. “Oh, sorry TimberLeaf, I didn’t see you there.” “No worries, GrayWillow. I actually came to ask you if you’d like to go on a patrol with me and Dawnfoot?” TimberLeaf asked. “Sure! I mean, I have nothing else to do,” GrayWillow retorted. “Before we go, you know you can’t have a medicine cat as a mate, right?” TimberLeaf said. GrayWillow looked down and nodded. They both headed off to grab DawnFoot, who was chewing on a magpie in the grass. "DawnFoot c’mon! It’s time to go on the patrol.” “Uh. Fine, after I finish this magpie.” Dawnfoot said. They waited until Dawnfoot finished the last bite of her magpie, and then started to trot off toward the gorse tunnel. BRAMBLE STARS STORM
  • OakStream ⬇️

    By Rosy Spotted Kitten
    OakStream: Darn it. I knew I forgot something. DemonKit’s warrior name will be DemonCry, and BloodKit’s warriors name will be BloodHowl. Heh. Bye. mwahahahahhaahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha! I am back! With another CuRsEd CaT! Aka, ConfusedKit’s crush and future mate! (Also Yw for the cats. 😊) Name: DemonKit Description: pitch black she-cat with pure black eyes. Very muscular, fluffy, yet sleek. Warrior name: DemonCry Kin: was abandoned for her creepy, yet somewhat, beautiful, looks. Heh. I had to. Anyway, Star crazed tiger out! -Tigress -Monarch -SilentMelody -Raven (first chapter and prologue in MapleShade’s book!) Wait. No. *me nearly submitting this review* no no no no no. She needs at least one sibling. Okay OakStream!!!!!!!!! One more cat, DemonKit’s brother; BloodKit-pure red tom with pure red eyes. (Btw I mean pure red. His pupils are also red. Same for ConfusedKit but his pupils are white.) Bye. For real. -Tigress
  • Hi!

    By mistyfox🦊😻
    I’m Blackrose of Juniperclan! Here is my OC: Blackrose: Long haired black she-cat, reddish, amber eyes, ear tufts Also, Happy late Halloween! And join Autumnclan! I’m bored rn and I have no idea why I’m doing this, but I’ll do it anyway. If you have heard of STRANGER THINGS please let me know. I want to create some sort of stranger things fanfic and I need ideas! I know this is a warrior cats review but Idc! ~Blackrose 🖤🌹 Prologue: The grass swished in a soft breeze as Blackkit followed a fluttering, blue butterfly. It’s dotted patterned wings mesmerized her at her young age, but she pounced on it nonetheless. Once she had, she batted it with her paw curiously. “Only track to kill, Blackkit.” Her father, peering over her shoulder instructed . Blackkit looked up, shame etched in her red eyes. “Sorry, Blackbird.” The tiny black kit meowed solemnly. She opened up a space between her paws, and watched the butterfly test it’s wings and take flight. “I got it!” Nightkit, Blackkit’s sister pelted toward the blue butterfly, flailing her black paws in the air whimpering for the insect. “No! I’ll get it!” Darkkit countered, ramming into her littermate. The two black kits rolled on the ground, play-fighting with their claws sheathed. Blackkit sighed, watching her littermates. Lucky them. They would be warriors one day, fighting and killing for the clan. Unlike Blackkit, who was bound to be a medicine cat for her permanent limp she had revived from falling off High Rock when she was younger. How could Starclan allow it? She dreaded the day when she would see her littermates become Warriors, leaving Blackkit to plaster and heal their wounds feverishly. She sighed and stepped inside her nest, curling up in a sad ball, before closing her eyes for coming sleep. ~Blackrose 🖤🌹
  • Horrible

    By pikachu cinderace
    Second worst warrior book. Yellowfang is a stupid cat. She was warned, but she didn’t care. She had kits and a mate. Yellowfang is the worst ever. Erin hunter did nothing make this. Yellowfang is the absolute worst.
  • Ivywhisker short story! Also review

    By warriorsIScool
    EEEEEK! I saw the new cover and it is BeAuTiFuL!!! If you go into sample and flip back to the cover page you can see it. Finally Yellowfang gets what she deserves 😭 Yellowfang was an awesome cat and I absolutely loved her. I’m pretty sure I almost cried when she died. (I’ve only done that with 2 cats ((spoilers aHEAD!!!!)) Ok here are the spoilers: I cried when Bristlefrost and Whitestorm died. Idk why I got so attached to Whitestorm. Bristlefrost made me sad because Rootspring lived for and because of her. 😢 Ok bai! Ivywhisker of AU ThunderClan and (another sneak peek!) Calla the kittypet/loner 🌺 Greetings fellow cats, I am Ivywhisker of ThunderClan and I am here to tell you that KITTYPET FOOD TASTES HORRIBLE. I will forever regret that day in my life… I trotted up to the Twoleg door. My sister Dawnpaw had dared me to try kittypet food and I was determined to see it through. If I did, she had promised to do my moss-gathering and tick-killing apprentice chores for the next moon. I glanced around. Everything was scary this far from the camp. The breeze ruffled my fur the wrong way and I scurried up a nearby tree, thinking it was the breath of a dog. When I realized, I nervously laughed at myself. I jumped down from the tree into a place one of the elders had called a Twoleg mini-field and saw a scary, hulking beast. It rumbled and bits of its meal of grass flew out behind it. A Twoleg was behind it, holding onto it. Oh no! A tame monster! I looked around and ran into something that looked like it would move. It lifted up and I was inside the Twoleg den. Some kittypet food lay in a bowl nearby. I spit out the large leaf in my mouth and wrapped some up, then stuck it back in my mouth and ran out the door when I heard the barking of a dog. I hurtled all the way to the forest. When I got back to the camp, I found Dawnpaw and ate some of the kittypet food. It was awful! It was the worst thing I’d tasted in my life. I vowed, then and there, never to become a kittypet. Dawnpaw laughed, but her smile disappeared as I reminded her that she had to do my apprentice chores for a moon. I had been successful, but I was never doing that again. well, hope you liked it! I tried writing in first person, something I’ve never done. I don’t really like it and am probably going to keep writing in third person limited (thanks espresso 😂) from now on. Hope you liked it! I just thought I’d make a little story about Ivypaw going to Twolegplace and freaking out. This kind of explains why she and Birch didn’t become kittypets. The tame monster is a lawn mower, and she is apprentice age at the time of this story. Bye! |vy