SandClan’s Whisper
By RoseQuartez_Song writer
BerryStar twitched her tail as her clan followed her down the desert path. “BerryStar…I’m tired…” Yawned her kit, AspinKit. “I know darling. We will rest soon,” She murmured picking up her daughters scruff between her teeth. Her mate and deputy SlitheringTail padded beside her. “The kits are tired,” He hissed. Their three other kits where riding on his back. “We can’t keep walking much longer, the warriors and elders and every other cat needs rest,” BerryStars head dropped but she picked it back up. “We will rest here,” She announced,carefully putting her daughter down. AspinKit stirred kicking out but then settling down. BerryStar leaped onto a sand dune. “We will make camp here. Working on digging out the sand into a hollow,lining it with moss and dirt to make it sturdy,so when winds pick it out camp wont blow away. RainClan is no more. We live with the sand and flow with it. SandClan will thrive here.”
Help 🤠
By Olivia the Olive 😏🥮🫒
I feel bad discontinuing my fanfic especially since some of you guys seemed to be enjoying it (🤔🤷♀️?) but I have zero ideas. I kind of walked into it with no plan, just channeling out some of my frustrations into a story, which is my fault of course. Now (fortunately!) those problems have mostly died down, and I’m lacking in the ideas department. Anything will be greatly appreciated 🙂
Sunset: Interesting suggestion. I definitely wouldn’t ship a fan-made character with a canon character, and I’ve never done those - I guess it’s not a self-insert but you know what I mean. However I do appreciate the idea…maybe I’ll do it who knows?
Sunset (again): I haven’t read dawn of the clans lol 🗿🗿🗿
Sunsetsplash's Destiny Prologue
By 👾👾👾1532
Siren: I did a few of them — not that I’ve ever actually finished any of them — for Longtail, Fallen Leaves and Clear Sky because I felt bad for them. I wrote like three chapters for Longtail and Fallen Leaves but I did almost complete the Clear Sky one before I lost interest. I wanted her to be a mate for Clear Sky that would stay with him (I hate the ClearFlower ship so that doesn’t count) but I ended up making my OC leave him anyways cuz he was… well… Clear Sky.
A tabby cat padded through a forest, weaving between trees and leaping over fallen logs, dusting the forest floor with a shimmery trail. Stars danced in the cat's striped brown fur, and her eyes glimmered a striking blue. She burst through the bracken into a hollow surrounding by four large trees. Fourtrees. Three cats sat on the large rock that was in the hollow, their heads bent down as though they were discussing something. The tabby bounded down the slope and leaped up onto the rock gracefully. " Well, it took you long enough, Larkbreeze." A dark grey she-cat snorted, shifting a little so the tabby, Larkbreeze, could sit. " Keep your fur on, Nightpool!" Larkbreeze meowed, sitting down and curling her long tail over her paws. " You never were very nice, even when you were alive." A large orange tabby lashed his bushy tail. " Are we ready, or are you going to bicker like kits?" He growled, and Nightpool bristled. A small white tom with black spots looked up at the orange tom. " Wait, Flowerwish isn't here yet, Liontail. We should wait for her." Liontail stared at the small black and white tom. He sighed. " You're right. This pertains to her too, Darkfleck." Liontail sat down and licked his thick chest fur, while Darkfleck fidgeted with a scrap of moss. Finally, a pretty pale grey she-cat padded into Fourtrees. She looked around, her blue eyes glittering in the darkness, until she spotted the cats on the rock. She ran over and jumped onto the boulder, her feathery tail curled. " Why have you brought me here?" She meowed, her gaze sharp. When the cats were silent, she sniffed.
" Don't tell me I have to go fetch another cat for you, Liontail? I was always getting stuff for you, even before we both joined StarClan." The orange tabby flicked his ears. " You do not have to fetch anything for us today, Flowerwish." He murmured, avoiding her questioning gaze. " But we do have something to show you." Flowerwish stared at Larkbreeze as the brown tabby padded forward and closed her eyes. An image of a cat slowly faded into view in front of them, outlining their fur in a silver glow. A grey cat was laying on her side, her belly swollen with kits. She nuzzled an orange tabby, her mate. " That's my daughter!" Flowerwish rasped, her eyes wide. She turned to the other cats. " Why is she there? Oh, please tell me she will be alright!" She wailed, and Darkfleck placed his paw on her shoulder. " Don't worry, Willowlight's fine." He reassured Flowerwish, who glanced back at the image of the she-cat. Nightpool padded forward and flicked her tail. She touched the image with her paw, sending ripples across its surface as though it was water. The image disappeared, and Nightpool lowered her head. " But we have received a prophecy regarding one of her kits." She said. " A prophecy that must be fulfilled if the four clans are to survive." Nightpool whipped around, her green eyes blazing. " Only the light of the rising sun can cut through the shadows." Flowerwish looked appalled, and she collapsed onto the rock, her eyes wide. " But that's my daughter's kit!" She yowled. " Why can't some other cat be in your stupid prophecy?"
" It doesn't work like that." Darkfleck murmured, his eyes dark. Flowerwish spat in anger. " But I've seen cats die to fulfil prophecies!" She hissed, but Larkbreeze shook her head. " Accept this fate, just as your daughter's kit must do." She said softly, her gaze drifting up to the sky. ・Only the light of the rising sun can cut through the shadows.・
The next chapter will be in Bluestar's Prophecy! 🤗
Leaders 9 lives! ✨
By soph of bred
DawnFoot walked through the dark cave around her. She stared at a glowing light before her, the Quartz Tree. She slowly walked over and grabbed a leaf off of the tree. She set in down in front of her paws, rested her head on it, and went off into sleep.
DawnFoot awoke in a cloudy atmosphere. She suddenly saw a figure walking toward her. No two- no. Nine! She stared at the cats in front of her. ShrubKit, ChestnutKit, BeeFlower, BlackStar, TimberLeaf, HalfFace, MistyLeaf, LionKit, and BlueFur. Eight of the cats faded away, and ShrubKit walked up to her. “ShrubKit?…” DawnFoot spoke. “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to- I just should of- I,” DawnFoot was cut off by the young brown kits voice. “No. It want your fault. It’s no one’s fault,” ShrubKit said. “But it is! I should of been more careful with you and your sister. I should of been with you every second! It’s my fault you starved!” The small kit shook his head. “I grant you the life of forgiveness. So you may learn to trust others, and forgive yourself.” DawnFoot put her head down and ShrubKit raised his to press his muzzle against her head. ShrubKit faded away and DawnFoot flinched as her stomach wrenched with hunger and pain, and her heart felt tired and weak. She had forgotten about this part. The part when she must feel the pain of her deceased loved ones last moments. The pain slowly decreased and left her system as ChestnutKit appeared. PART 2 IN BLUESTARS PROPHECY
By suuuuuprg
Onestar ain’t gonna mate Hollyleaf any time soon, cause Onestar already has a mate. Also what are your fandoms? Wait a minute, why are you doing an OC challenge, I thought you hated the reviews. So you changed your mind. You have to play TOTK. (If you like Genshin Impact, I am just going to say, IT IS ONE OF THE WORST GAMES IN HISTORY( am I still salty about last year, yes, and I still hate the game.))
This book is good
By Feathers 🪶
This book was pretty good in my opinion. I’ll try and give a good review since literally every book review section is FILLED with Watt pad fanfics.. (which I find a bit annoying.)
Most people would disagree with this, but I think the traveling was fun, and I found it refreshing after reading WoF and The Roots of Chaos.
Chapter 3 of my Custome Warriors graphic novel:The Rouge and the clan
By slimswedee
Monty sat up from the floor of the abandoned two leg nest he lived in and he walked out of the window and he trotted through the forest looking for some prey he wandered the forest and then we smelled a squirrel digging a hole.Monty crouched and he unsheathed his claws and kept into the air and he dug his claws into the squirrels neck and bit into it and he picked his food up and carried it back to the two leg nest and entered the and in a muffled yowl “Krusty I got you prey.” A pale light brown she-cat came out of the room .She was was struggling to walk because she was close to kitting by now.He put down the squirrel and Krusty began to eat it and while eating Monty grommed her.Soon the rest of the rouges came Charles,Brush,Hawthorn Tails and Frost came back from getting them prey.Everyone ate there fill.Monty turned to Krusty and meowed “How are things my love?” Krusty licked Monty by the ear and purred “I am fine Monty, don’t worry about me.”Monty then turned to Hawthorn and said “Hawthorn come I need to talk to you.” The brown Tom looked up and replied “Sure.” Monty took Hawthorn outside and meowed “Hawthorn I need you to do something important for me.” Hawthorn replied “Sure what is it.” Monty sighed and meowed “My kits will be born soon and we don’t know how to help Krusty.So I need you and Brush to go to a clan and ask if they will take in Krusty until the kits arrive and when she has them we will all come to the clan and take the kits here.” Hawthorn meowed “Of course I will.”
I know this is not right book but…
By a mega super duper fan
In the pinestar ‘book’ it says that dappletail is a warrior and I know it’s her bc EXACT same description but in Bluestar’s prophecy which takes place after pinestar it says dappletail is still a ‘paw
By Rosy Spotted Kitten
What????? Shadow hasn’t come out yet??? I’m so confused……. Please don’t give me spoilers tho,
By Lion Cub Lover
I HATE TRAVELING BOOKS. This was so boring it took three months to read, and I read Squirrelflight’s super edion in 9 hours! I’m disappointed, Fire.