Love it 🧏♀️
By Bruh skibidi toilet
I love warrior cats, there’s drama, blood, normall. Everything about this book is just, MWAH 👌👌👌
Name generator
By galaxystarstar💖💖💖💖💖🦋🦋🦋
Pre-fix last digit of your age
1. Moon
Suffix-your birth month
Lilysong out!
Nightfall’s Flight (chapter 5)
By mistyfox🦊😻
The border was freshly marked on both sides. A sure sign of tension between them. Although, Lionwing marked it again just to be safe. Sagepaw’s eyes widened with awe at the tall Shadowclan trees. It was her first time seeing Shadowclan at night. “It’s so…” she began. “Scary.” Songbird finished, equally freighted if not more freighted than Sagepaw. Nightfall rolled her eyes. Why did Dragonstar bring her along? There was nothing nice about Songbird.
Former Kittypet
Loves Lionwing
Scared as a kit
No fighting skills
Sometimes, Nightfall wished that Songbird stayed a kittypet. Maybe the clan didn’t have many warriors but she barely counted.
“What’s that?” Sagepaw asked Songbird. Burgundy and Lionwing pricked their ears and narrowed their eyes as they peered into the Forest. Two cats were padding toward them, and they didn’t look welcoming. “I’ll take it from here.” Nightfall hissed to Lionwing who nodded. “I smell Thunderclan.” One of the cats hissed. Nightfall recognized Appletail from the gatherings. A slick and lean red she-cat with ugly brown eyes. The cat to her side though, was a big and strong brown Tom who eyed the Thunderclan cats with no more than curiosity. He must be a new warrior, Nightfall guessed. Not yet poisoned with the violent hostility as the others. Innocent.
Nightfall cleared her throat, her black fur glowing silver in the moonlight, her blue eyes filled with authority. “We have come here today to speak to Jaggedstar if you please.” The brown Tom cocked his head. “What do you want from him?” He asked fiercely, but Nightfall could tell he regretted it. Huh. Weird cat. “If you must know, it’s because we are suspicious of his behavior.”
“Don’t believe these fools, Eagleflight. They want to overthrow us.” Appletail hissed. “You don’t know that.” Eagleflight said quietly, glancing at Nightfall quickly with curiosity. “We can’t risk it!” Appletail growled. “I can go alone.” Nightfall offered. “How do we know that you’ll follow through with your word?” Appletail countered. “You’ll know by my life. If anyone follows me, you have permission to kill me.” Nightfall could bear Sagepaw gasp and felt Lionwing’s worried gaze on her but she didn’t care. She had nothing. Why not did now? She hated Starclan, so she would probably go to the Dark Forest. It couldn’t be too bad could it?
Appletail smiled. “Alright. Come along now.” And off Nightfall went into enemy territory alone.
Chapter 6 in the next book in this series!
Chapter nineteen of Sunsetsplash's Destiny!
By 👾👾👾1532
Sunsetsplash buried her muzzle into the lining of her nest and sobbed quietly. The nursery was quiet and empty, besides her, but it was common knowledge now that Doefeather would soon move into the nursery. Almost two moons had passed since Smokecloud died, and Sunsetsplash still felt the loss as though she was still pressed up against his fur, desperately trying to find some loophole to bring him back.
• He'll never come back. Never. • The words echoed in her mind and she sobbed again.
The memory of watching Dark Shadow kill her mate in cold-blood haunted her dreams. Numb grief and blazing fury chased each other in her heart whenever she remembered the way the light left his blue eyes, the way he had stood up so valiantly, the way he crumpled to the ground, his blood staining the grass crimson. . .
Sunsetsplash had stayed behind the clearing, crying into his fur and wailing at the sky, blaming StarClan for their cruelty. Couldn't they have kept him alive?! Cherrybud had stayed behind, too, her black-grey-and-orange mottled pelt blending into her brother's night-black fur as she silently grieved. Swallowstream stood a little farther away, his eyes deep pools of sadness as he watched his son lying motionless on the grass. The rest of the patrol had left; to warn Sharpstar, to tell the story of how Dark Shadow had murdered Smokecloud, to carry his lifeless body back to camp. . .
Sunsetsplash felt numb. She vaguely remembered Cherrybud leaning against her shoulder, her body shivering. She had a hazy memory of Splashtail bounding over, asking if she was okay, and of Specklebranch hanging back, looking forlorn as he watched his brother being placed at the center of camp. She ignored their questions, and instead stumbled to her mate and collapsed at his side. She blacked out, and when she woke, night had fallen, the stars glimmering coldly down at her as though mocking her loss. The next morning, she made her nest in the nursery and fell asleep.
How could this have happened? Sunsetsplash unsheathed her claws and curled them into the sides of her nest. Dark Shadow killed her mate. Killed him! Now her kits would grow up without a father, and she would never again see his black pelt from across the clearing, see those sparkling blue eyes gazing at her with love. He was gone.
Sunsetsplash growled and ripped at her nest, wincing at the pain in her swollen belly.
She would fix this. She wouldn't be able to bring Smokecloud back. But she could make Dark Shadow pay.
" Hey, Sunsetsplash. Are you awake?" A voice mewed softly from the entrance to the nursery. Groggily, Sunsetsplash lifted her head and blinked a few times. A shape was silhouetted by the flaming sunset, but she could just make out a mottled pelt.
" I brought you a mouse."
Sunsetsplash sniffed. She could smell the earthy rodent, its scent bathing her tongue.
Her belly growled with hunger. Specklebranch had been bringing her food every day since she moved into the nursery. Not just food, though. The speckled tom had been offering to clean out her nest, walk with her, and he told Fernsight about every little pain she had. It annoyed her, yes. But. . .she was grateful for his help.
" Thank you, Specklebranch." She murmured. As the tom slipped into the nursery, Sunsetsplash shifted awkwardly onto her side, holding her breath as a dull pain throbbed as she moved. Specklebranch set the mouse where she could reach it, and she took a bite. The warm flavours of the forest danced on her tongue, and she finished the meal in a few more quick bites. Specklebranch watched her closely, his eyes warm and...there was something else...Sunsetsplash couldn't figure it out.
" Was it good?" He purred, leaning forward to clean up the bones.
" It was." Sunsetsplash purred back. She noticed that his eyes traced her belly.
She studied herself. Surely, her kits were almost here? Panic and fear suddenly crashed over her, chasing away the sadness. Was she ready? She wasn't ready!
" It's almost time for the kits! But I'm — am I — I'm
not — "
" Hey, calm down!" Specklebranch interrupted, his pelt prickling a little.
Sunsetsplash felt a twinge of pain, but she ignored it.
" But the kits! They don't have a father!" A fresh wave of grief crashed over her and she lashed her tail. " What am I going to do?"
Specklebranch watched her sadly. Sunsetsplash kneaded her paws nervously in the feathers and moss of her nest, somewhat absentmindedly. Another twinge of pain. " I can —" Specklebranch paused. " I can be their father, if you'd like?"
Sunsetsplash stared at the mottled tom. He was nice, devoted and kind, but could he be a good father?
" I would appreciate the help, Specklebranch. You've cared for me these past moons, and if you showed my kits the same care. . ." Her voice trailed away hopefully. Would he swear? Could it work? Could her kits really have a father?
" Just — please — swear to me that you'll love them as your own."
Specklebranch was silent, his whiskers twitching and his body tense. Sunsetsplash held her breath. " Yes. I will, and I promise I would love these kits as if they were mine. Because I. . ."
Sunsetsplash tilted her head. " Mm-hm?"
" Nothing, it doesn't matter. I'll be the kit's fa—"
Sunsetsplash cut him off with a loud groan. A blinding pain gripped her body. She panted, her eyes tightly shut against the pain. Specklebranch took a tentative step toward her. " Speaking of kits," She said through gritted teeth. " They're coming."
Tribe of Fluttering Birds
By Book Lover 🐛
Tribe of Fluttering Birds
These cats are agile and light on their paws. They are normally small and slim with sleek, short coats. Their colors vary in browns and creams and they are normally mottled or tabbies. They live in a lush woodland with a variety of birds and other small mammals. Their camp is in a small clearing with two oaks and a stump. There’s a small stream that runs through the camp. When a hatchling is 4 moons old they have their fledgling ceremony. Rather than having a single leader they have The Council of Elders, often referred to as the Council. The Council always comprises of 3 members and Councilors are forbidden to have mates or kits. When a Council member dies the remaining Councilors go and speak with the tribes ancestors, The Tribe of Starlit Moths who will then tell the Council who will be joining the ranks of The Council of Elders. They believe that once a cat dies their spirit lives on and becomes a moth. Moths are sacred to the Tribe and it is forbidden to have the name of Moth. Hatchlings are named by their mothers and if a Hatchling’s mother dies before giving the young kitten and name they are brought by their father and the Council to the Sacred Grove, a clearing surrounded by tall fir trees, in this clearing and under a bush is the Flower of Stars, a sparkling, pearly flower that when touched by a cat allows them to disappear and enter the
The Council of Elders,
Pale Sky at Dawn(Dawn), a cream she cat with one amber and one green eye and faded white splotches
[submitted by me]
Feel free to submit if you’d like!
By bxhsjdbsgnsbsy
This clan lives in a big flower patch with a thick forest surrounding it. They get their main supplies from the forest to build nests, dens, etc! Most names have to do with nature, unless they are a rouge and kept their name.
Anyhoo here they are!
Cosmoheart: Hi, again, can I adopt Starstruck and Crosscurrent? If not it’s ok!
Runestar {silver tom, with white paws and misty light blue eyes slivers of silver in them}
TAKEN {in the nursery}
Medicine cats:
Submit one!
Submit one!
Submit one!
Starsfading {silver she-cat with misty light blue splashes, and gold spots with the shapes of stars}
Midnightkit {black she-kit, with white paws and the tip of her tail, dark pastel ombré tail, and red, gold, and yellow ombré eyes}
Cloudkit {white she-kit with one grey paw, with blue, silver, and dark blue ombré eyes}
Sunsetkit {light grey she-kit with silver splashes and cream chest, tail, and three paws, other one is black, has yellow, blue, orange ombré eyes, that look like the sunset}
Moonkit {black tom with silver paws, and silver spots, has dark pastel blue eyes slivers of silver in them, and a white tip of tail}
Submit one!
Leader: 1/1
Deputy: 1/1
Med cats: 1/2
Warriors: 0/12
Queens: 1/3
Kits: 4/8
Elders: 0/3
Yeah, there you go! I hope you submit! Bye!
Emberclan⬇️ soph of bred ⬇️
By Lord Hunkyhair for the win
I see you are running low on some roles. I feel you. I rp on WCUE and no one wants to be an elder 😂
Role: Elder.
Gender: Tom
Appearance: Is a ombré red to orange to yellow to black. Has bright blue eyes.
Aches/wounds: has a back issue.
Personality: Is very wise and grumpy. Has a short fuse and always speaks for the good of the clan.
Backstory: was a proud dad of 2 kits.
Role: Elder
Gender: She cat
Appearance: Is a light gray color with splotch’s of yellow. Has orange eyes.
Aches/wounds: gets sore legs randomly.
Personality: Is kind and patient. Is proud of her grown kits.
Backstory: Mother of AshPaw and StoneClaw.
Role: Apprentice
Gender: Tom
Appearance: Is a orange yellow color with black paws. Has orange eyes.
Personality: Is kind and brave. Loves his clan and enjoys doing all he can do to help, even tick duty.
Backstory: Was made a apprentice on a blood moon.
Role: Warrior
Gender: She cat
Appearance: Is a grey cat with white paws and underbelly. Has bright blue eyes.
Personality: Brave and bold. Sometimes breaks the code but only if it is desperately necessary.
Backstory: Failed warrior exam 19 times before making it. Was made a warrior the day before her brother’s birth.
You can kill or do anything else with them. I’m ok with any shipment between other cats with them. Just remember that LilyHeart and FireFall are mates.
Soph: WingsofFireKeeper
- Sunset of the Skywings
Airkit of RiverClan
Hey HunkyHair?
By soph of bred
What’s ur roblox username? I probably can’t friend you ‘cuz I can’t friend people I don’t know irl’ but I can follow u? My display name is I_lovewarriorcats and my username is soph_ofbred
Emberclan (I need help with characters)
By Rachel S344
Hi I’m shadowstar and I’m trying to write a book and I am running out of ideas so some help would be greatly appreciated!
Emberclan is located in an old cypress forest with a large oak tree in the middle. Though I have quite a few characters I am still lost for a couple cats
Leader:Shadowstar/black and white Molly with blue eyes
Deputy:wolfeyes/handsome Tom with green eyes
Medicine cat: Hawkeye/ginger she-cat with unusual pale orange eyes
Medicine cat apprentice :cloverpaw/small dusky brown she-cat with clover shaped mark on her chest
Doeleap/thin light brown she-cat with amber eyes/apprentice: talonpaw
Pebblefur/gray Tom with darker flecks and ice blue eyes
Iceclaw/black Tom with green eyes and large icicle like claws
Smallfoot/ small she-cat with orange fur and brown eyes/apprentice: sparrowpaw
Clawface/black and white Tom with battle scarred face/ apprentice: dustypaw
Mallowtail/beautiful she-cat with silver tabby fur and dark blue eyes
Softtail/fluffy white she-cat with black spots and green eyes/ apprentice: ashpaw
Whitecloud/ white she-cat with gray spots and green eyes
wolfflower/light grey she-cat with darker flecks and blue eyes
Clawheart/white she-cat with black claw like mark over her heart/ ivypaw
Cherryfur/ reddish-brown she-cat with light yellow eyes/ apprentice owlpaw
Smalltail/black and white Tom with short tail and blue eyes
Tallonpaw/ dark brown Tom with green eyes mentor:doeleap
Dustypaw/black Tom with dark brown eyes mentor:clawface
Sparrowpaw/dark grey cat with amber eyes mentor:smallfoot
ivypaw/ brown she-cat with green eyes mentor:clawheart
Owlpaw/pretty tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes mentor:cherryfur
Tawnyheart/pale grey she-cat with black splotches(oldest queen in the nursery)
Blackear/small white she-cat with black ear tips and blue eyes(expecting clawfaces kits)
Alderclaw/dark brown Tom with blind eyes
Smallspots/beautiful grey grey and white she-cat with green eyes
Leader 1/1
Deputy 1/1
Warriors 12/20
Queens 2/5
Apprentices 5/10
Elders 2/7
OakStream ⬇️
By Rosy Spotted Kitten
Oh….. well that’s definitely not nice. I did not see that. (I mostly look at the first series and the broken code books.) I know you don’t mean to attack me and I hope you come back soon! (I also hope Suuuprg and his friend will stop trying to emotionally assassinate people.) also you are not a loser. Most of the time, people are mean to other people because they are jealous of them, but sometimes that’s not the case. (It might be in this case tho.) Anyway, I hope I didn’t make you upset, (if I did I’m sorry) so Tigress out!