Home / Warriors: The New Prophecy #3: Dawn

Warriors: The New Prophecy #3: Dawn By Erin Hunter

Warriors: The New Prophecy #3: Dawn

By Erin Hunter

  • Release Date: 2009-10-13
  • Genre: Fantasy for Kids
  • $9.99
Score: 4.5
From 523 Ratings


The young cats who set off on a quest many moons ago have returned with a chilling message: The Clans must move to a new home, or risk extermination.

But the dangers waiting for them beyond their borders are impossible to predict, and the cats have no idea where to go. What they need is a sign from StarClan. . . .


  • Best Book of TNP So Far

    By Dj Reddiii
    Action, drama, tragedy, sorrow, happy tears, this book was a great closure to the Forest, amazing world building, and a great ending. My favorite of all the books so far (only read Prophecy Begins and the 2 before this)
  • Collab part 8

    By Lord Hunkyhair for the win
    BubblePaw woke up with a gasp. SandPool looked up from sorting herbs. “That dream again?” He asked. She nodded. “You know it’s LightPaw’s and NightPaw’s warrior ceremony is starting soon. You might want to see it” he advised. BubblePaw got up and exited the den. Moments after, LeafStar’s voice rang through the air. “Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the Highroot for a Clan meeting!" All of SkyClan walked out of their dens. LightPaw bounded forward, NightPaw trailing behind. “I, LeafStar, leader of SkyClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn.” He turned to LightPaw and NightPaw. “LightPaw and NightPaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life” “I do” they chorused. “Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. LightPaw and NightPaw, from this moment on you will be known as LightClaw and NightHeart. StarClan honors your bravery and loyalty and we welcome you as a full warrior of SkyClan.” He finished. Despite feeling proud of them BubblePaw couldn’t help feeling jealous. Soon, she reminded herself. Soon. - SunFire of MagicClan -Airkit of Riverclan - Donaria - Sunset of the Skywings
  • 😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐 (All OC’s reaction from: WoF, Warriors and FoR)

    By redpandazozo14
    WoF Aquamarine: Ummmm I just updated my phone to iPhone 14.5 and I still hate emojis Ash: Why!? They are so good! Look. *Pulls out phone and types*: 😜 Sakura: I like emoji’s…but 😏. ‘cause Voidwalker keeps texting me that one at least THREE TIMES in a DAY! Voidwalker:😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏 Cobra: I did not know iPhone 14.5 came out already! I’m still on iPhone 12.6! Quartz: I love this emoji:😇 Grove: What’s a phone….JK I know……I think🧐🤔 Warriors Wave’heart: I love this emoji!:🍱….cuz it’s yummy 🤤 Fire’paw: Why do emojis need to exist!?! Rose’pelt: OOOO I like dis one 🌠 and THAT one 🦢ooo dis is preeety 🦋 Star’tail: UGH not emoji….. Soul’beat: Star’tail,you have a black heart for emojis 🖤 Gem’pedal: These 2 match me:💎+🌸 FoR (It’s my fav game on Roblox) Jade: OOOOO it’s a scientist thing *takes the phone in her pouch* Seoul: God! What the heck is that Ewwwww Amethyst: Oooooo heheh *takes out of Jade’s pouch* 🍱🥟🍮🥮🍙🧋heheh *puts back* Coal: Jade,what do you have in there?! *looks in the pouch and sees: The phone,health stim,photo book,library book and in her hand is a ice tea from Crow’s Office* Willow: Still no idea of what in Swamp Frogs is that Venom:I don’t know if we should take that,Jade…. Bye!
  • Chapter 26 of Sunsetsplash's Destiny! Part one!

    By 👾👾👾1532
    Rose: hi!! This sounds so cool! Here’s my cat: Creeping Fern of Shadow — white she-cat with a tan and dark gray dappled coat and one dove-gray and one leafy-green eye. She used to be a tribe cat before she ran away to see what was beyond the mountains of her old home. She is only a year old. I hope I did it right 😅🥲 ______________________________ Sunsetsplash bounded through the trees after her apprentice, fear and panic making her pelt prickle. Her claws itched to be sunk into the invader's pelts. The sounds of fighting cats grew louder as Sunsetsplash, Featherpaw and Specklebranch stumbled down the hollow. Bursting through camp, Sunsetsplash looked at the whirlwind of fur and claws. The WindClan leader, Harestar, was battling with Sharpstar, the old yellow tabby putting up a fierce fight for this clan. The other leader, Ravenstar, was attacking a group of apprentices. • My kits! • Ravenstar nipped Stormpaw's tail, but the tom wrenched it free and clawed fiercely at the black leader's shoulder. His sisters Leafpaw and Shadowpaw were mauling his legs. Sunsetsplash, knowing her kits were handling themselves well, flung herself on top of a lithe white she-cat that was attacking Swallowstream. Pulling her off of the older silver tabby, Sunsetsplash clawed at the white cat's hind legs, letting her run out of camp with a pain-filled howl. " Sunsetsplash! Watch out!" Specklebranch's cry was a second too late, and when Sunsetsplash whipped around to face her attacker, she was knocked to the ground by a large she-cat. Buried in the cream fur, there was something about the scent and black markings of this cat that was familiar. Sunsetsplash let out a yowl of pain as the she-cat tore into her flanks, realisation dawning. This was Deadeye! The she-cat that had tried to kill her about five moons ago! Deadeye let out a snarl as she was pulled backwards by the scruff, looking over the struggling she-cat's shoulder, she thought she saw a glimpse of raven-black fur behind the cream pelt... Then blue eyes locked with hers, filled with untold emotions. Sunsetsplash felt her breath catch in her throat, her heart slowing to a beat that seemed to slow to permit her being alive. With a flick of the bushy grey tail, the StarClan cat released the living ShadowClan cat and glimmered away into stars. • I believe in you, Sunsetsplash... • Smokecloud whispered into her ear. • Don't let me down. • • I won't. • - Sunsetsplash
  • Cave Of No Return Part 1 (The introduction)

    By RoseQuartez_Song writer
    Hi! Welcome! This is the Cave Of Stars. Where you say a name of a cat and it shows you all you need to know about them or want to. My name is Dappled Leaf Swirling Down, but you can call me Dappled or Dapple. Torrent told me you would be coming, remind me of your name again? Ah! Shade is a beautiful name but for this Cave Of Stars to work you need a tribe name like us. How about Shade Where No Cat Goes? You like that? Great! Now follow me down into the gorse. Careful not to get that long for of yours caught! We have thorns every where to protect our sacred cavern. Now that we are here do what I do. One paw for forward. No! The right paw! Now back and repeat twice. You got it! Now follow me… Welcome! Thank you for reading! Submit your own characters in this book with all their details and origin and one person will be selected each time to be shown in the Cave Of No Return or the Cave Of Stars. Thank you! Bye ✌🏼🎃🎃
  • eh

    By charmander11
    Hey! To anybody who’s reading this, you may be wondering: why are people doing fanfics? Well, not everybody here has wattpad or any apps to share writing xx, but also if youre like “ I need to know how good this one is “ i haven’t FULLY read it, but I will assure you’ll be a fan. If you’re new, this is a series. The first book is called into the wild! The books are about groups of cats going through wars; fighting ( there is gore ) disagreements, hardships, etc. I suggest!
  • 😂😬😄😆😐😓😢😨😱😰😭😥🥺

    By suuuuuprg
    (Jayfeather) Bruh (Nightheart)🤨 (Heathertail) Why are emojis a thing (Sunbeam)😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡. (Jayfeather) Dunno. (Firestar) How about a rap battle. (Berryheart) How about we talk about the future. (Nightheart) Who asked. (Jayfeather) I really don’t care. (Birchkit) What happens if bomb plus a atom equal. (Jayfeather) bruh🤨🧐. (Shadowstar) How about we… (Graystripe) Rap. (Shadowstar) Guess. (Nightheart) 🙄 Sparkpelt you dwelt in well with no one to tell so how about you take bow as you leave the room. (Jayfeather) Bruuuuuuuuuh. (Birchkit) That’s how you do it. (Nightheart ) Who asked. (Jayfeather) Bell Pell Mell kell. (Lionblaze)How about we play Uhhh. (Birchkit) Gangster🐥 (Dovewing) No. (Graystripe) Maybe leave. (Mothflight) I know, maybe we can insult something. (Heathertail) Minecraft. (Jayfeather) Why. (Birchkit) Steve. (Foxleap) He getting banned. He’s crap, Minecraft crap both are boring lame no one likes and. (Jayfeather)Bruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh. Jaggedspeck
  • Dovepool here! 🕊️ jaggedspeck🔽 tigress ⬇️

    By a mega super duper fan
    Tigress: bro- ;cri; not nice mother, I mean at least you didn’t get the flip flop out * knock* *knock* whos there? Mom; FLIP FLOP TIME ME; NOOO PLEASEEE I don’t know if you were trying to be rude but.. if you don’t have restrictions on your phone then that probally means you parents don’t care what you get into therefore you have unlimited scares to anything and you will probally be a bad person as you age. THE REMEMDY FOR HATE IS NOT HATE BUT LOVE FOR YOUR ENEMY ~sincerely,Dovepool~
  • I HAVE MORE FANFICTION!!! (Sorry I haven’t been active that much with it)

    By soph of bred
    GrayWillow hissed at the black spotted warrior. “I’m going back to my kits..” she said, baring her teeth and staring at WhitePelt. She trotted to the nursery. “Hello, GooseFace,” She said to the beautiful white-faced queen. “I’m going to have my kits’ tomorrow!” She said excitedly. GrayWillow didn’t want to mention that LionKit had just passed, because of the great mood she was in. GrayWillow nodded, and found her den. She looked down at her three little kits. She sat down with them and went to sleep. GrayWillow felt the wind brush past her fur as she appeared in a dark forest, she didn’t recognize. She saw BlueFur appear. And then TimberLeaf, and then LionKit! “We’ve come here to remind you of what you have forgotten, beware the Badger that rules the forest,” TimberLeaf said. “Protect your clan with all your strength, or he will defeat all of you,” BlueFur added. “Protect yourself,” LionKit said. Suddenly, GrayWillow remembered the prophecy BlueFur had given her only a few moons ago. She nodded, and the three cats disappeared. CHAPTER 15 GrayWillow woke up in the nursery. Suddenly, her heart dropped. “My kits!” She yelped. Her kits were gone. “What’s wrong?” GooseFace asked. “I can’t find my kits. They usually stay right here!” GrayWillow cried. “I’ll search the camp,” GooseFace said. The two queens left the nursery and started looking around the camp. “Hello GrayWillow. What are you looking for?” BlackStar said. “My kits! I can't find them!” GrayWillow replied. “Maybe something took them out of the camp, I’ll get a few warriors to search,” BlackStar meowed. He ran off to where MoonClaw and LeapFlower were talking. GrayWillow saw BlackStar point with his tail to the tunnel leading out of camp. Then, the two warriors stood up and started walking to the exit. GrayWillow then decided she should check behind the nursery, and see if her kits were there. She went and pricked her ears and searched the best she could. She then heard a familiar mew, and found a pile of leaves. She then started to dig into the leaves until she found HollyKit. “HollyKit!” “Hi mommy!” “HollyKit, where are the others?” GrayWillow asked desperately. HollyKit pointed her tail tip to a thorn bush. GrayWillow ran over to it and started to crawl into a small hole. “Mommy?” She looked to her right and saw BlackKit. He had thorns poking out of his pelt, and next to him was a small ginger, black, and white ball. GrayWillow grabbed both of them and tried to untangle herself. She ended up getting out of the thorn bush safely. GrayWillow didn’t care about herself, only her kits. She went back and grabbed HollyKit, who was patiently waiting on the pile of leaves. “We need to check you over at MistyLeaf’s den, come on.” She had SpottedKit in her jaws, and HollyKit and BlackKit followed close behind. She and the three kits headed for the medicine den entrance. Inside, PoppyPaw was closely examining each of her herbs, with MistyLeaf at her side. “So.. what’s for rat bites again?” PoppyPaw asked. “Burdock root,” MistyLeaf replied. GrayWillow walked in and sat in front of the two medicine cats. “Oh, hello GrayWillow!” PoppyPaw said. MistyLeaf turned around and looked at GrayWillow, and then down at her three kits. “What happened to them? They have dozens of thorns in their flank!” MistyLeaf said, as he started plucking thorns out of BlackKit. “I just found them in a thorn bush. I’m really concerned about SpottedKit..” GrayWillow said. MistyLeaf nodded, and looked down at the small kit, who was now crouched down, her body vibrating like an earthquake. “She’ll be fine, I’ll give her some poppy seeds to help her calm down,” MistyLeaf said. GrayWillow looked up and saw PoppyPaw stepping into the den. “Hi GrayWillow, oh my StarClan! What happened to SpottedKit?!” She exclaimed. “She’ll be fine. She was just caught in some thorns,” MistyLeaf meowed. PoppyPaw seemed to settle down. Her eyes then lit up like a forest fire. “Oh, GrayWillow! I’m getting my medicine cat name soon, just a few more days!” She said excitedly. “Maybe it’ll be Poppystorm? Or Poppydawn? I’m just excited!” She shrieked with joy. GrayWillow smiled at the medicine apprentice’s eagerness. “Hey MistyLeaf?” GrayWillow said. “Yeah?” MistyLeaf meowed in a mouthful of poppy seeds. “I had a dream. A prophecy..” MistyLeaf instantly stiffened and looked up from what he was doing. “Prophecy? How come I didn’t get it? I mean, no offense, but usually warriors never get prophecies…” he said, confusion showing over his face. “Well, that’s not the point. I’ve had it twice. Last night I dreamed of BlueFur, LionKit, and TimberLeaf. They told me to ‘beware a badger that lurks in the shadows’ or something. I don’t know what they meant. What badger?” MistyLeaf opened his mouth, but before he could speak, a yell came from the camp entrance. Everyone except for the kits ran out of the medicine den to see what had caused the commotion. GrayWillow spotted MoonClaw and DawnFoot. They were holding a black shape in their jaws. The shape had blood all over its neck. The blood was dripping rapidly to the ground. GrayWillow, MistyLeaf, and PoppyPaw ran over to the two cats. They put the black body down in front of the two medicine cats. GrayWillows heart felt like it had just stopped. The black body belonged to BlackStar. -Crow the Loner cliff hanger >:>
  • Oop- dove pool here

    By Butterfly'Bush!!!
    Hi I’m on my friends account and why sunsetsplash?! I mean I know I’m nice but like what we do roast each other 🧟‍♀️🧟‍♀️