By MTApollo
When you submit for a clan do they write the story and just add your cat to it or..? Like or do you get to pick what they do and if so how?
Chapter 27 of Sunsetsplash's Destiny! Part 2!
By 👾👾👾1532
" Come on, my loves." Sunsetsplash meowed over her shoulder, climbing over tree stumps. " I wanted to show you something."
Sunsetsplash had rounded up her kits — Stormpaw, Leafpaw, and Shadowpaw — and was taking them to the place their father died. They were so big now, almost the same size as her . . . Stormpaw looked as though he'd be larger than Sunsetsplash, when he was fully grown! Certainly larger than his sisters. She led them into the clearing, and Sunsetsplash felt something stir her pelt, as a comforting scent wreathed around hers. Smokecloud. He had come to see his kits.
" Wow! This place is so pretty!" Leafpaw exclaimed, patting her paws against the bright green grass. " Look at all the flowers," Shadowpaw pointed out, sniffing a little daisy. " I bet this place would be good for fighting!" Stormpaw meowed, doing one of the battle moves he learned recently — rear up, spin, and slash — and promptly fell on his face. Sunsetsplash purred, but she had winced at his words. She helped him up, earning herself a grumpy sniff from the tabby, and steered the apprentices towards the spot where Smokecloud had fallen. Sunsetsplash was pleased to see the blood had washed away, finally.
" Can you guys tell me why this place is important?" She prompted sadly.
Leafpaw's eyes widened in shock, Shadowpaw stayed silent, apparently deep in thought, while Stormpaw looked uncomfortable.
" It's . . . It's where our father died, isn't it?" Stormpaw meowed quietly. Leafpaw and Shadowpaw both looked at him in shock, and their eyes fell on Sunsetsplash, as though hoping she'd say he was wrong.
" You are right, Stormpaw. This is where Smokecloud was murdered, right in front of me. He saved me, you know — and you three, because I had been with you for not a moon before he died." Sunsetsplash sighed. " We always imagined the life we would have, once you were born, but it was never meant to be. . . He's in StarClan, now. Watching over us."
The three young cats looked subdued. Finally, Leafpaw mewed, " What happened?"
Sunsetsplash told them the story of his death, leaving out Dark Shadow. She didn't want them to hold a grudge against the tom, even though. . . Even if he wanted to kill Sunsetsplash.
" Who killed him?" Shadowpaw asked. Sunsetsplash frowned at her keen, precocious daughter. She hesitated, debating whether to tell them or not.
• Tell them. They deserve to know, • Smokecloud whispered into her ear. Sunsetsplash sighed. • Fine, I will, • she thought back, hoping he would hear.
" The cat who killed him was Dark Shadow —"
" The ShadowClan cat!" They all said in unison. " The one who got exiled!" Stormpaw added, his eyes wide.
Sunsetsplash nodded. " Yes, that's him. That's Dark Shadow, and he . . . he's the shadow on every cat's sun."
Closer to the end, now! The next chapters will be in the novella sets! If you go to the Hollyleaf book, and go to the first novella set in that series, that's where the chapter will be.
- Sunsetsplash
Submitting for raindropclan!
By neri84123
I’m submitting Brookstripe as deputy for raindropclan.
Brookestripe: dark grey tom, strong, great swimmer.
Brookstripe is originally from my clan, GorgeClan, and he is a senior warrior.
Cloverpeak and Eagleclaw ❤️❤️
RaindropClan! [OPEN]
By bxhsjdbsgnsbsy
RaindropClan lives in a small forest and a deep river. They get their main supplies and food from the forest. However there is some times when some cats will go swim, and catch some fish. They eat, rabbit, voles, water voles, squirrels, etc.
Leader: Wolfstar, a pale cinnamon she-cat with black paws and ice-colored grey eyes.
Deputy: Submit one!
Medicine cat:
Yewthorn, yellow tabby tom with white paws and green eyes.
Hollowsky, a small blueish grey tom with white splotches on his back and on big one on his eye, pale blue eyes.
Luckysong, a small black tom with green ear tips and dark green eyes.
Brindlewish, a fluffy sliver she-cat with white chest and freckles on her face and pale blue eyes.
Darkfleck, black tom with green eyes and one white paw.
Ivyheart, russet tabby she-cat with brown tabby splotches and amber eyes.
Littlefoot, she, with a light brown pelt and some ivory and white spots on her legs and tail with pale blue eyes.
Pantherleap, black tom with cinnamon paws.
Foxsong, cinnamon she-cat with black paws, black tail and muzzle.
Puddlepaw, white she-cat with orange markings on her paws.
Rainpaw, a blue-grey tom with long fur and faint grey tabby markings.
Grasshopper, a small white she-cat with stubby tail and dark green eyes.
Mistystripes, a pale grey she-cat with white legs and grey tabby whorls, mother to Quietkit and Ravenkit.
Fernwing, a green she-cat with amber eyes.
Queitkit, a tiny white she-cat with small ears, grey speckles and green eyes.
Ravenkit, a sleek black tom with blue eyes.
Jaguartail, pale tom with cinnamon spots.
Leopardfang, black she-cat with unique grey eyes and a golden muzzle.
Medicine cats:1/2
Queens:3/3 [FULL]
Thanks! Anyhoo have a great day/night! And yes I’m changing my name bc, why not :)! Also sorry for being inactive for so long 😅!
Please submit to the River Cats!
By warriorsIScool
Poppy: oh thanks for using it! And it’s no problem if Jaguar and Leopard are warriors or elders, if you need elders to can move them there and if you need warriors you can move them there. It doesn’t really matter. Thx!
Name: Wolfstar (Wolfhowl if leader is taken)
Description: pale cinnamon she-cat with black paws and bright, ice-colored white-gray eyes
Gender: Female
Rank: leader
Jaguartail-father-pale yellow tom with cinnamon spots
Leopardfang-mother-black she-cat with unique gray eyes and a golden muzzle
Pantherleap-brother-black tom with cinnamon paws
Foxsong-sister-cinnamon she-cat with black paws and a black tail and muzzle
:) thanks!
Skittlepaw, white she-cat with spots in pastel colors (Skittlesplash)
MnM, pink, blue, and white torotiseshell she-cat with black eyes (Apprentice, Skittlepaw) (formerly a loner)
Poptartjump, cinnamon-colored tom with a chocolate underbelly and paws
Tiramisupaw, chocolate-white-golden she-cat with blue eyes
Dulcefire(Dulce is sweet in Spanish), black she-cat with ginger spots
Icecreamcone, pretty white she-cat with pastel-blue paws and tail
Crèmebrûléetail, pale golden and brown she-cat
If I make more of these I may never stop… by the way Crème brûlée is pronounced crem brulay if you care ;-;
The River Cats!
Frog’s Step, dark gray tom with long fur and pale minty green eyes. (Glistening Kelp’s half-brother). Submitted by ThatLocalTallKid.
Glittering Seashell, cream she-cat with gray dapples. Submitted by MagnoliaHeart.
Quail’s Purr, blue-gray, lilac, and white calico she-cat with icy blue eyes. Submitted by Ivywhisker.
Sparkling Waves, pink she-cat with coral colored stripes and a white underbelly, paws, and tail-tip, with pale blue eyes. Submitted by Sunsetsplash.
Glistening Kelp, dark gray tom with fluffy fur and deep green eyes. He has a white blaze on his forehead and a white splash on his chest, and his tail is very bushy. Submitted by Sunsetsplash.
Blazing Shell, black she-cat with orange tabby stripes on her legs, tail, and back. She has a long tail and a pointed muzzle (like a Siamese). Submitted by Sunsetsplash.
Cooling Ember, black and ginger tom. Submitted by Hollyfrost.
Nursery Cats:
Swift Minnow, black and silver she-cat. Expecting Cooling Ember’s kits. Submitted by Hollyfrost.
Bubbling Sand, sandy-colored she-cat with pale blue eyes and one long, wavy black stripe down her back. Mother to Glistening Kelp’s kits; Glimmering Scales, Resting Sea, and Moon’s Tides. Submitted by Ivywhisker.
Nursery Kits:
Glimmering Scales, sandy-colored she-kit with random, tiny white splashes and bright green eyes
Resting Sea, pale gray tom-kit with wavy tabby stripes and bright blue eyes
Moon’s Tides, very dark, almost black, gray she-kit with deep blue eyes that have hints of lighter blue in them
Leader 0/1
Right-paw 0/1
Left-paw 0/1
Healers: 1/3 (one can be an apprentice, if you think this is too much, but I can accept two more full-fledged med cats too!)
Hunters 5/14
Nursery Cats 1/3 (my cat doesn’t count since it’s a very small opening)
Nursery Kits 0/6 (mine don’t count)
Learning Paws 0/7
Council 0/3
Elder Cats 0/4
I moved this chapter to Power of Three book three audiobook, bye!
Obsessing over cover
By Lord Hunkyhair for the win
A change in plans, Chapter 7 and 8
By Rosy Spotted Kitten
—Chapter 7—
I bit into a mouse. It tasted flavorless and I hardly noticed how small it was. •Kits.• The thought echoed around my head. I shook my head to clear it.
I stopped eating. I need air. I couldn’t stand another moment in camp. I raced out of camp and breathed deeply. The scent of fern and moss filled my lungs.
“Are you okay?” I turned, knowing instantly that it was RobinClaw. I opened my mouth to answer but a stabbing pain flared in my belly, and I collapsed with a shriek. My mate darted to my side, his eyes glowing with panic. “Are you okay?”
I stared into his eyes, “Get…. JadeLeaf.” I managed to say. I don’t know how much time passed before he came back with the dark dark green furred medicine cat, but I do know that he came as fast as he could.
The world around me blurred and the pain slowly eased.
Dark spots flashed at my vision and then I was jerked into darkness.
I was floating in mid air. I looked down. There was nothing but darkness. Then a cat approached me.
“You failed.” He said. The tom. He looked just like RobinClaw. “And now you will pay.” I tried to back away but my paws were stuck to the ground. “No! Go away!”
The tom sliced his claws across my throat. I screamed, and a huge wave of blood came.
I was sinking.
Away from the light.
The blood got thicker and dragged at my fur, pulled me down.
I reached up for the surface but I couldn’t reach it.
My lungs burned.
Then a voice whispered in my ear, “Blood crashes into her, down and down she will go, steps of crimson, falling down. The palace of shadows, far from light, always filled without light, crimson leaks, don’t let it fall in a heap.”
——Chapter 8——
I froze. Images of bloodied cats falling crashed over me. •No! RobinClaw!•
I woke with a start, finding myself in the nursery with three kits at my belly. A little sparkly white she-kit with an ombré red tail, burrowed her face into my belly. Her brothers, a red tabby tom-kit with pale tan stripes, and a pale tan tabby tom-lit with sparkly white stripes, lay on their backs, kicking their legs.
I carefully flipped them over, watching as they too, began feeding. An eerie silence pricked at my ears.
I curled up closer around my kits. “Hello?” I called. A scuffling sound came, followed by paw steps. I blinked in surprise when I saw that, SilverFang was the one who walked in.
He politely dipped his head to me. “I— RobinClaw—he’s……….. dead.” I gasped. “No…… no!!!!” I burst out into tears. I turned away from him, crying.
•No no no no no no no no no no. It can’t be true. It can’t be.• I closed my eyes, welcoming the darkness that greeted me. An image flashed before my eyes. A reflection sparkly black she-cat with a ombré dark blue tail, and dark gray eyes, stared at me. I blinked. How was that me?
I looked at my paws. They were still sparkly white. Then darkness came, and just like I was absorbing the darkness, sparkly black liquid seeped through my fur. It raced up my body till I looked just like my reflection. “How……” I whispered.
My new look was edgy, and I liked it. I smiled looking down at my reflection. Then a splash of sparkly dark blue, swept across my tail, fading into a beautiful ombré. I swished my tail.
A shadow figure walked up to me. “Hello.” The figure said. The voice was so familiar yet also unfamiliar at the same time. “I have something to say to you.”
The cat kinked its tail over its back. “Your former prophecy is wrong. So listen to what I have to declare.”
The cat shifted slightly. I peered closer at the cat. It faintly looked like a red tabby. But before I figured out who it was, the cat spoke. “Crown of thorns around her head, vile essence in her bread. Stalks through what others can’t recall, won’t be stalled, very long.” I stared at the cat. If I were to have a crown of thorns…… that would mean I would be a leader!!
“Remember this, ObsidianShard, very forget, the cats you know best will be the ones who are most likely to betray you.” •ObsidianShard…… I am ObsidianShard. And don’t worry. I won’t forget.•
Yay!!! She’s now back to being evil!!! Btw new clan! Check in Forest of Secrets! Also the Dark River audio book has my next chapter!
-LeopardSplash/ Spots of Leopard/ Leopard Racing through Fallen Water
Ivy ⬇️⬇️⬇️
By kasy268
First, Ivy, you can still call me that. Idc which, just Espresso [Cat] was my display name on Roblox, it’s not anymore, and Swindlestar [Swindle] is my leader name. Both are fine. Also thx for making that change, I understand now that Azurebreeze is TC and that’s fine. Just know that she becomes blind at sometime and joins the elders early.
Tuckwillow, or Tuckpaw, and Finchwobble, or Finchpaw, are TC apps at this time, and when they are about to get their warrior names they tell the leader (Lightningstar) that they’d prefer to get their names in MeadowClan, and they do head their afterwards. This does make Leafstone kinda upset and Cripplepaw lonely. They do appear at gatherings of the Clans tho, as messengers, MeadowClan doesn’t want drama so they only send a small group there. And yes, TC and Meadow are ally’s!!
LilyHeart’s Troubles chapter three!
By tatertotsy 13
Chapter three
LilyHeart and her kits stayed at the shed for five moons. They had changed much. LittleKit was not so little anymore, and RoseThorn and SpruceLeap were older than an apprentice that had just begun training. They were 11 moons. And LittleKit was 5 moons. Thomas had even learned from them, he was 13 moons old, just a little older than RoseThorn and SpruceLeap. RoseThorn really liked Thomas, and Thomas liked her. LilyHeart had caught on and wasn’t happy. “First, I’m banished, then, I take refuge in a old Twoleg shack, and then my oldest she-kit falls for a kittypet. Pleasant.” She thought. LilyHeart knew that she and her kits needed to leave. And soon, because RoseThorn’s love for Thomas hadn’t faded, it grew stronger, and h that was most definitely NOT good. That evening she announced it to the kits, “Okay, guys, we’re leaving this nightfall.” LittleKit and RoseThorn said “No!” in unison, “Can’t we stay a lil longer?” LittleKit mewed. LilyHeart was upset, “No!” She spat angrily, “No we cannot! We have stayed long enough! Last thing I need is whining from kits. Whether you like it or not, I’m your mother, and until you’re a warrior, you’ll do what I say.” LittleKit’s head lowered, and she slunk out of the shed. RoseThorn stared at her mother, rolled her eyes in disgust, and walked out of the shed, tail and head raised proudly. SpruceLeap stared at his sisters, and shrugged at his mother, “I dunno what’s up with them. Im GLAD to leave, at least those dumb kittypet she-cats Lila, Wanda, and May won’t bother me anymore.” LilyHeart smiled at her son, “He’s funny. And truthful. He’ll make a good warrior.” She thought. The rest of the day went by fast. When she got ready to leave, RoseThorn came up to her. “Mom, I’m not leaving. I’m staying with Thomas.” LilyHeart’s fur bristled, “What?! No you will not! No kit of mine will become a kittypet.” RoseThorn stood her ground, “I have to stay. I have no choice.” LilyHeart was angry, “What?! Of course you have a choice!” She spat, “No! You are coming with me. I’m your mother,” LilyHeart said softly, “And until you’re a warrior, I’m in charge of you.” Tears crept in RoseThorn’s eyes, “I have to, I’m, I’m pregnant with his kits.” LilyHeart gasped, “No! That’s impossible!” RoseThorn shook her head, “No, it’s not. And I’m staying here. Period.” LilyHeart nodded dumbly, and left the TwoLeg nesting site, with her two remaining kits.
Hope you all liked it!!!! There is more to come!
By eveveve eveve
Squirrelflight is on the front cover not Firestar...
Srry to bust your bubble