Home / Warriors #1: Into the Wild

Warriors #1: Into the Wild By Erin Hunter

Warriors #1: Into the Wild

By Erin Hunter

  • Release Date: 2009-10-13
  • Genre: Fantasy for Kids
  • $9.99
Score: 4.5
From 2,677 Ratings


Epic adventures. Fierce warrior cats. A thrilling fantasy world. It all begins here.

Read the book that began a phenomenon—and join the legion of fans who have made Erin Hunter’s Warriors series a #1 national bestseller.

For generations, four Clans of wild cats have shared the forest according to the laws laid down by their ancestors. But the warrior code has been threatened, and the ThunderClan cats are in grave danger. The sinister ShadowClan grows stronger every day. Noble warriors are dying—and some deaths are more mysterious than others.

In the midst of this turmoil appears an ordinary housecat named Rusty… who may turn out to be the bravest warrior of them all.



    By WarriorCatsForever 🐈🐈‍⬛
    I love this book so, so , so, so , so very much, I’ve read all the Warrior Cats series, I’m currently on Changing Skies, book 1. It’s getting so suspenseful!! I also love writing FanFics, but so far they are all in my private notebook, even though I want them to be public 😿 I have an overly complicated Clan system going on 😂 Maybe I’ll share it one day! ~ ✨ Starflame of GalaxyClan ✨ (That’s unofficially trademarked, don’t steal it)

    By Anna-Sofie2011
    GREAT BOOK GREAT STORY I READ THE WHOLE SERIES AND I LOVE IT I LOVE MAKING OCS AND STUFF ABD I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE ENTIRE THING In case anyone cares (plus I need to write it down somewhere im lazy): here’s my warriors OC! Name: Half Moon Appearance: A white cat which a half black face, green eye on black part blue eye on white part Nonbinary bi Pronouns: they/them So yeah Byyeeee Sincerely, Half Moon of skyclan Nightingale the rainwing Eirian the Hollowghast S.D. E or zombie drone Oll of the other colony Byeeeeeer
  • I love this series

    By 👾👾👾1532
    I totally recommend you read it if you enjoy cats and prophecies ^^ My favorite characters in the first arc are probably Sandstorm, Yellowfang, and Longtail! As for AU stuff: While I am going to be writing another fanfic on here (the characters for which will be later in this review), I will be thinning out my OCs and participating in this fandom a little less. The AU is kind of dead, and I miss a lot of the older AUers, like Ivywhisker, Tigress, Sirenwing, and Oakstream. But on that note, here are the characters for Lotusfall’s Performance, which I will be posting the chapters of in the audiobooks. *This fanfic is set after the rewrite of Sunsetsplash’s Destiny, which is largely the same as the original. The only major deviation from the original fanfic that will affect the plot in this fanfiction are the deaths of Sharpstar and Herringstar in a battle against Dark Shadow Riverlily and Thunderclaw’s kits: Lotusfall - yellow tabby she-cat with brown stripes and blue eyes. Her ears, the teardrop shape under her eye, and her hind paws are brown, and her front paws are white. Thorntail - brown tom with a white chest, tail tip, and paws. His eyes are amber and his tail is very long. Lilymist - white she-cat with brown ears, paws, and tail, which is bushy. Her eyes are green and she is a medicine cat. Halfpelt and Crowfang’s kits: Patchshade - handsome black and white tom with intelligent green eyes. Slatewhisker - gray she-cat with black ears, blue eyes, and black markings under her eyes like freckles. Lilymuzzle and Pikeheart’s kits: Saltfur - thick-furred white tom with green eyes Whitescratch - white she-cat with tan paws, blue eyes, and a huge scratch on her face Sunsetsplash and Specklebranch’s kits: Daisyheart - golden she-cat with darker gold and pale brown mottling and white paws and freckles Ghostclaw - white tom with blue eyes and crisp black ears and tail-tip Ravengaze - tortoiseshell tom with mismatched blue and yellow eyes and white patches Mossytail - sleek black tom with bright green eyes The Dark Forest cats: Sunheart - scarred ginger she-cat with green eyes Rivershine - wiry blue-gray tom with blue eyes Snowfall - white she-cat with piercing yellow eyes The prologue will be released in the first audiobook of the third series! - Sunsetsplash
  • Okay…

    By kitty😛😛
    My friends love this book.. and I looked it up. I don’t like it very much but that’s my opinion. You can love it if you want. It’s just not for me.🙏🏽
  • Loved the book!

    By rasengirl
    My oc: Starsoul Gender: nonbinary Sexuality: pan Mate/kits: none Appearance: she has mismatched eyes, one is sorta silver the other is plain blue, she has white fur with a small black mark on her chest Abt the name, she was born as a rogue and her mommy dearest was feeling creative that night. (Heh) I love you all! BYYEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeeeeeee…. *fades into the distance*
  • Me too +.*willowpaw*.+

    By MeowFlameKitty
    So Willowpaw I also have time limits 😭 they are THE WORST except I ask for time and I usually end up playing 10 hours of Roblox a day… so- I hope to see you on Roblox! My user is MeowFlameKitty! I am dressed up as Seek from doors at the moment 😁😁😁
  • Good book(pets book like it’s a dorg)

    By Warriors cat's 4ever!!
    Fanfic time!(cuz I’m bored) Chapter two of Orangeleap’s home (Like last chapter instead of warrior cats there’s beecats and different terminology now I’m just gonna say a Beecat book okie?) “Mom!” Orangeleap screamed, frightened. “What is it my darling?” A beautiful, fluffy and bright orange beecat she-bee walked up to Orangeleap. “I-I had a nightmare…” Orangeleap meowed. “ oh Orangeleap it’s alright everyone has nightmares.” The she-bee said, hoping that it would cheer Orangeleap up. “Even preyhunters?” Orangeleap mewed. “Yes, even preyhunters. Now, what was the nightmare about?” Orangeleap remembered how Nightteath’s eyes narrowed into slits. “I don’t wanna tell, it’s too scary!” Orangeleap said. “Momma? A voice called. It was Flowerbreath, Orangeleap’s sister. “I’m hungry!” Flowerbreath mewed. Alright it’s almost the 4th of July(it’s 11:20 pm) fireworks are going of and it’s almost my birthday! (July 6) and I don’t wanna have my mom find me on electronics rn (or I’m ded .-.) so good night -Sunarch one of the beecats that will be said in the next chapter :3 Next chapter in: fire and ice
  • I love it! ❤️❤️❤️😍

    By The kirby master
    Hello am new by the way love the battles especially Rusty vs Long tail it was EPIC! Any way I have a oc named Eagle light so… ya the series is a ancient prophecy day light so here it is p.s blaze clan/ thunder clan CHAPTER ONE Am coming to get you!! Oak paw said while chasing sliver paw. No you won’t am the fastest in blaze clan! She snarled at him. What’s going on here huh? Eagle light slid in the appreciate den. Oh…hi there he mewed in gilt. What’s up? Sliver paw slid in, well we got your mentors ready. Eagle light replied. Silver paw gasped. Come on slow poke,last one to the giant rock is crow food! Sliver paw teased her friend. Oh I will show you who’s crow food! Oak paw reply’s angrily. Oh thanks sis! Oh cat he’s a one funny one, well better keep up, oh wow! They were right apprentices are fast…BUT AM FASTER Eagle light reply while dashing by to the high rock. 🔙 ➡️ Chapter two in Fire and Ice Learn more about Eagle light at Blue stars prophecy
  • Great start

    By meyah the princes
    Showed so much compassion and really got me started for the upcoming books.
  • I think ima quit on the clans idk tho but I plan on writing the stories soon (on here) Mk baiii

    By MTApollo
    It’s okay Sunset’Splash! Submit to a clan! Also friend me on Roblox if you want to join because we might rp on there too…I’ll add an update if I decide to (with my username) Also I have screen time and {pretty} strict parents so idkkkk how much I could rp but once we get enough people we will. { so make sure you have your cat ready in Roblox warrior cats just in case} Anddd the clan / updates will be in Warriors: Shadow ( book three ) A starless clan audio bookkkk :))) EarthClan (ThunderClan) Lore- EarthClan is most known for their strength and endurance. They are also known for being understanding. Although each clan came about at the same time EarthClan seems to be the oldest. Camp- EarthClan places their camp in a beautiful forest filled with trees. They have a deep clearing they keep as their home. They use brambles and bushes to make their camp more protected. Food- Alike FireClan they also eat Squirrels,birds,rabbits,mice,and may find frogs, and even fish. Leader:0/1 Deputy:0/1 Medicine cat:0/1 Medicine apprentice:0/1 Warriors:0/10 Apprentices:0/5 Elders:0/4 Queens:0/4 Kits:0/8 FireClan (ShadowClan) Lore- FireClan is known to be stealthy and mercy less…They are nimble warriors with a firery determination to prove themselves powerful. They are naturall born leaders. Camp- FireClan places their camp in the heart of the dark woods. Their camp is surrounded by tall trees and (ik shadowclan has marshes buttt) dry rocky areas. Food- FireClan mostly eats rabbit, mice,birds,and squirrels, but fish and frogs can also be caught in that area. Leader:0/1 Deputy:0/1 Medicine cat:0/1 Medicine apprentice:0/1 Warriors:0/10 Apprentices:0/5 Elders:0/4 Queens:0/4 Kits:0/8 WaterClan (RiverClan) Lore- WaterClan is known for their grace and agility. They are known for peace but also can fight and are known to be as powerful as the current itself. Camp- WaterClan places their camp on a circle of land surrounded by water. They have trees surrounding them and many streams in their territory. Food- WaterClan mostly eat fish, but also eat squirrels,mice,birds,and frogs. Leader:0/1 Deputy:0/1 Medicine cat:0/1 Medicine apprentice:0/1 Warriors:0/10 Apprentices:0/5 Elders:0/4 Queens:0/4 Kits:0/8 SkyClan (WindClan) Lore- SkyClan is known for their speed and stealth..They are mysterious but also wise. They prefer peace but can easily bring a storm at any time. Camp- SkyClan places their camp in the sandy dunes. They cover their weather dug hollow with many brambles and bushes to fill the gaps and keep out unwanted company. Despite the sand there is still many grass patches. Food- SkyClan mostly eats mice, and rabbits, but they sometimes catch birds and sometimes an eagle. Leader:0/1 Deputy:0/1 Medicine cat:0/1 Medicine apprentice:0/1 Warriors:0/10 Apprentices:0/5 Elders:0/4 Queens:0/4 Kits:0/8 ALSO don’t judge I made this at like 1 am ✋😭 Btw updates (and if u wana sumbit) are all going to be on “A starless Clan” (shadow) (book 3) also we might rp…Or I might write it all myself so JUST BE AWARE I might use your cat differently than u expected) Also yes guys I am exp I also might just make a Roblox group/group with the ideas I get…. Anddddd I’ll write more updates soon on where I end up putting it ect. Love y’all!!! ~ *.+Willow’Paw+.* P.S. NO STEALING Also I plan on doing a “test” to make sure that the people who join r “exp” { it won’t be too hard….} Sryyyy for rambling lol Baiiiiii <3