Five stars
By Frostpoppy
I loved the book and it is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good
Awesome book!!
By Dove's Wing
I LOVE this book! It’s one of the first Warriors books I’ve read and Bluestar is just an iconic character.
But I have a few problems with it
1. Moonflower. . . IS KILLED BY A MEDICINE CAT!! I thought the medicine cat code banned that?!
2. Thistleclaw is a jerky idiot who doesn’t deserve Snowfur!!
So I said the bad things, now good things
1. Love that the Erins told Bluestar’s backstory (Yes, Erin Hunter is multiple authors, including Tui T Sutherland, author of Wings of Fire
2. Oakheart’s funny
3. THISTLECLAW DIES IN THE LAST CHAPTER (I don’t like death, I just HATE Thistleclaw)
So that’s what I have to say about Bluestar’s Prophecy
Silverflame signing out
My Warriors FanClan-StormClan!
By dragonleader1234
I made a warriors FanClan a few years ago-and it is mostly winter names (not all though) since I had first made it as an Arctic Wolf Pack. I have no idea what to do with it-so if anyone has any ideas? Review of the book after!
Leader: Cariboustar
Gender: Tom
Description: A big white tom with a brown back, back of neck, head, and tail.
Personality: He is grumpy and often holds huge expectations for cats he likes. He is often grumpy and angry, but he has his Clans best interests at heart.
Other Info: He used to be happy and super optimistic-until one day, while out on a walk with his parents and mate, they were attacked by a cougar-after they died, he became more grumpy and angry.
Deputy: Hailfang
Gender: She-Cat
Description: A white and gray she-cat with black spots.
Personality: She is cunning and manipulative. She acts sweet to everyone, but truly, she is just hungry for power. Though, she wouldn’t kill for power.
Other Info: Hailfang is Cariboustar’s last kin, his daughter. He favors her, and expects a lot from her as his last and only kin.
Medicine Cats: Ashleg
Gender: Tom
Description: Ashleg is a Tom with black back legs, with scarring on his back legs that are paralyzed.
Personality: He is usually sad and worried. He has one living kit, Cinderkit, who he feels torn between caring for her and the rest of the Clan without an apprentice, and the rest of the Clan refusing to care for her.
Other Info: His mate was a beautiful she-cat named Stormcloud. Ashleg had first trained as a warrior before deciding to be a medicine cat. One day, he was out with Stormcloud. He was paralyzed, Stormcloud killed, leaving him with two kits-Stormkit and Cinderkit. Storm kit died when she and Cinderkit went outside and were attacked by cougars-Stormkit died and Cinderkit’s back leg and front leg was permanently broken, but with one back and front leg still useful.
Description: A black Tom with white underbelly.
Personality: Shameless, and uncaring. He has always been a bit more wild, ever since he was a kit.
Other Info: He is Hailfang’s mate, and they have their first litter of kits in the nursery, with Darksplash usually the one to take care of them.
Gender: She-Cat
Description: A gray she-cat with a black mask, tail stripes, paws, and ears.
Personality: She is spunky and reckless, ready for everything but nothing at all.
Other Info: She is Darksplash’s sister and loves his kits-but not so much his mate, Hailfang.
Gender: She-Cat
Description: A pretty gray she-cat with a white back.
Personality: Fierce and snappy, she is usually a very quiet she-cat except when she has a snappy remark or something to say that’s important. She is mates with the equally fierce Cloudfang.
Other Info: she is mates with Cloudfang and is currently raising their second litter of kits.
Gender: Tom
Description: A black and white tom cat.
Personality: Cloudfang is fierce and always speaks his mind. He is just as fierce and snappy as his mate, but he is less quiet and is less “think first, act later” and is more “act first, think later”.
Gender: Female
Appearance: A gray and white she-cat with black patches.
Personality: She is happy and loves everybody. She enjoys hunting and hates fighting, but she isn’t very good at medicine cat duties.
Gender: Female
Appearance: A white she-cat with a big fluffy neck.
Personality: She is a hoarder and has a little pet raven. She is happy-go-lucky but fierce when it comes to fighting.
Other Info: She is apart of the first litter of Cloudfang and Glacierstorm with Iciclewind.
Darksplash and Hailfang’s kits: Lilackit (Female), Lavendarkit (Female), Nightkit (Male)
Cloudfang and Glacierstorm’s Second Litter: Bluekit (Male), Mousekit (Female)
Ashleg and Stormcloud’s kits: Stormkit (dead) and Cinderkit
Anyways, here is my book review. I loved this book! There is a small problem with the book, but nothing too significant. Like, for example, Bluefur tried to stop Snowfur from becoming mates with Thistleclaw, and then went and had kits with Oakheart! (That was a joke-maybe) Anyways, that’s all!
Warriors-Feathermist of RiverClan
WoF-Venom the RainWing
I read it I like it 👍
By The kirby master
I like blue star’s back story
Any way am going to talk about my oc warrior cat
a she-cat 🚺
Coat: White with black spots
Eyes: ocean blue eyes
Percents: violet yarrow and raven fang
Siblings: wing feather and oak paw (later moon)
Back story: saved her siblings from a Eagle
And killing it in front of the clan her originally named spot kit until she caught a scar and renamed eagle kit.
Personally: creative, compassionate, courageous,and kind and cheerful
That’s all… for now🤫
SandClans Whisper Chapter one. (DuneKits pov)
By RoseQuartez_Song writer
DunKit peered over the small sandy hill that had appeared in camp over night. “Look!” Squealed his sister, WoodenKit, “I’m CamelStar! Leader of SandClan!” She jumped around on the hill. “No your not, quit acting like kits and get down from there. You’ll be apprentices in 1 moon,act like it.” Came a stern snarl. The two kits looked over to see ViperHiss glaring at them. “Sorry ViperHiss,” They muttered stalking over to OasisHeart. “Can we go see if QuickSpider will tell us the story of the Oasis again?” ThrushKit was mewling. “Yeah! Please it’s so good!” His brother BirdKit added. “Fine,fine,” They rushed off and DuneKit envied them. They had such a good mother. Unlike ViperHiss.
“DuneKit, WoodenKit,” Their father called from where he was stretched out with DappledSky. The two kits raced over. 𝓐𝓽 𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓽 𝓓𝓾𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓭𝓒𝓻𝔂 𝓬𝓪𝓻𝓮𝓼. DuneKit thought. “Yes?” He mewed looking up at his father. “Come here,” DustedCry pulled DuneKit to him and started grooming him. “CamelStar agreed with me to make you apprentices early,” He mewed through licks. “Really?! Oh great Cave Of Stars! We are going to be apprentices today DuneKit!” WoodenKit gasped from where DappledSky was grooming her. “That’s awesome DustedCry. Thank you,” DuneKit said distracted from where he was watching ViperHiss. “I just hope ViperHiss is proud,”
By soph of bred
DawnFoots pelt heaved as ChestnutKit approached her. “Hello, mommy!” She mewed. “Hello, my kit,” she whispered softly. “I give you a life of perseverance, no matter how hot, cold, difficult, or dangerous your goal is, you must do whatever you can to achieve it. Some goals you have not reached in the pass, and so I give you the power to reach them now,” The gray shekit spoke aloud. DawnFoot lowered her head like she did with ShrubKit. ChestnutKit faded away and DawnFoot’s pelt froze up with pain and weakness. Then she became numb and felt dizzy. She felt as if she was about to pass out, but the pain ebbed away. She stared forward and saw BlackStar, and tears started flowing from her eyes. She had a chance to talk to her long lost mate.
Next is in SkyClans thingy
Chapter One of Sunsetsplash's Destiny!
By 👾👾👾1532
Frostheart: ugh right? She's too fluffy 🙄
Sunsetkit crouched down in the moss in her nest, hoping that the soft green bedding would hide her white and cinnamon streaked pelt. Her mother, the only queen in the nursery, sat a little bit away, grooming her beautiful pale grey fur. ・Where is she?・Sunsetkit scanned the nursery for her sister, tasting the air for her scent. Nothing. Frowning, Sunsetkit flicked her tail. Suddenly, the scent of her sister bathed her tongue and she pricked her ears. Too late. With a yowl of shock, Sunsetkit fell backwards as her sister, Splashkit, flung herself on top of her. The two sisters tumbled out of the nest in a play fight. Sunsetkit batted at her russet muzzle, but Splashkit shook her off and cuffed her over the ear. Sunsetkit felt herself being twisted around, her legs tangled up with each other. Splashkit had her pinned down. " Hah!" She mewed, her blue eyes glittering. " I told you I'd beat you!" Sunsetkit rolled her eyes. Her sister had been boasting all night yesterday about how she could easily pin her down. " Yeah, well, I let you beat me!" Sunsetkit squirmed under her sister, trying to get free. Her feeble attempt didn't work, so she sighed and gave up. Splashkit got off and Sunsetkit got up to her paws. Her sister was looking at her excitedly. " Who do you think we'll get as our mentors?" She asked, bouncing around the nursery. Excitement pulsed through Sunsetkit from her nose to her tail tip.
They would be apprenticed today! " I hope I get Thistlepelt." Splashkit went on, her blue eyes shining. " He's such a great fighter! If he trains me I'll be the strongest warrior in the whole forest!" Willowlight picked up Splashkit by the scruff and dropped her at her paws. " We must get you two looking your very best for your apprenticeship." She purred, starting to lick Splashkit's ears. " Mother!" She moaned, squirming as her mother covered her face with licks. " I can wash my own pelt!"
" Obviously not!" Willowlight meowed sternly. " I've seen foxes cleaner than you two!"
Sunsetkit stifled a purr of laughter as Splashkit got washed. ・It's almost time! Soon, me and Splashkit will be apprentices! ・" There you go, all clean." Willowlight meowed, nudging her daughter away. " Now, sit still and don't get dirty again!" Splashkit scowled as she sat down, her shoulder fur bristling with annoyance. Sunsetkit padded over to her mother's paws and let her clean her fur, feeling comforted at her rasping tongue even though her heart was thumping against her chest. " I will be the greatest warrior ever, mother!" Sunsetkit chirped, kneading the moss underneath her paws as Willowlight nibbled out a tangle in her scruff. " Don't you worry!" Splashkit rolled her eyes. " You'll be an apprentice first, remember?" She mewed, her red and white pelt bushing up again. " Flatten your fur, Splashkit!" Willowlight scolded, shooting her an annoyed glance. " You're going to mess up your pelt and I'll have to do it all again." Sunsetkit sniggered as her sister sulkily forced her fur to lie flat. " When's father going to be here?" Sunsetkit asked. She hadn't seen him since the night before, and hoped that he would see her apprentice ceremony.
" He will be here soon, my love." Willowlight purred. " Just wait and see! Now, you're all done." She nudged her with a soft paw towards Splashkit. " Go sit next to your sister and mind your fur!" Sunsetkit smiled at her mother, taking in her pretty narrow face, and padded to her sister. She plopped down next to her with a dull thump and purred loudly. She couldn't wait to be apprenticed, and to show her clan what she could do. ・Just you wait, soon I will be the best warrior in all of Thunderclan! ・
The next chapter will be in Skyclan's Destiny, but if it's been less than a week since this review was first posted, it might not be up yet.
Also, Oakstream, I agree. I hate the new cover even though it's much more detailed than the original one. I've always imagined her as a sleek cat, like a Russian blue. Not fluffy like this!
- Sunsetsplash
By DogSar4
Worth reading
A book about sandstorm would be the best
By moonpelt
Wish there was a book about Sandstorm and her becoming Firestar’s mate.
Oakclan need you!!
By Rachel S344
Hi!! Shadowheart here and oakclan needs you! We’ve been rebuilding our clan since the four clans disappeared oakstar needs help getting warriors. (Ps. This will be a fanfic eventually on wattpad)
Roster time!!!
Leader: Oakstar/dark brown tabby Tom with green eyes/mates with Shadowheart
Deputy: fawnbrook/ small dark grey she-cat with hazel eyes
Medicine cat: sootscar/ashy grey she-cat with amber eyes
Medicine cat apprentice: rustpaw/ginger Tom with blue eyes
Warriors 4/10
Sparrowwing/blue-ish grey Tom with dark brown eyes
Ravenheart/small black Tom with white paws and green eyes
Cloudsoar/white she-cat with amber eyes
Dawnstrike/mousy brown she-cat with golden eyes
Minteye/ brown tabby she-cat with mint green eyes/ kin- stoneheart bramblekit willowkit and frecklekit
Stoneheart/ light grey Tom with dark grey splotches/ minteye bramblekit willowkit and frecklekit
Leo/all golden tom with amber, green and midnight blue eyes with stars in paws steps/mate:phoenixflower
Ripplepaw/small brown tabby Tom with green eyes
Queens 2/10
Speckleheart/beautiful tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes
Shadowheart/black she-cat with blue eyes formerly of emberclan/mates with oakstar (mother of minteye, stoneheart, bramblekit, willowkit, and frecklekit)
Phoenixflower/black faced shecat with a dark red, flaming red, and orange, ombré pelt with black paws and a long flaming red tail with amber, red, sky blue ombré eyes/mate:Leo/ kits:flarekit, duskkit, fawnkit, foxkit
Elders 0/10
Oakstar is awaiting on your arrival to the clan!
(P.s. reply on this book)
~•Shadowheart•~of oakclan