Home / Warriors: Power of Three #6: Sunrise

Warriors: Power of Three #6: Sunrise By Erin Hunter

Warriors: Power of Three #6: Sunrise

By Erin Hunter

  • Release Date: 2009-04-21
  • Genre: Fantasy for Kids
  • $10.99
Score: 4.5
From 432 Ratings


Erin Hunter's #1 nationally bestselling Warriors series continues with the sixth book  in the Power of Three series!

The final book in this third series, Warriors: Power of Three #6: Sunrise, brings more adventure, intrigue, and thrilling battles to the epic world of the warrior Clans.

The secret of Hollyleaf's, Jayfeather's, and Lionblaze's true identities has been revealed, but one shocking question remains unanswered. Now Clanmate will turn upon Clanmate, and one more warrior may be lost forever….


  • Who else here has been broken by the school system?

    By Olivia the Olive 😏🥮🫒
    No our lunch break is like 15 minutes long and now when I’m not at school I eat so fast like I’ll be done with my food before anyone is even halfway 🗿🤠 And my last two brain cells command me to produce disturbing drawings on my assignments which has sent me to the counselor’s where they asked “is everything alright at home?” 👀 Anyone else dead inside rn 🤠 Sunset: You’re so lucky 😭😭😭 😋👉👈 -Your average dead inside child, Siren’wing 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨
  • Chapter 23 of Sunsetsplash's Destiny! Part 2!

    By 👾👾👾1532
    Siren: lol I’m homeschooled and have it incredibly easy, but school is school so yeah. I kind of think I share my two brain cells with someone else lol and I also draw on my schoolwork, but it’s just cats. The disturbing art is for my notebook, and looking back on some of them I’m like wow, am I mentally stable? " Sunsetsplash, give us a badger ride!" Emberkit squealed. The fawn tom-kit bounced around Sunsetsplash's paws, while his sister, Willowkit, tugged and her leg with her tiny grey-brown paws. " Yeah! Give us a ride!" Sunsetsplash purred and nudged the little kits away. " You can't just ride a badger, little ones." She told them. Emberkit and Willowkit looked confused. " Why not?" They asked in unison. Sunsetsplash crouched down with her forepaws outstretched and her rump in the air. She kneaded her paws in the dirt. " You have to tame them first." Sunsetsplash reared up slowly, trying to mimic a clumsy, lumbering badger, and brought her paws down to where the kits were sitting. They squeaked as her paws hit the ground and they scampered under her belly. " Take that, badger!" Willowkit mewed fiercely, her tiny paws battering Sunsetsplash's belly, while another set of paws scrabbling at her hind legs told her that Emberkit was now attacking her as well. Sunsetsplash let out a low, menacing growl and reared up again, knocking Emberkit onto his back. " Ah! Willowkit! Save yourself!" The little fawn kit wailed dramatically, lying motionless in the dirt ( his paws still twitched though ). " No! Emberkit!" Willowkit squealed, not sounding sad at all. " My brother! I shall avenge you! Deerkit, Featherkit, we attack!" Sunsetsplash soon found herself the victim of three revenge-driven kits, eyes gleaming and paws failing as they brought down their enemy. " Noooo!" Sunsetsplash gasped, swaying on her paws. " You've. . . defeated me. . ." She fell to the ground and closed her eyes, pretending to be dead. " Yay! We defeated the badger!" Featherkit cheered, bouncing on her paws as Deerkit climbed all over Sunsetsplash's flank. " We killed the beast!" He squealed, while the other two kits climbed up and joined their brother. Sunsetsplash winced slightly at their thorn-sharp claws, but she still felt the happiest she'd been since her kits moved out of the nursery. Smokecloud would want her to be happy, and right now, she was proud that she was still alive, to be here with her kits, and Doefeather's kits, and Specklebranch, and her sister, and to be a great ThunderClan warrior. That was a short, sort of meaningless chapter. Lol I have a question. I'm debating moving my chapters to audiobooks, because they are so long. I'm not sure, and I want you guy's opinions. Let me know what you think about it! ~Sunsetsplash~
  • ✨ 🌸 ☀️ DayClan ☀️ 🌸 ✨

    By Lord Hunkyhair for the win
    See The Sight for more info Form Name: Role: Gender: Appearance: Personality: Wounds or aches: Backstory: Other: Kits Sunrises Hailey. A black she cat with white speckles on her muzzle and a grey bundle along her body, two colored eyes (one green one amber) Scar on back. 3 moons. One part of nose is darker. Fledgling Day Aster. Is a light grey tabby cat with a cream colored chest and small mark on top of her nose. Purple eyes. Is a she cat Oakstream. Citrus. Is a white Tom with ink splatter like marking along his back and his chest is fully black his tail and freckles are orange. Amber eyes. Oakstream Cloud Dappled Sky. Female. Pretty pale grey she cat with wispy darker grey streaks and white dapples. one blue eye and one yellow eye and white paws. Sunset Star Deputy Trench. Is a black Tom with brown rosettes all along his back and lighter brown spots also on his back. His chest is white as well as a splotch along his eye. Has blue eyes Oakstream Queen Medicine Cat Frostwillow. She is a pretty white she cat with striped patches of light brown all over her. She has got one light brown ear and shining yellow eyes. Oakstream SilverSnow. Light grey she cat with black stripes and amber eyes Limits Kits 0/6 Sunrises 1/10 Fledglings 0/18 Days 1/10 Sunsets 0/9 Star 0/1 Deputy 1/1 Queens 0/5 Medicine cats 2/3
  • OC Submission for DayClan

    By AshtheWolr
    Silversnow - light gray she cat with black stripes and amber eyes Role: Medicine cat Moonwing
  • My OC.

    By soph of bred
    GrayWillow: oak brown fur with tabby marks and a tipped tail. Color: Oak brown, Gray, pink. Willowpaw, GrayWillow. Mate(s): HalfFace, MistyLeaf Clans: Kittypet, CloudClan, StarClan. Kits: SpottedOak, BlackSong, Violetpaw, DeepFlower, HollyFlower
  • Seriously

    By mistyfox🦊😻
    •A moon after Leafpool returns from her field trip with Crowfeather…• (Leafpool-) Squirrelflight, I’m pregnant (Squirrelflight-) That’s fine, every cat already knows about you and Crowfeather- (Leafpool-) YOU need to be their mother •silence• (Squirrelflight-) How are you supposed to hide your belly? (Leafpool-) I’ll just pretend that I’m fat (Squirrelflight-) What do I tell Brambleclaw? (Leafpool-) •yawn• nothing (Squirrelflight-) This is a lot to ask… (Leafpool-) Just do it or we won’t be friends anymore (Squirrelflight-) O-okay •When the three find out…• (Hollyleaf-) YOU LIAR IM GOING TO KILL YOU! ITS AGAINST THE WARRIOR CODE! (Lionblaze-) I hate you (Jayfeather-) I can’t see anything •Hollyleaf kills Ashfur• (Hollyleaf-) IT HAD TO BE DONE! Now, Leafpool… DIE •Gives her deathberries and runs into rocks, dying• (Jayfeather)- She was going crazy anyway (Lionblaze-) And she didn’t have powers (Dovepaw-) I CAN SEE BEVERS
  • !ShadowClan oc!

    By warriorsIScool
    Holly: Not me, lol. I’ve had funny times with my age… once I was at a zoo and I was interacting with these younger kids, helping them play and stuff, and I asked one of them how old he thought I was (I don’t remember my exact age I was somewhere from 9 to 11) and he said I was 14 😂 I’m pretty tall for my age and I have met 14 year olds that I’m taller than but it was pretty funny. I was mentally cackling and I still do so every time I think of that lol 😂 Leopard: thanks SO much for the ocs! Her fanfic is in SkyClan and the Stranger! I changed Shadepaw to Sootpaw if that’s okay with you. If not I can easily change it back. ***Updated! Names: Frondkit, Frondpaw, Frondwing Current name: Frondwing Description: Gray she-cat with white drip-like streaks all over and amber eyes. Mother: Mintspots, brown she-cat with chocolate spots and amber eyes. Formerly Mint, a rogue. Father: Stormclaw, dark gray tom with white drip-like markings on his face, chest, and tail. Green eyes. Littermates: Chesnutspring, dark brown tom with white paws and green eyes. Siblings: Hollykit, (warrior name Hollyspirit) brown she-kit with green eyes. Honeykit, (warrior name Honeyblaze) light brown she-kit with a white tail-tip, paws, chest, and ears. Amber eyes. Blossomkit, (warrior name Blossomspring) dark gray she-kit with a chocolate streak running from her tail-tip to her nose and amber eyes. Cousins: Mossfur, Softpetal, Stonepelt Clan: ShadowClan Mate: Flickclaw Kits: none yet, is expecting Rank: Warrior Likes: Chestnutspring, Mintspots, Stormclaw, hiding, frog and bird, ShadowClan Dislikes: getting caught while hiding, WindClan, vole (there’s a reason it’s called vole! Vole is like vile!!) Personality: feisty, loud, ambitious, reckless, bonds to cats easily Age: 16 moons Apprentice: none This is the most thorough oc I’ve ever done! If you want me to make custom ocs for you just submit in the sight audiobook. Don’t submit in the other ones since I can’t see the reviews there for some reason??? Idk if there even is reviews idk I don’t have space o-o |vy
  • Streambranch’s burden.

    By warriorcatskindness
    Name:Streambranch. Looks:silver she with unusual gray eyes. Description:a sassy sweet stubborn she. Parents:Needlewish:a yellow Tom with unusual gray eyes a horrible villain.(dad). Brook. A sweet she with a silver pelt and amber eyes.(mom used to be kittypet but joined riverclan.) Siblings:dandelionflower:a yellow she with amber eyes.Silvertail:a silver she with amber eyes. Mate:Ben:a kind tom with brown fur and green eyes. Kits:Scratchwing:a brown Tom with green eyes. Greengem:a silver she with green eyes. Quietpaw:a kind silver she with green eyes. Graypaw:a silver tom with unusual gray eyes. Flickerpaw: a brown Tom with unusual gray eyes. Prologue: “And if you don’t listen the dark forest will haunt you!” The kits screeched as the elder told them this. “I’m not scared!” One of the warriors with unusual gray eyes boasted. “Oh no way you could be Needlewish!” One of the kits exclaimed. Needlewish chuckled at this. “I wish that you would be in camp more so that you would teach us a lot of things!” A she kit exclaimed scrambled to her feet. Needlewish looked like he had a sudden realization in his eyes and dashed out of camp. “Well that’s weird but let’s fight now!” The she kit mewed. As the kits rolled away the elder was still confused. •Is he seeing some cat?•he thought. •no he can’t be•and he shook the though away. Chapter one: Silverbranch flinched as an elder was telling the horrible story of her father-Needlewish. Why was everyone one so scared of him! But yet when she came around they always never talked about him. She hissed and stormed away from the conversation. Why was she such a burden?! •oh yeah.• she thought. •I mates a kittypet,my moms a former kittypet, and my father is a literal murderer.• “Hey you okay?” Ben caught up with me. “Why am I such a burden?” She buried her muzzle into his fur. “If cats can’t see your special then that’s their loss.” He narrowed his eyes at the elder telling the story to scare the kits. The elder noticed them and quickly said, “kits how about I tell you about some badgers I killed with the clan at my side?” And the kits quickly agreed , but one kit came up to them and asked the most dreaded question ever. “Is it true that your father was a murderer?” She asked. “Yes it is.” Streambranch responded automatically. “Ahhh! Your gonna grow up to be just like your father! Your gonna kill cats and kits!” She screeched and ran back to her mom to be protected, which was one of Streambranchs sisters,silvertail. She growled not at all happy to hear a dreadful screech. Hawk. Everyone streamed into their dens. She didn’t have any time to and the hawk picked her up then when they were high she dropped out of the hawks grasp hitting the ground and as she was welcomed by starclan she remembered that she was no longer going to have a burden on her shoulders. Bye hope you liked the book bye!
  • Ivy 👀 ⬇️

    By Rosy Spotted Kitten
    Yeah that’s fine, you can change ShadePaw’s name to something else, like AshPaw. ——————————————————— You gave Storm’Claw a mate! And kits!!! Yay!!!! Now he has kin!!!!!! Also Oc for Shadow Clan, who will maybe be FrondKits future mate??? Name: Flick Paw (warrior name: Flick Claw) Description: black and orange tom with red paws Kin: (his cousin) LeapPaw-pale brown tabby she-cat with dark green eyes, (his other cousin) ShadePaw-black tabby tom with pale blue eyes, and pale brown paws, (and his aunt) LeafStorm-pale brown she-cat with gray stripes and pale blue eyes, ( and last but not least, his uncle) DarkGaze-black tabby tom with dark dark green eyes. Mate: none Crush: FrondKit Kits: none yet Clan: SHADOW CLAN!!!!!!! See ya! -LeopardSplash of AU Thunder Clan
  • Hi!

    By tatertotsy 13
    RunningStar—- Don’t worry about it! It’s not like I’m gonna go ballistic on you! Or anyone! I’m not that kind of person/cat/warrior. While I don’t like “tatertotsy 13” I won’t get mad if people call me that! Just so you (and everyone on here) know! Itz me! MagnoliaHeart, Warrior of the DewClan! So um, yeahhh,*awkward silence* please don’t call me tatertotsy13! I regret making that my nickname! I wish I woulda made it MagnoliaHeart! (of course that was before I had even HEARD of warriors) Also…. POOOOR HoneyFern!😢