Home / Warriors Super Edition: Crookedstar's Promise

Warriors Super Edition: Crookedstar's Promise By Erin Hunter

Warriors Super Edition: Crookedstar's Promise

By Erin Hunter

  • Release Date: 2011-07-05
  • Genre: Fantasy for Kids
  • $10.99
Score: 5
From 579 Ratings


Warriors Super Edition: Crookedstar’s Promise is an epic stand-alone adventure in Erin Hunter’s #1 nationally bestselling Warriors series! In this Super Edition, get a glimpse into the past of RiverClan leader Crookedstar, in the time before Warriors #1: Into the Wild.

Crookedkit dreams of becoming RiverClan’s next great leader. Then a mysterious cat appears in his dreams, whispering promises of glory—if only Crookedkit will pledge his undying loyalty to his Clan. No cat could have imagined the terror and destruction that would lie in one seemingly harmless promise . . . .

Join the legion of fans who have discovered the epic adventures, fierce warrior cats, and thrilling fantasy world of the mega-bestselling Warriors series. This stand-alone entry is perfect for new readers and dedicated fans alike.

Crookedstar’s Promise also includes an exclusive ten-page Warriors manga adventure!


  • Interesting….

    By MeowFlameKitty
    I see a connection between the mothers of Bluestar, Yellowfang, and Crookedstar. Bluestar’s mother is named Moonflower, Yellowfang’s mother is named Brightflower, and Crookedstar’s mother is named Rainflower. Very strange in my opinion. Welp, byeee -MeowFlameKitty
  • Idk

    By Robinwing :D
  • Great book but……

    By Nightfeather the awesome
    Can anyone tell me why in this book Crookedstar’s mother is named Rainflower, but in all other books she is called Lilystem? Thanks- Ravensight 😊
  • Chapter 1 (part of)

    By warrior lover #10
    Stormkit edged farther along the slippery branch. Volekit’s dare rang in his ears. Bet you fall off before you get to the end! He unsheathed his claws and dug them into the frozen bark. From here’s
  • Chapter 1 of Sunrisestar’s Adventure

    By dragonleader1234
    Sunrisekit excitedly ran around SunClans camp. Her mother, Sunbush, was watching them fondly. She had two sisters, Frostkit and Snowkit. They were play-fighting currently. “Hey, you two, stop acting like kits! We’ll be apprentices any day now.” Sunbush was over to her kits in a flash. “Sunrisekit! Let your sisters play a game!” Sunbush scolded. “You’ll have to have a talk with your father!” Sunrisekit shuddered. “No, thank you!” She cried. “I’d rather not.” Sunbush rose her head upwards. “Fallfang!” Cried Sunbush, flattening her ears. But, then, Grassstar interrupted the punishment. “Today, two kits will become apprentices!” Mossfur, the deputy, ran over to sit under the rock besides the medicine cat, Ivyvine. Sunleap, Fallfang, Suncall, and Sunsquirrel sat under the rock, but giving the deputy and medicine cat some room. After everybody gathered, Grassstar started the ceremony. “Some kits have reached six moons! From now on, until these kits earn their warrior names, they shall be known as Sunrisepaw, Frostpaw, and Snowpaw! Sunrisepaw’s mentor is Splashstream, Frostpaw’s is Leoparddusk, and Snowpaw’s is Blackear! Meeting dismissed!” Sorry if chapter was too long. Next chapter in Yellowfangs Secret. -Feathermist
  • SandClans whisper. (DunePaws pov)

    By RoseQuartez_Song writer
    “I say this words before the Cave Of Stars so they may hear it and approve. From now on DuneKit will be known as DunePaw and WoodenKit WoodenPaw. CirclingHawk will mentor WoodenKit and DryTear will mentor DunePaw,” CamelStar mewed touching his muzzle to each of the two cats before their mentors padded up and touched their new apprentice. “Go in and spend the night with SpiritClan, let them teach you for one night and one night only before you spend 5 moons with your mentor. Both of you.” Together the two padded into the cave with CirclingHawk and DryTear. “Hello,” A sweet voice mewed. Swiveling his head he saw two cats. A brown she cat with a white muzzle and a Blue she cat who was staring at them with an icy and hostile glare. “We’ve been expecting you. My name is Kindle and this is my friend Lake. Come over here and press your body against the wall. SpiritClan will meet you.” Kindle mewed nodding to the wall beside her. DunePaw stumbled over. All of this was happening in a rush. He didn’t want to do this. DunePaw wanted to be home with his father and his new mate. Not some stupid guardian and SpiritClan! WoodenPaw nodded and settled down closing her eyes. DunePaw did the same. Her short hair brushing against the wall. “Hello DunePaw!” A voice cried. Opening his eyes he saw he was in a Rain forest. “Who are you?” He asked, narrowing his eyes at the dark brown and sandy colored she. “My name is AspinFlight. And this is my mate GreenStar,” She mewed. “Follow us. We have been chosen to train you tonight,” Quickly scrambling to his paws he darted after them. “Down this tunnel we can quickly climb to the desert,” GreenStar said pointing the tip of his tail at a dark tunnel. “Ok,” DunePaw nodded. 𝓘'𝓶 𝓷𝓸𝓽 𝓰𝓸𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓭𝓸𝔀𝓷. 𝓝𝓸 𝔀𝓪𝔂 𝓲𝓷 𝓢𝓹𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓒𝓵𝓪𝓷! He thought fearfully. “Yes you are, follow behind me but in front of AspinFlight,” GreenStar hissed slithering down the tunnel. “I-Ok…” DunePaw gulped following. It was only a few seconds under ground before they burst up. “Wow,” AspinFlight gasped. “I haven’t been here in forever, I’ve usually stayed in the rain forest,” She turned to him. “Watch what me and GreenStar do, the copy it,” Nodding DunePaw sat down. GreenStar crouched before springing at his mate. Twisting in the air he landed on top of her as she moved to the side. “Gotcha,” He purred moving away to let her up. “My turn!” DunePaw mewed jumping up and rushing over. “Ok try,” AspinFlight mewed. He crouched then lept twisting in the air his forepaws sprang out and he landed neatly. “Perfect,” Purred a voice. Turning he saw a dark red she with a white tail. “Who are you?” DunePaw asked. “Hold on let me get rid these cats. They aren’t supposed to be here,” Flicking her paws the two cats turned to dust and flew away. “My name is WhiteTail, but if you want to see me again tell me and I’ll appear in your dreams,” WhiteTail hissed before dissolving. “Ok…” DunePaw mewed before waking up. Something was wrong.
  • Chapter Three of Sunsetsplash's Destiny! + review

    By 👾👾👾1532
    Siren: tysm!! I love her so much! Sunsetpaw looked up at her mentor expectantly. “ What are we doing first?” She meowed. Doefeather’s blue eyes glittered. “ I’m going to take you on a tour of our territory.” She flicked her long tawny tail side to side, her eyes scanning the camp. Sunsetpaw followed her mentor’s gaze. ThunderClan cats were milling around the clearing. Some were sharing tongues in the pale glow of morning. Sharpstar was sitting outside his den, his legs stretched out luxuriously as he sunbathed. Doefeather was staring at Thistlepelt warmly. Sunsetpaw nudged her shoulder gently. “ Come on, let’s go!” She mewed. Doefeather shook her head slightly, as if shooing away an irksome fly. She met Sunsetpaw’s and purred. “ You’re right! The territory’s not going to tour itself.” She padded away, and Sunsetpaw bounded after her eagerly. She couldn’t wait to explore Thunderclan territory! The two cats had just reached the gorse tunnel when Doefeather paused. “ Sunsetpaw,” she mewed slowly, not turning around. “ Don’t you want your sister to come too?” Sunsetpaw flicked her ear. “ Yes! Of course I want her here!” she told her mentor. She was confused at her quiet tone, and why she seemed to want Splashpaw to come with them. Sunsetpaw glanced over her shoulder, trying to pick out her sister’s pelt. She spotted Splashpaw’s white and russet-splashed fur and saw that she was talking to her mentor, Thistlepelt. “ Well,” Doefeather purred gently, bending over and speaking into her ear. “ Why don’t you go and ask her to join us.” “ Why not you?” Sunsetpaw asked. Doefeather hesitated and shuffled her paws. “ She’s your sister, Sunsetpaw. I thought you would want to ask her.” Sunsetpaw frowned. She knew Doefeather wasn’t telling the complete truth, but she pushed the thought away. “ Okay!” She agreed, turning around and bounding over to her sister. “ …I’m going take you on a tour of the territory, Splashpaw.” Thistlepelt was telling his apprentice, looking overwhelmed by Splashpaw, who was dancing on her toes and wreathing around the grey-brown tabby. “ Splashpaw!” Sunsetpaw called, reaching the two cats. Splashpaw whipped her head around, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “ Sunsetpaw! What are you doing here? I thought you left.” Sunsetpaw shook her head. “ Nope. Doefeather had an idea. Do you want to join us on a tour of the territory?” Splashpaw let out a deep purr. “ Yes!” She meowed. Sunsetpaw glanced at her sister's mentor. Thistlepelt looked confused, and his whiskers quivered slightly. " That is alright, isn't it?" Sunsetpaw asked him. " Of course!" Thistlepelt shook out his fur and stood beside his apprentice. He gave Splashpaw a long look. " As long as you be quiet, that is." He purred. Splashpaw gazed at him indignantly and lashed her tail. " I can be quiet!" She whined, her fur puffing up in annoyance. " Just watch me!" Splashpaw bounded across the camp, her white tail streaming behind her. " Wait for me, Splashpaw!" Sunsetpaw cried, chasing after her sister. The wind ruffled her pelt, making her feel like she could fly if she ran fast enough. " Hold up, you two!" Doefeather meowed warmly as the two cats reached her. She smoothed down Splashpaw's untidy fur and licked Sunsetpaw's cheek. " You don't want to waste all of your energy now, do you? You'll need it for the tour of the territory!" Sunsetpaw shook her head eagerly. " Nope!" Splashpaw chirped. Doefeather blinked at them warmly. " Very well then, come along now." She straightened up and lifted her paw to turn around when she paused. Following her mentor's gaze, Sunsetpaw saw that the tawny she-cat was looking at Thistlepelt. " Yuck!" Splashpaw exclaimed, jumping up to her paws. " Come on, let's go! I wanna explore!" The white and russet apprentice leaped into the bracken, and Thistlepelt let out an angry yowl, diving into the leaves after Splashpaw. " Be quiet and do as I say, Splashpaw! Your disobedience will get you nowhere." Sunsetpaw and Doefeather exchanged amused glances before following them into the bushes. - Sunsetsplash
  • New adoptables

    By Olivia the Olive 😏🥮🫒
    I’m actually gonna organize these for once :] 🟢 - Open 🔴 - Taken ⚫️ - 2+ people want this cat I’m organizing by gender and age/rank ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~• Kits 🚺 Wren - Loner 🔴 (taken by Tigress) Age: 5 moons Desc: A light brown tabby she-kit with a cream underbelly and tail tip, yellow eyes Personality: Kind, caring, and trusting, will give everybody a chance Bunny’kit - Clan kit 🔴 (taken by Dew’foot) Age: 3 moons Desc: An extremely fluffy white she-kit with a few barely visible light gray spots, and a very short fluffy tail; her fur is very soft 🥹🥹🥹 Personality: A sweet, selfless she who will always be there for her friends and loves making others happy Sadie - Kittypet 🟢 Age: 4 moons Desc: An extremely tiny white she-kit with white patches, green eyes Personality: A bold, playful she-kit who tends to be reckless and is good at bringing "gifts” home (ex. mice, birds, etc.) Kits 🚹 Danny - Loner 🔴 (taken by Tigress) Age: 5 moons Desc: A muscular cream tabby tom with blue eyes and a white chest patch Personality: An eager to learn, lovable tom who is good at fighting despite his age Sun’kit - clan kit 🔴 (taken by Dew’foot) Age: 2 moons Desc: A yellow tom with white tabby stripes and white paws, green eyes Personality: An optimistic yet slightly self centered tom who is very good at annoying older cats Apprentices 🚺 Mio - kittypet 🔴 (taken by Sunset’splash) Age: 9 moons Desc: A pitch black solid she-cat with dark blue eyes and a two colored nose Personality: A clever she-cat who sometimes feels restless and impatient, thinks through every decision carefully Sakura’paw - clan cat🔴 (taken by Sunset’splash) Age: 6 moons Desc: A light cream she-cat with lighter paws and ears, pale blue eyes Personality: A quiet, easily embarrassed she who absolutely hates getting wet and is very picky Alison - kittypet 🟢 Age: 8 moons Desc: A black she-cat with dark brown eyes and a white muzzle, short fur Personality: Very serious, over worker, easily annoyed she-cat who is very quiet. Very very smart. Apprentices 🚹 Elk’paw - clan cat 🔴 (taken by Dew’foot) Age: 8 moons Desc: A dark brown tom with lighter legs, white tail, dark brown eyes Personality: A reckless tom who tends to do ridiculous and/or dangerous things just for attention Borage’paw - clan cat (med app.) 🔴 (taken by Dew’foot) Age: 8 moons Desc: A light gray tabby tom with a torn ears and light blue eyes Personality: An easily annoyed tom who gets jealous a lot and hates the cats he is jealous of, will do terrible things to them sometimes. Warriors 🚺 Crystal’shine -clan cat (med)🟢 Age: 28 moons Desc: A white she-cat with light gray splotches and beautiful blue eyes Personality: Kind, caring she-cat who loves caring for those weaker than her Taria -loner 🔴 (taken by Sunset’splash) Age: 11 moons Desc: A dark brown tabby she-cat with an extremely bushy tail, and brown eyes Personality: Likes joking around, can be dirty-minded and is a great therapist and overall a good friend Taria’s all yours Sunset. Fun fact she is based off of one of my friends.
  • The misery

    By warriorcatskindness
    Chapter three: After a while I kind of grew in the clan. I became an apprentice that honestly I’m not sure what apprentice I’m meant to be. Sometimes I am helping out Ravenheart, most of the time I’m a warrior apprentice. Now it’s the day of my warrior ceremony. “Im so excited!!” I exclaimed to Heartpaw. “Same…” She hesitated. “What’s wrong with you?” I asked narrowing my eyes. “Well I don’t want to be a warrior I want to be a kitty pet!” She whispered. I gasped. So loud everyone turned to me. I looked around and was about to spill everything when my mentor, Whiskleaf glared at me to sit and listen. After a while everyone was sharing younger again. “Alright it’s time for your warrior assessment!” Willowtoe said. She was Wishes mentor. Yeah Wish and Field were so disrespectful that they declined new names. “Yay!” I exclaimed and ran ahead. “Slow down!” Whiskleaf said. She’s nice just sometimes a bit to strict. I looked back and waited for them. “Alright you all are doing this separate. Remember we are always watching.” Whiskleaf said. I nodded and dashed off. I caught tons of prey. Once we got back to camp everyone else was already back. “Sorry we got caught up because she was chasing a rabbit halfway across the forest.” Whiskleaf smiled. “It’s alright.” Treestar said. He turned to Heartpaw first. •Oh no not her first!• Luckily his gaze passed her and went straight to me. He did the whole ceremony with Heartpaw last. After he asked if she had learned the warrior code her mentor said yes and then he turned to Heartpaw. “Heartpaw do you promise to-“ He was cut off by Heartpaw. “I don’t want to be a warrior!” She cried. “I want to be a kittypet!” She looked at her paws once she was finished and she saw everyone looking at her. I came up to Heartpaw. I laid my tail across her back. And rested my muzzle on hers. “It’s okay. Everyone has a different life and that’s okay.” I soothed. “It’s not that this is normal or that it’s very respectful after everything we’ve done for you. But you choose a different life path for you. Not for anyone else.” I finished and smiled sadly at her. She was leaving. And so far she was m in only friend. But she wants to live with two legs and that’s okay. “Really?” She looked up at me tears rolling off her face. I nodded. “Really.” I had calmed her down for the ‘Get out of river clan’ part so she wouldn’t feel as ashamed. She looked at the clan and I could feel her guilt deepening again. “I don’t understand why but, Featherwish was right. Now please get out of my camp.” He had a hint of anger in his voice. Heartpaw flinched and with her head hanging she left the camp and never looked back. Chapter four: Featherwhisker smiled down at her adopted kits. Heartpaw now Daisy, had given me her kits so she couldn’t get close to them and then lose them to other twoleg nests. They all believed that she was their real mother. Except that the clan was really weary with them because they all thought that they would ditch Riverclan for twolegs. I flashed my tail at Blazewing who was glaring at the kits. “What did I say.” I growled in his ear. He flinched. “Never be rude to the kits.” He whispered in a scared voice. Every cat knew that she was super over protective of her friends kits and told everyone that if they were mean to them I would scratch their ears off. I proved it by scratching some across their side because they were in a tree hanging Brookkit over and was about to drop her when I looked up and glared at him. He quickly jumped down and handed Brookkit to me. I scratched his side telling everyone to be kind or I will hurt you. Brookkit came up to her. “Mommy Dropkit is being mean! He said that we’re just idiotic half clan cats.” She cried. “Is it true?” She looked at me with question in her eyes. I bent down next to her. “You are perfect just the way you are don’t listen to them it doesn’t matter who is your mother or father. All that matters is that you are you.” I licked her ears and quickly shot my head up as Waterkit cried out. “Mommy! He scratched my face!!” Waterkit came running with blood dripping down his face. “Who?” I almost screeched. “Redpaw.” He was so quiet that no one except me could hear him. “I’ll take care of it go play with your siblings.” I murmured and licked the scratch clean. He looked happier now. “Okay!” He ran off to join his littermates. “Redpaw.” I glared down at the apprentice who was shivering. “I-it was an accident! I was b-battle training and he got in the way!” He managed to stammer. “Alright.” I growled. “I’ll believe it this one time.” I turned and walked away. Chapter five: It took everyone a while to get used to my kits being apprentices and me not being so overprotective of them. It was leaf bare when I caught green cough. But it quickly turned into red cough. W-what’s happening?” I squinted. It had been a moon since I caught red cough. “You did not survive red cough.” I recognized that voice. “Treestar!” I purred. He had died in green leaf to a battle. I smiled. But then I realized what he said. “No but I’m to young!” I cried. “Your adopted kits are apprentices and you should be happy that no body killed any of them. You’re new leader ordered everyone to kill them when they were kits and since they survived to apprentices they are okay now.” He smiled. “Oh alright.” I murmured. I was still crying. That was terrible but I’m glad it’s over now. Many moons later my kits and Daisy joined me in starclan. This book is done bye ✌️ ~Darkfall of Au Skyclan~
  • Cats I hate with a dying passion

    By Dove's Wing
    Rainflower Rainflower Rainflower Rainflower So yes I only hate Rainflower