I love this book!!
By Dove's Wing
Cats on the cover: black-and-white one is Darktail and white one is Needletail (maybe Sleekwhisker probably not though also what happened to Sleekwhisker did she just disappear forever or something?)
Ok so originally my review said I was happy Onestar died b/c he hated Firestar even after saving his Clan but heh side change!! WHY DID ONESTAR HAVE TO DIE?!?!HE WAS JUST FINE ALSO LITERALLY NO ONE REMEMBERS HARESTAR LIKE WHAT THE HECK?!
Yeah I hate Firestar now that I’ve seen him from other cats povs. Like Onestar’s Confession was very convincing. Anyway BAIIIIIII!!
(I hate preppies. Wait did I say that?)
Should I do what other people are doing?
By Lunarstartw
Well other people are making their own fanmade warrior books on reviews of these books and if I do make one it will barely be canon for like what cats are dead and territory and some land and stuff but I’m thinking of making a fanmade warrior book of my own tho should I?
Is there a AU Riverclan tho
By redpandazozo14
Pls tell meh
Also for some reason in the new prophecy series on the cover,look like my OC’s (shipped together) also maybe like a few more details and the you have adult versions of them in this series this book is Soul’beat and Gem’pedal (Gem is the white cat with green eyes on the cover,perfect. Soul is the sand-ish cat with spots,perfect.)
Great but it could…
By Nellebard:D
Be longer
But this is great, so I think I’ll keep reading.
I am Emberglow, deputy of Thunderclan.
Join alternate universe WindClan!
By warriorsIScool
Dapple: don’t respond, this is a review after all… if Pikachu thinks Needletail was worthless they’re allowed to have that opinion ig.
(Also, they saw that you got mad at quoop and are just trying to get a rise out of you. Don’t give them the satisfaction!)
ThunderClan and RiverClan are now closed, the message board is the first arc and the New Prophecy arc, ShadowClan the Power of Three, and WindClan A Vision Of Shadows. SkyClan is the Omen of the Stars and BloodClan is in Dawn of the Clans. The information to submit is in the Broken Code arc. Thanks Espresso Cat!
*exhales* sorry for all caps just had to make it clear 😂 😜
Leader: Swiftstar, white tom with blue eyes. Submitted by Rūnningstār of IceClan.
(Apprentice, Snowpaw)
Deputy: Runningleap, white she-cat with brown eyes and a scar on her forehead.
Medicine cat(s): Darksight, black tom with fluffy white tail and silver underbelly. Blind ice-blue eyes. Submitted by Espresso Cat.
Haretuft, brown tom. Submitted by Rūnningstār of IceClan.
(Apprentice, Heatherpaw)
Codtail, silver tabby tom with black stripes and a fluffy white tail.
(Apprentice, Ghostpaw)
Pebblepelt, pale gray tom with darker spots and amber eyes. Submitted by xXGalacticSkiesXx.
Swiftbrook, white tom with silver patches that have dark gray stripes inside of them and green eyes. Submitted by xXGalacticSkiesXx.
(Apprentice, Spectralpaw)
Ravenflow, black she-cat with gray sides and a white chest. Hazel eyes. Mother to three kits, Quietkit, Loudkit, and Shimmerkit. Submitted by MagnoliaHeart.
Quietkit, tiny gray she-kit with blue eyes
Loudkit, black tom-kit with brown eyes
Shimmerkit, gray-and-white she-kit with a sparkling pelt and hazel eyes
Graywood, brown tom with gray splashes and green eyes. Submitted by Espresso Cat.
Hawkstrike, gray tom with green eyes. Submitted by MagnoliaHeart.
Fawnsong, black she-cat with hazel eyes. Submitted by MagnoliaHeart.
Snowpaw, white she-cat with blue eyes and one black paw. Submitted by Rūnningstār of IceClan.
Heatherpaw, tortoiseshell she-cat. Medicine cat apprentice. Submitted by Rūnningstār of IceClan.
Spectralpaw, white tabby tom with one black paw, pale gray splashes, and gray eyes. Submitted by Espresso Cat.
Ghostpaw, black she-cat with white-and-gray splashes and pale gray eyes. Submitted by Espresso Cat.
3/12 warriors
1/1 leader CLOSED
1/3 queens
3/8 kits
1/1 deputy CLOSED
2/1 med. cats CLOSED
1/1 med. cat apprentice CLOSED
4/7 apprentices
3/5 elders
By pikachu cinderace
Needletail was useless. She needed to die.
Yeah, Quoop is also the one who…
By Drumzlvr
Said mean stuff abt cats irl! ):(
By -quoop
I like this one
P.s Pantherstar, what did you think of Needletail dying? I thought it was funny and it was good commentary on the sorry sight that is our modern society.
Change in heart.
By warriorcatskindness
Description: a kind and fierce she
Looks:violet eyes with a flame colored pelt.
Parents:Amberslash:a kind and fierce she with flame pelt and amber eyes.(mom) Whitewater:a fierce yet caring tom with a white pelt and violet eyes.
Siblings:Flamefox: kind yet fierce and caring tom with flame colored pelt and violet eyes.
Mate:Jake. Brown colored pelt with blue eyes.
Kits:Bluesky: Flame colored pelt with blue eyes. Spirtdawn: brown Tom with violet eyes. Leappaw: brown Tom with blue eyes. Flamepaw:flame colored she with violet eyes. Cloudpaw: brown with some flame spots pelt and one violet and one blue eyes.
She hissed at the sharp pain. “How much longer?!” Her mate called from outside. She let out a screech as a kit was put in front of her belly. She purred. “Lick her.” She licked the she as the medicine cat slipped out of the den and came back with her mate. “Two kits. A tom and a she.” The medicine cat meowed. “What shall we name them?” Her mate asked. “I was thinking of flamekit for the tom and violetkit for the she.” She murmured carefully making sure she didn’t wake the kits up. “Perfect names.” Her mate purred as he nuzzled his young kits. “I’ll be the best father I can be.” She heard her mate say as she curled around her kits in the moonlight.
Chapter one:
Violetkit batted at her brother. “Violetkit,flamekit!” Her mother called. “I have to clean up you pelts for your special day!” Her brother looked at her. “Do you have to clean our pelts?” He whined. “Yes now hurry up and come over here.” She clean her kits fur up then the others fur. “Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath this high rock for a clan meeting!” She heard the yowl and ran up to the high rock as her father came out of the warriors den. “I made it here before you did dad!” She boasted. “Of course you did! Your to fast for me!” He nuzzled violetkits muzzle as she was called up. “Violetkit until you earn your warrior name you will be called Violetpaw. Your mentor will be..” he hesitated. “Me.” He finally said. Her eyes lit up with excitement as she touched noses with him. “Flamekit until you earn you warrior name you will be called flamepaw. Your mentor will be Snakeshadow.” He announced. “Flamepaw, violetpaw, Flamepaw, violetpaw!” The clan cheered their names as the leader dismissed them, well her new mentor! “So what are we gonna do?! Fight battles? C’mon you can tell us Redstar!” She bounced. “We’ll just be exploring the territory today. But then tomorrow I’m taking you battle training.” He smiled as her eyes filled with excitement. As they were exploring the territory violetpaw looked at the river only to see the hunting patrol that just went out with her father leading it yet, he was drowning! She screeched running over to see the patrol looking happily evil as they stared at him. She dove into the dark water and grabbed her father by the scruff as she saw her mentor and her brother and his mentor watching. She pulled her dad to the shore and glared at the patrol who looked shocked. “We uh…” treethunder was stuttering he was lying. “SHUT UP FOXHEART YOUR SUCH A TRAITOR LIKE ALL OF THE PATROL! YOU JUST STAY THERE HAPPILY AS YOU WATCHED WHITEWATER DROWN!” She screeched. They all looked stunned as she cured and scratched Treethunder. “Your the foxheart here!” Treethunder defended himself. The leader screeched and ran over his tail flicking angerly as he glared at the patrol. She waited for him to lash out at them but instead he screeched at her. “YOUR SUCH AN IDIOT VIOLETPAW JUST SHUT UP AND GO BACK TO THE CAMP!” He yowled. She was stunned. “FINE THEN! TELL MY MOTHER O LOVE HER AND TELL MY FATHER AND FAMILY THAT! IM LEAVING TO BECOME A ROGUE!” She growled. “Wait then let me give your warrior name. Violetrose.” He murmured and all the cats looked shocked as she stocked away.
A couple days later…
She looked as her clan looked shocked and worried. Though some didn’t. Her father had died that patrol had been banish and the leader had sent out search patrols. But she still trained except only training at her brothers pace so by the time he would become a warrior she would to except she already had her warrior name.
Chapter two:
Violetrose gasped happily as she her mate,jake, and her kits, bluepaw, spirtpaw, leapkit, flamekit and CloudKit, were allowed back into the clan. “Thank you so much I could never repay you.” She dipped her head to the leader who had been the deputy when she had left as an apprentice. Her apprentice kits got mentors and soon they fit into the crowd but Violetrose was always overwhelmed as everyone welcomed her back. But she didn’t care and as soon as her kits were apprentices her other litter became warriors, Bluesky, Spirtdawn, Flamepaw, leappaw, and Cloudpaw. As she settled in the sunlight she heard a horrible noise. Hawk. “Everyone get in your dens now! Hawk!” She screeched but she noticed one of her brothers kits being circled by the hawk. “Birchkit run!” She screeched but he didn’t so she threw herself on top of him and as pain gripped her and she was welcomed in starclan she remembered her Change of heart.
Bye hope you liked the book!
Hazelstar of kindclan see description in into the wild bye! ✌🏿✌🏾✌🏽✌🏼✌🏻✌️✌🏿✌🏾✌🏽✌🏼✌🏻✌️✌🏿✌🏾✌🏽✌🏼✌🏻✌️✌🏿✌🏾✌🏽✌🏼✌🏻✌️✌🏿✌🏾✌🏽✌🏼✌🏻✌️✌🏿✌🏾✌🏽✌🏼✌🏻✌️✌🏿✌🏾✌🏽✌🏼✌🏻✌️
Birch’s Call chapter three!!
By Rosy Spotted Kitten
———Chapter Three———
Birch narrowed his eyes. His target: a very fat crow. •Creep forward…. Pounce!!• He leapt and landed squarely on it. He yelped, the crow pecked sharply at him.
Furiously he nipped it quite hard, killing it. •That was a good catch• he thought happily, grabbed his prey. He held his head high, weaving through the ferns, heading for the ash tree he made his nest in. •Well my nest and Starlight’s.•
Birch dug his claws deep into the bark and clambered up with a grunt. He slid into the scoop, icy blue eyes flashing from the side. He set down his prey and nuzzled Starlight. She purred softly. Then her gaze turned serious, “I have something to tell you.” She looked nervous but excited.
Birch tipped his head, “What is it?? That cat hasn’t hurt you again, has he??” His mate laughed, “No, he is with his tribe, plus we’re quite far from him.” He nodded, then peered curiously at her.
Starlight took a deep breath, “I’m expecting kits.” He stared at her, “That’s amazing!!” •Now our kits will see how nice this place is.• He looked around then murmured, “I better kit-proof this place.”
She laughed, then nuzzled him, “I can’t wait for them to be born.” Birch nudged her softly, “Let’s eat.” She nodded and took a bite of the crow. He leaned down and bit into it. It tasted so delicious. He curled up his tail in pleasure. Pleasure that he was going to have kits.
Starlight hissed softly, “Birch!” He turned his head to her. She looked in pain. “Shush,” he murmured, “It’ll be okay.”
As his mate gave birth the world around him blurred. A small cream tabby she-kit was born. His mate wailed. He rested his tail on her shoulder. She relaxed slightly. The world blurred again.
Soon his mate was done birthing his kits. There was four kits,in total: a small cream tabby she-kit, a silver tabby tom-kit, a pale tan tom-kit with silver speckles, and a fluffy cream and silver tabby she-kit. His heart ached with love for his mate and kits.
“They’re perfect,” he murmured. His mate murmured in agreement. “Let’s name them,” she said. “The cream tabby she-kit should be….” Birch hesitated, then said, “Sand, after my mother.” Starlight nodded, “The silver tabby tom-kit will be Storm, and the fluffy cream and silver tabby she-kit will be Ash.”
As his mate turned her head questioningly at him, he froze. •The last kit. I should…. I should name it Mountain…. After…• He blinked down at the kit, the pale tan tom-kit with silver speckled squirmed closer towards his mother. “His name will be……… Eagle.” •The eagle came from the mountain• he thought. •Perfect, Sand, Storm, Ash, and Eagle.•
He curled up around his mate and kits. •I’ll protect you with my life.• He leaned down and touched his nose to the top of Eagle’s head. •You came from the mountain. And will never step a foot in the mountains.•
Heh kinda a cliff hanger. Btw (spoiling part of the plot, don’t read if you want it to be a secret) in the future, Starlight and his kits will maybe join Meadow Clan, maybe the tree cats, idk yet. Probably the tree cats, but still idk. Next book= next chapter.
-LeopardSplash of AU Thunder Clan