Home / Warriors: Omen of the Stars #2: Fading Echoes

Warriors: Omen of the Stars #2: Fading Echoes By Erin Hunter

Warriors: Omen of the Stars #2: Fading Echoes

By Erin Hunter

  • Release Date: 2010-03-23
  • Genre: Fantasy for Kids
  • $9.99
Score: 5
From 409 Ratings


After the sharp-eyed Jay and the roaring Lion, peace will come on Dove's gentle wing.

Three ThunderClan cats, Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and Dovepaw, are prophesied to hold the power of the stars in their paws. Now they must work together to unravel the meaning behind the ancient words of the prophecy.

As Jayfeather tackles his new responsibilities as the Clan's sole medicine cat and Lionblaze trains his apprentice in the ways of the warrior cats, Dovepaw hones her own unique ability and tries to use it for the good of ThunderClan. But the dark shadows that have preyed on the Clan for many moons still lurk just beyond the forest. Soon a mysterious visitor will walk in one cat's dreams, whispering promises of greatness, with results that will change the future of ThunderClan in ways that no cat could have foreseen.


  • Nightfall’s flight (chapter two)

    By mistyfox🦊😻
    “Lost? What do you mean, lost?” Nightfall hissed. The two kits backed up quickly and Nightfall relaxed a little to not frighten the two kits. “Go back to Mouseflight and send Lionwing please.” She could barely speak calmly but it was good enough because Sagekit’s fur smoothed out and she led her sister away. Nightfall waited impatiently for her mate and after a few heartbeats of his absence, she decided to search for Berrykit alone. He couldn’t have gotten far. She ran forward, sticking her nose up in the air for his scent. She smelt it easily and followed it westward. It led over thick growth and even crossed stale twoleg scent but they never crossed after that. Berrykit must have wandered off really far because Nightfall could find no end to his scent trail. Until she did, of course. It was almost twilight when she caught a mist spray on her pelt. She looked up, and saw a River. Berrykit’s trail went straight through it. Nightfall trembled so violently that she could hardly stand. His dream the night before from Starclan. Was it just a coincidence? No more time for thinking. She lunged into the icy depths and dove under. The current was too storing and the water wasn’t clear enough to see in. She bobbed her head helplessly above the water, just be pushed back under again. She yowled her son’s name countless times, and it soon became too dark to see. That’s when she felt it. She was still finding it hard to swim, but she somehow made it to a shallower part and hauled herself to she Sandy bank. A tuft of her briefly touched her hind leg. She immediately dove under again and hauled the fur bundle with her teeth. She brought it to the shore. It was Berrykit. His fur matte black, his eyes closed and his body was broken. The rocks beneath the surface and the colliding water probably did this. Even though Nightfallk knew that her kit was dead she still meowed pleadingly. “Wake up, Berrykit! Wake up or you’ll get sick from the cold!” Silence. What an awful way to die for a poor kit. He was just curious. Nightfall began to yowl with such a fierce pain that eventually, Lionwing found her, wet and kneeling beside her son’s dead body. Chapter 3 in the next book of this series.
  • Chapter Seventeen of Sunsetsplash's Destiny!

    By 👾👾👾1532
    Frostheart: Yeah I know I'm sorry! While I was writing my fanfic I kept getting Dark Shadow ( the actual character for this fic ) and Dark Light ( another OC ) confused, and although I've fixed it in my Notes, I think I forgot to do it for the chapters I've posted here 🥲 A crisp breeze sighed through the trees. Fallen leaves crunched under paw, while the ones still on the branches of oak and birch were painted with many shades of orange, red and yellow. Leaf-Fall had gripped the forest, and a quarter moon had passed since the Gathering. Sunsetsplash flattened her ears when she remembered what had happened. " Please welcome Dark Shadow to ShadowClan." Yowls and caterwauls of many cats chased away the quietness. " May I speak, Ravenstar?" Dark Shadow had asked politely when the din faded away. " Yes." " I am delighted to be a part of such a noble and honourable clan. I wish to...make my mark upon this forest." His voice, smooth and unctuous, made Sunsetsplash shiver. What was he planning? The clan leaders had declared the Gathering finished, and they all returned to their own camps. But Sunsetsplash never shook the feeling that something wasn't quite right... Sunsetsplash padded through the trees, her pelt brushing against her mate's. They weaved through the thick trunks, their paws kicking up leaves with a satisfying crunch. They stopped in a sunny clearing and sat down. Smokecloud pushed his nose into the leaves, went onto his back, and rolled, eyes closed and purring, in the leaf-mulch. Sunsetsplash laughed. " You're such a mouse-brain, Smokecloud! You look silly." Smokecloud paused and angled his head to look at her. He put on a face of mock incredibility and meowed, " Oh, really? Who'd have thought?" He shook out his pelt — with difficulty, since he was on his back, paws in the air — and slithered in the leaves some more. " You should do it. It's fun." " No. I'll look like an idiot." " Anymore than you usually do?" Sunsetsplash fluffed up her fur and growled playfully. " Take that back." Smokecloud's whiskers twitched. " What if I don't?" " Or else I'll shred you!" " I'd like to see you try." Sunsetsplash pounced on the tom, claws sheathed, and landed on his stomach. He grunted from her weight and rolled over onto his side. Sunsetsplash let out a yelp as she was pulled sideways, and she landed on her belly in the leaves beside her mate. Smokecloud wrapped his paws around her shoulders and pinned her down. " Hah! I win!" He purred, eyes dancing. Sunsetsplash sighed dramatically. " Alright, alright. You win." Smokecloud licked her cheek and resumed rolling around in the leaves. Sunsetsplash found herself copying him. The warmth of the earth soaked into her slightly chilly pelt, and the sun slanting from the trees hit her belly fur. But she did feel a bit stupid though, so she instead buried her nose into Smokecloud's scruff. He turned and licked her pelt. " Leaves." He said between licks. Sunsetsplash purred. " Yeah, you've got a lot of them." She was lulled slightly asleep by the rhythm of her mate's tongue, and she sighed and rested her chin on his shoulder. " I love you..." She murmured into his fur. " Me too." Smokecloud purred. Sunsetsplash almost drifted off to sleep when a writhing pain burst from her flank. She shifted a little and gasped. When the pain stopped, and her insides didn't feel like they were wringing together anymore, she opened her eyes and noticed that Smokecloud was watching her worriedly. " What's wrong?" He demanded. " Nothing. I'm fine." Sunsetsplash meowed, wincing as she felt another little stab." It's probably just a bad mouse or something." " Either way, we're going to go see Whiteleaf and Fernsight." Smokecloud said sternly. " So? What is it?" Sunsetsplash asked. They were in the medicine den. Smokecloud had rushed her back to camp before she could say anything, and now Whiteleaf and Fernsight were whispering to each other. Smokecloud was pacing a few fox-lengths away, and Sunsetsplash could've sworn she saw two muzzles — one russet and one brown and cream — poke into the medicine den every once in a while. Whiteleaf finally looked at her and broke into a purr. " You're fine." She assured her. " You are expecting kits." Sunsetsplash purred loudly and looked at Smokecloud, who stopped pacing and wrapped himself around his mate. " We're going to have kits!" Sunsetsplash whispered into his ear. Smokecloud licked her muzzle. " They're going to be beautiful, Sunsetsplash...I know they are." Sunsetsplash smiled and thought about the life they would have together. • I'm having Smokecloud's kits! • - Sunsetsplash
  • Loved it!

    By catgjg
    Great book!! I stole the names IvyMist and DoveCreek from Ivypaw and Dovepaw XD ——Chapter 2 of SatyrPaw’s Story—— SatyrPaw fidgeted uncomfortably. “Sit still.” BrightFeather muttered. She nosed him closer to the moonstone. “Warriors of StarClan. I present this apprentice to you. May you find him fit to be a warrior of StoneClan.” Her voice echoed throughout the chilly cavern. “Now touch the moonstone with your nose.” BrightFeather mewed. “Then what?” SatyrPaw mewed, fear edging his tone. “Then the warriors of StarClan will come to you.” SatyrPaw obeyed, the moonstone’s coldness sent shivers down his spine. He awoke, not in a grassy, lush meadow, but in a dark, damp (and stinky) forest filled with mist. “Hello?” SatyrPaw mewed. “Hello, SatyrPaw.” A chilling voice came from behind him. “Who are you?” He tried to sound brave, but.. “I can smell your fear, young one.” The voice murmured, now right next to his ear. “Leave me be!” SatyrPaw yelped. “Be not afraid. I am HowlingBreeze.” “Why should I care who you are?” He retorted. In an instant a white streak darted forward and tackled SatyrPaw, knocking the wind out of him. Gasping for air, SatyrPaw tried desperately to get away. “LET HIM GO!” SatyrPaw could recognize HowlingBreeze’s snarl. “I was only going to nick his ear..” the white cat rasped. “I said let him go, MarrowGleam.” “Fine.” Spat MarrowGleam. “But if you’re going to punish him anytime soon, find me.” MarrowGleam hissed. “I am aware, but he will not be punished soon, go find your apprentice, OnyxPaw.” MarrowGleam hesitated, gazing at SatyrPaw. “Onyx is too obedient. This one’s more rebellious. I can sense it.” “Go!” HowlingBreeze hissed through gritted teeth. After HowlingBreeze watched MarrowGleam stalk away, her attention snapped back to the gasping apprentice at her paws. She glared down at him. “SatyrPaw do you know where you are?” “The Dark Forest?” “Correct.” “Why am I here and not in StarClan?” SatyrPaw whispered, standing up and facing her, though still cowering in fear. “Because, The Dark Forest has great plans for you..” HowlingBreeze’s lips drew back in a large, yellow-toothed grin. ——————-Hope you enjoyed!—————— Next chapter is in the next book! 😁 I love the cover on this book. It’s so good! Probably one of my faves. —SatyrLeaf of StoneClan
  • Hey

    By pikachu cinderace
    What about me. I haven’t been on here. Suuuuuuuprg is worse then me. Your probably not that busy with life. You’re writing reviews.
  • Huh

    By suuuuuprg
    Then why are you still writing stories. Nice counter Mossyfang. Mossyfang
  • I didn’t say ‘ISN’T NICE!’

    By soph of bred
    I said sometimes and maybe. Now that I think of it I’m dumb everyone can blame me 🥲
  • Oakstream

    By KOIStream
    I wish buddy, I wish. And anyway, at least I had the guts to write this
  • Join alternate universe SkyClan!

    By warriorsIScool
    :D yw! Btw the kits’ warrior names are Swishleaf, Fallingsun, Mapleflight, and Chocolatefoot or Chocolatepaws (whichever one you prefer!) Bai! ThunderClan, RiverClan, and ShadowClan are now closed, the message board is the first arc, empty arcs are the New Prophecy arc and Power of Three, and WindClan is A Vision Of Shadows. SkyClan is the Omen of the Stars and BloodClan is in Dawn of the Clans. The information to submit is in the Broken Code arc. Thanks Espresso Cat! *inhales* *****IF YOU HAVEN’T SUBMITTED CATS BEFORE, PLEASE CHECK THE REVIEWS OF ANY BROKEN CODE BOOK BEFORE SUBMITTING!***** *exhales* sorry for all caps just had to make it clear 😂 😜 SkyClan: Leader: Shadestar, large brown tom with black spots and a large scar on his left front leg. Formerly of ShadowClan. Submitted by oooooof. manana. d fr. Deputy: Rootstripe, dark brown tabby tom with swirly black stripes and amber eyes. Submitted by GalacticSkies. (Apprentice, Lilacpaw) Medicine cat(s): Nightfall, pure black she-cat with green eyes. Submitted by MagnoliaHeart. (Apprentice, Bookpaw) Warriors: Pineclaw, large black tom with green eyes. Formerly of ShadowClan. Submitted by oooooof. manana. d fr. (Apprentice, Nompaw) Robinflight, orange tom. Submitted by MagnoliaHeart. Lunarsky, black tom with hazel eyes. Submitted by MagnoliaHeart. Dawnstripe, yellow-orange tabby she-cat with amber eyes. Submitted by xXGalacticSkiesXx. Featherflight, white she-cat with yellow flecks and blue eyes. Submitted by GalacticSkies. Darkstorm, black tom with a white belly, muzzle, chest, tail-tip, and eye markings. Submitted by GalacticSkies. Dewstorm, yellow-orange tabby tom with blue eyes and one white paw. Submitted by GalacticSkies. Thunderfall, dark gray tabby tom with orange-brown stripes and streaks and darker gray streaks. Submitted by GalacticSkies. Nettleswept, brown tom with blue eyes. Submitted by Espresso Cat. Leafwhisker, light brown tabby she-cat with green eyes and leafy white spots on her muzzle, tail, chest, belly, and paws. Submitted by GalacticSkies. Oceanwave, sandy-furred tabby tom with wavy stripes and blue eyes. Submitted by GalacticSkies. Darkfall, pure black she-cat. Submitted by Hazelstar of KindClan. Dawnfire, fiery yellow-eyed she-cat with an orange fading into yellow pelt and creamy white markings. Submitted by GalacticSkies. (Apprentice, Hollypaw) Queens: Scarletsky, light gray she-cat with amber eyes. Mother to Lunarsky’s kits, Slatekit, Justicekit, and Darkkit. Submitted by MagnoliaHeart. Berryswing, plump cream tabby she-cat with orange eyes. Two kits, Sweetkit and Waddlekit. Submitted by Espresso Cat. Morningdew, white calico she-cat with yellow and black patches and blue eyes. Mother to Emberkit, Rushkit, and Brightkit. Submitted by GalacticSkies. Kits: Slatekit, gray she-kit Justicekit, black she-kit Darkkit, dark gray tom-kit with a white chest Waddlekit, cream-and-brown tom-kit with orange eyes Sweetkit, cream she-kit with blue eyes Emberkit, white she-kit with dark gray patches Rushkit, dark gray tabby she-kit Brightkit, yellow tabby she-kit with amber eyes Apprentices: Bookpaw, brown she-cat with darker rings around her tail and blue eyes. Submitted by Espresso Cat. Nompaw, soft cream she-cat with dark rings around her tail and blue eyes. Submitted by Espresso Cat. Sourpaw, brown tom with orange eyes and rings around his tail. Submitted by Espresso Cat. Lilacpaw, white she-cat with violet eyes and black paws, ears, and tail-tip. Submitted by GalacticSkies. Hollypaw, jet-black she-cat with dark green eyes and white paws and tail-tip. Submitted by GalacticSkies. Elders: Sunleap, yellow-orange tabby tom with green eyes. Submitted by xXGalacticSkiesXx. Blazefire, orange she-cat with yellow eyes. Submitted by xXGalacticSkiesXx. Nightheart, black-and-white she-cat with a twisted front paw and blue eyes Tulippetal, white and gray-brown she-cat. Submitted by MagnoliaHeart. Sorrelpelt, tortoiseshell she-cat. Submitted by MagnoliaHeart. Silentgrowl, mute brown-and-white tom. Submitted by MagnoliaHeart. SKYCLAN 13/12 warriors 1/1 leader CLOSED 3/3 queens CLOSED 8/8 kits CLOSED 1/1 deputy CLOSED 1/1 med. cat CLOSED 1/1 med. cat apprentice CLOSED 5/7 apprentices 6/5 elders CLOSED |vy
  • For AutumnClan!!!

    By XxGalacticSkiesxX
    Maplefall Gender: Female Desc: a bright ginger she-cat with paler stripes and reddish markings, amber eyes and white paws Clan: AutumnClan? Rank: Queen Mate: Oakwhisper- a dark crimson-brown tabby tom with black markings and yellow eyes Kit(s): (pregnant still, 1 moon expecting) Thanks! ~Dappleshade
  • Answer

    By CCMomAJ
    Sorrowthefox they write stories because they have nothing better to do.