By dragonleader1234
Submit cats to be in my fanfic Sunrisestar’s Adventure! It starts in Yellowfang’s Secret. So far, I have a leader which is Spicestar, a deputy that is Spiceleap, a medicine cat which is Creamvine, and three warriors who are Spicevine Spicecrawl and Creamhowl. I need more warriors, kits, and apprentices and queens and elders, so please if you want a one of your cats in my fanfic, submit it now.
By suuuuuprg
Wonder what happens when you pull a prank on the review system.
First Fanfic ~~Chapter three~~
By Olivia the Olive 😏🥮🫒
:/ :/ :/ it’s so badd :/ :/ :/
Ash woke up, and blurry images were all she could see. The sunlight nearly blinded her, and all she could do was close her eyes. It only lasted for a second, though, because her father was standing over her. She had to be good, and to be good she had to stop being lazy and get up.
Her father’s cold stare made her shiver. |I must have done something wrong, I must have screwed up, he’ll never love me, will he-|
"What were you thinking?” Her thoughts were interrupted by a scarily harsh tone. Ducking her head down, she felt her tail droop. "Raven found you and Whirl unconscious in the forest. Are you that mouse-brained? Do you not know anything?”
|Raven… it’s all about her, isn’t it? She’s the only one that matters.
…I HATE her.|
Bitter resentment rose like mouse bile in her throat. But then…she has found her and Whirl. She has circumstances. She was…more important.
|If she was gone, would I be more important? Maybe…|
"ASH! Are you listening?!”
No, no, no, no, no. She was good. She wasn’t bad…she was loved, and didn’t have dark thoughts. She didn’t.
|What is wrong with me?! He’ll never love me if I’m like this..|
Distressed, she backed away from her father’s scolding. He did nothing but looked at her with the 'I’m disappointed and mad’ face. Still walking away, she bumped into a cat behind her.
Of course, her worst enemy was the one that she had to deal with now.
"Are you okay? You got a pretty hard hit on the head. You were out for a while.”
|What do I say to her? She doesn’t understand, she actually matters, she is loved. Why should I waste my time trying to make HER happy? Isn’t she…happy enough?|
She couldn’t say all of that.
"I’m fine.”
|I just need to leave.|
"Tell father that I’m going on a walk. I’ll be back…”
Ash ran out of the camp, her mind overflowing with overlapping thoughts. |He hates us - I hate her - does she love me - why should I care - she’s the worst - I miss -|
“It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”
|Who -|
She looked up and saw the worst thing possible.
Her mother.
Next chapter in Squirrel’flight’s Hope
|vy: 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 WHAT
You’re like so good at everything how did you even find let alone ENJOY this?! 😖😖😖🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯?!
Dew’foot: I’ve heard of “golden child syndrome,” which basically means they believe success = love but mostly it’s just bad parenting and stuff like that
By Book Lover 🐛
This is a great fan fiction! I really enjoyed it! Can’t wait for the next chapter! I think it’s so different and unique. Also is Ash struggling with some kind of mental disability?
~DewFoot (HollyFrost)
Complete chapter 9 of Ivywhisker’s Truth
By warriorsIScool
Sirenwing: No it’s really good! I’ve been reading all the chapters! BUT WHY THE CLIFFHANGER
“This is the most boringly boringest patrol EVER,” moaned Darlingpaw.
“Boringest isn’t a word.” Privately, Ivywhisker agreed with her. It was hot and she’d much rather be meeting up with Birch. She could only hope that he would smell the other cats and avoid the patrol.
His scent lingered around, wreathing around her like he curled around her when they last met. Soft and sweet, his pale tan and cream fur against her fawn and white. She wanted it to be dark so that she could see him again, but for now she was stuck on a patrol with her Clanmates on the hottest day of her life. They rounded a corner in the path and saw a sunny clearing. With a cat in the middle of it. With a cream and pale tan pelt.
Birch looked up from his sunning, green eyes meeting hers and sending a shock through her body.
“This is ThunderClan territory. Leave now.” Moonwater growled.
Birch flicked his tail and lay back down.
She loved him even though he was so unlike her-at this point she would be out of the clearing and maybe the forest entirely. But he just went back to sunning himself in the grassy space. Her belly stirred. She had been getting heavier and heavier lately; she hoped that she was just eating more due to greenleaf. The other option was kits. She did not want to be carrying Birch’s kits before her Clanmates had even met Birch. She did not want anything like that.
Okay. Back to the situation at hand. Birch was looking at the patrol languidly.
Birch, cut it out! Do you not see the patrol RIGHT HERE about to rip your whiskers out?
She flicked her tail at him, the equivalent of a verbal hmph.
Ehhhhh, I’m fine, he seemed to say. Right before Moonwater waved his tail and Nickelpaw lunged for him.
“Wait!” Ivywhisker screamed. Seeing that he wasn’t going to stop, she threw herself forward in front of him. Nickelpaw skidded to a stop a few inches in front of her, claws gripping the ground.
“Don’t kill him. He’s my… my…”
She didn’t want to say it, but Moonwater got the message. His ears flattened in disgust.
“Hey, you fell for a rogue too!”
“Lilyheart had a Clan!”
“She was cast out of it! She was a rogue!”
“At least I didn’t try to hide my relationship from my Clanmates!”
“At least I didn’t…“
Fox-dung. There was basically nothing bad to say about Moonwater. He had the upper paw, and he knew it. However, he drove one last thorn home.
“At least I didn’t have kits with her while she wasn’t in the Clan.”
Ivywhisker swallowed hard, looked at her stomach. He was right. She knew the look of a pregnant queen, and she definitely had it.
“I’m sorry, Darlingpaw. I can’t mentor you anymore. I am leaving the Clan.”
“You’ve been a great apprentice, Darlingpaw. Maybe our paths will cross again someday.”
She lowered her head in submission to Moonwater and left the patrol with her tail low and ears flat, completely surrendering to them. She felt their gazes on her back, burning like fire. Nickelpaw took a slight step forward and Birch, following her but not as submissively, whirled around and barked,
“You stay away from my mate!”
That was the final straw for Moonwater. He took a step forward and let out a deep growl in the back of his throat. She had never seen him so scary. He had always been kind to her and her kits, especially after Smokefall had died. But now… now he was a completely different cat. The deputy was extremely loyal to his leader and Clan, and abhorred any kind of traitors. He had let up a little since he became Lilyheart’s mate, realizing that some battles didn’t need to be fought, but this-mating Birch without her Clanmates knowing- was still a highly illegal thing to do and very against the code.
Ivywhisker laid down on the ground in a docile posture, ears and tail flat against her head and the grass.
The ThunderClan deputy turned in disgust and left, Birch padding over to rub his muzzle against hers.
Moonwater turned back.
“I take your name from you. You don’t deserve a warrior’s suffix. From now on you are only Ivy.” He walked away.
Ivywhisker gasped as the meaning of the words sank in, pierced her fur, sharper than any blow. She felt Birch by her side.
He reassured her and she leaned into him, their fur contrasting in swirls of color. She wondered what their future kits would look like. No, not their future kits. Their kits on the way.
•What now?•
Four moons later…
Ivy rolled over in their mossy nest. It felt much more freeing now that she didn’t have a Clan and didn’t have to follow the code… she didn’t miss her family, since they were dead, but Darlingpaw and Nickelpaw were still her sister’s kits. She would miss them a lot.
Birch shifted next to her. She felt pain in her belly, familiar from when she kitted Smokefall’s kits.
“Birch,” she hissed. He woke up with a little yelp. Life on the run had taught him to be always alert. She strangely thought about Thunderleaf’s brother Reedflow, and how he’d left the Clan for love. He was living in
“The kits?”
“They’re coming.”
Ivy relaxed after the kitbirth as her kits nursed at her belly. She looked down affectionately at them. There was a fawn-and-cream tom, a pale tan and cream tom, a fawn and white she-cat, and a fawn she-cat with white paws. Birch collapsed beside her, exhausted from the stress of helping her, and nuzzled her ears. Sure, he could be an suspicious, fierce, and impatient cat, but he was •her• suspicious, fierce, and impatient cat.
“That one looks just like you!” He purred.
The fawn-and-white she-kit mewled and kneaded her belly.
“Alright! Relax! There’s plenty of milk to go around! Not even Mossypaw was this impatient!” She heard a noise at the entrance of the den. She looked up as Birch immediately jumped to his paws and fluffed out his fur. It was silent for a while and he laid back down, and then something appeared.
Next chapter in Midnight audiobook!
Dovepool here ig
By a mega super duper fan
I’m kinda depresso espresso rn and I may or may not have accidentally flooded the school bathroom with my friends during passing period OxO
I just want to put It out there that I will be on Roblox so if you want to friend me… Amberthegoat_2004
Also lgbtq month is in October to give furries a right to scare kids-
Easter is when a rabid bunny breaks into your house at night and leaves eggs around with mysterious candy in it
Christmas is for the birth of Jesus but is now celebrated for presents especially for spoiled rotten children with no father and no dignity and self-esteem…
✨ 🌸 ☀️ DayClan ☀️ 🌸 ✨ Suuuprg!!!!!! ⬇️
By Lord Hunkyhair for the win
See The Sight for more info
All I have to say is… follow the rules. Don’t seek secrets. Don’t seek the Night Shadows. Then you will be a good clan cat
- Sunset of the Skywings
Airkit of RiverClan
Sneak peek of GrayWillows death 😉
By soph of bred
GrayWillow bared her teeth at him, her gray marks on her face widening. “This is a mistake, I’ve killed all of you’re loved ones..” BadgerFang said. GrayWillow lunged at BadgerFang and sank her teeth into his fur. BadgerFang threw her off and she hit a tree. He felt dizzy. She then saw BadgerFang put something around her throat. “What is this?! A collar?!” GrayWillows eyes widened as BadgerFang tugged on the thistle-colored-string. It tightened on her throat. BadgerFang tugged harder “I surrender! Stop pulling please!” GrayWillow pleaded. But BadgerFang didn’t listen. “I will kill you, and then. I will rule the forest!” BadgerFang exclaimed. He tightened the rope one more time, and GrayWillow stumbled on her paws. “What have you done to my throat?! I cant.. breath..” GrayWillow stammered. She tried to gasp for air. Everything started to go blurry. All GrayWillow could see was BadgerFang, smiling at her while she tried to get air. She fell, weak. And closed her eyes. It was black for a moment, and then she opened her eyes. She was in StarClan.
Magnolia, and random ⬇️
By Rosy Spotted Kitten
There are adoptables in the Outcast Audiobook if anyone wants some new kitties!
Suuuuuuprg said that Minecraft was stupid. So, no. I didn’t make it up. And no. I’m not lying. I saw the review with my own two eyes. Bye now.
Magnolia: same…. I assaulted Suuuuprg with words, once in MothFlight’s Vision, and once in Sky. But to be fair, he was being negative? About Minecraft (in my opinion it’s the best game ever) plus he’s been very very mean to OakStream so he deserves it. Kind of…. Idk…… Hmm.. I have now been inspired. In the Outcast audiobook there will be adoptables for anyone who wants a new cat.
Snowstorms wish
By warriorcatskindness
Snowstorm kind smart stubborn tom with Snow White fur
The snowstorm was a horrible one the father was dead the mother was giving birth and as she gave birth to 3 beautiful kits she noticed two of them weren’t breathing. “No…. No!!!” She wailed. She sniffed the other one snowstorm I will always protect you. She thought. “Snowstorm is your name.” She looked up as a badger suddenly stormed into the den. “Go away!” She gasped as it ripped her throat out.
Chapter one:
He looked up. “Where am I?” “Windclan!”he was surprised at the young light brown she-cats voice. “Are you sure? Or are you crazy?” He teased. She tensed.”I am windclan so I’m not crazy.” She said determine to show she was right. “Your kidding right? They’re so vicious!” His eyes widened as she explained how he had got here that he had wandered into the more in a battle and had been knocked unconscious and had almost died but they saved him. He said his thank you’s and was about to walk out when he heard a very sharp tone. “Stop where you are.” He knew it was a young one. “Yes?” “You cannot leave your not healed yet.” “Oh and are you the medicine cat?” “No I am.” He turned his head at the soft voice she was obviously his mentor. “So he’s your apprentice? And you follow the warrior code?” He asked curiously. “How do you know!” Snowstorm found himself crowded by almost the whole clan of windclan! “Give the poor thing a break.” “Yes Rabbitstar.” One muttered angrily giving the she cat a glare. “It’s rabbitear it you don’t remember.” She snapped back. “Break it up!” His head and the cats heads jolted to this tho n they called a high rock. “If I’m correct your there leader who protects them has nine lives granted by starclan-“ “how do you know rogue!” A cat called out. “Shut it sunsetwish.” He remembered rabbitears voice. “Now how do you know?” The leader asked him softly. “I remember seeing a rogue called flowerpetal and she told me all the warrior code and starclan and she taught me battle moves and everything and also she told windclan is the best at the end of all our lessons she was my mentor.” He puffed out his chest proudly. “How is my sister doing!” The leader suddenly said looking very excited. “I visit her a lot she great she’s even expecting this other rogues named growls kits!” He told him. After the whole clan introduced him, he was told he could train with them and once he was ready he would become a warrior.
6moons later…
“Snowstorm so you promise to uphold the warrior code even at the cost of your life?”
“I do.”
“Then from this moment on you will be known as-“
“Hold on,” he interrupted, he heard gasps. “Id like to keep my name.” “That’s completely fine. But you are still a warrior.” “I promise even though that I’m alone I will guard this camp the best I can!” “Thank you.” As he settled down in the clearing he wondered what it would be like if his parents were alive,if his father hadn’t been killed or his mother.
Chapter two:
“But I don’t want to!” His apprentice,gracepaw groaned. “You know if you don’t do this then you can’t pass you final assessment which is the next assessment we give you!” Snowstorm raised his eyebrow when his apprentices sisters mentor,birdwhite spoke for him. “Bird white I can speak for myself.” He pointed out. “But it’s true!” Birdwhite said. “I know.” He told her. “But I need to speak with you snowstorm,in private.” She added. “Oooh I smell love I the air!” Birdwhites apprentice,thunderpaw teased. “You can’t smell love.” Gracepaw pointed out. “You are so smart.” He told gracepaw. She looked pleased as her mentor praised her. He walked out of camp with birdwhite. “Yes? Is something wrong?” He asked worried. “No, I wanted to ask you something…” she trailed off. “Come on tell me!” He smiled. “Will you be my mate?” She asked. “Wha-?” He was token by surprise. “No!” “I will get my revenge. And she definitely did but there was bad karma to it, she accidentally had killed the deputy and the leader found out she banished while he suddenly had luck. He was the one who got to be deputy and his apprentice and thunderpaw passed it too! “Thunder growl gracewing! The clans yowls ran through the clearing he suddenly screeched in surprise and in warning. “What the heck!” A cat,brownface called. “Shadowclan!” He screamed and he leaped into battle he was hurt badly and he didn’t recover. At first he had white cough,then green cough,then red cough. The whole clan was panicking he was so loved and so respected. One day everyone was watching him as he laid in the sunny clearing. He was eating prey and he didn’t know how he managed it but he screeched,every cat bundled around him and the medicine cat pushed through. “Back up!” He growled. The retired medicine cat ran up to. “I may be old but I can still help.” She huffed as a cat questioned her. “G-goodbye.” He trembled as starclan made him say the words. Before he had gone a screech rang through the clearing “no don’t go please don’t go!!!” It was gracewing. He shed a tear before he woke up in somewhere different. “Welcome to starclan” he remember. “No!!!!!” He cried but his clan couldn’t hear him.
Hope you liked the book bye!!!!!!!!
Hazelstar of kindclan see description in into the wild bye! ✌🏿✌🏾✌🏽✌🏼✌🏻✌️✌🏿✌🏾✌🏽✌🏼✌🏻✌️✌🏿✌🏾✌🏽✌🏼✌🏻✌️