Home / Warriors Super Edition: Bramblestar's Storm

Warriors Super Edition: Bramblestar's Storm By Erin Hunter

Warriors Super Edition: Bramblestar's Storm

By Erin Hunter

  • Release Date: 2014-08-26
  • Genre: Fantasy for Kids
  • $9.99
Score: 4.5
From 417 Ratings


An epic stand-alone adventure in Erin Hunter’s #1 nationally bestselling Warriors series!

In this Super Edition, return to ThunderClan after the events of the fourth Warriors arc, Omen of the Stars.

The Dark Forest has been defeated, and Bramblestar is now leader of ThunderClan. But the warrior cats must learn to weather a new kind of storm—or all four Clans will be swept away.

Join the legion of fans who have discovered the epic adventures, fierce warrior cats, and thrilling fantasy world of the mega-bestselling Warriors series. This stand-alone entry is perfect for new readers and dedicated fans alike.

Bramblestar's Storm also includes an exclusive ten-page Warriors manga adventure!


  • Chapter 3 of Sunrisestar’s Adventure

    By dragonleader1234
    Sunrisepaw awoke. Her paws were glued to the ground, her eyes dropping. “Sunrisepaw! Come! Hunting time!” Splashstream ordered. “Hunting practice?” Said Sunrisepaw wearily. “Yes, so get your furry tail out of bed!” Splashstream snapped. Sunsquirrel walked over to them. “Splashstream, want to go hunting with our apprentices?” Splashstream looked doubtful. “Really? Ok, fine.” Sunsquirrel raised his head. “Frostpaw! Come! Hunting with Splashstream and Sunrisepaw!” Sunrisepaw wasn’t paying attention, though. (I’ll be the best warrior anyone’s ever seen!) Next one in Tallstars Revenge -Feathermist
  • SongClan.

    By RoseQuartez_Song writer
    So this is for ppl to submit cars to. I will be using for a story later. SO DO NOT SUBMIT YOUR MAIN CATS BECAUSE I WILL BE USING CARS SUBMITTED! Just a fair warning. ✌🏼Information✌🏼: SongClan is a clan made up of kitty pets who are now living in the wild. They are harmonious and love music. (Yes they know it bc of two legs and it’s my clan 👹) 😏The Role Information😏: ❓Kits❓: Kits are the heart of this clan for they are very rare. Most of she’s here are Molly’s who’ve been spayed. That’s why the nursery is built hidden and defend to the death. They end their name with -Beg (for beginner) EX: DoeBeg. Open roles: 0/4 👉🏻Apprentices👈🏻: Apprentices are also rare but not defend as much. They are apprentices as long as 6 moons maximum. They end their names in -Up. (For UpComing artist) EX: DoeUp. Roles open: 0/6 ❤️Warriors❤️: Warriors are very common. There are usually 20/25 a moon. Sometimes more. They receive this role at 6-7 moons. They end their name with whatever the leader chooses. EX: DoeSong. Roles open: 0/20 💭Senior Warriors 💭: Senior Warriors are like kits. Extremely rare. Usually for them being Ex-Kitty pets they are usually seriously injured or more commonly killed in battle.They will receive this role at 36 moons. Once moved to the rank senior warrior they end their name with -Swift. (For Taylor swift 😂) EX: DoeSwift. Roles open: 0/3 💅Deputy💅: Deputies are somewhat uncommon. The leader will pick a cat close to them as deputy. So a friend or relative. And in battle the Deputy is always the first to attack, this means usually the first to die die to them being.. ex-kitty pets…. They will end their name with -Music. EX: DoeMusic. Roles open: 0/1 ✨Leader✨: A leader is common. They are the core of their clan and build and represent the clan. There have only been two leaders so far. (The first one being Song the kitty pet). They will end their name in -Star. EX: DoeStar. Roles open: 0/1 🫠Elders🫠: Elders are like kits and senior warriors. Extremely rare. For they are seen as a weak clan. They will keep whatever name they are given when given the role of elder at 45 moons. Roles open: 0/7. 🍞Territory.🍞: They live in a forest near Twoleg place. They do not fear twolegs. My hands are tired now. Bai -Aspen Of District 1 -IceFeather of AirClan -RoseQuartz of SpiderClan 💀ROLES💀: 👋KITS👋 💪🏻APPRENTICES 💪🏻: 🚽WARRIORS🚽: 😳SENIOR WARRIORS😳: 🤫DEPUTY🤫: 🫢LEADER🫢: 🫥ELDERS🫥: I will also take kitty pets and cats outside the clans. :)
  • ==Obsessions==

    By Olivia the Olive 😏🥮🫒
    YouTube ~~ Bright Guardian Akira Moonkitti (for her “I Spoils”) Blixemi (for “Mouse brained”) Matpat/GT (for FNaF) Murder Drones (a show!!! ❤️❤️❤️!!) Games ~~ FNaF (main obsession) Doors (Roblox) 🚪 Roblox in general (mostly Incognito) Other books ~~ The War That Saved my Life / The War I Finally Won Wings of Fire (obvi) Where the Red Fern Grows(chefs kiss) Anyone else like these? Sunset’splash: Oh my mango she is SO good. Her songs are❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀😻😻😻😻😻😻😻 Soph of bred: Same, I cry every time reading that book 😥 I want to submit art for Akira to fix but I can’t bc my parents won’t let me 🫠🫠🫠 Peace out ✌️ Siren’wing of Sky’clan 🚨
  • :):):):)

    By Dove's Wing
    I love this book!! R.I.P Blackstar, lost last life in the flood; Seedpaw, drowned trying to get the Stick of the Fallen and Dustpelt, killed fighting badgers in the end. It’s perfectly written, I know what’s happening & Squirrelflight is awesome!! But Minty is stupid & Dovewing makes me mad because Bumblestripe loves her desperately & she just pushes him away. But besides those problems, it’s a masterpiece! :) Sincerely, Silverflame of SunClan
  • *FANFIC : D*

    By soph of bred
    SirenWing: You know Where The Red Fern Grows? I cried reading that book. It was good tho. I like Moonkitti and Akira The three young warriors hunted along the riverbank. GrayWillow caught a vole, and DawnFoot caught a rabbit. “Guys! I think I see something on the other side of the river!” TimberLeaf meowed. “That’s past the border! You’d be hunting in enemy territory, let’s keep going,” DawnFoot said. “Come on! One little vole couldn’t hurt,” Timberleaf said. “Fine, if you want to get caught, you can. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Dawnfoot meowed. Timberleaf rolled her eyes and started ellagently across the rocks to get to the other side. A couple minutes later, she came back with a vole in her jaws. She shot a look at DawnFoot. DawnFoot looked away and kept going. TimberLeaf kept jumping across and across, until she finally slipped on a mossy rock. She fell face first into the river, GrayWillow froze. And remembered BlueFur, then the poisoned apprentice, she didn’t move. “TimberLeaf! We’re coming!” DawnFoot ran down the riverside, trying not to fall in herself, TimberLeaf was washed next to a rock. She grabbed it with her paws. And unsheathed her claws. She attempted to climb up the rock. It was slippery, but she ended up on top of it, wet and shocked. “DawnFoot! Get GrayWillow to help! Please!” Timberleaf pleaded. DawnFoot ran back up the riverbank and found GrayWillow, still frozen in shock. “GrayWillow! TimberLeaf needs your help!” Dawnfoot said. GrayWillow shook her head to clear the memories and shock and meowed, “Is TimberLeaf ok? Did she drown? Is she dead?” Suddenly she started to pace and shout questions at Dawnfoot. “GrayWillow, she’s fine! She needs your help getting off of a rock.” GrayWillow shot off to where Dawnfoot found Timberleaf. She saw her starting to slip off the rock a little, trying to stay balanced. GrayWillow acted fast. She grabbed nearby sticks and stones and as much leaves as she could. She started to lay the sticks neatly across the river to the rock. Then put rocks on each corner to stabilize it. She set leaves across, until it was fully covered. And then she finally tried to cross the small bridge, and she succeeded. “Timberleaf! Come on, let’s go! You can cross, it’s safe,” GrayWillow tried to urge Timberleaf, And finally, TimberLeaf set her front paws on it, checking it for stability. Then all four paws were on. Suddenly, crack! A few of the sticks broke. “Oh mouse dung.” Then all of the sticks crashed down and both GrayWillow and TimberLeaf were in the river. GrayWillow crashed through the water, her head went under. Then, she climbed to a rock. The wind and water blinded her, but she pulled herself up. She opened her eyes and saw TimberLeaf disappear into the mist of the river. GrayWillow took a huge leap and was able to claw on to land and get her back paws on as well. She ran down the edge of the river to see TimberLeaf getting thrashed through the river. “Grab on to that rock!” GrayWillow yelled into the deep stream. Timberleaf tried to grab on to a rock, but instead she hit it, face first. Her eye scar opened, and she had marks all over her face. Blood flew back as she kept going down the river. She kept hitting more rocks, damaging her. She had wounds all over her, and one of her eyes was red, veins on the edges of it. Then, GrayWillow heard a cry of horror as she disappeared into the mist a second time. GrayWillow kept running, and then she came to a stop. She saw the cause of the horrified scream. TimberLeaf was headed straight for a waterfall. It had been a quarter moon since Timberleaf was washed away down a waterfall, a bloody red and orange blurr. GrayWillow had mourned her death very much. Now she is with Bluefur, her former mate, in starclan. She was walking to the fresh kill pile, when she stopped, “GrayWillow! I got some freshkill for you!” She recognized the calm voice of HalfFace. “Thank you, I appreciate it,” she said. “I love you.. r pelt! It’s very pretty,” HalfFace said. “Thank you, you're very kind,” GrayWillow said before trotting off to her favorite medicine cat's den. She hadn’t noticed that HalfFace had followed her. “Oh, hello GrayWillow!” GrayWillow nuzzled MistyLeafs flank. “I’m guessing you want to see Lionkit?” MistyLeaf predicted. “That’s what I’m always here for!” Except for when I just want to see you. She added silently to herself. “Go right in, she’s waiting for your daily visit. She was complaining my head off yesterday when you never came!” MistyLeaf said. After GrayWillow visited Lionkit, she went off to her den to rest. moth flights vision :3
  • M

    By slimswedee
    LeafPool cringed has JayFeather tried to eat a rock
  • Fanfics

    By princess Rusty and dovewing
    Wow all of these fanfics are so amazing and so good.I love them so much❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • Chapter five of Sunsetsplash's Destiny! Part two

    By 👾👾👾1532
    Sirenwing: There is a WoF AU in the Wings of Fire books. It’s not as active as this one though, but I check it regularly. I like watching MAPs, but it’s only the ones on the Warrior Cats Hub that I watch because, like I said, I don’t really watch YouTube for my…interests? I guess you could call it? Cherrypaw's green eyes gleamed like emeralds. She obviously wanted to win. Sunsetpaw crouched, ready to spring and defend herself. Cherrypaw pounced, her mouth open in a battle yowl and her paws extended. Sunsetpaw ducked her head and darted forward, Cherrypaw landing, baffled, where she had been only moments before. Sunsetpaw make a quick turn and stood her ground, keeping her muscles relaxed. Cherrypaw hissed as she scrambled to her paws, and she leaped forward again, her eyes fixed onto her left shoulder. Sunsetpaw tried to jump to the right, but she let out a muffled yowl as Cherrypaw placed one paw on her right shoulder and one on her chest. The dappled apprentice wrestled her to the ground and pinned her. Sunsetpaw wriggled under her grip. Mouse-dung! She had fallen for Cherrypaw's feint. I can do that too, she thought to herself. She let herself go limp, feeling a flash of satisfaction when Cherrypaw stared at her triumphantly and loosened he grip. Obviously, she thought she had won. Think again! Sunsetpaw kicked out her back legs, flinging Cherrypaw across the clearing. The tortoiseshell glared at her with defiance, her green eyes sparking. Sunsetpaw glanced at her mentor. Doefeather nodded slightly, angling her head towards Cherrypaw. " Finish it off," She mouthed. Sunsetpaw bounded over and placed her paws on Cherrypaw's shoulders. " I won, Cherrypaw." Sunsetpaw meowed, leaning closer to her face. Cherrypaw flailed a bit, but she must've conceded defeat, because then she hung her head. " Ugh! Fine, I guess you did well, Sunsetpaw." Sunsetpaw let her get to her paws. Cherrypaw shook out her dappled pelt and shot her another glance. " But I would've won, if you hadn't tricked me like that." She growled. Sunsetpaw twitched her ears in amusement as the she-cat padded over to her mentor. Doefeather appeared by her side. " Well done, Sunsetpaw!" She ran her creamy tail along Sunsetpaw's spine. " You managed to defeat an opponent larger and more trained than you." Sunsetpaw purred loudly. " Thanks!" " Hey, Sunsetpaw!" She turned to see Specklepaw bounded over, amber eyes bright. " You did great! I thought Cherrypaw had you beat, but then you flipped the whole battle around!" Specklepaw went on, whiskers twitching. Sunsetpaw nodded eagerly. " Yeah! I didn't think I was going to win, but then I did!" The two apprentices chatted on their way back to camp, while Cherrypaw sulked beside her mentor. Sunsetpaw squeezed through the gorse barrier and came muzzle to muzzle with Smokecloud. She felt her heart stop, then start to flutter, much to her annoyance. " H-hey, Smokecloud," She managed to mew, distracted by his warm, sweet scent. The black tom's eyes sparkled. " Hello, Sunsetpaw. How'd your training go? I heard you were battle training with my little brother and sister." Smokecloud purred. " Oh, well. I beat Cherrypaw." Sunsetpaw meowed shyly, shuffling her paws in the dirt. She felt hot from nose to tail tip! Smokecloud's eyes widened. " Really? Wow, you must be a talented apprentice, considering she's been training for three moons and you just got your apprentice name yesterday." He purred and rested his muzzle on her head. " Okay then, don't let me keep you too long. You must be worn out." Smokecloud padded away, his bushy, light grey tail bouncing. Sunsetpaw sighed dreamily. " Ooooooh!" Sunsetpaw turned around and saw Cherrypaw smiling. " Somebody's got a crush on Smokecloud!" She teased. Sunsetpaw felt like somebody lit her pelt on fire. " No, no! I don't! Really!" Cherrypaw let out a purr and padded away. Sunsetpaw fluffed out her fur and looked over at Specklepaw. He was watching her closely, and he looked almost...disappointed. " Hey, what's wrong?" Sunsetpaw asked him. The brown and cream mottled tom just looked at his paws. " Nothing. Don't worry about it." He padded away too, joining his sister in front of the apprentice's den. They were sharing tongues. Sunsetpaw frowned. Something had bothered him, and she was determined to find out why. She yawned. But first, she needed a nap. - Sunsetsplash
  • Vibes

    By suuuuuprg
    (Mothflight) I here. (Nightheart) Sonic music is hype. (Jayfeather) Yeah. (Mothflight) This is why I’m hype. (Windstar) No you stop. (Sunbeam) It’s time to face your fears. (Mothflight) Shut up. (Jayfeather) When we dance with destiny. (Shadowstar) I’ll be the one to carry on. (Nightheart) Undeafeatable. (Windstar) All of you have headphones. (Birchkit) Yes because Sonic has good music. (Kestrelflight) I’m hanging on to the side I won’t give up till the end of me I’m what you get when the stars collide. Now face it everyone that likes gay is an enemy. (Jayfeather) That last parts not in. (Kestrelflight) LGBTQ is the enemy. (Windstar) Whaaaaaaaaaaaa (Mothflight) I’m the champion. (Firestar) You get headphones Windstar. (Windstar) No. Sonic vibes. Headphones( Tom) Killed cats:0
  • Sunset

    By Rosy Spotted Kitten
    Wow. Your fanfic is good! I can’t wait to read more of it! I’d say more but I gotta go, bye!