Home / Warriors: The New Prophecy #5: Twilight

Warriors: The New Prophecy #5: Twilight By Erin Hunter

Warriors: The New Prophecy #5: Twilight

By Erin Hunter

  • Release Date: 2009-10-13
  • Genre: Fantasy for Kids
  • $9.99
Score: 4.5
From 436 Ratings


Before there is peace, blood will spill blood...

New territory brings new troubles for the fierce cats of the warrior Clans, who are still uncovering the secrets of their new home around the lake. Dangers they have never faced before are lurking in the twilight shadows, and former allies are acting strangely hostile.

As divisions between the Clans grow deeper, Firestar's daughters face troubling decisions. One is torn between loyalty to her calling and a forbidden love, while the other struggles with her best friend's betrayal and the surprising perils of the forest. The choices they make now could affect ThunderClan for generations to come . . . and with an unexpected enemy preparing to attack, their courage and strength will be needed more than ever if the Clan is to survive.


  • No.

    By redpandazozo14
    Sorry I don’t think Jupiter the NightWing was here recently,but I recommend trying to go on Wings of Fire (also known as: WoF
  • Hi! Is Jupiter the NightWing here?

    By izkitty
    Btw, Escape by Inrique Eglesias is TOTALLY Leafpool’s and Crowfeather’s song! Listen 🎧 and u will agree with me!
  • Chapter 27 of Sunsetsplash's Destiny! Part 1!

    By 👾👾👾1532
    Sunsetsplash woke up to a bar of sunlight slanting into the Warrior's den, chasing the darkness and blood from her nightmare away. Specklebranch was curled up beside her in her nest, snoring softly. Sunsetsplash purred quietly and pressed her nose to his cheek, his breath stirring her whiskers. Almost a whole moon had passed since the battle, and at the Gathering a half-moon ago, there was no sigh of Dark Shadow anywhere, on anyone's territory. Shortly after Sunsetsplash healed from her wounds, she agreed to be Specklebranch's mate. Sunsetsplash smiled at the thought and drifted off to sleep again. " Sunsetsplash!" Splashtail's voice called through the trees. Sunsetsplash, who had just finished marking a tree on the ShadowClan border, turned to watch as her sister burst through a clump of ferns. Her russet-and-white pelt was ruffled, her belly swollen with kits, and her eyes wide. " What's wrong, Splashtail?" Sunsetsplash asked, touching her sister's nose with hers. Splashtail caught her breath for a few moments. " It . . . It hurts!" " Your belly?" " Mm-hm, I'm scared. What if it's the kits?" Splashtail had moved into the nursery less than a quarter moon ago, so Sunsetsplash doubted that was true. " I don't think it's your kits, Splashtail," She rested her tail across her shoulders and led Splashtail through the trees. " But why did you fetch me and not Fernsight?" " Oh! Should I have? It's just, well, you've had kits before, haven't you?" " I'm pretty sure," Sunsetsplash muttered, remembering the pain of her kitting. Splashtail fretted some more under her breath before continuing in an audible voice. " And Fernsight's never had kits! He's a tom!" Sunsetsplash licked her worried sister's cheek. " But he's helped a lot of she-cats with their kitting, so he knows what to do. I don't, so I wouldn't be much help." " But — but, I'm not kitting in the nursery," Splashtail murmured, in a small voice. " I want Salmonleap to be with me, and I doubt he can just pad into our camp." Sunsetsplash paused, thinking about it. It was true. Although she had warmed to the tom, slightly, she didn't think her clanmates would be too thrilled at the prospect of a RiverClan cat watching his ThunderClan mate have his kits. " But where would you go?" " Oh! There's a lovely spot all planned out, just for me!" Splashtail's eyes shone. " There is a little clump of watergrass, reeds and ferns in a sheltered little beech copse. The clan doesn't patrol over there very often, and the marshy scent will hide me." Splashtail smiled fondly. " Salmonleap got it all ready for me, for when I have my kits. I'm hoping they'll be here soon." She pawed at the grass absentmindedly, while Sunsetsplash felt a flicker of fear. But she pushed it away quickly. Her sister would be fine! " I want you there with me, though," Splashtail meowed gravely. " Please, on StarClan's word, say you'll be with me." Sunsetsplash held her sister's eyes calmly, though her heart was beating faster and faster every second. " By the name of StarClan, and every cat in Silverpelt, I swear I will be there for you, Splashtail . . . for you, your kits, and Salmonleap." - Sunsetsplash
  • Part 16 :3

    By soph of bred
    GrayWillow watched as her kits played. It had been three moons since her kitting. She had thought carefully of the names and she had finally gotten three that would fit with them. “Kits,” She said. All of the kits- but one- clumsily sat down in front of their mother. “I have chosen names for you,” she announced. Her kits looked excited, they were the oldest kits in the nursery without names. She lowered her head down to the ginger white and black shekit. “You’ll be SpottedKit, because of you’re black and white splotches,” she said to her. SpottedKit smiled and the other two kits started to chant her name like it was a naming ceremony. “You’re BlackKit,” She said to the large, black kit with forest green eyes. “And finally, you’re HollyKit,” she said to the small brown kit. Each kit started chanting each other’s names. “BlackKit! HollyKit!” And, “SpottedKit! HollyKit!” Also, “BlackKit! SpottedKit!” GooseFace looked over. “Looks like they finally got their names,” she said.“Yeah! I’m BlackKit! This is HollyKit, And this is SpottedKit!” He said, looking up to the beautiful white queen. “I wonder if my kits would like to play with you?” She said. Like if she could predict the future, GooseFace’s two kits, MoonKit, and ThistleKit came into view. ThistleKit jumped on BlackKit, Claws sheathed. BlackKit tumbled around with him and then pinned the bracken-colored fur Tomkit To the nursery floor. Even though ThistleKit was older than BlackKit, BlackKit was stronger, and bigger. BlackKit let ThistleKit get up, and then BlackStar called a meeting. Everyone gathered below the high rock. “We need more apprentices. So, ThistleKit. You have become the age of seven moons. It is time to make you an apprentice,” ThistleKit became ThistlePaw. “You’re mentor will be DawnFoot.” DawnFoot and ThistlePaw looked down at each other, and touched noses. “MoonKit, you’ve become the age of seven moons. Starclan gives you the name and mentor of MoonPaw, and you’re mentor will be LeapFlower, our deputy.” The usual ceremony happened, and when it had ended GrayWillow went back to the nursery to her kits. She watched her kits play together for a moment, but she heard a yelp come from the high rock. She exited the nursery, to see everyone crowded around the high rock. Was it a meeting? Then she saw it. A small pale ginger body at the top of the High rock. “Lionkit, get down from there you’ll get hurt!” GrayWillow spotted SmallStorm, the mother of Lionkit, yelling up to her small kit. “Okay!” She said down into the crowd, she stepped forward a bit, and then GrayWillow saw her trip on her paws. Next thing you know, she’s falling straight of the highest rock in the camp. “NO! LIONKIT!!!” GrayWillow watched as the limp falling body of Lionkit neared the floor. SmallStorm dove toward LionKits body as it hit the ground. GrayWillows eyes widened as blood soaked into the grass. She ran over to LionKits body. “No, LionKit! Don’t die! It’s me, SmallStorm! Wake up!” SmallStorm wailed at the limp, bloody body of LionKit. “It should’ve been me..” She said. GrayWillows eyes were wide, tears falling. “No, no, no! It’s not ending like this!!!” She shrieked. Every day she used to visit LionKit as she got better. And now? She’s gone. Her life; poof! She was never even apprenticed. Never LionPaw. She had never ever had to experience something like this. Pain swelled through her. And tears flooded her dark gray eyes. “Why, StarClan? WHY!!!” She shrieked into the sky. For a moment she thought she saw BlueFur, TimberLeaf, and LionKit staring down at her among SilverPelt. She shut her eyes. She felt a presence next to her. It was MistyLeaf. Oh my StarClan, MistyLeaf! He must feel even worse than anyone else. He had been with LionKit every moment of her life. It’s like if he was her father, who hadn’t survived to see any of his kits. She looked next to her, MistyLeafs face was hidden in LionKits fur, as he shoved his head into her flank. Her bloody flank. -Dawn audio next
  • Dovepool here 🕊️ IVYWHISKER 🔽🔽🔽

    By a mega super duper fan
    Oml ivy yet again you give me a reason to love you also for that age thing you guys did all imma say is I’m under 14 but above 10 UwU and my b-day is 7-12 WHATCHA GONNA DO BOUT THAT- Ans I have submissions for the zodiac and the sundial ☀️ 🌚 okay for the sundial I have a light,flicker and flame for you ( I lied I have a couple cats for each role-) flickers: SUNNIE: a yellow beautiful flicker with a adorable accent and bright blue eyes that absorb everything Dusky : a sweet little she- kit that is shy and protectively fierce, Dusky-brown with a striped flank Flutter:a striped golden/beige bengal with white specks and bright blue eyes (I didn’t give the kits a flame bc I’ll let you pick who you want) Okay now the flames: Cloudy: a white she cat with golden flecks near her paws and amber eyes ( I kinda want cloudy to become a ray once her kits are ‘paws) Glimmer: a Glimmering she cat with orange fur, striped black forepaws and dark blue eyes Shimmer: a Shy she cat who loves her kits and is expecting a second/ first litter, she has brown fur with black specs and white paws and a fluffy brown and gray tail Now for the lights: Risen sun: a old looking, worn out grey Tom With completely golden fur Blaze: a Tom with a attitude of sorts and blue-ish fire with golden specks and black swirls Shall I continue? Yup! Now for the zodiacs! I have a moonrise and a couple of stars for you! Maybe some constellations and a moon ray because I don’t want midnight to be lonely :’D { Like me } Moonrise: Tuarus: a Tabby tom that is feisty and hates me- ( in case you haven’t noticed he my irl bff) he is very colorful with amber and blue eyes and a fluffy blue,purple, and green tail! Stars: Starlight: A expecting Tortoise shell and white she cat (expecting Taurus’s kits) Shine: a pitch black, shy she-cat with little respect for the sundials, is a current mother. Constellations: Cancer: a outgoing,kind she-kit with a adventurous spirit and a spotted tabby pelt with a bushy, black and white tail. Capricorn: a shy, lithe, silly, runt wit silver fur that shines like stars under the moonlight. Moon ray:! Almost done,Time check 11:35 P.M. Echo: a Albino tabby with silver and green fur with sparkling eyes and a wirily spirit Mist: a under the weather, bad tempered she-cat who seems to always feel ill, black and white fur with a hint of blue and purple Oml guys this didn’t take as long as I expected do any others of you want me to make y’all Au’s oc’s? If so tell me and I’ll be glad. Ivy you don’t have to take all of them I’ll just cry forever… no fr tho it’s fine! ~sincerely,Dovepool~
  • Ivy!⬇️

    By catlover🐱09
    To the zodiac, Phoenix(a black faced shecat with a dark red, flaming red, and orange, ombré pelt with black paws and a long flaming red tail with amber, red, yellow, and orange ombré eyes) Personality: loyal, brave, kind, wary of those she doesn’t know and It take a long time to earn her trust, Mate:Leo Position: star Leo(golden tom with sparkling stars in pelt and amber gold and green ombré eyes){not dead yet was born that way} Personality:loyal, friendly, kind, caring, and will die for his mate and kits Position:deputy Kits: flare(mini mommy flaming red, and orange, ombré pelted shekit with black paws and a long flaming red tail with amber, red,and orange ombré eyes) Constellation Dusk(golden, red and orange ombré tom with sparkling paws and amber orange and gold ombré eyes) Constellation fawn( gold shekit with dark red paws and tip tail with small black spots and orange green and amber ombré eyes) constellation ~ Phoenix~ ~cosmoheart~
  • Oakstream

    By pikachu cinderace
    Safari was always on my iPads. I do whatever I want with safari.I use google.
  • Submission for the Zodiac!

    By XxGalacticSkiesxX
    Name: Capricorn Gender: Male Desc: sandy-brown tabby tom with white markings and darker stripes. Yellow eyes Position: Warrior Name: Pisces Gender: Female Desc: a white, black, and orange calico she-cat with soft blue eyes Position: Deputy ~Dappleshade Autumnwhisper
  • Join the Zodiac!!!

    By warriorsIScool
    Oakstream: yeah lol! I’ve always disliked The New Prophecy covers and honestly the new The Prophecies Begin covers too*.I don’t like The Broken Code a whole lot either but it’s better than nostrils, lol. * the darkest hour and a dangerous path are really pretty tho! I moved this chapter to The New Prophecy: Moonrise audiobook, to make space for my new Tribe/Clan: the Zodiac! No, this is not like those zodiac rps on Roblox. It’s just a Clan based off the moon lol 🌚🌝 Moon (Leader): Eclipse, white she-cat with mismatched blue and amber eyes and fur that appears to be glowing. Submitted by Sunsetsplash. Moonrise (Deputy): none Moonlights (Warriors/Apprentices, please specify which one they are!): Scorpio, black she-cat with bright amber eyes. Submitted by Ivywhisker. Nova, beautiful, dark gray fluffy she-cat with blue eyes and streaks of amber and white like comets. Submitted by Sunsetsplash. Comet, lithe black and white tom with yellow spots and freckles on his pelt with amber eyes. Submitted by Sunsetsplash. (Nova’s brother) Twilight, tall black tom with pale purple eyes (in line to be deputy, Eclipse’s most trusted warrior). Submitted by Sunsetsplash. Stars (Queens): Waning Moon, pale gray she-cat with blue eyes and pure black fur on half of her face. Mother to Libra, Meteor, and Galaxy. Constellations (Kits): Libra, tawny she-cat with white paws and blue eyes. Submitted by Sunsetsplash. Meteor, gray tom with spiky fur and blue eyes. Submitted by Sunsetsplash. Galaxy, white-black-gray she-cat with green eyes. Submitted by Sunsetsplash. Moonrays (Elders): Midnight, old gray she-cat with patchy fur and green eyes. Submitted by Sunsetsplash. They are based off the moon. The Moon is the leader, the Moonrise the deputy, the Moonlights the warriors, the Stars the queens, the Constellations the kits, and the Moonrays the elders. They occasionally sacrifice stuff to the moon 😳 🫠 🫥 Their apprentices are considered kits and are just put with their name and description under a warrior. They count for half a warrior basically, which is why I added extra warriors. Moon: 1/1 CLOSED Moonrise: 0/1 Moonlights: 4/20 Stars: 1/4 Constellations: 3/9 Moonrays: 1/5 Sundial: Sun (Leader): none Dawn (Deputy): Solar, handsome golden tom with dark brown tabby stripes and blue eyes. Submitted by Sunsetsplash. Rays: Flare, white she-cat with tawny spots and green eyes. Submitted by Sunsetsplash. Flames: Sunset, orange tabby she-cat with green eyes. Submitted by Sunsetsplash. Expecting Solar’s kits. Sunburst, small yellow she-cat with golden paws and tail-tip, and long fur. Mother to four kits, Flickers (Kits): none Lights: none LIMITS Sun: 0/1 Dawn: 0/1 Rays: 0/20 Flames: 0/4 Flickers: 0/9 Lights: 0/5 They are based off the sun, just like the Zodiac is based off the moon. Sun: leader, Dawn: deputy, Rays: warriors, Flames: queens, Flickers: kits, and Lights: elders. Other info can be found above in the Zodiac description, they basically have the same customs. Nothing more to say ig? Bye! |vy
  • Worst

    By suuuuuprg
    The worst ( 2nd ) worst book of all the warriors 😡😡😡😡☹️🥶😡😡🤦🏿‍♂️🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓