Chapter Twelve of Sunsetsplash's Destiny!
By 👾👾👾1532
Sunsetsplash yawned. Beside her, Splashtail did the same. Early morning light shone down from the clouds, sending a rush of warmth and happiness through Sunsetsplash's tired limbs. She couldn't wait until she could curl up into her nest and go to sleep until sunhigh. Rustling made her turn her head. Splashtail raised her hackles defensively. " Good morning, new warriors. I bet you're tired." Their old mentors, Doefeather and Thistlepelt, padded through the barrier. Sunsetsplash noticed that their tails were twined, and Doefeather's eyes shone brightly.
• That could be me and Smokecloud...• The image danced tentatively in her mind. Their pelts touching, white and cinnamon-streaked against night-black, as they padded through the forest, light dappling the leaves as sunlight filtered from the canopy...
Sunsetsplash forced her way back to reality just in time to hear Thistlepelt say the six words she'd been dying to hear since moonhigh. " You can go to sleep, now."
Splashtail let out a grateful purr and stretched deeply. Sunsetsplash stood up too quickly and felt the blood rush through her legs. " Thank you, Thistlepelt!" She licked her front paw, which felt like it was filled with sand. " But I think my paw beat us to it."
The two former mentors purred and, after meowing goodbye, padded into the trees.
Splashtail was first to comment as they squeezed through the gorse tunnel. " Well, come on. I'm so tired I think I could sleep on that log over there." She gestured towards a fallen tree, covered in dew-slick moss. Sunsetsplash crinkled her nose. " But it's all wet."
" My point, exactly."
Sunsetsplash let her sister take the lead towards their nests. When they were standing outside of the bush, a familiar voice made Sunsetsplash turn her head.
" I think you've got the wrong den, mighty warriors." Smokecloud purred.
" Oh, yeah. Right." Splashtail murmured sheepishly.
" We're warriors now."
Sunsetsplash stayed silent. She gazed at Smokecloud, who turned and met her eyes.
Mismatched blue and green met dazzling water-blue for a long moment, and then he turned to Splashtail. " Go on ahead, I want to speak to Sunsetsplash about something. Specklebranch can help you find some nests — Specklebranch!"
The mottled tom poked his head out of the warrior's den. " What is it? It's early."
" Help Splashtail find a nest for her and her sister, I want to talk to Sunsetsplash."
Specklebranch shot his brother a sharp glance before muttering something. He disappeared into the den, and Splashtail followed him inside.
Sunsetsplash watched her sister's tail flick away into the shadows.
" Sunsetsplash?" Smokecloud asked. His voice was soft, and also kind of...shy.
" Yeah?" Sunsetsplash's heart fluttered. " What is it?"
• I should tell him. I should ask him be my mate. •
" Sunsetsplash, I...I — you — well, you see I —" Smokecloud stammered to a stop.
Sunsetsplash held her breath. Smokecloud took a deep breath and fixed his gaze into hers. " I love you, Sunsetsplash...and I want you to be my mate."
Sunsetsplash felt the world sway under her paws, while her surprise and delight bubbled inside of her like happy butterflies. " I love you too, Smokecloud! I...I do want to be your mate." She buried her nose into his neck fur, and Smokecloud purred and licked her cheek. Time seemed to stop. Sunsetsplash felt like the only important thing in the world was to be as close to Smokecloud as possible. Finally, Smokecloud pulled away. " You should get some sleep, Sunsetsplash." He meowed. Sunsetsplash nodded, too breathless to speak. Feeling like she was walking on air, she slipped inside the warrior's den. Splashtail was already asleep, curled up in her new nest.
Sunsetsplash realised that her nest, filled with soft moss and feathers that carried the faint scent of Specklebranch — • he must've gathered these for me, • — was right next to her sister's. She dropped down into the fluffy pile and sighed.
She looked over at Specklebranch's nest and realised with a jolt he was still awake.
His amber eyes were blazing like two fires in the den, and anger pulsed from his pelt.
" What is it, Specklebranch?" Sunsetsplash asked. Her eyelids drooped a little and she rested her chin on the edge of her nest. " What's wrong?"
" Oh, nothing." He sniffed, unconvincingly. Sunsetsplash frowned, but she could deal with that later. She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep, into dreams of Smokecloud and their new life together as mates...
Whew! Hope you enjoyed! Next chapter is in the next book.
- Sunsetsplash
Join alternate universe WindClan!
By warriorsIScool
How have I not submitted to DirtClan yet? What have I been doing with my life LOL
Molestar, brown tom with darker stripes (he’s super annoying but still a good leader) (Molestar is Spanish for very very annoying XD)
Soilpelt, black she-cat with a constantly dirty pelt. She loves to dig tunnels (warrior)
Duststorm, pale brown tabby tom with white paws, tail-tip, and underbelly/chest (warrior)
Mousefang, small, sweet white she-cat with a pale cream chest. Mother to Duststorm’s kits, Tinykit, Larkkit, and Owlkit. (Tinykit is a brown-and-white tabby she-kit, Larkkit a white she-kit with brown paws, and Owlkit a pure brown tom with a white splotch over one eye
There ya go! Bye!
ThunderClan and RiverClan are now closed, the message board is the first arc and the New Prophecy arc, ShadowClan the Power of Three, and WindClan A Vision Of Shadows. SkyClan is the Omen of the Stars and BloodClan is in Dawn of the Clans. The information to submit is in the Broken Code arc. Thanks Espresso Cat!
*exhales* sorry for all caps just had to make it clear 😂 😜
Leader: Runningstar, white she-cat with brown eyes and a scar on her forehead.
Deputy: Codtail, silver tabby tom with black stripes and a fluffy white tail.
Medicine cat(s):
Submitted by Espresso Cat.
Heatherfur, tortoiseshell she-cat. Submitted by GalacticSkies.
Snowpetal, white she-cat with pale gray paws and pinkish eyes. Submitted by GalacticSkies.
Pebblepelt, pale gray tom with darker spots and amber eyes. Submitted by xXGalacticSkiesXx.
Blackdaisy, black-white-gray tortoiseshell she-cat. Submitted by MagnoliaHeart.
(Apprentice, Snowpaw)
Sunsetsky, yellow-orange she-cat with a creamy white chest and one cream-colored paw, and dark blue eyes. Submitted by GalacticSkies.
(Apprentice, Rootpaw)
Dexter, black tom. Formerly a loner/kittypet. Submitted by Sparkbreeze.
(Apprentice, Icypaw)
Rainmist, silver tabby she-cat with a white chest, paws, tail-tip, and muzzle, and blue eyes. Submitted by GalacticSkies.
Iceleap, pale gray tabby tom with darker stripes and blue eyes. Submitted by GalacticSkies.
Eaglepool, fawn tom with teal eyes. Submitted by Ivywhisker.
(Apprentice, Foxpaw)
Spectralwind, white tabby tom with one black paw, pale gray splashes, and gray eyes. Submitted by Espresso Cat.
Ghostsong, black she-cat with white-and-gray splashes and pale gray eyes. Submitted by Espresso Cat.
(Apprentice, Wolfpaw)
Rootslash, fluffy chocolate tabby tom with dark brown stripes and hazel eyes. Submitted by GalacticSkies.
Icyfeather, very fluffy silvery she-cat with dark blue eyes. Submitted by Ivywhisker.
Daffodil, ginger tabby she-cat, former kittypet and formerly of ThunderClan.
Submitted by LeopardSplash.
Quietwish, dark gray tom with green eyes and lighter markings
Ravenflow, black she-cat with gray sides and a white chest. Hazel eyes. Mother to three kits, Quietkit, Loudkit, and Shimmerkit. Submitted by MagnoliaHeart. Frostleaf, white she-cat with pale gray paws and eye markings, and pinkish eyes. Mother to Eaglepool’s kit, Stormkit. Submitted by GalacticSkies.
Quietkit, tiny gray she-kit with blue eyes
Loudkit, black tom-kit with brown eyes
Shimmerkit, gray-and-white she-kit with a sparkling pelt and hazel eyes
Stormkit, pale gray tabby tom-kit with amber eyes
Springflight, white she-cat with black splotches and amber eyes. Submitted by GalacticSkies.
Firestorm, orange and yellow tom with amber eyes and white flecks on his nose. Submitted by GalacticSkies.
Scarletcloud, reddish she-cat with a cream-colored chest, underbelly, paws, tail-tip, muzzle, and snout, with blue eyes. Submitted by GalacticSkies.
Swiftbrook, white tom with silver patches that have dark gray stripes inside of them and green eyes. Submitted by xXGalacticSkiesXx.
Loki, tabby tom with black markings. Formerly a loner/kittypet. Submitted by Sparkbreeze.
Snowpaw, white she-cat with blue eyes and one black paw. Submitted by GalacticSkies.
Specklepaw, gray tom with green eyes. Formerly of ThunderClan. Submitted by MagnoliaHeart.
Shimmerpaw, pretty fawn-and-white she-cat with green eyes. Formerly of ThunderClan. Submitted by Ivywhisker.
Finchpaw, fawn-brown she-cat with white paws. Formerly of ThunderClan. Submitted by Ivywhisker.
Wolfpaw, pale gray tom with darker gray tabby stripes. Submitted by Meowsterrific123.
Cherrypaw, ginger she-kit with darker gray spots. Submitted by Meowsterrific123.
Foxpaw, ginger tabby tom with darker stripes. Submitted by Meowsterrific123.
13/12 warriors CLOSED
1/1 leader CLOSED
3/3 queens CLOSED
4/8 kits
1/1 deputy CLOSED
1/1 med. cat CLOSED
1/1 med. cat apprentice CLOSED
7/7 apprentices CLOSED
5/5 elders CLOSED
It’s terrible
By -quoop
I hate everything. Especially your favorite character.
P.s I am the only true Jayfan, Ghøstnight. Take the absolute L.
Paw prints to follow
By warriorcatskindness
Name: Frostfox.
Description:a kind and fierce caring she.
Looks:white she with dark brown eyes.
Parents:pebblespot. White she with amber eyes.(mom deputy of shadowclan.) darkstar. Black tom with dark brown eyes.(dad leader of shadowclan.) she with dark brown eyes.blackberrypelt black she with amber eyes.
Mate:moontree. Gray tom with blue eyes.
Kits:Dawnrose.gray she with amber eyes. Liongrowl. Golden tom with one blue and one dark brown eyes. Clawtooth. Gray tom with white spots and dark brown eyes. Cheetahpaw. White she with yellow eyes. Barkpaw. White she with blue eyes.
A scary looking tom was right in front of him. “U-umm H-h-hello…” He stammered. The scary looking tom stepped out of the shadows revealing that he was actually a kind looking tom. “No need to be scared.” The tom smiled. “My name is spottedvine. I have a prophecy for you.” “His face light up. “A prophecy for me?!” He asked hopefully. “Yes. A fox will come with frost and will know things beyond cats ability’s.” He murmured. “A fox will come with frost and know things beyond cats ability’s?!” He asked a confused expression on his face. “Yes and be aware she isn’t as dull as you think.” He yowled as he faded. “Wait I don’t understand!” He jolted awake next to his pregnant mate as she woke up. “Darkstar are you okay?” She asked. “I’m fine,pebblespot.”he murmured and they fell asleep again.
Chapter one:
“Frostpaw!” Her mentor, Pinepelt called. She trotted over to her mentor, excited to have her final assessment. “Is it time?!” She asked with the most biggest smile on her face. “Yes it is.” Pinepelt purred. She looked at the younger stubborn apprentice Brookpaw. She smiled happily at brookpaws jealous look of hatred. Brookpaw knew that moonpaw when they became warriors would probably
become mates. She walked out of camp proudly.
Frostpaw walked into camp with 5 squirrels, 2 rabbits, and 3 voles. Brookpaw walked up. “Moonpaw you did great catching all that prey!” She purred. Moonpaw smiled sweetly. “That’s actually beautiful Frostpaws prey.” Brookpaw gave Frostpaw a death glare. She chuckled and whispered into Brookpaws ear. “He’ll be my mate soon.” And she laughed so much in her head as brookpaw eyes widened and she gave the look of death to her as she walked away. “Let all cats gather beneath this high rock for a clan meeting!” She heard her fathers voice ring across the clearing. She purred, it was her time. As the clan gathered around the high rock the apprentices were beckoned forward by her fathers tail. “This is an important time for the clan. It is leaf bare but 5 apprentices are able to become warriors now. Frostpaw, brownpaw, blackberrypaw, Moonpaw, and Goldenpaw.” His gaze shot to the apprentices. “Frostpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code at all times?” He asked. “I do.” She dipped her head. Then from with moment on you will become Frostfox. The clan honors you kindness and loyalty.” He murmured. He said the same to the other cats except naming, brownpaw browneyes, blackberrypaw, blackberrypelt, Moonpaw, Moontree, and goldenpaw, goldenleaf. It was the happiest day of her life. Or so she thought.
Chapter two:
She purred as she noticed cheetahpaw arguing with her sister, barkpaw. “That litter is super energetic all the time.” She laughed at her mate, moontrees comment. Her ear flicked at this screeching noise. “What’s that?” She asked. “Eagle but I don’t know what it’s doing here.” Dawnrose said where she was sitting with her siblings, liongrowl and clawtooth. She looked at the worried faces of her clan mates. She shrugged. Suddenly it felt like horrible pain through her body. She felt darkness overwhelm her. “Welcome to starclan.”
Bye! Hoped you liked the book!”
Hazelstar of kindclan see description in into the wild bye! ✌🏿✌🏾✌🏽✌🏼✌🏻✌️✌🏿✌🏾✌🏽✌🏼✌🏻✌️✌🏿✌🏾✌🏽✌🏼✌🏻✌️✌🏿✌🏾✌🏽✌🏼✌🏻✌️✌🏿✌🏾✌🏽✌🏼✌🏻✌️
By suuuuuprg
I am Mossyfang
I listen and read it but my brother kept listening to it so now it is one of the worst warrior books I ever read
Hi! I made some OCs for AU WindClan!!!
By tatertotsy 13
|vy- idk…how I write is when I feel sad, something depressing happens in my books. When I’m happy, happy stuff, and etc. i can’t really help it, also sometimes I feel depressed and my OC suffers along with me……and yea RIP YewKit.
LilyHeart: Oh my goodness…Ivy u were too YOUNG to have kits, i mean, 13 moons?!
(Thinks of her own kit) … Uh, er you were older then uh, RoseThorn at least…she was… 11 moons when she got….pregnant.
And was 15 moons when she gave birth to them. Her second litter, (with FernFluff) she got pregnant with when she was about 20 to 22 moons, she had her third litter when she was 34 moons. And I, LilyHeart had my first litter, (SpruceLeap, RoseThorn and YewKit, a tom-kit who died at birth) when I was 23 moons. So know you know more about me! And my kits.
RoseThorn: (walks in) Heard all of that and Mom…that was mine to tell. And…YOU NEVER TOLD ME I HAD ANOTHER BROTHER!!!!!!
SpruceLeap: (peeks in) I have a brother?
LittleDusk: (glares) You have some ExPlAiNiNg to do MoThEr!!!!
Lol idk where that came from
RavenFlow’s parents are both elders, QuietKit will be a med, and ShimmerKit and LoudKit will be Warriors.☺️
Name: RavenFlow
Sex: she-cat
Pelt: black with gray sides and a white chest; hazel eyes
Clan: AU WindClan
Parents: HawkStrike; gray tom with green eyes, FawnSong; black she-cat with hazel eyes
Siblings: None
Mate: Reckless; loner tom, gray pelt, brown eyes
Kits: QuietKit; petite gray she-kit with blue eyes, blind, LoudKit; black tom with brown eyes, ShimmerKit; gray and white she-kit with a sparkling pelt and hazel eyes
Rank: Queen
Side note: RavenFlow will join with her family, minus her mate. So her mom, dad, and kits. ☺️ No one submits for WC, so I decided to!
By Maple"Dawn
I can’t sleep~ and It’s 4:00 Am~ so I’m just messing around~ PLEASE HELP I HAVE A STOMACH VIRUS AND FEEL SO HECKING AWFUL
Birch’s Call, Chapter two!! Also Ivy 👀 ⬇️
By Rosy Spotted Kitten
———Chapter two———
Birch frowned down at his sister. “But why??” She shifted her paws guilty, “I’m sorry, but I’ll be happy there. Happier than I’ll be HERE…… Plus I’ll have a chance to make my OWN life.” He stared at her in disbelief, •Why in the world would she want to go join a clan?? And why Meadow Clan??•
Mountain gazed sadly down at Cream, “You’ll be missed.” She smiled, “I’ll miss you!!” Mountain padded forward to touch noses with her when his front left paw got stuck in a hole. He winced, then screeched. He started twitching a lot.
Birch stared at him, then looked at the hole. “Snake hole,” he whispered with horror. “How do you feel??” Mountain blinked at him with glazed eyes, “Weird. I feel all hot. And in painnnnnnnnnn,” his voice dragged out to a gasp.
Then he was still.
His eyes dull.
Not breathing.
He was…… dead…
Birch wailed, “No! Why did you have to die too?!” He raced off, not looking back once.
Birch curled up tightly against the branch. He was in a nook between the trunk and the branch. •Nothing can hurt me up here. Unless I fall…..• He shook away the bad feeling.
•I have to find myself a PROPER den. Not this. It doesn’t feel right.• Birch tried to fall asleep but couldn’t. •Not even a full day and I lost both of my parents• he thought bitterly. A voice whimpered softly below him.
A pretty silver tabby was walking a little bit below him. She was limping, her back right paw, looking sprained. Her ear was torn and her fur was coated in blood.
Birch felt shocked, who would harm such a pretty she-cat?? As she walked she whimpered softly, “I can’t believe it……….. Storm of Claws…….. nearly…….. ow…… I hate….” Her voice quieted down a bit and he couldn’t hear her.
Birch leapt down in front of her. She shrieked, “Ah!! Don’t kill me!” He felt extremely bewildered, “Why would I kill you??” The she-cat warily eyed him, “Who are you?”
Birch calmly flicked hit tail tip, “I’m Birch,” he mewed. She slowly nodded, “I-I’m Starlight.” He nodded. •That’s a pretty name.• His pelt felt hot as she gazed at him.
Starlight flattened her ears and stared at him with wide eyes. •She is pretty• he commented softly to himself. •Maybe…..• he hesitated. •Maybe she could be MY mate??•
Birch beckoned her with his tail. He claws his way up a ash tree and glanced down. She was following him. Surprise jolted through him as he saw what awaited him at the top.
There was a scoop in the middle of where all the branches met. Birch crawled into it, followed by Starlight. The she-cat laid down next to him and swiftly groomed her pelt. •This is nice• he thought with a smile. He glanced over at Starlight , she smiled back at him.
•I could get used to this• he thought, as Starlight snuggled up closed to him. He curled up closer to the pretty she-cat, resting his tail on her flank, and drifted off to sleep.
Thx! I’m glad you like it! Also for reference, Birch is about 5 moons older than IvyWhisker (so when they met he was 19 moons old)(😂) and Starlight is probably one moon older than Ivy. Also your writing is AWESOME!!!!! Write more……. Or else……. Wait no. I got his age wrong, his and Starlight’s. Bc when he met Starlight he was 14 moons old, and she was 12 moons old. She began expecting his kits when she was 15 moons old, and Birch was 17 moons at that time. She had his kits at 24 moons old, and Birch was 26 moons old. And when he had his mate and kits join the Shade Cats, he was 29 moons old. Ooof Birch is oldddddd. XD. And when he met IvyWhisker (you 😂) he was 30 moons old. Eeeeeee Birch! Why you so old?! Erm….. I might have to change his age………. So this means…. Birch is 16 moons older than IvyWhisker……….. Ya know what? Forget everything I just typed.
When Birch met Starlight he was 8 moons old, she was 6 moons old.
When she started expecting his kits she was 8 moons old, he was 10. (Starlight be crazy…… she started expecting kits a 8 moons……)
When Starlight had his kits she was 17 moons old, Birch was 19 moons.
When his mate and kits joined the Shade Cats, he was 21 moons old, Starlight was 19 moons. His kits were 3 moons old.
When Birch met IvyWhisker (you) he was 21 and a half moons old.
Eeeeee! Birch is still old……. What in the world do I do now???? Make it so Starlight has his kits at 12 moons old….. XD. Na. So Birch is 7 and a half moons older than IvyWhisker.
Btw look at Into the Wild, up to Forest of Secrets. Btw Forest of Secrets is where I am like as a cat. See ya!
Haha! Not that much of a cliff hanger, but bet you didn’t expect that!! Haha! Birch also had a mate before IvyWhisker(that sounds so weird, bc you ARE IvyWhisker 😂) mated with him. Next book=next chapter.
-LeopardSplash of AU Thunder Clan
Hi Galaxyskies, Ivy!
By kasy268
I have successfully added Pebblepelt and Swiftbrook. I’ve actually made apprentices for WC, and I’ve made Spectralpaw Swiftbrook’s apprentice. So for Ivy to write down:
Name: Spectralpaw
Gender: Tom (Male)
Pelt: White tabby tom with a black paws, pale gray splashes, gray eyes
Mother: Moonfeather, white-and-gray she-cat with gray eyes (dead)
Father: Graywood, brown tom with gray splashes and green eyes (elder)
Sister: Ghostpaw (description below)
Rank: Apprentice
Mentor: Swiftbrook
Name: Ghostpaw
Gender: Female (She-Cat)
Pelt: Black she-cat with white-and-gray splashes, pale gray eyes
Mother: Moonfeather
Father: Graywood
Brother: Spectralpaw
Rank: Apprentice
Mentor: Codtail
Your welcome, bye!
Also, these cats are based off the FnF mod, Vs Ghost Twins. They’re very cute, so I made them into cats!
Swindlestar of MeadowClan
Espresso Cat
By eveveve eveve
:3 Hewo...