Home / Warriors: The New Prophecy #1: Midnight

Warriors: The New Prophecy #1: Midnight By Erin Hunter

Warriors: The New Prophecy #1: Midnight

By Erin Hunter

  • Release Date: 2009-10-13
  • Genre: Fiction for Kids
  • $7.99
Score: 4.5
From 793 Ratings


Darkness, air, water, and sky will come together...

The wild cats of the forest have lived in peace and harmony for many moons -- but a doom that will change everything is coming. Strange messages from their warrior ancestors speak of terrifying new prophecies, danger, and a mysterious destiny.

All the signs point to young warrior Brambleclaw as the cat with the fate of the forest in his paws. But why would the son of wicked cat Tigerstar be chosen to be a hero? And who are the other cats mentioned in the prophecy? All Brambleclaw knows for sure is that the strength and courage of the greatest warriors will be needed now, as the quest to save the Clans begins.

...and shake the forest to its roots.


  • Umm…

    By 11hearts8
    This book was okay, but it got like REALLY boring toward the end. But I mean the clans made it, so yay! Ok cya!
  • Submit to bird clan!

    By 😎😜😎😝
    (Maybe if u need new name call it featherclan?) Rosie/whatever u call a heller/female/sweat/sharp beak/selfless/sparrow Stormed/ crow/elder/has a good heart/looks scary/very hot headed/nice to hatchlings/“oh let the kids have there fun” kinda dude Kelpie/blackhooded seagull/ came from the research lab/ pretty/has a haunted past/ tries to be nice but feels like outsider do to her being a seagull (Is claw, female)
  • Wait what

    By Starpaw of ShadowClan
    Wait, what?
  • Amazing

    By vhhjnmbvghj
    Great book! Definitely recommend
  • She’s alive!

    By Olivia the Olive 😏🥮🫒
    Yes I’m alive just terribly demotivated Also does anyone like Murder Drones Sunset’splash: My favorite show. I don’t really like TV normally but Murder Drones is different. It’s on YT and there are 6 episodes out so far. There will be 8 in season 1. It’s pretty violent, probably similar to Warriors though so I think you guys would be fine watching it. There is very mild cursing, like crap and heck and stuff like that. Definitely recommend it. Edit: ahEm FRIENDLESS???????? WHAT AM I THEN???????? Good good…very good…
  • Frosty, Siren + collab fic chapter 6!

    By 👾👾👾1532
    Siren: lol sorry I meant irl friends 😅🥲😂 you (and the other AUers) are my BAUFs (Best AU Friends) Siren: oh then I might not be able to watch it then, if it’s on YT. I don’t have my own YT and I’ll have to answer awkward questions about how I knew what it was to search it my mom asks, and me being friendless and alone… yeah. But I’d definitely try it as soon as I am able to! Frosty: Haha I finally have space in this review cuz I’m moving some of my chapters to the audiobook versions of the books they’re posted in so now I can request adopts! Can I have Frostfur and Snowcoal please? ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Mallowwhisker stretched out his achy limbs, breathing in the crisp dawn air. He had just finished with his vigil, and was exhausted. He was padding into camp when a familiar sweet scent caught his attention. “ Mallowwhisker!” Mothflutter purred, striding up to him. Mallowwhisker felt mesmerized by her, and shook his head to clear the fog. He was tired, clearly. “ Hi, Mothflutter,” He said, stifling a yawn. “ Okay, so, I know you’re tired and all, but…” Mothflutter scuffed her paws in the dirt. “ I wanted to tell you something.” Mallowwhisker’s heart jolted funnily. “ Uh… what is it?” “ I’m going to be leader!” Mothflutter meowed happily. Her eyes were sparkling. “ I’m already deputy, but Dawnstar said she wanted to retire, so I’m going to be Mothstar soon!” Mallowwhisker forced a purr. “ That’s great!” Really, it was, but he couldn’t stop himself from thinking about how the future he’d always imagined for him and Mothflutter was now crumbled. “ When?” “ I’m leaving for my nine lives ceremony as soon as Dawnstar makes the announcement!” Mothflutter danced on her paws. “ So I have to go now, bye!” Mallowwhisker watched her bound away sadly, then resumed his walk to his den. He curled up in his new nest and drifted off into a dreamless sleep. The sun was setting, and Mallowwhisker was grooming himself outside of the warrior’s den. After Dawnstar had made the announcement shortly after Mallowwhisker woke up from his too-short nap, Mothflutter had left for her naming ceremony. She still wasn’t back yet, but Mallowwhisker was prepared to wait. His heart beat uncomfortably as the night carried on, and when the moon began to lower in the sky, the entrance rustled. The medicine cat Bumbleberry burst in, her eyes wide with shock. “ Dawnstar, come quickly!” She wailed, fur spiked. Dawnstar bounded over as Mallowwhisker padded closer. “ You may have to stay as leader for a while longer, Dawnstar,” Bumbleberry said gravely. Dawnstar lashed her tail. “ Why?” Bumbleberry fixed her sad yellow eyes onto Dawnstar’s worried blue ones. “ Because,” she began, with a heavy sigh. “ Mothflutter is dead.” Mallowwhisker felt the ground break away under his paws, and his lungs clawed for air. “ What?” He demanded, stepping forward. “ She can’t be dead.” Bumbleberry hung her head. “ She is.” “ What happened?” Dawnstar asked briskly, as more cats crowded around them. Mallowwhisker couldn’t breathe. He wanted them all to go away — or better yet, for him to wake up from this terrible nightmare. “ Me and Mothflutter were waiting for moonhigh when I left to go collect some herbs I found — I should never have left her!” Bumbleberry let out a wail and she shook her head roughly. “ When I came back, I found her body beside a bramble bush, and there were deathberries everywhere.” “ Did she eat them?” Dawnstar asked the medicine cat, but Mallowwhisker butted in. “ She wouldn’t kill herself,” he hissed. “ I know Mothflutter — she had to have been poisoned by another cat!” “ But there wasn’t any scent, Mallowwhisker.” Bumbleberry told him. Mallowwhisker curled his lip. “ There had to be. She wouldn’t just eat a bunch of deathberries. She was so excited to be Mothstar…” Dawnstar looked at him sadly. “ Whatever the case, it seems like StarClan must not want me to retire yet. I still have a few lives in me yet —“ she turned to a black and white speckled she-cat in the crowd. “ Specklefur shall be my new deputy.” As the she-cats padded away to discuss the situation, Mallowwhisker felt empty and lost. He looked up at the fading stars and asked them, “ Are you there, Mothflutter?” - Sunsetsplash
  • A Teaser Or Something

    By DaDerpHerp
    Alright. I’m bored. Again. SO, with that being said, I be making a new thingymabob. 🫨🫨🫨 Now, you may be like: OMG A NEW WARRIORS FANFIC AINT NO WAY!!!! WRONG! It has dogs as main characters, is made by a guy who don’t read da books (and constantly says “Bird Up!” And other memes) AND THERE WILL BE NO CATS DESPITE THE FACT THAT ITS ON THE REVIEW SECTION OF THE WARRIORS SERIES THATS ABOUT CATS! So get ready for another story to hopefully make y’all mad. Oh and you can submit a dog or whatever into the audio version of into the wild and see the current roles in the thing. (This totally won’t make me put ur OCs into my story) BYEHAVEAGOODDAYORNOTIREALLYDONTCAREBIRDUPANDDABONURDAD! -Sir Von DaDerpHerp the 87th.
  • Frostheart! Moon pelt

    By catlover🐱09
    Moonpelt: can I have peach tail? Can I have specklepaw, coldspeck,tentail, and cold paw? Tyyyy ~ Phoenix~
  • Adopts

    By moonpelt
    -A D O P T S- 🟢I O P E N 🔴I T A K E N ————————— 🟢I ADOPT 1 ————————— NAME- Peachtail GENDER- She cat APPEARANCE- A short haired white she cat with a light grey cape covering the top of her torso and top of her face and her tail with golden flecks all over with one torn ear and has amber eyes for her left eye and a bright blue for her right eye. PERSONALITY- A kind bubbly optimistic she cat who loves to tease but is clumsy AGE- 15 moons/ young warrior RANK- Warrior 🟢I ADOPT 2 ————————— NAME- Oakwing GENDER- Tom APPEARANCE- A messy looking dark blueish grey tom whose pelt gets lighter until it’s a regular grey with a cream colored belly and paws and has a long tail tipped with cream and a cream colored muzzle with amber eyes that look more orange. PERSONALITY- Likes to joke around a lot but can be serious, is nice to every cat even from other clans but will defend his clan no matter what AGE- 18 moons RANK- Warrior 🟢I ADOPT 3 ————————— NAME- Applepaw GENDER- She cat APPEARANCE- A white tabby with light grey stripes with a brown cape on her torso with dark brown striped and has it on her right side of face and her tail is a slightly fluffy mix of brown and white with dark green eyes. PERSONALITY- A she cat that can be stubborn sometimes but is kind and always stands up for what she believes is right and helps other cats a lot even when their not from her clan or from the clans. AGE- 8 moons RANK- Apprentice WARRIOR NAME- Appleshine 🟢I ADOPT 4 ————————— NAME- Tansypaw GENDER- She cat APPEARANCE- a golden tabby she cat with a pale cream underbelly and muzzle and has a tail mixed with golden striped and pale cream with pale purple eyes PERSONALITY- A loving she cat with a gentle nature and loves to help other cats but is smarter than she seems and was once a kitty pet AGE- 10 moons RANK- Apprentice KITTYPET NAME- Mochi WARRIOR NAME- Tansyfur 🟢I ADOPT 5 ————————— NAME- Winterheart GENDER- Tom APPEARANCE- A large long furred white tom with blue-ish grey tipped ears and his fluffy tail is a mix of white and blue-ish grey with icy blue eyes PERSONALITY- A serious tom that’s very guarded and doesn’t trust other cats easily and was once a rouge but joined the clans when he was 7 moons but is kind deep inside. AGE- 20 moons RANK- Warrior ROUGE NAME- Claw 🟢I ADOPT 6 ————————— NAME- Cloverstar GENDER- She cat APPEARANCE- A sleek light brown she cat with brown stripes and a brown striped tail tipped with a cream color and has a cream muzzle and belly with light green eyes PERSONALITY- A brave ambitious she cat who loves her clan but can be mistrustful to cats not in her clan and is stern but always has a soft spot for kits AGE- 27 moons RANK- Leader WARRIOR NAME- Cloverheart 🟢I ADOPT 7 ————————— NAME- Flamepelt GENDER- Tom APPEARANCE- A large tom with messy dark ginger fur with lighter ginger stripes and belly and muzzle with lots of scars all over him and has torn ears PERSONALITY- A stern tough tom who defends his clan no matter what but is always protective of the cats he love AGE- 30 moons/ Senior warrior RANK- Warrior 🟢I ADOPT 8 ————————— NAME- Juniper GENDER- She cat APPEARANCE- A tiny blueish grey she cat with white belly fur and muzzle with a ombre fluffy tail and white paws with one torn ear and bright blue eyes PERSONALITY- A bubbly she cat who’s always nice to everyone and tries to look at the bright side of things AGE- 18 moons RANK- Rouge 🟢I ADOPT 9 ————————— NAME- Birch GENDER- Tom APPEARANCE- A small brown tabby tom with a cream colored belly and muzzle with a scar on his nose and one torn ear with one green eye and one blue eye PERSONALITY- A mistrustful tom who is always careful and tries to stay away from other cats except his sister Juniper AGE- 18 moons RANK- Rouge 🟢I ADOPT 10 ————————— NAME- Wolf GENDER- Tom APPEARANCE- A large brown tom with dark brown stripes and large chestnut colored stripes with white muzzle, underbelly, and paws with a plummed tail and dark blue eyes PERSONALITY- a tough tom that gets in fights a lot and seems angry to everyone else but is actually kind but is not afraid to defend what is his AGE- 20 moons RANK- Rouge 🟢I ADOPT 11 ————————— NAME- Fawnleaf GENDER- she cat APPEARANCEE- A pretty sleek brown she cat with white specks on her upper torso with a pale brown underbelly and dark blue eyes PERSONALITY- A she cat that loves to tease but is actually nice and loves to play with kits AGE- 16 moons RANK- Warrior
  • Hi

    By Rosy Spotted Kitten
    Can I have Wolf, Juniper, ApplePaw, and TansyPaw please? Thx -Tigress