There will be three…
By artemisthearcher
This book was LIFE CHANGING! It was so much better than the first 2 arcs! So there is a prophecy about firestar’s kin saying,”There will be three, kin of kin, who hold the power of the stars in their paws.” Jaypaw, blind son of Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw. He found this out by WALKING IN FIRESTAR’S DREAMS! Jaypaw has the power to walk in other cat’s dreams. Lionpaw has the power to win any battle and not get injured. And Hollypaw’s power hasn’t been revealed. No more spoilers so READ THIS BOOK!!!
Fanfic •<• ~|Ash’s Heart|~
By Olivia the Olive 😏🥮🫒
Thoughts/italics are enclosed in these ~~~~> |thought|
Read my Darkest Hour review
§ Prologue §
It was a completely silent night, with no sound but the quiet rustling of the life underground, and so dark that one could barely see in front of their own faces.
Breaking the complete silence, a cat stepped on a twig.
"Mouse dung!” they cursed.
"They’ll hear us now. We should leave,” another replied.
"I’m not leaving this place until that cat is dead. No matter what, I will kill her. And who are you to stop me, Jaiden?”
Jaiden shrugged and slowed his pace so that he was walking slightly behind the other cat. "I know I still owe you, but that doesn’t mean that you can push me around. Anyways, we should leave, they’ll have definitely heard us by now.”
Sighing, the other cat nodded and signaled for Jaiden to follow him with a flick of his tail.
Sorry if this sucked 😞, it’s my first fanfic
Chapter 1 is in Dark River
This is the best warriors book (and my fanfic)
By neri84123
Hello! I’m Cloverpeak. Im bored today, so I decided to talk about my fan fiction. (Because, you know, I’m bored)
It all starts when this she-cat named Eaglekit wakes up in the GorgeClan nursery. Her littermates, Silverkit and Cinderkit, are there with her. The other litter in the nursery, Mintleaf’s litter, is a full moon younger than her (did that make grammatical sense? Idk). The kits decide they want a tour of camp.
So they tour camp, meet some new cats (including MOSSFUR. that’s a possible love interest there)
Oh btw, their dad is clan leader.
TIMESKIP to chapter three, where they’re made apprentices. Eaglepaw’s mentor is Brookstripe, and he quickly learns that Eagleclaw excels at hunting. She catches a mouse her on first tour of the territory, so Brookstripe puts her to a test.
He wants her to catch an adder, like he did when he was an apprentice.
And, guess what…
She does it.
Of course, returning to camp with an adder caused a lot of commotion. Especially with me, Cloverpeak. I am, of course still a kit. I become an apprentice next moon. But, as a kit, I was dumbfounded by how AMAZING Eaglepaw was. She caught an adder! Who wouldn’t be impressed?
Yep we end up being mates
See you next week!
Chapter twenty of Sunsetsplash's Destiny! Part 2!
By 👾👾👾1532
Sunsetsplash woke in the middle of the night. A rustling noise woke her up. Specklebranch and her kits were fast asleep still, but she could see a russet-and-white pelt flash past the nursery. " Hey!" Sunsetsplash called softly, hoping she was loud enough. " Splashtail!"
There was silence.
Splashtail poked her head into the nursery. " Hi, Sunsetsplash." She whispered, her eyes gleaming. " How are the kits? Sorry I didn't see them earlier, I was busy."
" They're fine." Sunsetsplash purred. " Where have you been? Smells like you've been in the forest."
Her sister stiffened. " Hunting. Did you name them yet?" She said suddenly, looking both uncomfortable and curious. " The kits?" Sunsetsplash nodded. " Come on, come and see them." She beckoned to her sister, and Splashtail slinked into the den. She gazed at the three kits and purred. " They're so cute!" She breathed, looking at them lovingly. There was something else in her gaze, something hopeful.
Sunsetsplash wondered for the first time if her sister wanted kits. At least she had nieces and a nephew.
" This is Leafkit, Stormkit and Shadowkit," She told Splashtail, pointing out each kit as she said their name. She noticed Splashtail was watching Shadowkit intently.
" She. . . She looks like her father, doesn't she?" Splashtail murmured. " Like Smokecloud. He lives on in his kits, Sunsetsplash."
Sunsetsplash purred as her sister rubbed her cheek with her nose. Splashtail's scent comforted her, even if it was covered by the scents of the forest and the river.
Sunsetsplash's purr caught in her throat. Wait, the river? No, not just the river.
Splashtail had RiverClan scent on her pelt.
I have made SplashClan!
By Hobbs No Calvin
Leader: Mothstar (stubborn yet kind pale grey she-cat with unusual amethyst colored eyes)
Deputy: Pearlshine (stunning white she-cat with large crystal-blue eyes)
Medicine Cat: Rosepool (light grey she-cat with a pinkish tint)
Wolfshadow (dark grey tom with a large muzzle and white underbelly)
Maplewish (dark ginger tabby she-cat with cream splotches along her back)
Frog-eyes (shy, plump brown tom with bright green eyes)
Rainwhisper (pale grey she-cat with white specks like falling rain and blue eyes)
Blazewing (young and energetic flame colored she-cat with large yellow eyes)
Sproutfoot (tortoiseshell tom with rather small feet)
Darktail (black tom with white paws and and blind in one eye
Shivercloud (caring white she-cat with amber eyes, mother to Stumpkit and Falconkit
Smokethroat (wispy grey she-cat)
Stumpkit (dark brown tom with a flat muzzle)
Falconkit (rude pale brown-and-cream tom)
Brightdapple (kind old she-cat with ginger patches,white fur and green eyes
I hope you liked this!!! This is my first time doing a Clan oc, so I’m not sure if this is good.
✨ 🌸 ☀️ DayClan ☀️ 🌸 ✨
By Lord Hunkyhair for the win
DayClan is a group of peaceful cats…but secrets left uncovered leave this clan in fear. Will this clan fall apart…. trying to save it? Join this clan and envelop yourself in a world where drama is life. Any sort of drama is allowed as is any sort of shipping. If you have a problem with that, STOP READING THIS IT IS USELESS TO YOU! Check out the rest of these books in The Power of Three to see…
Dark River: To find out more about this clan.
Outcast: To learn to be part of this dark secret. ONLY READ THIS IF YOU ARE MAKING A OC PART OF THE DARK SECRET. I’m not to know if your cat is or isn’t.
Eclipse: To learn about how to be a good clan cat.
Long Shadows: to learn the rules
Sunrise: To see submissions and submit.
Skit 😜
By soph of bred
Violetpaw: Time to go hunting! Behind my mentors back! *hunts in the woods alone*
Violetpaw: was that? Crap it’s a badger OxO
Badger: hi >:) I’ve come to kill you and stuff!
Violetpaw: 😢 your mean 😪
Badger: *kills Violetpaw*
Warrior names for cats that didn’t make it past apprenticeship in my Fanfic!
Rank: Warrior, Queen, Elder.
A kinda shy, sensitive, brave Queen with 4 kits. Back scar from a badger.
Mother; GrayWillow. Father; MistyLeaf.
Rank: Warrior, Deputy, Elder.
Strong, but small, Tomcat with brown fur.
Eye scratch.
Mother; SmallStorm. Father; DeepWhisper.
RANK: Warrior, Queen, Elder.
Pale tabby Shecat who wasn’t careful as a kit. Mother;SmallStorm. Father; FeatherCreek.
AU SC Closed•part 2 of chapter 6 of Ivywhisker’s Truth!
By warriorsIScool
Hii! Can I have (Xmas adopts) Jolly and Reindeer, and (fall adopts) Gracious? Thanks so much! They’re so cute!!!
Robinkit of WindClan! I’m orange with dark brown eyes (Hufflepuffs rule!). I will die fighting in battle. My warrior name will be Robinpool.
:DDDD thanks! We’re learning about genetics in science and I looked up blindness to see if it was hereditary (also possibly for my kit generator hehe) and it is AnD sO wAs BoRn My ThEoRy 👍
Theory that nobody asked for:
Jayfeather wasn’t made a medicine cat just because he couldn’t see (although that was a big factor) but so that he couldn’t pass along his blindness to his kits, if he ever had any, and since blindness is a genetic trait, even if they weren’t blind, they would still carry that gene and their kits could be blind. The Clan wanted to mininize the cats they had to worry about.
Dapple: I am doing a kit generator with Hazelpaw for Frondwing and Flickclaw, so can you please move Frondwing to the nursery? When I get the results I’ll tell you! 😊🐱
Fernkit (Fernspots), light gray she-kit with darker gray stripes
Fireflykit (Fireflyclap), mottled red, orange, and yellow tom-kit with pale green eyes
Emberkit (Emberpelt), black and gray tom-kit with red and orange drip-like streaks and amber eyes
Applekit (Applefern), ginger she-kit with barely visible ginger drip-like steaks and dark green eyes. She has smaller ears than normal.
OOPS- Frondwing and Flickclaw have graduated to warriors, along with Leapfire, Sootflight, and Chestnutspring. Shadeheart,a gray-black-pale gray calico she-cat, was also an apprentice in ShadowClan after moving from ThunderClan and is now a warrior.
MAGNOLIAHEART: oh ik maybe I put her as a tom on accident but that’s not me, that’s GalacticSkies :’) lol
Name: Antler (Real name unknown, as she refuses to tell it)
Clan: none formerly, now a prisoner of BloodClan. Forced to fight trainees/in an arena.
Description: cinnamon-colored she-cat with yellow eyes
Arena info: cats fight in a pit called the arena, the winner doesn’t have to fight for another day. They fight to first blood. BloodClan cats often bet prey on this. Some of the best bragging rights are having bet correctly. Antler doesn’t get bet on very often cause she’s small for her age. They keep the claws of the prisoners dulled btw, so they can’t kill each other.
Yeet Ivywhisker out
“Alderpaw! Smokepaw! Mossypaw! Dawnpaw! Mudpaw! Darlingpaw! Nickelpaw!” The Clan chanted. Ivywhisker yowled her kits’ names to the heavens, to StarClan. Mooncloud stood nearby, happy tears at the corners of her eyes.
“This was all that I wanted for my kits,” she whispered. Ivywhisker didn’t know what to say, but she murmured “They’ll make amazing warriors. You should be proud.”
Mooncloud shook her head to fling away the tears and returned to her medicine den.
“Please please can we go hunting please please PLEASE?” begged Darlingpaw. Ivywhisker looked around. The other, more experienced mentors were having their apprentices gather moss, but Fernfluff and Azurebreeze looked similarly lost. She waved them over with her tail.
“Let’s go hunting. There’s more than enough ‘paws to gather moss.”
Dawnpaw jumped up and down with excitement. Smokepaw nodded calmly, but his crazily waving tail and twitching whiskers betrayed him. Darlingpaw immediately dropped into a wobbly hunting crouch and began to stalk a leaf so obviously that the leaf got scared and fluttered away on the wind. She ‘humph’ed and glared at the air.
“Let’s go!” The apprentices shouted in unison.
Next chapter in next book
This is the number 1 warriors book
By Fawnlap
If you dare disagree with me then ThornClan shall be released on you.
Birch’s Call chapter 7 and 8, Magnolia, BlackRose, OakStream ⬇️
By Rosy Spotted Kitten
OakStream: I would like Jingle and Branch please! If so thanks!
I’m gonna try your generator out!
Name: RobinHeart (however I go by a nickname, so maybe MossHeart then…..idk)
Pelt color: Golden
Role: Warrior
Eye color: dark blue (I haven’t started reading Harry Potter yet so I did random)
Cause of death: Died fighting in battle (HA! Not a lame death! Lol)
Clan: River Clan (I guess…… hmmmm. I do like to eat fish…… (irl btw))
Well I’d say your generator is pretty good. Maybe make more eye color options if possible. Otherwise I like it! Anyway Tigress out!
Magnolia: 😮 that chapter of LilyLeap (Sry I forgot the name of the fanfic ur writing) is amazing!! Where is the third chapter? I NEED to know! Poor LilyLeap. IvyDawn is a jerk. I don’t really like her (no offense) for asking TreeClaw to be her mate right in front of LilyLeap. Poor poor LilyLeap. I hope she finds someone who loves her. NickelHaze is a good brother. But IvyDawn…… she’s a horrible sister. (No offense) keep up the good work and pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssee tell me where the next chapter is.
Tigress out!
———Chapter 7——
Birch lay in his den. The cold stone pricked at his fur through the moss. He shut his eyes for a brief moment then opened them. He missed IvyWhisker. •She’s gone. I’ll never see her again.•
He thought of her soft fawn and white fur, her beautiful green eyes, and her sweet familiar scent. •I’m going to see what she’s up to.• He grinned. This was a idiotic idea. •LETS DO IT!!!!!!!• He nearly laughed at the voice in his head.
The image of a she-cat and four kits popped into his mind. He shook his head. It was to risky. •Even more risky than visiting a clan cat you barely know?• Who was he kidding, EVERYTHING was risky. •Oh well. Hopefully I don’t die. Hmmm. That doesn’t sound too pleasant. I still plan to live for longer. A lot longer. Hmmmm. Ehh. Death doesn’t sound fun.•