By RoseQuartez_Song writer
Bless your soul! I’m coming for you. I’m crawling through every book for a review of yours. I’m not stopping. Your too far in now.
Chapter 28 of Sunsetsplash's Destiny! Part 2!
By 👾👾👾1532
" Sunsetsplash! Come quick!" Swallowstream's panic-stricken yowl split the air of the camp. Night had fallen, and Splashtail still hadn't come home. Sunsetsplash had left her sister under the care of her mate, telling herself not to worry. Still, she fretted when she thought of Splashtail and her kits, in RiverClan territory . . .
" Sunsetsplash!" Swallowstream wail again, and Sunsetsplash got to her paws and raced out of her den. " Swallowstream, what is it?"
" It's Leafpaw! I found her unconscious in the forest, and she won't wake up!"
Sunsetsplash felt a jolt of alarm and forced her pelt to stay flat. " Leafpaw?" She croaked. " Where is she?"
" In the medicine den, I just brought her to camp." They both gazed at the sheltered ferns. Sunsetsplash felt sick to her stomach. " Get Stormpaw and Shadowpaw. Now!" She hissed, when the old grey tom didn't move. Sunsetsplash bounded into the medicine den and found Fernsight crouched over her daughter.
Leafpaw's grey-and-white fur was dirty and tangled, scarlet smears all over her pelt. Her breathing was ragged and shallow, and every breath seemed to be her last. Sunsetsplash choked back tears and stumbled forward, dropping to her belly a tail-length away from the medicine cat. " H-how is she?" She whispered.
" Bad," Fernsight placed his paw on her flank, parting the fur to reveal a large open wound, blood gushing from the claw marks. " I don't know if she can make it."
" She has to!" Sunsetsplash cried, and Stormpaw, Shadowpaw and Specklebranch shuffled in the den.
" She can't die! Not now, not yet!"
Fernsight locked his gaze onto her, pity and sorrow swirling like fish in a pond. " I'll try, but . . ."
He left his sentence unfinished.
" Leafpaw!" Stormpaw yowled, running over to his sister and licking her cheek. " Are you okay? Can you hear me?" He nudged her head. She didn't move, her breathing so quiet it was hard to hear. Shadowpaw looked depressed, staring at her unmoving sister.
" Come on, Stormpaw. Let Fernsight work," She coaxed her brother away from the body and padded up to the medicine cat. " Can I help?" She asked softly.
Fernsight looked up from the leaves he was grouping into a pile. He nodded curtly, and counted the plants quickly, whispering the names of each of them as he touched them with his paw. " Yes. Shadowpaw, come here. See these leaves? I want you to chew them up into a poultice, and lick it into the wound."
" All of it?" The black apprentice asked, bending over with her muzzle a whisker away from the bundle of herbs. " Chew half of it. I'll help with the rest."
Sunsetsplash watched her daughter obediently chew the herbs into a poultice and, under Fernsight's instructions, lick the juice into Leafpaw's wounds. Sunsetsplash leaned into Specklebranch's side, too grief-stricken to speak.
The night carried on slowly. Stormpaw sat, unmoving, in the corner, his eyes dull and hollow as he watched Leafpaw. Shadowpaw and Fernsight worked together to try and save the injured apprentice, but she seemed to have gotten worse as time went on. Sunsetsplash sobbed into her mate's shoulder, who licked her ears in a comforting gesture. The breathing grew steadier and louder, if for a moment.
" Leafpaw?" Shadowpaw meowed hoarsely. The grey-and-white apprentice's kin crowded around her as her eyes flickered open. " I'm sorry. . ." Her gaze was fixed on something nobody could see. " I'm sorry I'm coming so soon. . . But now I can meet you. . ."
Sunsetsplash let out a loud sob of despair. Her daughter was talking about Smokecloud — talking to him, even.
Leafpaw turned her head to look at her. " Don't cry, mother. You'll see us again, some day. We'll all be a happy family again."
Sunsetsplash licked her cheek, tears falling onto her grey patched fur. " Leafpaw, how did this h-happen? Who did this to you?"
Leafpaw frowned, her eyes growing unfocused.
" Leafpaw! Stay with us!" Shadowpaw wailed, losing her calm demeanor. " Stay with us just long enough to tell us who did this!"
" It was. . . a tortoiseshell. . . a tom . . . I think it was . . . I think it was Dark Shadow . . ." Leafpaw's voice trailed away, and her body slackened. All was silent for a moment, before the truth sank in. She was dead.
As Sunsetsplash wailed loudly, Specklebranch trying to soothe her even though tears were streaming down his speckled fur, Stormpaw yowled in pain and Shadowpaw sobbed over her sister's body, nobody saw the faint glimmering outline of a small she-cat padding up to a larger, bushy-tailed tom. Together, the black cat and the little grey-and-white one gazed at their kin before disappearing into the darkness.
Smokecloud and Leafpaw were together. Father and daughter were reunited.
I'm depressed now. Poor least she gets to meet her father for the first time tho. The next chapter will be in Legends of the Clans!
Blackfoots part
By dangergirl979
This is a great story about a cats hard past. His father left him and he learned when he was young also how he feel when he did things and not on the opinion on firestar.
Proulge to Mintpelts murder
By Coachkm
Dobberstar lay in his nest crying hard. His mate- Song- betrayed him! She had another mate and had three kits. He would make her regret it! He got up shook out his fur and bounded over towards the river. “Time for your death. Song and rabbit will be drowned.” He yowled. They drowned the two cats and left their bodies on the fresh-kill pile. He stalked towards the kits. They were full grown. He looked at a pale gray she-cat with warm amber eyes. A yellow Tom sulked in a corner. Then there was a dark grey she-cat. He grabbed the pale gray she and dragged her to Dobberstar den. “Your my new mate.” Dobberstar ordered slamming her to the ground. She was shaking now. “Your Mintpelt now my mate and deputy.” Mintpelt nodded her eyes wide with fear. “And if you step out of line you die.” He whispered. Her eyes widened and Mintpelt nodded. “You do what I say whenever I say it.”
Prologue of Shadeheart fanfiction
By warriorsIScool
I’m running out of books to do my reviews on-
Erins hurry up and write some more 😂
Btw I think that this is going to be part of a larger chain network of fanfictions that are all connected in some way, ex Lilyheart’s Troubles, Ivywhisker’s coming fanfic, et cetera.
Well let’s get to it!
Strike purred as he rubbed his muzzle along Queenie’s. Kits! Three! Kits!
“What should we name them?” his mate Queenie purred back. It was warm and dark in the abandoned barn.
“Shade for the she-kit. That was my mother’s name.” Strike replied.
“Then the toms will be Leo and Rowan.”
“They’re perfect.”
They truly were, Strike thought as he gazed at his kits and mate, practically glowing with happiness. Shade was a pale gray she-kit with splotches of darker gray and black. Rowan was a pure black tom, and Leo was a black-and-white mottled tom. Queenie purred and curled herself around their kits, beckoning him closer with a wave of her tail. He caught it with his tail and entwined his tail with hers, black-and-white splotches against mottled black and gray. Strike curled up to her, purring as he felt her warm fur on his. His family was perfect.
The first chapter will be in Path of a Warrior! Thank you for reading! If you see any grammatical errors please tell me :)
Sample was amazing UwU
~Ivywhisker of AU ThunderClan (look in broken code if you’re interested)
I looooove Warriors! Also bonus story if u read this review!!
By tatertotsy 13
Espresso Cat: LOL! I didn’t even think about that, but you’re right! Bwahahaha!😂😂😂
Hi anyone! Pls take this OC for your clan! (She’s kinda a reject…….)
Name: BlackEyes
Pelt: black with gray stripes and a white chest
Mate: Darkness (died in battle)
Kits: EbonyKit; black she-kit, BlackKit; black and white tom kit, NightKit; black tom kit with a white paw, DarklyKit; gray tom kit, and CharcoalKit; black and gray tom kit
Mom: TurtleHeart(died kitting me)
Dad: RavenTail (died from depression)
Siblings: none that I know of
Skills: Speed; 97% loyalty; 100%; intelligence; 99%; combat; 98%; courage; 94% hunting 87%
Personality: Kind, humorous, flirty, smart, sassy, sarcastic, and protective
Position: Deputy and Queen
Other info: I was raised by a kittypet that was once a wild cat, her name had been Pearl. When I was old enough, Pearl sent me to her former Clan, the ShadowClan. They accepted me, and I lived there until my mate died, I left because I felt empty, but now I’m ready to join a Clan😉 my kits will come with me
LilyHeart’s Troubles
Chapter one
LilyHeart was hunting with her clanmates, BerryHeart, SparksFlying, and PrickleSnout. She was coming behind a rabbit, and almost had it, when a young apprentice, LichenPaw, burst through the undergrowth, “LichenPaw! You’d better have a good explanation for scaring that rabbit, because if you don’t…” LilyHeart hissed. LichenPaw was trembling, but not in fear of LilyHeart, “I’m sorry LilyHeart! But it’s important! MintStar sent me to find you! She said it’s urgent! And that the hunt is over until everyone returns.” LilyHeart was puzzled, “Stop the hunt?! MintStar must be very concerned to stop the hunt.” She thought to herself. “Okay everyone! We all heard the kit! MintStar needs us! Let’s go, bring anything you did catch,” Then she muttered to herself, “StarClan knows we need it.” As they got to the den site, MintStar had gathered most of the BushClan already, and when she saw LilyHeart, she called out, “Let all cats older than four moons gather around.” All gathered around, and LilyHeart took her place next to MintStar and her mate FireSound, but to her surprise, FireSound hissed and arched his back at LilyHeart!
“What’s got his tail in a twist?” She thought. MintStar interrupted her thoughts, “Cats of the BushClan! I have some announcements. Good and bad. As all of you know, quite a few kits are about to be apprentices, the names of the queens that I call, please come up here with your of age kits; LovelyNose, RunningFlame, GoldenEye.” LilyHeart was startled, her kits were to be named today! “Why hadn’t MintStar, her sister, not call her name?” Well, at least BrokenSnout’s mate GoldenEye was called. That meant her niece AshenKit would get a new name. The ceremony continued, and there were now five new apprentices! Taught by FireSound, EagleEar, BearHeart, BrokenSnout, and one kit, WeedPaw, was the lucky kit who was to be mentored by MintStar! MintStar said it was because there wasn’t enough warriors to teach that kit, which wasn’t true! She had me! “Dear Clan, I also have some, well, rather disturbing news. There, is a traitor among us.” MintStar’s words surprised me! “What!? A traitor! Who is it!” I gasped to my sister, who still ignored me. All of the Clan was enraged, hissing and spitting their anger, MintStar rose her paw to silence them, “I know friends, it’s distressing, but I promise you this cat won’t hurt kits, for she has her own, and they are healthy. Yes my friends, a queen is a traitor. The she-cat has been spotted conversing with another cat from the TreeClan. This she-cat was seen with the cat by my mate FireSound. And this cat, is none other than our deputy, LilyHeart.”
Thanks for reading! Look for Chapter Two in the Warriors manga “A shadow in the RiverClan!
— LilyHeart of Alternate Universe ThunderClan thanks you for reading!!!!!!!!!!!
P.s no I did not copy my name from the book sorry if they are simalar to other names
I’m sorry, I have to point this out
By kasy268
When Mintstar said, “there is a traitor among us…”
*sus noises*
(I had to)
Espresso Cat (the sussy imposter)
By Wild Stormfur
Привет меня зовут Вероника. В общем и в итоге все же я хочу быть рядом и в то же время он отметил в беседе с корреспондентом агентства в этом случае необходимости на улице дождь а у меня есть ты не знаешь что делать с этим не согласен с тем же периодом в гш в этом году я не хочу идти на улицу в такую же время в России и Белоруссии в этом году на эти вопросы не отвечаешь мне в глаза и вижу! КОШКИ!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would like to join darkclan
By #1meowscal
Hello Darkstar I would like to join as the medicine cat, my name is Frecklenose.
My fur color is cream with chocolate speckles, and my eyes are scarlet red.
I'm starting my own clan
By oooooof. manana. d fr
This book was great escpassilly Blackstars part.I'm starting my own clan. It will be Dark clan all positions are open except leader so please join. Just ask to join Dark Clan and say what position you want to be and I will let you if the position is not full and if possible say the color of your oc because I am going to write a story about Dark clan.
My oc
Pelt color black and patches of white on his tail
Position Leader
Mate none
Kits none
Skill chart
Intelligence 100 percent
Fighting 70 percent Loyalty 100 percent Speed 90 percent Courage 96 percent
Names Darkkit Darkpaw Darkshadow Darkstar.