Sorry forgot to add my other submissions for RoseClan 😅😅
By Light'Heart
Name LillySong
Role Warrior
Desc a silver she cat with brown eyes
Name OwlKit
Role kit
Desc A brown Tom’cat with Hazel eyes
Name SnowyKit
Role kit
Desc A brown and white she cat with Hazel eyes OwlKits sis
Role queen
Desc A brown she’cat with yellow eyes OwlKit and SnowyKit’s mom mate died in an accident
Name MossWing or Moss
Role: Prisoner or Cat on trial but idk wich one
Desc A tuxedo Tom’Cat with Green eyes and has a crush on RoseTail
Ok there done I can be very forgetful sometimes
I probably should have put them in one book 😅 welp I’m done with submissions for RoseClan well for now unless I can think of someone else 🙂
By Olivia the Olive 😏🥮🫒
I'm making a second main! You can still call me Siren or this name :D
Name: Clover 🍀
Age: 2 years
Role: Loner
Desc: A white she with orange swirls and light brown striped splotches, big ears, bright green eyes, two-colored nose (her nose is two shades of pink, split down the middle), her fangs are always out (NOOO I'm not stealing options from WCUE, why would you think thaaaaaat?), has a clover tucked behind her ear
Personality: She acts differently around people based on her relationship with them. Around strangers she is very quiet and gives off that "don't talk to me" vibe (like me!). Around enemies she shows a tougher side, taunting them and overall being very energetic and determined to make them suffer. It takes a lot to make her hate someone. Around casual friends she is pretty chill and acts like she doesn't have a care in the world. Around best friends she shows the crazy, hyper side again but not the way she would show an enemy. Oh beneath all those layers she's just a childish little cat looking for love and approval. She cares about her friends so much, but doesn't let it show that much. She spends most of her time messing with people (she likes bad jokes of any kind) and stalking suspicious people. She has dedicated her life to ridding the world of all the evil that she can, even if it comes to killing. Of course she has trauma, what kind of OC would she be if she didn't?
Trauma: She's lost a few too many good friends to murderers, so she turned the tables and was determined to bring justice to them. Not just to avenge her friends, but to save as many people as possible from the same fate. She started watching cats in the shadows, became extremely stealthy and fast, and her integrity grew stronger. Now she can look at a cat's facial expression and be able to tell quite a few things (like Qibli). She shows a softer, gentler side to kits (especially unwanted ones or ones that have been harmed) because she remembers being like them.
Wow I wrote a lot. I'll answer any questions about Clover and you can call me that from now on if you want!
Sunset: I want her to have one I'm just having trouble thinking of one lol glad you like her though!
-Siren'wing 🚨
-Clover 🍀
Oc submission for tribe of trailing ivy
By AshtheWolr
Nightlight - black she cat with white markings and green eyes. Rank: Ivy-runner.
Great book! Edited
By Dove's Wing
Love this book to pieces!!!!!!! Amazing work Erins!!!!!!!! It’s time to meet my character!
Name: Silverflame
Looks-like: very dark gray she-cat with bright ginger paws & ears
Mother: Streamwhisper-very dark gray tabby she-cat (dead)
Father: Gullsplash-bright ginger tom with black fur tips
Littermates: Shellfish-dark ginger tabby tom; Grassbird-ginger-&-gray she-cat; Hawkeye-light brown tom with striking green eyes (whereabouts unknown)
Mate: Flashclaw-ginger, brown & white tom with yellow eyes, deputy
Personality: Kind, gentle, protective & sometimes strict
Rank: Elder
Kits: Seedkit-brown-ginger she-kit (dead); Cricketpaw-white & gray tom (dead); Mothpad-ginger tom; Cedarlight-light brown she-cat; Berrystar-black-&-white tom
Clan: SkyClan
Story: Silverkit born with Shellkit, Grasskit & Hawkkit on a rainy day. A fox attacks four moons later & kills Clanmate Drizzlepad & their mother. All grieve, but cheer up when their made apprentices. Silverpaw starts liking Gorsepaw, a fellow apprentice. But then she receives her warrior name Silverflame & Gorsejay, recently named, mates her sister, Grassbird. Silverflame gets angry & recklessly crosses the Thunderpath. Gorsejay follows, wanting to apologize. But a monster zooms toward him blindingly & strikes him, spurting blood everywhere & killing him. Grassbird, upset & angry at her mate’s death, turns on Silverflame, always haunting her about the death of her crush. However, she’d been expecting kits. The day after the sister’s fight , two kits are born to Grassbird, Gorsekit & Mallowkit. Both were raised to hate Silverflame. Then Flashclaw, the newest warrior, catches her attention. He likes her apparently & they mate. Silverflame has a litter of three kits as well, Cedarkit, Berrykit & Mothkit. Their brother, Shellfish, was disgusted by both litters & left, becoming a loner. Gorsepaw & Mallowpaw are apprenticed, Flashclaw & Hawkeye their mentors. WindClan declares SkyClan stealing prey, & a battle followed the next morning. Hawkeye was taken prisoner with their father, Gullsplash. But he escapes, saying of killing two warriors in revenge of the disappearance of Hawkeye, his son. Berrypaw, Cedarpaw & Mothpaw are apprenticed & trained happily. Two years later, Silverflame has another litter, Cricketkit & Seedkit, who dies a few moments after birth. Gorseflight, Mallowfeather, Berrybee, Cedarlight & Mothpad became warriors & got apprentices. But WindClan, still furious at SkyClan two years later, attack again & kill Mallowfeather & Cedarlight’s apprentice, Bloompaw. Grassbird, angry at her kit’s death, wages war against them. But they said they were finished attacking. Cricketpaw gets apprenticed but dies protecting a pretty she-cat, Sorrelpaw, from a badger. & she isn’t even grateful!
Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed my story
The middle of the story is in the next book, along with a new character joining the story!!
OMG so good!!! Def read it!
Silverflame of SunClan
By Lord Hunkyhair for the win
By warriorsIScool
Ivywhisker left her pelt behind, bloodied and torn on the ground. She closed her eyes and opened them, and suddenly she stood before many StarClan cats. One huge pale gray tabby tom shimmering with starlight stood before her.
“I am Flowingstar. I ruled ThunderClan many, many, many moons before your grandmother came. I have watched your family line grow through the generations. This is my deputy, Brightstar, and my medicine cat, Applefoot.”
The tom’s voice was deep and elegant, a rumble of authority. A black she-cat with white ears stood next to him, and on the other side stood a creamy tom with brown paws, a brown tail-tip, and a brown mask, presumably Brightstar and Applefoot.
Ivywhisker bowed. As she lowered her head she looked down, to her paws. They weren’t sparkling with the trademark light of StarClan. Panic roiled in her stomach. Had something gone wrong? Is that why Flowingstar was here?
“Nothing’s gone wrong on our end of the connection, young one,” said Applefoot. “You’ve broken the warrior code, and as such will stand trial to be admitted into StarClan.”
“Is Birchwhisker here?” She burst out. Brightstar narrowed her eyes but Applefoot nodded and pointed with his tail. A cream and pale tan tom looked around in wonder a few fox-lengths from where she was standing. She raced the whole distance to him, and he turned around and caught her as she smashed into him. They tumbled onto the ground together like little kits.
“Birch,” she gasped into his fur. “Birch!”
“Birchwhisker,” he gently corrected her, and laughed. They lay there for a while, and then something caught her eye. A tiny white and cream tom-kit and a fawn she-kit were trotting towards her and Birchwhisker.
“Featherkit! Minnowkit!”
She scooped them up, and they nuzzled her.
“Hi, Mama! Hi, Papa!” one of them squeaked.
“My beautiful kits,” Birchwhisker said. “I never go to see you.”
“But now you’ll be with us for all eternity. And look! Here’s your families!”
A fawn-and-white she-cat, a brown-and-ginger tom, a brown-and-ginger she-cat, a brown-white-ginger tom, a white-and-ginger she-kit, and a smoky gray tom were walking towards her. Birchwhisker was nuzzling a sandy she-cat and a gray-and-cream tom.
“Mossyleap! Aldertail!”
“Nice to see you too,” Dawnthorn remarked. A tiny white-and-chocolate tom-kit poked his head out from behind her.
“Winterkit, say hello. Ivywhisker, this is my kit, Winterkit.”
“Hello, Aunt Ivywhisker,” Winterkit said.
“Hi, Winterkit!” The tom-kit giggled up at her as she pretended to look around in confusion for him. “Ah! There you are!”
Mossyleap and Aldertail licked her head, and Mudfang stretched up to nudge her muzzle, still apprentice-sized. Elmkit swatted Winterkit, and the two chased each other through the swarm of paws, gathering Featherkit and Minnowkit along the way.
Then someone strode up to her who she hadn’t expected to see.
“Hello, Smokefall.”
“Ivywhisker.” He said her name in his calm way, and she pressed herself closer to him.
“Our kits are beautiful,” he meowed. “I’ve been watching them every second of the day.”
They were silent for a while, and then she spoke.
“Smokefall… I have another mate. And kits.”
“I know you do, Ivywhisker. Thank you for moving on. It’s different in StarClan, don’t worry! I’m happy for you.”
“We’ll see each other… if I get into StarClan.”
“You will, Ivywhisker. You saved an expecting Clanmate. That would get you straight to StarClan even if you broke the warrior code a few times. I know that this is a bit more major, but you’ll be fine.”
“A bit?”
“Never mind.”
I ran out of characters; you’ll find part two in the #4 audiobook!
First Point (Peace Keepers), Submissions needed!
By Rosy Spotted Kitten
*Tigress’s Fanfic will soon be posted! Where? I don’t know yet! But the name of the fanfic? It’s *drumroll please* a surprise….. yeah…. I haven’t figured it out yet but I will! Eventually….*
Voice: Lion-golden tom-cat with ivory, dark and light brown spots, and sparkling teal eyes (Submitted by Me. Side note; LeopardSplash’s brother, looking for mate.)
Second-Voice: none
Star-Voice: none
Stone-ivory tom with green eyes
(Submitted by Me. Side note; LeopardSplash’s brother, mate to Bubble.)
SilverBirch-ivory she-cat with dark brown paws and sparkling purple eyes
(Submitted by Me. Side note; LeopardSplash’s sister, looking for mate.)
Bubble-white and silver marbled she-cat with pale blue eyes with hints of violet
(Submitted by Me. Side note; mate to Stone.)
Learners: none
Mothers and Young: none
Old Voices: none
1/1 Voice (leader)
0/1 Second-Voice (deputy)
0/2 Star-Voice(s) (med cats)
3/8 Members
0/6 Learners
0/3 Mothers
0/8 Young (kits)
0/6 Old-Voice(s) (elders)
Oh yeah btw, there are four other Points (maple leaf thing, for the five points of a maple leaf) Second Point is also called Calm Keepers and are in the first book of the broken code, Third Point is also called Order Keepers and are in the next book (third book of the broken code), Fourth Point is also called Fun Keepers and will be in the fourth book of the broken code, and Fifth Point is also called Task Keepers with be in Rising Storm. Also First Point cats are smooth talkers and can negotiate their way out or into anything. Anyway I gtg, so Tigress out!
“𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓇𝑒𝒾𝑔𝓃 𝑜𝒻 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓉𝒾𝑔𝑒𝓇 𝒽𝒶𝓈 𝒷𝑒𝑔𝓊𝓃!"
-Tigress the assassin (rouge)
By pikachu cinderace
I am not talking to you dappleshade. Shadowsight is a boring cat. He doesn’t do anything interesting.
Then I am not talking to you.
A must read just like the rest!!
By readitnow!!123456
This book was amazing, just like the rest of Erin Hunter’s books! The mystery and intrigue create a page turner that compels you on. ENJOY!