Home / Warriors Super Edition: Crowfeather's Trial

Warriors Super Edition: Crowfeather's Trial By Erin Hunter

Warriors Super Edition: Crowfeather's Trial

By Erin Hunter

  • Release Date: 2018-09-04
  • Genre: Animal Fiction for Kids
  • $10.99
Score: 5
From 152 Ratings


An epic stand-alone adventure in Erin Hunter’s #1 nationally bestselling Warriors series! Also includes an exclusive ten-page Warriors manga adventure!

In this Super Edition, set just after the events of Omen of the Stars, WindClan warrior Crowfeather must conquer the ghosts of his past to make way for his Clan’s future.

When a terrible threat rises within WindClan’s territory, it heightens tensions that are already growing in the wake of the battle with the Dark Forest. Crowfeather is caught between his son, Breezepelt, and their Clanmates…but with the Clan in danger, the time for doubt is over.

Join the legion of fans who have discovered the epic adventures, fierce warrior cats, and thrilling fantasy world of the mega-bestselling Warriors series. This stand-alone entry is perfect for new readers and dedicated fans alike.


  • SandClans whisper (FernShades’s Pov)

    By RoseQuartez_Song writer
    I hate hate HATE writing cats as apprentices. So after this chapter ima make WoodenPaw and DunePaw warriors. (Y’all hate on me all you want for this. I don’t care) Fern cuddles up next to her mate, Robin. “Ice and Amber are still in Doe’s barn,” She whispered. “I’m worried for them. Being in a barn fire with your siblings alone, one of them dying and then being burned severely,” Robin licked her head in comfort. “They’ll be fine. But you can’t worry forever. Dawn, Dust, and Pool still need you.” Fern nodded curtly then curled up and quickly fell asleep. Fern woke up to branches scrapping her pelt. Weakly she lifted her head and spotted a gray and white Tom dragging her through the brambles. “Not again…” Fern’s head shot up. “Why am I in a cave-“ She whispered. “You’re awake.” A voice hissed. Turning her head she spotted an orange and pink she with green eyes and a white fluffy underbelly and a flowing tail wrapped with herbs and vines. “Congratulations Fern. You’ve found AirClan,” The tabby muttered. “What’s an AirClan?” She asked, slightly confused. “Your mate brought you here,” Robin! He had betrayed her. And for what? “Your kits are here too. In the nursery,” The cat added. “And my name is ShiningSky,” 𝓦𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓪 𝔀𝓮𝓲𝓻𝓭 𝓷𝓪𝓶𝓮... “You can speak you know, FallingStar will want some questioning done with you anyways.” With that the healer bounded out of the den. “Dawn? Dust? Pool?” She called quietly. But she knew there was going to be no answer. Moons later… FernShade bounded down the slop to the small cave entrance. Beside her were her three kits, DawnSky, DustPetal, and PoolingIce. She never had got to see her other kits again, so she tried to shove them out of her mind as much as possible. Once in the cave they gathered in a ragged circle. CamelStar shared news first. “SandClan is thriving. ViperHiss has giving birth to two kits, WoodenKit and DuneKit. Sadly our Healer BrightSky has died and now her apprentice, CedarFur will take her place. And we have found MULTIPLE traces of rouges over our border. No rouges have been identified and hope it’s just this once,” CamelStar dipped his head and backed away. Next, was ShadeStar. “We have been thriving as usual. We have three new warriors whom we found living in barn with a scraggly old white cat. We have taken in that white cat and she is now an elder. DoeHeart is the proud only elder of MarshClan of the moment.” DawnSky nudged FernShade. “DOE? Like Doe who took in Ice and Amber?” FernShade ignored the comment. She would not think of her two lost kits. She could not. “Every cat please welcome…IceFeather, AmberStone, and RobinWing!” Up front standing proudly were a silver she with blue eyes, a light yellow and white she, and a tabby Tom. Just like her mate kits. RobinWing held himself just like Robin did.. “Coincidence? I think not!” DustPetal hissed. PoolingIce raised her self up. “Those cats right there,” She yowled loudly. “Are my family.” I promise this contributes to the story. It’s not random. DunePaw: oooh plot twist. WoodenPaw: You think?! FernShade: and PoolingIce never speaks up. She hardly speaks so…
  • I have decided.

    By soph of bred
    FALLENSTARS TRAGEDY: FallenBirch woke up and stretched. His heart dropped as he heard a cry come from the hole in the bush. He ran out into the open ground of the MountainClan camp. It was being attacked by ShadowClan! He jumped on a grey warrior and started to tussle with him. The warrior ran away after a few bites and FallenBirch looked up to see HeatherStar limping to cover. She was on her last life. ‘I need to defend her with my life. She is not only my leader but my love.’ FallenBirch thought. Suddenly, she tumbled to the ground and let out a moan. FallenBirch ran over to her. He looked into her soft gray eyes. ‘’No! No! Your gonna be ok. I’ll bring you to HoneyCloud!’’ FallenBirch stammered. ‘’No, FallenBirch. You.. you must take over the clan now. It’s time for me to join my ancestors. Our kits! I must leave now. Goodbye, FallenStar,’’ HeatherStar said. FallenBirch watched helplessly as HeatherStar closed her eyes and her breathing slowed to a stop. FallenBirch stared at the wounds of HeatherStars body. ‘’ HeatherStar is dead!’’ He shrieked into the air. Everycat gathered around. ‘’Until I get my lives and name, I must be known as FallenHeart!’’ FallenBirch demanded. He laid his head down on his mates body and hope left his body like a ghost. Emotion drained out of him. What was he without HeatherStar? She was his everything. Now he had nothing. Not even emotion. And he could never get used to being without Heather, his one and only love.
  • Moves that need to be nerfed in ssbu part 2

    By suuuuuprg
    Steve/ Every single thing about this character needs to be nerfed. Mythra/ forward air. Cloud/ Cross slash. Bowser/ Side special. Mario/ up air. Link/ boom. Ridley/ I don’t know. I guess Neutral special. Ryu/Ken/ up special. Toon Link/ Bomb and Forward air. Young Link /Fire arrows. Peach/Daisy/ Uhh so many moves to be nerfed. Forward air. Lugi/ up special. Pichu/ Back air. (Pikachu) Meh, can’t think of any thing annoying or nerf worthy of Pikachu. Mewtwo/ Shadow ball. Samus/ Charged shot or her small bombs. Dark samus/ Forward air, same for samus. Sora/ Up special. Ganondorf/ He is the worst character. First he needs buffs before getting nerfed. Maybe Forward smash. But he doesn’t deserve it. He needs buffs. Bylenth/ has a chance of being gay so everything, mainly Foward smash up b. Pit/ Arrow. Young link/ B Link/ dunno, Mii/ group them all, they are just a copy of fighters. Kirby/ down air Pichu/ Almost all his moves means he takes damage. Joker no friend/ back air. Joker friend/ still back air. Jaggedspeck
  • ❤️👍🏻 (Update)

    By Dove's Wing
    I love Crowfeather!! The cover makes him look very pretty fur wise. I feel so sorry for him, getting exiled, being blamed for Featherpaw getting hurt & Breezepelt’s anger issues. Heathertail & Breezepelt are so cute together! I can’t wait for them to have kits. Crowcloud would’ve been a good ship if Crowpool wasn’t existent. But Lionblaze & Jayfeather had to be born, so go Crowpool! Anyway, I love this book & bye!! Sincerely, Silverflame of SunClan Watch Seri! Pixel Biologist! on YouTube. She has Warriors content!! I love Smokehaze, Woodsong, Appleshine and Brindlewing. Really though Crowcloud would’ve been awesome. Here’s Breezepelt’s dead littermates (In my opinion) Blackkit-black tomkit Starkit-black she-kit with silver speckles Um, I just got in trouble so baiiiiiii!!!!
  • Chapter eight of Sunsetsplash's Destiny! Part one!

    By 👾👾👾1532
    Whispersong: Badgerfang or Fallenstar. I love Badgerfang! Also, I think I'm gonna reread your fanfiction soon. ( Mistyleaf is my favourite cat in your fanfic though 😍 ) Sunsetpaw squeezed through the gorse barrier, her mind reeling with all the new information. After she found the dead squirrel, the warriors had inspected it closely and decided to leave it where it was and tell the leader. On the way back, they were talking about what had happened. “ Mangey flea-brains,” Smokecloud had growled, his blue eyes narrowed. “ They’re asking for trouble, Shadowclan.” Doefeather warned. “ They did this when I was an apprentice.” “ Did they?” Sunsetpaw had asked. It was weird to think of her mentor as being an apprentice. Doefeather nodded solemnly. “ During my fifth moon of training. I was a little older than you are now.” “ That must’ve been before I was born.” Smokecloud mused. “ Or was I a young kit?” Swallowstream purred. “ Your mother was still in the nursery, Smokecloud.” The tabby tom had meowed. Sunsetpaw had stayed quiet after that. When they entered the camp, the crowd of cats gathered in the center of the camp drove the squirrel out of her mind. Smokecloud was first to comment. " Hmm...wonder what's going on here. It's very bu–" He was cut off by a happy yowl. " Sunsetpaw!" Sunsetpaw recognised Specklepaw's voice a second before the blur of brown and cream speckled fur crashed into her. As she was tackled to the ground, she could've sworn she heard Smokecloud snigger. " You're here!" Specklepaw purred loudly, his amber eyes shining as bright as moons. " I was worried you'd miss it!" He licked her cheek in his excitement. Sunsetpaw felt warm under her fur, and Specklepaw pulled his muzzle away, his expression looking every bit as uncomfortable as she felt. Smokecloud let out a mrrow of laughter now. Eager to change the subject, Sunsetpaw wriggled a little and, after Specklepaw released the grip he had on her, she managed to get to her paws. " So, what's going on? What did I almost miss?" The speckled apprentice looked at her blankly. " Don't you know?" He asked, glancing at the older warriors behind Sunsetpaw. " Come on," He whispered, nudging Sunsetpaw away from the gorse barrier. " I think you're blocking them." She turned around and saw Doefeather watching her, looking both annoyed and amused at the same time. As she let Specklepaw lead her into the crowd, Sunsetpaw asked, " Aren't you going to tell me?" " Guess." Was his simple answer. Sunsetpaw furrowed her brow. It looked like he was having his apprenticeship ceremony, but he was already an apprentice. Specklepaw was also a few moons older than her... " You're going to be a warrior?!" Sunsetpaw gasped. Specklepaw beamed widely. " Yep! Me and my sister! I hope my warrior name is cool, you know? Maybe I'll be Speckleclaw or Speckletalon or –" " Specklemouse, maybe?" Sunsetpaw teased. The brown and cream tom looked ready to explode. " What? Specklemouse! What kind of name is that?" As Sunsetpaw purred with laughter, both of their sisters came over at once. " You won't have any warrior's name if you don't hurry up." Cherrypaw said bossily. Her dappled tortoiseshell coat gleamed in the sun, and there wasn't a speck of dirt on her fur. She studied her brother's pelt with a scrutinising gaze. " And wash up again! You need to look your best for the ceremony." " Oh, alright, mother." Specklepaw grumbled as he gave his fur a hasty wash. " Come on, Sunsetpaw!" Splashpaw meowed cheerfully. " Let's go find somewhere to sit!" Sunsetpaw followed her sister through the crowd of cats. In the three moons since they became apprentices, they spent less and less time together. Sunsetpaw sat beside Splashpaw, curling her tail over her paws. Splashpaw sighed. " I can't wait until that's us!" She breathed as Cherrypaw stood in front of the leader. Sunsetpaw agreed, but she didn't say anything. Smokecloud had caught her eye. He had groomed himself too, and his black fur was sleek and shiny. The light danced on his pelt, and his eyes, blue like the clearest sky, shone as he watched his younger siblings get apprenticed. Sharpstar gave Cherrypaw the name Cherrybud, and the young she-cat stepped aside as her brother padded forward. " Hey! Did you hear me?" Splashpaw hissed. Sunsetpaw jerked and tore her gaze away from Smokecloud and his littermates and faced her own sister. " W-what?" She stammered. Splashpaw rolled her eyes. " No. I'm guessing you didn't. I said that Cherrybud was a good name for her, before you started drooling over Smokecloud." " D-drooling? I wasn't –" Sunsetpaw couldn't think straight. Did Splashpaw know she liked him? And was it that obvious? " I don't drool." She said firmly. " Ever." " Whatever." Splashpaw muttered. Feeling like her pelt was on fire, Sunsetpaw continued watching the ceremony. " Your warrior name shall be Specklebranch, in honour of the effects that branch from your kindness and good deeds." Sharpstar meowed. Specklebranch licked the leader's shoulder and joined his sister. " Specklebranch!" Sunsetpaw yowled as loud as she could. " Cherrybud!" Her sister joined her, and soon the whole clan joined in. " Specklebranch! Cherrybud! Specklebranch! Cherrybud!" ~Sunsetsplash~
  • Sunsetsplash Oakstream

    By pikachu cinderace
    How do you get bored of super smash bros. You probably haven’t played online. I have all the dlc too. Totk will be good. Suuuuuuuprg Pokemon is good! Already told him in person. Everyone just play smash. You won’t regret it. I know undertake has gay. You know what, I think about it. I finished violet weeks ago. I am nuzloking it know. I am up 1:15 in the morning. I did not go to sleep. A nuzloke is a challenge to make Pokemon very hard. I can explain the rules if you want. It took me so long to respond. I have been busy with homework, and other things. I don’t celebrate birthdays. I have to many reviews coming in. The rules are. 1: A Pokemon faints. You box it forever. 2. No items during battle. 3. Set mode ( game freak removed this in scarlet and violet.) It means once you kill your opponent’s Pokemon. You can’t switch out your Pokemon. 4. One encounter per route. I use two for scarlet and violet. ( The games don’t have a lot of areas. 5. You can look the rules up, if you don’t understand me.
  • My fandoms, Suuuuuuprg ⬇️

    By Rosy Spotted Kitten
    Suuuuuuprg: I play video games. We (my family) just got a PS4 Pro and that same day I uh, got ready to go to bed at 12 am….. heh. I mostly play Minecraft but I plan to start playing Fortnight, sooo yeah. Bye? My fandoms: Warriors Wings of Fire The School for Good and Evil The chronicles of Narnia Pokemon (I collect the cards, also OakStream I like ponyta too! Ahhhh Suuuuuprg I like Zoroark too, and Zorua! However my favorite Pokémon is Jolteon she (I think of Jolteon as a girl, btw) is cute. I also like the rest of the evolutions of Eevee and Eevee too. (I am obsessed with having Eevee evolution cards)) (I will soon start reading Harry Potter) Ummmm. The other books I read are random. And the rest of my fandoms stuff is of my own private books I’m writing. (Maybe not private for long tho……….) Tigress out. ——————————————————— "𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓇𝑒𝒾𝑔𝓃 𝑜𝒻 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓉𝒾𝑔𝑒𝓇 𝒽𝒶𝓈 𝒷𝑒𝑔𝓊𝓃!" -Tigress the assassin (rouge)
  • Ivywhisker’s Truth Chapter 17!

    By warriorsIScool
    I play Pokémon too! My fav Pokémon is Chandelure because it was my first 😊. And my favorite Eeveelutions are Vaporeon and Glaceon! Umbreon and the… pLaNtY oNe (omg I forgot what its called) are close seconds though. OHH LEAFEON 🤦‍♀️ And my little clue about how I have the same name as (not a main) character in the school of good and evil and the character is not very good, and if you pronounce the first part of my name with a long first letter, it rhymes with Ivy, (Kind of!) that should help you figure out my real name 😉 I can’t tell you if you’re right tho unless we find out a way to securely message somehow or message somehow on Roblox. Bye! My fandoms! Harry Potter! (Proud Hufflepuff!!!) Wings of Fire Warrior Cats Sherlock Holmes (sounds corny but I’m obSESSED) Star Wars Keeper of the Lost Cities Literally ANYTHING with dragons Anything by Agatha Christie The Nsibidi Scripts The Inheritance Cycle (by Christopher Paolini) The School for Good and Evil (I have the same name as one of the characters, tho im not very happy abt it🤣. Not one of the main characters tho) Artemis Fowl And a whole lot of other books! Bai! Something small fell and skittered over the rocks. Ivywhisker blinked in the dim morning light and saw it was a pebble. Then another one fell. Then a larger stone. Then, as she watched frozen in fear, a sheet of rock peeled away from the wall and collapsed onto the ground, breaking into a thousand fragments. “Rockslide!” She heard the entrance guard yowl. “Rockslide!” Fire Casting woke up immediately, and ushered her out of the cave. He pointed to the door with his tail, and rushed into the warriors den. She felt a thrill as a plan that she’d never thought would work turned out to. Ivywhisker pulled out some of her own fur and, ignoring the pain, stuffed it under a huge fragment of rock, making sure some poked out. Then, she hid and waited for the entrance guard to leave. He did when he saw the leader, and she sidled along the wall and then dashed out the door. The early morning sunlight stabbed her eyes but she kept going, down the small mountain, tumbling and falling but protecting Birchkit. When she skidded to a stop at the bottom, she could see the forest. It was already sunhigh. She hid in a hollow tree stump nearby and let Birchkit suckle, and then closed her eyes. Sleep came and went, and it was morning again. She continued her journey to the forest, padding through the grasslands. Ivywhisker was scraped up and her fur was covered in rock dust, and she looked more gray and white than brown, but she was alive. Then she smelled a familiar scent. A ThunderClan border- and with it a ThunderClan border patrol! “Help,” she yowled. “Help! Help please! It’s Ivywhisker!” The last thing she remembered was a sandy-chocolate face, and then everything went black. ~ Ivywhisker woke up in the ThunderClan medicine den. •I hope that this doesn’t become a habit.• she thought. It was night again. A pale tan and cream pelt was nestled by her- not just Birchkit but Birch! “Birch!” She yowled with joy. “Ivywhisker! And guess what, it’s Birchwhisker now!” He joyfully whispered, tackling her in his excitement. She immediately got the sign to be quiet, and saw the stars of Silverpelt glimmering overhead. His eyes widened at the sight of her belly, still a little rounder with her milk but clearly not carrying kits anymore. “You had your third litter! Your LIKE EIGHTH KIT! I DIDN’T EVEN KNOW THAT SHE-CATS COULD HAVE THAT MANY KITS, IVYWHISKER!” He whispered loudly. She laughed and nuzzled him. They lay together in the nest in silence, and for a while it was like the stolen moments in the dead of night when they were younger. Silent, the stars shimmering through the canopy of moss overhead, his fur next to hers. Then the sun creeped over the horizon, Mooncloud and Wisesight began to stir in their nests, and the sounds of the camp started to wind their ways into her ears. Birch pulled himself up and she got to her paws, padding out of the medicine den. Birch moved with a rolling gait that favored his left side where his leg was hurt, but he walked smoothly. Cats gathered around her, her kits pressing through them. Shimmerpaw, Flippaw, Deerpaw, and Finchpaw led her to the nursery, where Thunderleaf was taking care of Birchkit. She meowed a thanks to the queen and let Birchkit suckle at her belly, love for all her kits surrounding her and them. “Stay in the nursery from now on,” Birch said sternly from the doorway. She resigned herself to her fate by flopping down in her all-to-familiar nest. For the rest of the day, she stayed in the nursery. At dusk, when Birchkit was quietly sleeping, Ivywhisker slipped out and looked at the stars, wondering which ones she had known and where she would shine when she left this life. It was a long time before she went back in. Chapter list in Moth Flight’s Vision |vy
  • Welp, guess I’m doing this…

    By Maple"Dawn
    Personally, I think CrowFeather is a interesting cat, and I’m glad he got a super edition! It seems like everyone is presenting their oc.. so here’s mine! Name: Mapledawn Gender: She-cat Parents: Molefoot (Father) Jaggedsong (Mother) Kin: Softdew (sister), Goldenheart (sister) Pelt: Dark ginger, with brown and lighter ginger striped splotches, and a striped fluffy tail. Clan: Cloudclan Role: Med cat Personality: Genuinely shy, but more friendly with the cats she knows, has a heart of gold, but isn’t afraid to tell it like it is, a fast learner, however, suffers from social anxiety, depression, normal anxiety, and insomnia. Is a people pleaser, can be sassy at times. Misc: Blind in her right eye, has a scar to prove it, thinks storms aren’t scary, and prefers it when it’s cloudy or rainy. Actually based off of irl me! (I know, I’m a trainwreck ok?) Backstory: As a kit, she played Med cat with her sisters, they would act out a battle, and Maplekit would rush over with a leaf. The apprentices called her the “Medicine Kit.” as a apprentice, she was given to Batear, the medicine cat of Cloudclan, Maplepaw would always follow orders, and was very gentle with kits, Shadowclan raided the camp and many cats were injured, Maplepaw was half-blinded in the chaos, and Batear died, he used his last breath to name her Mapledawn. (This is a shortened version) Catchphrase: Smile, and the world smiles with you.
  • Running from the truth

    By warriorcatskindness
    Name:wolfear kind smart sassy and stubborn light brown she cat with willow colored eyes Parents:(mother hates her father likes her) lightwish rude smart black she cat with amber eyes (mom)brownwhisker kind smart light brown tom with willow colored eyes(father) Brother:willowtoe kind smart black tom with willow eyes Mate:featherstem kind smart orange tom with green eyes Kits: orangeleaf kind smart stubborn orange she cat with willow eyes.cherrywood kind smart sassy orange she cat with green eyes.willowfawn kind smart sassy and stubborn light brown she cat with willow eyes.wishpaw kind smart sassy and stubborn orange tom with green eyes. Sagepaw kind smart training as med cat soft and gentle light brown she cat with willow eyes.greenpaw kind smart sassy and stubborn orange she cat with green eyes. Prologue: The tom lifted his head “yes?” “Your kits are coming!” “Is she at least okay?!” He was very scared he knew that they were young strong cats but still! “It’s okay your not having them…” he heard his sister mutter “and ?” He challenged. A screech split the air, then another. Silence. He ran into the nursery as soon as he was allowed to it was dawn now and the dawn patrol was heading out but didn’t tell him to come. They knew it was a very special day for him. After awhile a screech split the air; a battle screech. He sprinted out of camp to the battle field. It was time. “ rogues attack!!!!” “Thunderclan attack!” Letting out a battle screech he dived into the battlefield but yet they just found him as he watched from starclan. Chapter one: “And I killed that rogue idiot when I was an apprentice for revenge for my father.” My father had just told me the amazing story but then we had to go to bed. “You know that you have to wolfpaw.” My brother pointed out. I looked at the moon it was coming out. And I did see the sparkly stars appearing in the sky. I sniffed as I stormed into boring apprentice den. I was very stubborn my mother would say rudely before I walked into the apprentice den,but she didn’t it did not bother me at all,actually. I woke up in this place it was starclan! “Im to young to die!!!!” I cried “that’s not why we put you here.”the voice was hesitant. “When blood rises the trees are gone” and I woke up in the apprentice den. When blood rises the trees will fall? What does it mean? And I set into the medicine den. Chapter two: “So do you understand it?” She looked out of breath. “Bloodclan is coming and the clans will fall.” I gasped. “B-but it can’t happen we’ve been in peace for so long!” I was in fear and shock, but I needed to ask the real question. “Why did they send it to me?” I whispered quietly. “I don’t know but you have something to do to it,come” she waved her tail. “We have to tell the leader.” My mind was swirling as I stepped out of the leaders den for the sixth time. It was finally time for our new names! Me and my brother got groomed by one parent each, him by mom,and me by dad! “All cats old enough to catch your own prey gather beneath this high rock for a clan meeting.” The clan was their as if they just had to take one breath and they were there! “Wolfpaw, willowpaw step forward.” He beckoned willowpaw with his tail first. “Do you promise to uphold the code and be loyal to your clan even at the cost of your life?” “I do.” “Then I commanded you as a warrior willowpaw from this moment on you will be known as willowtoe.” Saying the same thing to wolfpaw she got her warrior name:wolfear. Chapter three: It’s a beautiful day out. She thought. “Let’s go for a walk!” Sagepaw the medicine cat and her daughter,suggested. “Sure”she agreed and gathered the rest of her family. But then as her and her mate were arguing as if sagepaw knew how to hunt or not, they heard a deep battle yowl from greenpaw and saw bloodclan standing there the clan came but the battle had already started. Soon enough she regretted having the battle because she had went in front of a bloodclan cat that had found sagepaw and was about to claw her throat out when she dived in instead and the battle ended with clan cats winning. And she woke up in a familiar sparkly place. “Welcome to starclan” Bye loved this book! Sincerely, Hazelstar of kindclan see description in into the wild bye! ✌🏿✌🏾✌🏽✌🏼✌🏻✌️✌🏿✌🏾✌🏽✌🏼✌🏻✌️!!!!!!