My OC and how I LOVE THIS BOOK!!
By Nellebard:D
Name: Foxheart
Rank: Med cat
Gender: she cat
Mate: none
Kits: none
Erin Hunter is a GREAT author! I hope to write a fan fiction for my OCs, Hollyfoot and Foxheart. I hope that her books keep coming out so I can read them. They are GREAT!!!!
-my OCs, Foxheart and Hollyfoot.
Chapter fifteen of Sunsetsplash's Destiny!
By 👾👾👾1532
Phoenix: Here's the next chapter, Phoenix. I was taking a little break from writing her fanfic, but I'm glad you like it! You'll probably hate me though after you read chapter sixteen...
Sunsetsplash padded back into camp, followed closely by Splashtail. Her mind reeled with unsaid questions and possible answers. Why did Splashtail have RiverClan scent all over her? Did she come across an enemy patrol while hunting? Or did she just get too close to the scent line? No. It couldn't be that. Sunsetsplash's frowned. She noticed the fresh-kill pile was well stocked again before her thoughts consumed her again. The smell of scent lines didn't rub off like that. Not that strong, anyways. It was something else...something that made Splashtail feel guilty about it.
" Splashtail..." Sunsetsplash started tentatively, and right away she wished she hadn't said anything. Splashtail looked at her with clear blue eyes that didn't betray a thing.
" Yeah, sis? What is it?"
" Did you...where did you..." Sunsetsplash stumbled on her words as Splashtail blinked at her in confusion. She took a deep breath. " Where did you go hunting earlier?" She said casually, or what she hoped sounded casual. They had reached the fresh-kill pile, and Splashtail ignored her question as she studied the pickings.
" Hmm. Want a pigeon, Sunsetsplash? I didn't catch one, so it must've been Cherrybud."
" Splashtail." Sunsetsplash said more firmly. " Where did you go hunting earlier?"
Splashtail narrowed her eyes and picked up the pigeon. She padded over to a secluded spot where they could talk in private. Sunsetsplash sat down in front of the pigeon, facing her sister. " Well?" She prompted gently. Splashtail unsheathed her claws and fidgeted with the feathers on the pigeon's wing. " I went by the Shadowclan border, near the Thunderpath." Splashtail meowed. She bent down and took a bite of the pigeon. Sunsetsplash did the same, chewing slowly.
When the pigeon was almost done, Splashtail pushed it towards her. " You take the last bite. I'm stuffed."
" You're lying to me, Splashtail. I know you are." Sunsetsplash muttered.
" What?" Splashtail's eyes went wide. " Why would I lie to you?"
Sunsetsplash sighed. " I don't know why. I just know that you are. I smelled RiverClan scent on you, not the Thunderpath."
" But I covered..." Splashtail's barely audible whisper died away. Sunsetsplash felt the ground away beneath her paws. She WAS hiding something!! " What are you doing over there, Splashtail?" She demanded. Her sister flinched, and a guilty expression flashed across her face before being replaced by anger. " Why do you ask? You don't care!" Splashtail hissed. Her russet-and-white pelt bushed up in anger. " All you care about is yourself, Sunsetsplash! You're so selfish." Splashtail growled. She glared at Sunsetsplash before storming away. Sunsetsplash was left sitting there.
First Specklebranch, and now her own sister? Who was next, Smokecloud?
Everybody's leaving me...and I don't know what to do....
- Sunsetsplash
I guess we’re making clans now…cool
By shawntel cash
Guess it’s my turn!!
Ivy clan
Leader: Ivy star,a fluffy small creamy tabby with green eyes,she cat
Deputy: White Claw,a tall sleek black and white Tom with Grayish green eyes
Hawk sight: a tall shorthair with light brown&d ark brown,with stripes on his legs&neck,Amber eyes
Suggestions? If so write it pls! I’ll be checking 😗
By catlover🐱09
Sunsetsplash! Where is the next chapter of your fanfic!!😡😱 it’s is so good and I was reading it and there’s no more!!!! 😭😭😭 I need to know what happens!!
~silently sobbing, Phoenix~
By Drumzlvr
Join alternate universe WindClan!
By warriorsIScool
Espresso Cat: You can take the Cavern Cats’ leader if you want! I also have 2 deputies and 2 med cats open. Btw med cats CAN have mates and kits, nobody gets hurt very much anyway and it’s mostly minor injuries like scraped pads or something. The most major injury they’ve had is when someone fell from a den into the stream inside the Cavern and a Clan cat getting swept down the river and washing up there (no more spoilers since plot must be secret 🤫🤐)
ThunderClan and RiverClan are now closed, the message board is the first arc and the New Prophecy arc, ShadowClan the Power of Three, and WindClan A Vision Of Shadows. SkyClan is the Omen of the Stars and BloodClan is in Dawn of the Clans. The information to submit is in the Broken Code arc. Thanks Espresso Cat!
*exhales* sorry for all caps just had to make it clear 😂 😜
Leader: Swiftstar, white tom with blue eyes. Submitted by Rūnningstār of IceClan.
(Apprentice, Snowpaw)
Deputy: Runningleap, white she-cat with brown eyes and a scar on her forehead.
Medicine cat(s): Darksight, black tom with fluffy white tail and silver underbelly. Blind ice-blue eyes. Submitted by Espresso Cat.
Haretuft, brown tom. Submitted by Rūnningstār of IceClan.
(Apprentice, Heatherpaw)
Codtail, silver tabby tom with black stripes and a fluffy white tail.
(Apprentice, Ghostpaw)
Pebblepelt, pale gray tom with darker spots and amber eyes. Submitted by xXGalacticSkiesXx.
Swiftbrook, white tom with silver patches that have dark gray stripes inside of them and green eyes. Submitted by xXGalacticSkiesXx.
(Apprentice, Spectralpaw)
Ravenflow, black she-cat with gray sides and a white chest. Hazel eyes. Mother to three kits, Quietkit, Loudkit, and Shimmerkit. Submitted by MagnoliaHeart.
Quietkit, tiny gray she-kit with blue eyes
Loudkit, black tom-kit with brown eyes
Shimmerkit, gray-and-white she-kit with a sparkling pelt and hazel eyes
Graywood, brown tom with gray splashes and green eyes. Submitted by Espresso Cat.
Hawkstrike, gray tom with green eyes. Submitted by MagnoliaHeart.
Fawnsong, black she-cat with hazel eyes. Submitted by MagnoliaHeart.
Snowpaw, white she-cat with blue eyes and one black paw. Submitted by Rūnningstār of IceClan.
Heatherpaw, tortoiseshell she-cat. Medicine cat apprentice. Submitted by Rūnningstār of IceClan.
Spectralpaw, white tabby tom with one black paw, pale gray splashes, and gray eyes. Submitted by Espresso Cat.
Ghostpaw, black she-cat with white-and-gray splashes and pale gray eyes. Submitted by Espresso Cat.
3/12 warriors
1/1 leader CLOSED
1/3 queens
3/8 kits
1/1 deputy CLOSED
2/1 med. cats CLOSED
1/1 med. cat apprentice CLOSED
4/7 apprentices
3/5 elders
Dear Galaxyskies
By kasy268
You can take WC. I’m actually planning to make a Clan of cats! It might take me a while though…but I’ll just keep making Clan cats that aren’t leader, etc. I mean, I’ve already gotten medicine cat. So I’m fine with not taking WC’s leader. Plus it’s taking me a long time to make an Oc for leader, so I’m just gonna my own Clan. Thanks for letting me though!
Ivywhisker: Keep Swiftstar as WC’s leader please!
Espresso Cat
By PantherstarofSkyclan
Maybe the ShadowClan’s best medicine cat ever? Heh love him already.
AVoS ships
Aldertail (Alderheart x Needletail)
Velvetheart (Velvet x Alderheart)
Twigleap (Twigbranch x Finleap)
Needleshine (Needletail x Violetshine)
Hawkdapple (Hawkwing x Leafstar (Leafstar’s warrior name was Leafdapple just in case anyone didn’t know))
Now for my OC. A twist this time though! I’m making my first evil OC. At least half-evil...and I’ll be giving her a fan fic!
Gender- she
Description/coloring- grey with a shading/fade of purple-blue-dark grey and one grey eye and purple eye
Mother- Fearflame (dark ginger she with amber eyes
Father- Dreamnight (black dappled tom with blue eyes)
Brother- Phantomwhisper (dark grey tom with green eyes and white patching)
Sister- Deadheart (black she with one grey eye and one purple eye) (deceased)
Personality- shy, dangerous
Traits- hunting ♾%, speed ♾♾♾♾♾% strength 90%
Back story-
Shadeshadow was born without any eyes and couldn’t speak. Although she was raised up most of her life learning what she thought was the same as her brother and sister, she was still pampered either way. When she found out her sister and brother were being trained harder than her she yowled internally to the moon every night, begging the moon and stars for eyes to see and a voice to speak. One day when her and her family went out hunting they came across a den of badgers where Deadheart yowled to StarClan asking them to give her eyes and voice to Shadeshadow as she died of her wounds.
Kanuchiwa! It’s GhøstNight! :3
Hello everyone! Weba to a brand new review! Imma show you my OC today! Aslo amazing book! :) I love it! :D
(I’m done screaming let’s go-) XD
-Name: GhostNight
-Gender: female, she-cat
- Clan: Midnightclan
-Leader: Countingstar -Massive white main-coon tom with blue eyes
- Deputy: Cloudstripe
-Medicine cat: Minnowleaf- Brown Tom with blue eyes, black paws and a fluffy black tail
-Apprentice: FlickeringPaw-Warrior name- FlickeringBlaze- Black tabby Tom with fluffy fur and blazing red eyes, odd brownish-reddish-
scarletish stripe going down chest fur
(GhostNight) Looks like: Half black and have white, with a white eye on my left side and a red eye on my right, with a long smooth tail and a slender slightly muscular body, Meduim soft fluffy fur, with Meduim sized ears straight-ish whiskers and a dark gray-ish silver-ish underbelly. Has small paws with longer and sharper claws than usual, yet their small. Rough paw pads. My fur glows in the moonlight, and I look like a Starclan cat, that’s how I got my name, because I was born in the night with the moonlight shining through, making my pelt glow, shine, and sparkle-———————————}
- Mate: Skywillow- Fluffy siamese tannish-golden brown tom with shadowy black stripes, black neck fur, one black ear, one black circle around right eye, diagonal black paws with stripes down the legs, a fluffy striped black and tannish golden brown tail, oddly colored sky-blue eyes
-Mother: Silverclaw- Pretty silver and white she-cat with one light blue eye, and one green eye, with fluffy fur and a fluffy tail with black at the tip, pretty dark gray chest fur with black paw tips and sharp claws
-Father: DuskMoon - Black Tom with dark gray eyes, fluffy fur and white tips, fluffy white chest-fur, with a white crescent moon as a birth-mark , a white left ear, a gray-ish right paw and dark gray spots
-Sister: White she-cat with dark blue eyes, gray chest fur, gray paw-tips with brilliant fluffy majestic fur, with gray fur-tufts on the tips of her ears, a odd streak of black in her tail, and big ears
- Kits: None
- (Me) Breed: Chimera
- Skill chart:
- Hunting, [50%] Fighting, [70%] Courage, [30%] Loyatly, (I can’t spell (●´ω`●)) [100%]
- Death: Killed by flash of lightning during a war after saving everyone as an elder 🙀🥺
Best talent: Calming every down. #—————————-
Alright! That’s it for now! Byeeee!
By Tam4Eva
Honestly I just put a generic amount of stars on there so that I can say... Kudos to that’s Hamilton fan!