Home / Warriors Super Edition: Tigerheart's Shadow

Warriors Super Edition: Tigerheart's Shadow By Erin Hunter

Warriors Super Edition: Tigerheart's Shadow

By Erin Hunter

  • Release Date: 2017-09-05
  • Genre: Animal Fiction for Kids
  • $9.99
Score: 4.5
From 130 Ratings


An epic stand-alone adventure in Erin Hunter’s #1 nationally bestselling Warriors series! Also includes an exclusive ten-page Warriors manga adventure!

In this super edition, set during the events of A Vision of Shadows, one of ShadowClan’s most loyal warriors must go on a perilous quest—one that will take him and the ThunderClan warrior Dovewing to the heart of a dangerous territory unlike any they have seen before.

Long one of the proudest warrior Clans, ShadowClan now faces an unprecedented period of darkness and uncertainty. Its deputy, Tigerheart, is determined to help his Clan survive. But a crossroads is fast approaching…and when their medicine cat has an ominous vision, Tigerheart discovers that the only way to save his Clan may be to leave it behind forever.

Join the legion of fans who have discovered the epic adventures, fierce warrior cats, and thrilling fantasy world of the mega-bestselling Warriors series. This stand-alone entry is perfect for new readers and dedicated fans alike.


  • Cloverpeak of GorgeClan

    By neri84123
    Hi there! Did anyone else think this was weirdly religious? Like a cat named Spire who has visions? Like, prophet much? I’m fine with the whole StarClan thing, but this was weirdly cult-ish. Beginning of Chapter one for my fanfic// Eaglekit heard voices around her. She stirred in her nest and popped her head up. There was Sedgefall talking to her littermate about the “importance of protecting the younger kits.” Of course, she thought. As soon as a new queen moves in it’s all: “don’t bother Mintleaf, she’s trying to rest!” Eaglekit sighed and heaved her small body up. She bumbled gloomily up to her sister. “Eaglekit!” She spun around. The mew had been from her brother, Silverkit. He bounded over, out of the nest, to join his littermates and mother, almost stepping on Mintleaf in the process. Their mother glared at him. “Silverkit, you need to be more careful,” she meowed. “Those kits are a moon younger than you!” “I know, Sedgefall,” he mewed apologetically. “I am sorry.” In the midst of the drama, Eaglekit hadn’t noticed her sister tapping her tail. Eaglekit glanced at her, wondering what was up. “Eaglekit,” Cinderkit mewed softly, while her brother was still getting lectured. “Let’s go out and explore the camp again. Maybe one of the warriors can show us around this time!” Eaglekit was still tired, but seeing her littermate’s excitement, she nodded and, shooting an apologetic glance at Silverkit, ducked out of the nursery with her sister. For a kit, the camp was truly awe-inspiring. Tall rocks jutted up on either side, providing shelter from wind and rain. In the center was a giant boulder Greystar used to make announcements, and below it was the fresh kill pile. Eaglekit stared long and hard at a rabbit, but knew she couldn’t take it. Silverkit, Cinderkit and I will be able to eat that stuff soon enough! She thought. She turned her head and gazed longingly towards the den next to the Great Boulder. We’ll be apprentices in a moon. In her thinking, her sister had left her behind. Cinderkit was already five fox-tails ahead of her, sitting and mewing to Newtsky, who was just coming back from leading the dawn patrol. Eaglekit bounded to catch up. “Hello Newtsky!” She meowed, hoping to sound more grown up than she was. “How was the patrol?” Thanks! -Cloverpeak
  • Chapter seven of Sunsetsplash's Destiny!

    By 👾👾👾1532
    Dove's Wing: I agree. I hate TigerDove and like BumbleWing better! But..I hate Dovewing regardless so... Sunsetpaw curled her lip as she pulled out the elder's soiled bedding. Clearing away the old moss and feathers from the elder's den was her least favorite apprentice duty. Ever. " Can't the elders clear away their own bedding?" Specklepaw grumbled, shaking his paw as a string of moss got stuck in his claws. Sunsetpaw made a noncommittal grunt. The elders couldn't do all of this themselves – Sunsetpaw knew that – but that didn't make the job any more enjoyable. The two apprentices were stuck in the stuffy den while Splashpaw and Cherrypaw were out hunting for prey. Sunsetpaw wished their jobs were reversed; she was furious and jealous that her sister was going out in the forest, hunting prey while Sunsetpaw was clearing away dirty moss and stinky bedding. She sighed. At least she had a friend with her. " Alright, I think we're done." Specklepaw meowed, stepping back to inspect their work. " Now, let's get out of here. If I stay in here for any longer I swear I'm going to pass out." Sunsetpaw purred. " You're so dramatic, Specklepaw!" She teased. The speckled tom twitched his whiskers. " I'm not dramatic. It's true. It's WAY to hot in here for my liking." He shook out his fur, as though this helped him make his point. " And besides, we'll be back." Sunsetpaw pointed out, " We need fresh moss." She led the way out of the den, Specklepaw on her heels. The two apprentices headed out into the forest, grabbed as much moss as they could carry, and headed back to camp. When she pushed through the barrier, she saw Splashpaw setting down her catch on the prey pile. With a jolt of annoyance, she noticed that her sister's catch was a rabbit. A big one at that. With a mouth full of moss, Sunsetpaw could only nod at Splashpaw as she passed her; Specklepaw glared at the russet and white she-cat, who was standing next to Cherrypaw. They both went back to the elder's den, finished up their job, and padded over to the fresh-kill pile. " Ooh! A pigeon!" Specklepaw chirped, plucking a bird from the pile. His eyes shone as he licked his lips. " Want to share?" He asked. Sunsetpaw, who was looking for something to eat, nodded. " Yeah. We can eat over there, if you want." She pointed her muzzle towards a shady spot next to a clump of bracken. After he agreed, Sunsetpaw led the way as Specklepaw carried the pigeon. They ate in peace, talked about hunting methods and training sessions, until Doefeather padded over. " Sunsetpaw, come. Brackenheart wants you on patrol." " Okay." Sunsetpaw meowed, getting up reluctantly. " Bye, Sunsetpaw." Specklepaw purred. " I'll clean up." " Thanks." " Hurry up! They'll leave without us." Sunsetpaw bounded after her mentor and joined the group of cats going on the patrol. Brackenheart was there, as well as Hollythrush, Swallowstream and Smokecloud. The deputy wasted no time. " Good. Let's get going." He led the patrol through the trees, remarking scent lines on the borders for Riverclan and Shadowclan. Sunsetpaw, tired and paw-sore, nearly jumped for joy when Brackenheart announced that they were done. She was just about to follow her clan mates through the trees when a scent drifted in the air. Sunsetpaw pricked her ears at the curious scent. It smelled sharp and dirty, like the Thunderpath. The scent of blood – Sunsetpaw frowned as it bathed her tongue – was strong and fresh, but there was something else...something faint... Sunsetpaw gasped. " Shadowclan!" She burst out, crashing through the undergrowth to reach the rest of the patrol. " I smell Shadowclan!" Brackenheart was first to respond. " Shadowclan?" He asked, his pelt prickling along his spine. " Are you sure?" " Positive." The scent was there, for sure. " It smells like they hunted something." " Hunted? On our territory?" Hollythrush gasped. Doefeather grimaced at her friend. " Those mangy flea-hearts!" Smokecloud growled, lashing his tail angrily. " Sunsetpaw, show us where you think they are." The black warrior fixed his brilliant blue gaze on her face, and their eyes met. Sunsetpaw felt her brain turn to mush, but she shook it away quickly. This was no time to act like a foolish kit! Sunsetpaw turned quickly and ran to where she first scented them. Her heart pounding, she blocked out the noise from her clanmates and focused all of her concentration on scenting. She soon found the scent trail, and beckoned them to follow her. Sunsetpaw bounded through the trees, her mouth open to catch faintest scent in the wind. The trail ended by the Thunderpath, and Sunsetpaw froze as she took in the scene. A freshly-killed squirrel was laying on the ground, mangled and bloody and torn. As her clanmates stopped beside her, she understood the message. Shadowclan didn't kill this squirrel for prey. They killed it for a different reason. It was a warning. Next chapter in the next book! - Sunsetsplash
  • Tigerstar+Dovewing? 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻

    By Dove's Wing
    I’d like to say one thing: I COMPLETELY DISAPPROVE OF TIGERWING!! Tigerstar is so annoying, how he used Dovewing’s power to make sure they don’t get caught together, how he thinks it’s okay to break the code (I’m like Hollyleaf & hate the warrior code being broken. Unless I approve of it & think it’s a good ship) & how he practically forces Dovewing to choose him instead of Bumblestripe. Now Bumblestripe+Dovewing, 👍🏻 :). Best ship ever!! Dovestripe is rad, bro 😎 I think Bramblestar should’ve done something about it, like telling her to stay & mate Bumblestripe. He & Tigerstar couldn’t have done anything cause ShadowClan’s leader is the one trying to win Dovewing’s heart. I loved her when she was part of the Three, but now I despise her completely. Shadowkit’s the only thing I like about Tigerwing. Boo Tigerstar+Dovewing. Yay Bumblestripe+Dovewing!! Here’s the kits Bumblewing would’ve had: Daughters Silverkit-gray-white she-kit with blue eyes; Featherpaw-pretty silver she-cat with white spirals, pale yellow eyes Sons Graykit-smoky gray tomkit with pale green eyes Stormpaw-handsome white tom with silver spirals, blue eyes Silverkit & Graykit (I did name them after Silverstream & Graystripe) are three moons old. Featherpaw & Stormpaw (Named after Bumblestripe’s older half-siblings, Feathertail & Stormfur) are five moons apprenticed. Those are Bumblewing’s kits & once again, I HATE & DISAPPROVE OF DOVESTAR That’s my opinion & I worked hard on their kits, so don’t copy!! Sincerely, Silverflame of SunClan
  • New year

    By suuuuuprg
    (Jayfeather) Another year of warriors. (Nightheart) Another year of something. (Birchkit) Another year of video games. (Dovewing) Seriously. (Lionblaze) Hopefully the new series will be good. (Jayfeather) Don’t doubt it. (Foxleap) I don’t think I lasted a year. (Firestar) Every Warrior lasts a year. (Birchkit) All the new video games like TOTK and maybe a new smash game. (Mothflight) A new year that means more music. (Windstar) Nooooo. (Nightheart) What could possibly go wrong, (Jayfeather) Now something’s going to go wrong. Happy New Year. Jaggedspeck
  • Battles?

    By Fireclaw of SkyClan
    I like Warriors a lot, and this one was good, but it barely had any battles. Honestly, I prefer The Last Hope (Omen of the Stars book 6) or Crowfeather’s Trial.
  • :)

    By Rosy Spotted Kitten
    Yay! Thank you Oak! Now I can read each and every chapter of your story! Btw it’s very good and I can’t wait for the rest of it! Keep on writing, it’s amazing! -Tigress
  • CrowFeathers chapter next.

    By soph of bred
    GrayWillow woke in the morning, and heard the leader call from the high rock. “All cats old enough to catch their own prey, please come to the center of the clearing.” GrayWillow stretched and left her den, following Blackstars call. “We are here to announce, it’s the time again that three of our kits have grown up to six moons. It is time for their apprentice ceremony,” he said. GrayWillow found Halfface and sat next to him, greeting him with a friendly nuzzle. “Goldenkit, Flowerkit, and Spottedkit, please step up.” GrayWillow spotted two large kits step up to the middle, and one nervously walking up. “Goldenkit, for now on, until you serve as a warrior, you will be Goldenpaw. Your mentor will be Halfface,” Blackstar meowed. Halfface stepped away from his spot next to GrayWillow and next to Goldenkit. “Halfface, you are brave, and have saved lives. I hope you will pass on your bravery to Goldenpaw, and one day she might save a life herself,” Blackstar said. Halfface and Goldenkit looked at each other and touched noses. They stepped back into the crowd, for the next apprentice to be called up. “Flowerkit, from now on, until you earn your warrior name, you shall be known as Flowerpaw. Your mentor will be WhitePelt,” Blackstar said. GrayWillow flinched, feeling bad for the kit. She got the worst mentor ever! She tried to hope that WhitePelt would be nice to her mentor, unlike how she is to everyone else, except the deputy and leader. “WhitePelt, you are honest and intelligent. You shall pass on your best traits to your new apprentice. I know she will grow up to be a great warrior, with you to be there,” Blackstar said. GrayWillow flinched again. Blackstar knew what had happened a few days ago, but he didn’t want to worry WhitePelts new apprentice. The two cats touched noses. As they did, GrayWillow spotted a sinister grin on WhitePelts face. “And Spottedkit, until you earn your warrior name, you shall be known as Spottedpaw. Your mentor will be GrayWillow.” Suddenly pride and excitement shown in GrayWillows eyes. She stepped up quickly, to her new apprentice. “GrayWillow, I hope you pass on your intelligence, bravery, and problem solving abilities to your new apprentice,” Blackstar said. GrayWillows eyes shone, and she was frozen in excitement. She shook her head to clear it, and lifted her head down to her new apprentice. They touched noses, and smiled. “Goldenpaw! Spottedpaw! Flowerpaw!” A bunch of cats chanted. GrayWillow started to call the new apprentices names. Soon enough, every cat was chanting their names. Except for one cat, WhitePelt. GrayWillow left the crowd, to consult her. “Why are you not congratulating the new apprentices?!” She said, “Because I don’t want to, I’m getting my food. It’s lunch time,” WhitePelt said. GrayWillow saw she was munching on a large red squirrel. She decided to leave WhitePelt alone, there was no point in arguing. She was walking to her den, to go back to rest, when a voice sounded behind her. “GrayWillow! Can we start training?” It was Spottedpaw. “Oh, ok. We’ll train,” GrayWillow replied. She turned around to face her new apprentice. “Come with me, we’ll go to the training hollow.” They walked through the camp and out the gorse tunnel. The leaves seemed cold under their paws. They padded through the forest until they reached the sandy hollow. They slid down into the sandy hole that lay near Thunderclan and CloudClan. They stood in the middle of the hollow. “Attack me,” GrayWillow said. Spottedpaw lunged at GrayWillow, she was surprised how fast he was. The shock didn’t stop her from dodging back, and scraping the back ear of the apprentice. “Oww! That hurt!” Spottedpaw said. He shook it off and started to run toward GrayWillow. GrayWillow easily grabbed him and launched him into the sand. He didn’t move. GrayWillow trotted over to where he lay. She bent down to the unmoving body. Worry rushed through her bones. Then, Spottedpaw opened his eyes, and quickly jumped on GrayWillow, making her meow with surprise. At last, she lay pinned, with Spottedpaw on top of her. “I win!” He said. “Ok, ok, that was impressive, but can you get off me now?” GrayWillow meowed. Spottedpaw stepped off of her mentor, pride glowing in his eyes. When GrayWillow got up, a white speckle fell on her nose, it was snow. Leafbare is coming! “Spottedpaw, it’s time we go back to camp. It’s getting cold, and I’m getting hungry,” GrayWillow said. “But whyyyy?! I want to train more, pretty please!” GrayWillow started to walk up the hollow, with Spottedpaw following behind her. When she reached the top, she waited for her apprentice to catch up. Eventually Spottedpaw reached the top, and they continued to walk back to camp. GrayWillow closed her eyes, taking on the peacefulness of the forest. “Ow!” GrayWillow bumped into another cat, and fell to the ground. She opened her eyes and saw Whitepelt on the ground with an irritated look on her face. “Watch where you're going,” she said, “I see you’ve been training with your new apprentice. He must have beat you pretty well. You have marks all over you.” “No I-“ “I did! I layed on the ground, waiting for her to come, and I pounced on her! I pinned her, I was so quick! She didn’t see me coming!” GrayWillow was cut off by a voice behind her. “Seems like your apprentice needs to learn some humility,” Whitepelt snickered. GrayWillow got to her feet and hissed at Whitepelt. She walked past her and Flowerpaw, with Spottedpaw behind her. They got to a point where they were right next to the camp, when GrayWillow spoke. “Why did you say that?! It’s disrespectful to me, you need to learn to be more humble!” She complained. “S-sorry GrayWillow, I just- won’t happen again,” Spottedpaw bowed his head down. Not another word was spoken, and they entered the camp.
  • Willows quest

    By Coachkm
    Willow shook out her pale grey pelt as she looked up at a starry cat. “You must journey to a lake we’re you will find four of five and become on of six.” He announced willow was confused. “What? Hemlock! Tell me! What does that mean?” Hemlock faded away and she woke up in the barn. Her three kits on her pelt. Willow looked at them. Bryony was snuggled up on willows neck. Sundew was clinging onto her tail. And belladonna was on willows paws. She sighed. Just then a dark brown tabby walked in. “So your back…Venus.” - Hi! My name is blossom. I’m one of willows kits. I’m tellling my moms story here. I thought it was cool where they- oh? You don’t want me to spoil? How about I spoil you!?!?! Heh. Anyways bye!!!- ~Blossom! What did i tell you about being rude tot he readers?|~ -Ugh! Sundew! Go away!- ^Only when you say sorry! That’s when we will leave!^ -Fine, sorry reader.- ~Okay we will leave now.~ -Ha! Not sorry.- ~BLOSSOM!!~
  • Sparkfur(Soon to be Sparkstar)of Thunderclan

    By Sparkfur of thunderclan
    You know it’s kind cool that the Erin’s had Dovewing give birth to her kits in a church Does anyone think that Ivypool “smacking” Tigerheart because he was a bad mate is fair or is she justified Also does anyone think that Ivypool ever talked to her sister again after Dovewing had kits with a cat from another clan????
  • To: Tatertotsy

    By Maple"Dawn
    Thanks! It’s nice to see someone like me, but I didn’t just start on warriors, I’ve been reading it for years! I just saw everyone displaying and being proud of their ocs, so I wanted to join them and have fun! And you are a wonderful person! 😊