Home / Warriors Super Edition: Hawkwing's Journey

Warriors Super Edition: Hawkwing's Journey By Erin Hunter

Warriors Super Edition: Hawkwing's Journey

By Erin Hunter

  • Release Date: 2016-11-01
  • Genre: Animal Fiction for Kids
  • $11.99
Score: 5
From 111 Ratings


An epic stand-alone adventure in Erin Hunter’s #1 nationally bestselling Warriors series!

Set just before the events of the books in A Vision of Shadows, this Super Edition follows Hawkwing, deputy of SkyClan, on a journey that will change the fate of all five warrior Clans.

The cats of SkyClan are facing a darkness unlike any they have seen before. Their only hope is to seek out the kin of Firestar, the cat who once brought their Clan back from obscurity. But even if they find the other four warrior Clans, SkyClan’s time in the gorge territory may truly be at an end….

Join the legion of fans who have discovered the epic adventures, fierce warrior cats, and the thrilling fantasy world of the mega-bestselling Warriors series. This stand-alone entry is perfect for new readers and dedicated fans alike.

Hawkwing’s Journey also includes an exclusive ten-page Warriors manga adventure!


  • I have a question Sunsetsplash.

    By galaxystarstar💖💖💖💖💖🦋🦋🦋
    Is Sunsetpaw/splash insecure? Or is there a rule about sleeping through the gathering or anything? Sorry, I’m too dumb to understand😅. -Robinflight P. S. I love your fanfic and you inspired me to make a story about my own OCs! Tysm!
  • Why just why

    By slimswedee
    We haven’t seen Dodge since SkyClan’s destiny and literally just 10 or so years later he returns and HawkWing kills him in like 2 seconds
  • GrayWillow FF

    By soph of bred
    The gorse tunnel led them out of camp, and into the deep forest. They tried to be as silent as possible just in case prey was nearby. The soft crackling of the leaves made GrayWillow more calm. They trudged through the forest, until they reached the gorge. There was a huge bridge, which they carefully crossed. GrayWillow peered over the edge, she stared down at the rushing waters, and the splashing of small waves hitting the edge of the gorge. She was enchanted, it looked beautiful! She kept staring down, she watched the waterfall, even though she knew that it killed one of her dearest friends. She kept staring, wishing she could just jump down, and swim through the water: and then, she lost balance, something was pushing her off, she fell off the side, and swung her body around, so she could grab onto the edge. There was WhitePelt, looking down on her with a sinister grin. GrayWillow wailed for help, even though HalfFace was nowhere in sight, the only cats there were her and WhitePelt. Whitepelt set her paw on GrayWillows, threatening to throw her off. WhitePelts paw slowly was pushing one of GrayWillows paws off, when HalfFace ran from the forest, with Blackstar, MistyLeaf, PoppyPaw, and LightPetel. They all stared at the horrible scene that was going down. Blackstar took a breath in, and then ran out onto the gorge, and threw himself on WhitePelt, both spitting curses at each other. HalfFace ran over, and pulled GrayWillow up back onto the safety of the bridge. She stared into the eyes of the orange and black tabby. He had beautiful green and orange eyes, they glittered with kindness. She had now thought differently of HalfFace. Before, she thought of him as a friend, now she thought of him as a hero. He saved her life, and she wished she could give him a billion thanks. HalfFace was about to speak, when MistyLeaf pulled GrayWillow from him. “Are you ok? Any scratches, gashes, scars, marks, bruises?” Said MistyLeaf. “No, I’m ok. Now I’m going back with HalfFace,” GrayWillow said. She slipped back with HalfFace. “So, what were you going to say?” GrayWillow asked him. “I really like you, I would do anything for you. GrayWillow, will you please be my mate?” HalfFace asked. “Why not? You saved my life! I never thought that you would save my life! You like me a lot. I can tell. So, yes,” GrayWillow retorted. “Thank you GrayWillow, you're the best!” HalfFace said. They both smiled, and nudged each other’s flank. GrayWillow had a mate. GrayWillow woke in the morning, and heard the leader call from the high rock. “All cats old enough to catch their own prey, please come to the center of the clearing.” GrayWillow stretched and left her den, following Blackstars call. “We are here to announce, it’s the time again that three of our kits have grown up to six moons. It is time for their apprentice ceremony,” he said. GrayWillow found Halfface and sat next to him, greeting him with a friendly nuzzle. “Goldenkit, Flowerkit, and Spottedkit, please step up.” GrayWillow spotted two large kits step up to the middle, and one nervously walking up. “Goldenkit, for now on, until you serve as a warrior, you will be Goldenpaw. Your mentor will be Halfface,” Halfface stepped away from his spot next to GrayWillow and next to Goldenkit. “Halfface, you are brave, and have saved lives. I hope you will pass on your bravery to Goldenpaw, and one day she might save a life herself,” Blackstar said. Halfface and Goldenkit looked at each other and touched noses. They stepped back into the crowd, for the next apprentice to be called up. “Flowerkit, from now on, until you earn your warrior name, you shall be known as Flowerpaw. Your mentor will be WhitePelt,” Blackstar said. GrayWillow flinched, feeling bad for the kit. She got the worst mentor ever! She tried to hope that WhitePelt would be nice to her mentor, unlike how she is to everyone else, except the deputy and leader. “WhitePelt, you are honest and intelligent. You shall pass on your best traits to your new apprentice. I know she will grow up to be a great warrior, with you to be there,” Blackstar said. GrayWillow flinched again. Blackstar knew what had happened a few days ago, but he didn’t want to worry WhitePelts new apprentice. The two cats touched noses. As they did, GrayWillow spotted a sinister grin on WhitePelts face. “And Spottedkit, until you earn your warrior name, you shall be known as Spottedpaw. Your mentor will be GrayWillow.” Suddenly pride and excitement shown in GrayWillows eyes. She stepped up quickly, to her new apprentice. “GrayWillow, I hope you pass on your intelligence, bravery, and problem solving abilities to your new apprentice,” Blackstar said. GrayWillows eyes shone, and she was frozen in excitement. She shook her head to clear it, and lifted her head down to her new apprentice. They touched noses, and smiled. “Goldenpaw! Spottedpaw! Flowerpaw!” A bunch of cats chanted. GrayWillow started to call the new apprentices names. Soon enough, every cat was chanting their names. Except for one cat, WhitePelt. GrayWillow left the crowd, to consult her. “Why are you not congratulating the new apprentices?!” She said, “Because I don’t want to, I’m getting my food. It’s lunch time,” WhitePelt said. GrayWillow saw she was munching on a large red squirrel. She decided to leave WhitePelt alone, there was no point in arguing. She was walking to her den, to go back to rest, when a voice sounded behind her. “GrayWillow! Can we start training?” It was Spottedpaw. “Oh, ok. We’ll train,” GrayWillow replied. She turned around to face her new apprentice.
  • CleoCatH23 (Edited)

    By Dove's Wing
    Hi CleoCat. I read your review & I sort of agree with you about Brokenstar’s Punishment (Love the name!). But what would it be about? SPOILERS AHEAD ⚠️ Most of his life is shown or explained in Yellowfang’s Secret, so we can’t do that & his life in the Dark Forest would be boring because as far as we know all he did was plot & train for the Great Battle in The Last Hope. But I like the sound of that. Also can’t wait for Leopardstar’s Honor (Or has it come out already?? Tell me if i’m right or wrong plz i want to read that book) Also Cleo, Hawkwing is SPOILER Twigbranch & Violetshine’s father from A Vision of Shadows. Annnd I read your review from the first book in A Vision of Shadows & I WATCH APHMAU TOO!! OMG I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS 😱😱😱 P. S. To all of you out there (& you too Cleo) YOU SHOULD WATCH STACYPLAYS YOUTUBE CHANNEL DOGCRAFT!! ITS DA BEST!!! Lol I was so young. I’m 12 now so yeah big age difference. I don’t watch Aphmau (I realized she was kind of stupid). I got Leopardstar’s Honor for my birthday (January 24, 2011) and now I can’t wait for Riverstar’s Home (I think that’s what it’s called 🤔) b/c she hasn’t made any Dawn of the Clans supers except Moth Flight’s Vision and honestly it wasn’t my favorite. And I still support Brokenstar’s Punishment!
  • Darkfalls path. Chapter six.

    By warriorcatskindness
    Chapter six: “Hey!” I bumped into a cat. “Sorry I’m in a rush!” I tried to rush past the tabby he cat. “Why?” He asked. “Do you need an answer?”I growled. He rolled his eyes. “Come to my nest and then you can tell me why!” He smiled. I heard cats growling behind me. “Yes please!” I practically begged. “Come with me.” He meowed. •Yes! Now they won’t catch me!• I thought. But of course they had to stop us in our path. “Give us the cat.” A she demanded. I remembered her. She shouted the demand to chase me. •Shoot I’m chop live.• The kittypet tilted his head. “Um okay!” He smiled. “Come visit me later!” He called as he walked off. But I was already running and they started chasing me again. Sorry I haven’t posted in a while I’ve been super busy. Next chapter in Firestar quest!
  • Soph of bred ⬇️

    By Rosy Spotted Kitten
    Wow. Bravo 🎉 your fanfic is really good! I can’t wait to keep reading it! I really like GrayWillow, she’s very interesting! Idk what else to say so bye I guess! Tigress out! -Tigress -Monarch -SilentMelody -Raven
  • Ivywhisker’s Truth Chapter 15!

    By warriorsIScool
    Leopard: yeah ofc it’s fine! I didn’t have anything planned out for him, so he was the perfect one to murder!!! 😈 😈 😼 😼 😼 😼 LOLLLLL I JUST REALIZED MY STORY TOOK A SUPER DARK TURN AFTER REREADING THIS CHAPER LOLLL 🤣 ima just die now 💀 •What? No!• Murmurs began to spread throughout the island, cats whispering and guessing. The Tribe of Rocky Mountains had declared war on MysticClan? “That is true.” A silk-smooth voice cut through the chatter, coming from the ginger-and-black tom that had climbed the tree. “Mysticstar interfered one too many times. He took the she-cat I desired into his protection, leaving me unable to mate her. I will tell you the story. One snowy night, a tom dragged a frozen she-cat into my camp. The tom was not her mate. Her mate was dead, and she was carrying his kits. I had watched the she-cat from afar, grew to love her, and when her mate died from a complete accident on the -Thunderpath, you call it?- I wanted her even more. And then she just arrived at my camp one night! “Mysticstar showed up and magicked her away. What could I do against that? He stuck his nose into where it was not welcomed. I don’t want to punish MysticClan for his actions. I came here tonight with that as an excuse, to find that she-cat. I know that she’s here.” His words rang throughout the clearing. Ivywhisker had a sinking suspicion that he was talking about her, but he didn’t love her and was using that as an excuse, and began to edge towards the tree bridge. “I see you.” Those three simple words scared the life out of her. Her breath came in short pants and her legs wobbled, threatening to drag her down. “Now, Fire Casting. Is this really necessary?” Maplestar protested. “Ivywhisker, I love you. Will you come to my camp in the mountains? You will be respected and taken care of, and your kits will grow up there to be great warriors.” He left that last sentence as a bit of a threat. Would her kits grow up there, or would her kits not grow up at all? He could kill her kits easily, she didn’t doubt that. •Birch… please forgive me… you were not my first love, but you will be my last…• She looked him straight in the eye and responded, “Yes.” The entire Gathering lost it, yowling threats of murder and thoughts of conspiracy and StarClan knows what else. But Fire Casting Shadows on Trees simply jumped down from the branch and walked away. She followed him obediently, her whole body screaming run, but she wouldn’t get far with her belly. The Clans watched in shock as one of their own departed unwillingly yet willingly. Moonwater’s face was a mixture of anger, disappointment, sadness, and regret. But she crossed the tree bridge with the tom possessively resting his tail on her back and disappeared into the mountains, never to be seen again. ~ Or at least, that’s what •you• cats thought at the time. My story doesn’t end here. I will die a heroine’s death, go out a blazing star. I will see Birch again. But now, I walk away, away from my home and towards an uncertain future. ~ “And when you’re gone, who remembers your name? Who keeps your flame? Who tells your story? Who tells your story?” |vy (HTTYD reference when she thinks abt Birch and the quote is Hamilton. Also Ivy’s talking at the end before the quote)
  • The wavering truth #3

    By Coachkm
    Fennelthroats mother had been missing for at least twenty moons. Poppystar was growing old and she knew as deputy she would soon have to become fennelstar. “We found Nighttail!” A voice yowled. Burnetpaw. Fennelthroat leaped from the tree stump and raced to the apprentice. “Where? Take me!” She demanded. “Come with me.” They raced through the trees. They ended up at the edge of crickclans border. At the edge lay a sleek black body. “Nighttail…no…” Fennelthroat whispered. She collapsed and cried. She heard paws coming from behind her. She wailed out in grief. “She’s dead!” The deputy wailed. Cats came and lifted her up and with help from them guided her back to camp. They held the vigil later. Her mate,weaseleye,came and curled up with her. “I’m here for you.” He whispered. “But…Nighttails dead…and I only knew her for two days…” She murmured. “Get over it. Your moms dead and there’s nothing we can do about it, so get up and come do patrols.” Poppystar snarled. Fennelthroat groaned. “No…” She murmured. Poppystar left snarling at other cats. Fennelthroat couldn’t believe it! Nightail really was dead.
  • :3

    By Henlo! :3
    This is definitely a recommended book after you read about Firestar and Sandstorm bringing Skyclan back. The plot twists at almost every turn makes the book more fun to read. Erin writes it so you feel the sadness too, as well, as in the moment Pebbleshine was stolen away from Hawkwing. Overall, great book, great storyline, and amazing drawings in the manga version in the back. Keep up the awesome work, Erin!
  • Loved it!

    By emma😻pegsasaus
    I loved this amazing book! It is so sad but I enjoyed. I want novella’s about Cinderheart, Ashfur and more! Keep on writing!