Home / More Success and Happiness: 12 Guides to Improving Your Life: Told in Videos, Verse, and Song (Unabridged)
More Success and Happiness is the culmination of a three-month campaign based on writing, presenting, and turning a dozen verses and songs about success and happiness into PowerPoints and videos. It is the beginning of a series of these books, based on turning PowerPoints and videos of songs and verses into a book.
Then, the book concludes by suggesting ways you can apply these ideas to gain more success and happiness in your personal life and work. In fact, you might turn each of these verses and songs into a subject to reflect on in a self-help or support group for a week or month.
The book is organized into three sections. Part one features the verses and the images for each line or two used in the PowerPoint and video. Part two features the songs and images from the PowerPoints and videos. Part three considers ways to apply these ideas in your life.
More specifically, the chapters in book are the following:
Part I: Verses about Success and Happiness
1. How to Be a Thought Leader
2. You’ve Got to Stand Out
3. You’ve Got to Persist
4. You Need to Have Courage
5. How Do You Make Choices?
6. Why You Need Gratitude
7. Getting Rid of Jealousy and Anger
Part II: Songs from PowerPoints and Videos
8. It Could Happen to You
9. You Gotta Have Goals
10. When Things Go Wrong
11. What Does It Mean When Something Goes Wrong?
12. Feeling Angry?
Part III: Applying These Ideas
13. Applying These Ideas in Your Personal Life and Work