Home / Animal Games: A Series of Games Using a Set of 144 Animal Cards (Unabridged)
These Animal Games were inspired by the Animal Cards that were originally created for the Animal Insights book. This book features a unique way to get insights about yourself and to learn about what you can gain from the qualities of a particular animal. The idea is to think about your associations with that animal and how that can apply them to yourself.
These same cards can also be used to play a series of fun games. Since there are 144 cards, which can easily be combined in various ways to play a variety of classic and new games, such as Animal Poker, Animal Gin, Animal Auction, Animal Concentration, Animal Treasure Hunt, Animal Tales, and more. You can also play team games by dividing up the deck, which is easily divided by two, three, four, six, eight, 12, 16, 24, 36, 48, and 72. Or you pull out certain types of cards, such as all the insects, reptiles, birds, mammals, marine animals, or farm animals.
The games featured include:
Animal Olympics
Animal Poker
Animal Concentration
Animal Gin
Animal Treasure Hunt
Animal Tales
Animal Fortune Teller
Animal Charades
Save the Animals
What’s My Animal?
Plus, you can create your own animal games. While the animals are listed in alphabetical order, you want to cut out all the Animal Cards, which are printed four to a page, to create a card deck with the picture and name of the animal on one side. Or ideally print out the Animal Cards on card stock and cut those up. You can use the whole deck or a select number of Animal Cards to play the different games. The cards to use are included with the rules for each game. Once you have cut out all the cards and selected the cards to be used in each game, you can shuffle the cards like a deck of cards or spread them out face down and mix them up on a table top. If the cards are a deck, a dealer can deal them out or you can draw from the deck. Or if the cards are spread out, players can pick cards from the face down deck for themselves or others.