Home / Transformations: How New Developments in Science, Technology, Business, and Society Are Changing Your Life (Unabridged)
Transformations: How New Developments in Science, Technology, Business, and Society Are Changing Your Life features short commentaries on new developments that are changing everyone's life. The book was inspired by a series of articles on these topics, initially published in the Huffington Post, which have been turned into a book with 21 changes and what to expect.
The book features chapters divided into these five sections:
High tech devices and trends
Mind and body discoveries
Amazing animals
Pop culture and society
Business and work
The chapters in each section feature comments and suggestions on the present and future changes in our life. Some examples are:
Some amazing new devices such as talking toothbrushes and forks
Why lottery winners might do better if winners could give money away
How blindly following a GPS can lead to problems
The end of road rage with the rise of driverless cars
Chimp memory power and the decline of human intelligence
The new cinematographers - animals with critter cams and video cameras
The new science of bringing back extinct animals
New technologies enabling people to see with their tongues
How mind control is becoming for real
The possibility of living forever