Home / Dealing with Copyright Infringement and Suppression Claims in a Social Media Age (Unabridged)

Dealing with Copyright Infringement and Suppression Claims in a Social Media Age (Unabridged) By Gini Graham Scott

Dealing with Copyright Infringement and Suppression Claims in a Social Media Age (Unabridged)

By Gini Graham Scott

  • Release Date: 2018-10-09
  • Genre: Business & Personal Finance
  • © 2018 Changemakers Publishing
  • $5.99


Dealing with Copyright and Suppression Claims in a Social Media Age deals with the growing challenge to writers and publishers over what they can and can’t publish as more and more information is available online. Some of this material is covered by copyright, and some is not, and it is increasingly difficult to tell what is and isn’t permitted. Accordingly, this audiobook covers these topics: 
What to know about copyright law as it affects books and other materials on the Internet and what to do about copyright challenges. How to reduce your chances of facing a suppression claim and how to overcome such a claim.
It includes the following chapters: The two warnings that started it all What you should know about copyright law What to do about copyright infringement What to do if your book is suppressed


Title Writer
Dealing with Copyright Infringement and Gini Graham Scott