Home / Things to Do When You're on a Long Trip, Waiting Around, or Just Plain Bored (Unabridged)
Have you gone on a long trip where you have gotten bored while traveling or waiting in an airport or bus or train station? Do you need a quick pickup to help in your job search? Have you wondered how to pass the time and amuse yourself, when you can't use your cell phone, read, or listen to music?
Things to Do When You Are on a Long Trip, Waiting Around, or Just Plain Bored is the perfect antidote. It features a variety of fun and creative things you can do in your imagination or by being more perceptive, speaking, or interacting with others. Activities range from interesting things to think about and imagine, to mind games to enjoy with yourself and others, and more.
The chapters include these topics:
Ways to relax
Enjoy yourself and be happy
Work out any problems and challenges
Exercise your imagination
Go on eating adventures
How to see and perceive more
Increase your creativity
Experience some fun games
Experiment with brain building exercises
Play some guessing games
Discover your psychic abilities
Make plans for the future
Improve your memory
Decide what to do about something
Practice and improve your skills in your mind
Listen and enjoy what you listen to more
Create your own experiences
And much, much more