Home / Dealing with Impossible Clients: What to Do When Clients Are Jerks, Deadbeats, Delusional, or Just Plain Crazy (Unabridged)
Dealing with Impossible Clients points out the ways in which clients can be difficult, demanding, or outright scoundrels and what to do about the problem. The book deals with recognizing the danger signals before working with such a client and when to cut your losses to avoid further problems down the road. While the focus is on what small business owners, managers, and professionals should do, the book should also appeal to others in business with problem employees, bosses, or co-workers and those going into business for themselves.
The book begins with an introduction about how to notice warning signs to help you avoid dealing with impossible clients. Each chapter begins with a story about an impossible client, based on interviews with several dozen small business owners, managers, and professionals about what happened to them. Following each story, there is a discussion of what went wrong and what might have been done to prevent this. Each chapter concludes with suggestions on how to deal with similar problems in your own situation, followed by a few short takeaways.