Home / How to Write a Killer Novel Ending: How to Finish a Novel, End Your Story with a Bang!, Satisfy Your Readers: Keys to a Great Ending: Guru Writing Sessions, Book 1 (Unabridged)

How to Write a Killer Novel Ending: How to Finish a Novel, End Your Story with a Bang!, Satisfy Your Readers: Keys to a Great Ending: Guru Writing Sessions, Book 1 (Unabridged) By Ora Rosalin & Bey Rosalin

How to Write a Killer Novel Ending: How to Finish a Novel, End Your Story with a Bang!, Satisfy Your Readers: Keys to a Great Ending: Guru Writing Sessions, Book 1 (Unabridged)

By Ora Rosalin & Bey Rosalin

  • Release Date: 2015-03-27
  • Genre: Nonfiction
  • © 2015 Ora Rosalin
  • $3.99


Say it isn't so! You are coming to the end of your novel...DUN, dun, dunnnnn...and now you have no idea what to write or what to do. How are you going to wrap up those loose ends in time (before the deadline of your debut novel)? I mean, brainstorming doesn't seem to work; inspiration from similar novels and the support of fellow authors doesn't seem to work. What, oh what, can a serious writer do in order to get the job done?

What will you get when you listen to this audiobook?
Keys (tips) that you'll never lose, which will enable you to complete your story. Reasons why you should and shouldn't write your ending first. We'll guide you gracefully down the path, and you decide which way to go. Specifically, find out what makes an ending unforgettable, and find out what makes it lackluster.
Listening to this book will be faster than taking a high school science exam, yet you'll retain much more useful information!

Finish your novel the write way. HAa see what I did there? Write way? Get it? Okay. *Ora slowly exists the stage*

Requirements are: a novel without an ending. Or an ending that needs work.

Image courtesy of Dan at FreeDigitalPhotos.net


Title Writer
How to Write a Killer Novel Ending: How Ora Rosalin & Bey Rosalin