Home / Write a Good Mystery: Write a Detective Novel Today, Crime Writing, Rules for Writing Detective Stories (Write Me Dearly) (Unabridged)
Write a good (great) mystery.
What you see on television isn't always right.
We gathered information from the real deal and incorporated it into this book. Not only will this give your writing that much more realism, but it will directly reflect you and as a debut writer.
So it's okay, breathe... we got you.
What will you get when you listen to this book?
Figure out how your detective will use sketches and investigative notes . This is a great way to bring in twists and plot turns.
Stakeouts are definitely going to be covered in this book. So... be... prepared!
And what about suspect interrogation techniques? Yep, we got those too.
Grab yourself a hot tamale - Scratch that; how about some popcorn? - and enjoy the listen.
Requirements are: A brain, a story, and a writing drive.
Create a realistic story that will blow the minds of your readers.