Home / How to Write a Detective Novel (Unabridged)
Have 20 or 30 minutes? If so, that’s plenty of time. Write your detective novel now!
Mystery is one of the biggest genres. It’s sales on Amazon Kindle, Barnes and Noble, and so on, have always been remarkable. Why is that? Well, because it raises questions in the listener's mind (like a puzzle), where they have to figure our where the pieces connect. And, once they finish the story, it’s like they’ve won something. A mini accomplishment times ten! Honestly, it is a true intellectual workout. The overall story should be engaging, holding the reader mesmerized till the very last word.
Plan, develop and write your detective novel today....
Understand and implement ways to flesh out your story
Have your audience on the edge of their seats, anticipating what will happen next
Do the proper research and quit wasting time on that potential best seller
Requirements: a mystery story idea that is waiting to be written.