Home / Fascinating Scenes and Characters: How to Flesh Out Your Novel, Writing Awesome Scenes, Make Your Characters Listen, Overcoming Writer's Block: Your Questions(The Righteous Writer Book 2) (Unabridged)
Want to write an exciting story?
You like creating your own stories. And scenes are what drives your novel towards the right path; however they are also one of the most difficult things to write. We've all been there. Trust me, you're not alone. But because of your difficulty with fleshing out scenes, you tend to get stuck and resort to yahoo answers, or worse, stop writing altogether.
Well, no need to fear, the Rosalin Sisters are here! - Okay, that was a little too corny, sorry.
Are you overdoing the scenes? Discover the answer....
What scenes do you need to cut out A.S.A.P.
Learn how to get your readers to feel like they are a part of the story.
Found out what makes a scene, a scene.
If you can jog around the neighborhood, take a nice nap, or watch a television show in a half hour, then you can read this book and learn how to improve your skills in the same amount of time (or less)!
After listening to this audiobook you will find where you can improve your manuscript: not enough tension, too little dialogue, and so on.