Home / Developing Your Distinct Voice in Fiction Writing: Learn How to Write, Tips for the Serious Writers, Importance of Voice (The True Writer Book 3) (Unabridged)
Testing one, two, three....
Voice is what makes you, you. It's identifiable, easily remembered, and most importantly, it is why readers keep reading your book. Other than the amazing characters you've created, plot, and more... voice is what you need to develop. Voice is what is distinctly yours and no one can take that away from you. No one!
Chapter One - Rule Number One: First Write Your Novel...
This chapter is exactly what the title is saying. We remind you what's important, which is finishing that novel.
Chapter Two - Don't Compare Yourself to Other Writers
There is a reason we're all different. This chapter covers the basics, really. Do you have a favorite author and want to write like them, but don't think you can? Well, think again. There are ways to develop your own voice and one of them is through practicing with your favorite artist's work.
Chapter Three - Needing Some Inspirational Methods?
We all need it. In this chapter, you'll get it.
Chapter Four - Experimenting with Your Writing
Practice makes perfect, right? Let's try some exercises.
Chapter Five - Tips for the Serious Writers Out There
These should be fun!
Chapter Six - Improve Your Voice
In this chapter we give you some important information that you can take with you on your writing journey.
...And our famous P.S. Chapter! Don't hesitate to find out what it's about...