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This quarter has three units tracing God’s work through the Holy Spirit to empower disciples for the Christian faith.
UNIT 1 • THE PLEDGE OF GOD’S PRESENCE: This is a five-lesson study of John’s Gospel with a concluding lesson from Mark’s Gospel. These students focus on Jesus’ teaching about and promise of the Holy Spirit.
UNIT 2 • THE COMMUNITY OF THE BELOVED DISCIPLES: This is a five-lesson study for the Easter season. The Scriptures under consideration draw from 1 Corinthians as well as 1, 2, and 3 John. These letters provide a window into the work of the Holy Spirit in the community of faith.
UNIT 3 • ONE IN THE BOND OF LOVE: This is a four-lesson study of 1 Corinthians. This is a careful study of the final chapters of Paul’s letter to the church in Corinth. These lessons move the learners to see the connection between loving one another and living as Christ’s witness in the world.
Inteen® Student Magazine gives students (ages 15–17) a fresh perspective on biblical truths. Each quarter, the 13-week lesson curriculum is paired with poems, practical advice, real-life stories, book reviews, and more to inspire teens to continue their spiritual growth and draw closer to Christ.
• God’s Word is presented in interesting ways—book reviews, real-life stories, and thoughtful articles show teens how they can relate to Bible truths.
• Teens read about peers with relevant situations—drugs, gangs, love, school—and learn how to cope with such problems with God’s help.
• Teens are given ways to demonstrate that they understand the Bible principles presented.
Scripture Discussion: Combines aspects of the modern story and Bible passage, and gives teens a more in-depth understanding of the lesson
Check It: Challenges the student’s basic understanding of the lesson
Think It: Invokes discussion about the lesson and ascertains the students’ understanding on a deeper level
Do It: Suggests ways teens can put Bible and lesson principles into action
Keep It: Encourages memorizing Scripture to keep God’s Word in your heart
Inteen Reader: Whets the student’s appetite for the quarter’s theme
Feature Article: Gives teens a biblical perspective on current issues
Lit Pick: Introduces students to an inspirational, culturally relevant book
Inteen Survey: Encourages students to share their opinions in a quarterly survey
Rap Up!: Helps students review Scripture they’ve learned throughout the quarter
Keywords: UMI, Sunday School, small group, African American Christian, Black church, Uniform Lesson Series, ULS, teenage, high school