Home / Inteen Student
<p>Inteen® student magazine gives 15- to 17-year-old students a fresh perspective on biblical truths. Each quarter, the 13-week lesson curriculum is paired with poems, practical advice, real-life stories, and profiles on exceptional teens and more to inspire late adolescents to continue their spiritual growth and draw closer to Christ. </p>
<p><strong>LESSON BENEFITS</strong></p>
<li><strong>From Your Bible</strong>: This bible passage is taken from the NIV or KJV of the bible and is easily understood by teens</li>
<li><strong>The Big Idea</strong>: Helps teens to relate bible truths and lesson principles to real life situations</li>
<li><strong>Scripture Discussion</strong>: This commentary combines aspects of the case study and bible passage and gives teens a more in-depth understanding of the lesson</li>
<li><strong>Check It</strong>: These questions challenge the student’s basic understanding of the lesson. They also give the teacher a chance to explain points that were unclear to the students</li>
<li><strong>Think It</strong>: These questions are designed to invoke discussion about the lesson and ascertain the students understanding of the lesson on a deeper level</li>
<li><strong>Do It</strong>: These assignments encourages teens to put bible and lesson principles in action</li>
<li><strong>Keep It</strong>: Teens are encouraged to memorize scriptures so that they might not sin against God</li>
<strong>SPECIAL FEATURES</strong>
<li><strong>Inteen Reader</strong>: This introduction to the quarter whets the teen student’s appetite for the quarter’s theme</li>
<li><strong>Inteen Social Buzz</strong>: This section gives teens a look at current issues</li>
<li><strong>Be Creative</strong>: Provides ideas to stimulate creativity outside of Sunday school</li>
<li><strong>Scenic</strong>: This section provides an inspiring scripture passage</li>
<li><strong>Inteen Survey</strong>: teens are encouraged to share their opinions in a quarterly survey</li>
<li><strong>Rap Up!</strong>: Helps students review scripture they’ve learned throughout the quarter</li>
<li>Gods word is presented in interesting ways – skits, real life stories, even cartoons show teens how they can relate to bible truths</li>
<li>Teens read about peers with real life situations – drugs, gangs, love, school, and learn how to cope with such problems with God’s help</li>
<li>Teens are given ways to demonstrate that they understand the bible principles presented</li>
<li>The teaching process is divided into easily manageable segments and make teaching a joy</li>
<li>Teachers get specific suggestions that challenge and encourage their students</li>