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Direction Teacher (2018): God's World and God's People By Dr. Melvin E Banks

Direction Teacher (2018): God's World and God's People

By Dr. Melvin E Banks

  • Release Date: 2018-09-11
  • Genre: Bible Studies
  • $5.99


In Genesis, the book of beginnings, God is revealed as the Creator, Sustainer, Judge, and Redeemer, who brought all things into being. The fall quarter surveys the book of Genesis in developing sessions on God’s creation of the universe, earth, and people. It also details how God continues to co-labor with sinful humanity in reconciling and re-creating order in all things.
UNIT 1 • God Created the World: This unit has five sessions. They concentrate on God’s creating the universe, earth, and people and then declaring all things created good. Although God created and sustains all life, humankind is special to God and unique. Session Four explores how God established the institution of marriage and the process of reproduction in order to populate the earth. Session Five explains how humankind chose to do wrong and thus introduced sin into God’s perfectly created world.
UNIT 2 • God Destroys and Re-Creates: This unit has four sessions. Noah and his family are presented in the first two sessions as righteous followers of God, who help repopulate and restore the earth after the destruction caused by the great flood. The biblical couples, Abraham and Sarah, and Isaac and Rebekah, who worked with God in the cycle of continuing creation, are studied in the last two sessions of the unit.
UNIT 3 • God Blesses and Creates Regardless:  This unit has four sessions. We will explore how God blessed humble Isaac in enemy territory, and consider how Jacob deceitfully obtained the blessing God had already destined for him, later established a right relationship with God, and finally was blessed by God to marry and produce children with the wife he loved and for whom he long labored.
Direction® Teacher offers 13 complete lesson plans and includes a Bible Study Guide complete with in-depth information to give students (ages 35 and up) more insight into the text. Also included are teaching instructions and background information from the Precepts For Living® annual commentary.
¥ Lessons are outlined and include background information so readers get an in-depth explanation of the Scriptures.
¥ Analysis is written in easy-to-understand language.
¥ Thought-provoking questions challenge students and stimulate discussions.
¥ Effective, detailed plans lead students to discover and demonstrate God’s truth.

Quarter At-A-Glance: Outlines what will be studied throughout the quarter

Black History Profile: Gives insight into the life of an influential person of the African Diaspora 

Teaching Tips: Provides an overview and outline for approaching all the lesson’s material 

More Light on the Text: Offers a fuller look into the meaning of the text with insights into the original biblical language

Make It Happen: Suggests ways to make a specific, personal commitment and take action on what was learned through the lesson 

Daily Bible Readings: Lists Scriptures to read throughout the week that support quarterly topics and principles 

Keywords: Small groups, UMI, Sunday School, ULS, church resources, African American church, Black Christian, Uniform Lesson Series, teaching tips