Home / Inteen Teacher (Spring 2016)

Inteen Teacher (Spring 2016) By Dr. Melvin E Banks

Inteen Teacher (Spring 2016)

By Dr. Melvin E Banks

  • Release Date: 2016-03-01
  • Genre: Christianity
  • $5.99


The material for this quarter revolves around Jesus’ life and ministry as portrayed in the Gospels of Mark and Luke. Mark and Luke show us how faith plays a vital role in following Jesus and living a life that pleases Him.
UNIT 1 • TESTS OF FAITH: The four lessons in this unit focus on tests of faith experienced by those in the Gospels who encountered Jesus.
UNIT 2 • RESTORATIVE FAITH: These four lessons show how faith in Jesus restored different people who were damaged mentally, physically, spiritually or emotionally.
UNIT 3 • THE FULLNESS OF FAITH: These five lessons focus on the qualities of a fully developed faith as well as the effects of that faith on the one who believes.

Inteen® Teacher Guide helps instructors understand the emotional and spiritual needs of the youths (ages 15–17) of today’s culture. The guide covers all 13 lessons and provides in-depth instruction and background information from the Precepts for Living® commentary.

• God’s Word is presented in interesting ways—book reviews, real life stories, and thoughtful articles show teens how they can relate to Bible truths.

• Teens are given ways to demonstrate that they understand the Bible principles presented.

• The teaching process is divided into easily manageable segments that make teaching a joy.

• Teachers get specific suggestions that challenge and encourage their students.


Open the Lesson: Engages the students and gets them thinking about the lesson’s themes

Present the Scriptures: Combines aspects of the modern story and Bible passage to give more in-depth analysis of the lesson

Worship Guide: Pairs hymns with the Scripture reading and lesson themes to broaden the class’s worship experience

From the Student Magazine: Allows teachers to follow along with their students as they interact with the lesson materials

In Depth: Helps the teacher understand the lesson on a more mature, personal level, beyond what they need to know to teach it to the teens

Daily Bible Readings: Guides Scripture reading throughout the week to support quarterly topics and principles

Keywords: UMI, Sunday School, African American Christian, small group, ULS, Black church, Uniform Lesson Series, teenage, high school, teaching tips