Home / Direction Student (Winter 2017)
The study this quarter explores the twofold nature of faith as belief and action. Selections from Acts show various examples of proclaiming faith in Christ. In the Book of Daniel we see faith in action as sincere, obedient, bold, and strong. The lessons from several epistles show how our actions both as individuals and as communities demonstrate our faith in Christ.
UNIT 1 • THE EARLY CHURCH PROCLAIMS FAITH IN CHRIST: The five-lessons reveal what the early leaders proclaimed about living our faith in Christ. The sessions in Acts report several examples of social welfare ministry and evangelism in spite of opposition. Ephesians teaches about faith that leads to unity in the body of Christ. The Christmas lesson gives an account of the Wise Men who faithfully searched for the newborn King of the Jews.
UNIT 2 • A LIVING FAITH IN GOD: The four lessons explore faith in action from the Book of Daniel. These lessons provide models for ways to actively engage in behaviors that demonstrate sincerity, obedience, boldness, and strength of faith.
UNIT 3 • SELF-CONTROLLED, UPRIGHT, AND GODLY FAITH: The four lessons that look at passages from Acts, James, and 1 Timothy provide specific examples of faith as both belief and action. James teaches that faith without works is dead. The lesson from 1 Timothy offers instructions about leading others in a life of faith.
Direction® Student offers 13 lesson studies and includes a Bible Study Guide complete with in-depth information to give students (ages 35 and up) more insight into the text. Also included is cultural background information from the Precepts For Living® annual commentary.
• Lessons are outlined and include background information so readers get an in-depth explanation of the Scriptures.
• Analysis is written in easy-to-understand language.
• Thought-provoking questions challenge students and stimulate discussions.
Quarter At-A-Glance: Outlines what will be studied throughout the quarter
Black History Profile: Gives insight into the life of an influential person of the African Diaspora
In Focus: Tells a story dealing with the lesson’s theme so that students can easily apply the lesson to modern life
In Depth: Provides a look into the meaning of the text with insight into the theology and interpretation of the text
Make It Happen: Suggests ways to make a specific, personal commitment and take action on what was learned through the lesson
Daily Bible Readings: Lists Scriptures to read throughout the week that support quarterly topics and principles