Home / Urban Faith Student
UMI’s newest publication for young adults (ages 18–34), Urban Faith® Student (formerly known as Young Adult Today® Student) features 13 lesson plans presented in a contemporary magazine-style format. A Bible study guide, background information, and entertaining feature articles help students address the realities of their lives in search of higher level of spiritual development.
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• Relevant Content
• Engaging and Entertaining Articles
• Visually Stimulating Artwork Bringing Stories to Life
Urban Faith® discusses current social issues and centers around the needs and critical issues facing Black, American, young adult Christians.
Young adults acquire an understanding of biblical principles, and show they can make responsible life applications of the principles discussed. Leaders get excellent teaching plans that show how to involve young adults in the class, and how to motivate students to learn biblical truths and live out the lesson daily.
Make It Stick: Encourages memorizing Scripture to keep God’s Word in your heart
“The Word”: Lays the foundation for the Bible study with Scripture from the New Living Translation
Backstage: Gives some background information on the lesson’s people, places, and times
Combing Through: Gives in-depth discussion of the Bible study verses by analyzing the interpretation and theology of the passage
Diving Deeper Quiz: Helps the students ascertain whether they understood the basic principles of the lesson
Next Steps: Invokes discussion about the Bible and lesson principles and requires the students to dig deeper into Scriptures and life experiences
Say Word: Helps with the pronunciation of difficult words
S.W.A.G.: Makes the lesson stick with a celebrity quote that supplies Spiritual Wisdom And Guidance
Keywords: African American Christian, small group, Black church, Sunday School, UMI, Uniform Lesson Series, ULS