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Direction By Dr. Melvin E. Banks, Sr.


By Dr. Melvin E. Banks, Sr.

  • Release Date: 2014-03-04
  • Genre: Christianity
  • $4.99


Direction® features 13 weekly lessons with Scripture passages, memory verses, and thought-provoking questions for class discussions, and suggestions to incorporate Bible truth into the lives of African American adults ages 35 and up. This curriculum will encourage adult students to continue to seek God by reading and studying the Bible for continued growth in their spiritual walks. (Also available in Large Print).


Make It Happen
These assignments require the students to make a specific, personal commitment to take action on what was learned through the lesson

Follow The Spirit
Gives the student’s space to briefly write down what God has said to them during the lesson

Remember Your Thoughts
Gives the student’s space to briefly write down any special insights that they had during the lesson

Daily Bible Readings
Gives the student’s scriptures to read through out the week that support quarterly topics and principles

General Introduction
Gives the adult student insight into what will be studied throughout the quarter

Unit Introduction
Gives the adult student insight into topics specific within each unit

• Lessons are outlines and include background information students get and in-depth explanation of scriptures used
• Written easy-to-understand language
• Thought provoking questions that challenge students and stimulate discussions
• Teachers get effective, detailed plans for leading students to discover and demonstrate God’s truth