Home / J.A.M. Jesus and Me Teacher
Students ages 12- to 14-year-olds need biblical instruction as they begin the final years of living under parental authority. The J.A.M. (Jesus and Me)® Teacher Guide provides a teaching plan for each of the 13 lessons and includes background information from the Precepts for Living® commentary.
This is the scripture for the lesson, taken from the International Sunday School lesson plan and employs the New International Version of the Bible
Reality Check
This a life related story tying into the scripture lesson
In My Heart
Teens are encouraged to memorize scriptures so that they might not sin against God
There are two sections: section one is a reference section further elaborating on some section of WORD! Section two shares with the student how to practically apply the lesson
Got It!
This is an activity section which helps reinforce concepts and test students’ comprehension of the lesson. It should be hands-on, interactive, often group-oriented, and fun
JAM Session
Ties in Reality Check and WORD, leading the student to do a self evaluation in light of what has been learned in the lesson
JAM On It!
Encourages actual application of concepts learned in the lesson. Students are given an assignment to carry out during the week based on the lessons aim. Students are to report results in the next session. It should be do-able, interesting, and challenging, inspiring, spiritual growth by participation
Last JAM
A takeaway to motivate students to follow through on lesson truths
JAM Time - Introduces students to items of interest in current publications as well as introduces the theme for the quarter
JAM Poets - Poetry written by junior students selected to act as junior editors. The experience teaches writing and editing skills
Lit Picks - Book and video reviews of interest to juniors
Jammin’ Squirrel Survey A theme-related survey for students to complete and return to UMI
Locker Room - A sports feature highlighting Christian athletes, exposing students to a wide range of sports and creating a balance between dreams and reality