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Inteen Teacher By Dr. Melvin E. Banks, Sr.

Inteen Teacher

By Dr. Melvin E. Banks, Sr.

  • Release Date: 2014-03-04
  • Genre: Christianity
  • $5.99


The Inteen® Teacher Guide helps instructors lead and encourage students, ages 15-17 years old, in God’s Word. In-depth Bible studies from the Precepts for Living® annual commentary along with detailed teaching plans and suggestions for class discussion help leaders put the biblical principles of each lesson into action.
From Your Bible This bible passage is taken from the NIV or KJV of the bible and is easily understood by teens

The Big Idea Helps teens to relate bible truths and lesson principles to real life situations

Scripture Discussion This commentary combines aspects of the case study and bible passage and gives teens a more in-depth understanding of the lesson

Check It These questions challenge the student’s basic understanding of the lesson. They also give the teacher a chance to explain points that were unclear to the students

Think It These questions are designed to invoke discussion about the lesson and ascertain the students understanding of the lesson on a deeper level

Do It These assignments encourages teens to put bible and lesson principles in action

Keep It Teens are encouraged to memorize scriptures so that they might not sin against God

• Inteen Reader - This introduction to the quarter whets the teen student’s appetite for the quarter’s theme
• Inteen Social Buzz - This section gives teens a look at current issues
• Be Creative - Provides ideas to stimulate creativity outside of Sunday school
• Scenic - This section provides an inspiring scripture passage
• Inteen Survey - teens are encouraged to share their opinions in a quarterly survey
• Rap Up! - Helps students review scripture they’ve learned throughout the quarter

Features Gods word is presented in interesting ways – skits, real life stories, even cartoons show teens how they can relate to bible truths Teens read about peers with real life situations – drugs, gangs, love, school, and learn how to cope with such problems with God’s help Teens are given ways to demonstrate that they understand the bible principles presented The teaching process is divided into easily manageable segments and make teaching a joy Teachers get specific suggestions that challenge and encourage their students