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Preschool Playhouse By Dr. Melvin E. Banks, Sr.

Preschool Playhouse

By Dr. Melvin E. Banks, Sr.

  • Release Date: 2014-03-01
  • Genre: Christianity
  • $5.99


Children ages 2-5 need Sunday School leaders who are readily prepared for the week's lesson. The Preschool Playhouse Teacher Guide delivers in-depth Bible background information, an outline for achieving lesson objectives, and directions for engaging preschool children in Bible learning.


Student Folders

No manuals are lost because there is one folder for each lesson which preschoolers take home and have parents read to them during the week

Cover Photo
Preschoolers identify with the lesson better because of familiar face

Lesson Theme
Preschoolers find it easy to remember because it is short and simple

Bible Story
Preschoolers pay attention to the entire story because it is brief, yet descriptive

Bible Picture
Helps the preschooler visualize the lesson better

Life Application Story
These conduct stories help preschoolers relate the Bible real-life situations that they face

Memory Verse
Preschoolers memorize scriptures and develop a desire to read the Bible on their own

Two Activities
Reinforce lesson and Bible principles. Plus, the children enjoy doing them

• Stories and illustrations show actual living situations; roles depicted show how the Christian life can be lived
• Children learn of God's love for them; helps build healthy self-concepts
• Reading readiness techniques, plus learning directly from the Bible, allow children to someday read the Bible for themselves
• Practical and effective teaching plans that are easy to use
• Excellent quality, attractive materials children enjoy using