Home / J.A.M. Jesus and Me Teacher (Spring 2017)
God’s love for us is evident in Scripture from the creation of the first humans to God’s constant interactions with individuals and groups of people in their historical circumstances and developments. A survey of select Old and New Testament Scriptures reveals dynamic and encouraging aspects of God’s constant love for humankind.
UNIT 1 • GOD’S ETERNAL, PRESERVING, RENEWING LOVE: The four lessons from 1 John, Ephesians, the Gospel of John, and Joel depict God’s love for humans as primary and unending. The lessons show that God’s love overflows, redeems, unites, and renews.
UNIT 2 • GOD’S CARING, SAVING, AND UPHOLDING LOVE: The five lessons drawn from Psalms, John, and Romans reveal God as protector, preserver, healer, comforter, and Savior of the people.
UNIT 3 • GOD’S PERVASIVE AND SUSTAINING LOVE: The four lessons in this unit are drawn from the book of Jonah, and they highlight God’s unconditional love for humans and the natural world, as well as God’s continuing care and concern for individual and group relationships and developments.
The J.A.M. Jesus and Me® Teacher Guide helps instructors understand the emotional and spiritual needs of 12- to 14-year-olds… and speak their language! The manual covers all 13 lessons and provides in-depth instruction and background information from the Precepts for Living® commentary.
¥ Scripture passages are presented in easy-to-read language.
¥ Students discover exciting ways to make Christianity part of their own lives.
¥ Teachers get step-by-step plans that make teaching easy.
Tool Time: Speaks to the teacher on a timely issue
Quick Look and Quarter At-A-Glance: Give helpful overviews into what will be studied throughout the quarter, both for the student and teacher
Open the Lesson: Offers discussion questions to begin the lesson and to ponder the implications of the “Reality Check” story
Explore the Meaning: Provides the answers to all the student activities from their books
In Depth: Helps the teacher understand the lesson on a more mature, personal level, beyond what they need to know to teach it to the students
Daily Bible Readings: Guides Scripture reading throughout the week to support quarterly topics and principles
Keywords: African American Christian, Black church, UMI, Sunday School, Bible Study, Uniform Lesson Series, small group, ULS, teenage, middle grade, teaching tips