Home / Primary Street Teacher (Summer 2016)
The study of this quarter is primarily from the Old Testament book of Zephaniah and the New Testament book of Romans. The three units follow the theme of God’s New Creation as it pertains to our new life in Christ.
UNIT 1 • JUDGMENT AND SALVATION: The three lessons in this unit focus on the judgment of Judah and the subsequent hope the people receive as they repent of their sins to live in obedience to God.
UNIT 2 • A WORLD GONE WRONG: The six lessons in this unit focus on the brokenness of the world as it has been affected by sin and what God has done to repair that damage.
UNIT 3 • LIFE ON GOD’S TERMS: The four lessons in this unit focus on the benefits and demands of living a life for God as a new creation in Christ.
Primary Street® Teacher provides instructors with Bible background information and an outline for lesson objectives that includes knowledge, attitude, and action aims. The Primary Street® Teacher’s Guide helps leaders prepare an active lesson plan to guide children (ages 6–8) toward Christ-centered thinking.
• Scripture stories are presented in easy-to-read language.
• Children discover exciting ways to make Jesus part of their own lives.
• Teachers get step-by-step plans that make teaching easy (even for last-minute substitutes).
Focus Activity: Engages children in a fun activity that introduces the lesson’s theme
Life Application Story: Provides questions to ask as the children read the modern story designed for their reading level
Bible Story: Lets children participate in reading aloud an age-appropriate summary of the actual Scripture verses
Next Steps for Application: Acts as an answer key to the students’ fun activities, one reinforcing the Scripture lesson, the other focusing on everyday application
Worship Time: Pairs songs with the Scripture reading and lesson themes to broaden the class’ worship experience
In Depth: Helps the teacher understand the lesson on a more mature, personal level, beyond what they need to know to teach it to the children
Daily Bible Readings: Guides Scripture reading throughout the week to support quarterly topics and principles
Keywords: African American Christian, Sunday School, Uniform Lesson Series, UMI, Black church, ULS, elementary, teaching tips