Home / Inteen Student (Spring 2016)

Inteen Student (Spring 2016) By Dr. Melvin E Banks

Inteen Student (Spring 2016)

By Dr. Melvin E Banks

  • Release Date: 2016-03-01
  • Genre: Christianity
  • $3.99


The material for this quarter revolves around Jesus’ life and ministry as portrayed in the Gospels of Mark and Luke. Mark and Luke show us how faith plays a vital role in following Jesus and living a life that pleases Him.
UNIT 1 • TESTS OF FAITH: The four lessons in this unit focus on tests of faith experienced by those in the Gospels who encountered Jesus.
UNIT 2 • RESTORATIVE FAITH: These four lessons show how faith in Jesus restored different people who were damaged mentally, physically, spiritually or emotionally.
UNIT 3 • THE FULLNESS OF FAITH: These five lessons focus on the qualities of a fully developed faith as well as the effects of that faith on the one who believes.

Inteen® Student Magazine gives students (ages 15–17) a fresh perspective on biblical truths. Each quarter, the 13-week lesson curriculum is paired with poems, practical advice, real-life stories, book reviews, and more to inspire teens to continue their spiritual growth and draw closer to Christ.

• God’s Word is presented in interesting ways—book reviews, real-life stories, and thoughtful articles show teens how they can relate to Bible truths.

• Teens read about peers with relevant situations—drugs, gangs, love, school—and learn how to cope with such problems with God’s help.

• Teens are given ways to demonstrate that they understand the Bible principles presented.


Scripture Discussion: Combines aspects of the modern story and Bible passage, and gives teens a more in-depth understanding of the lesson

Check It: Challenges the student’s basic understanding of the lesson

Think It: Invokes discussion about the lesson and ascertains the students’ understanding on a deeper level

Do It: Suggests ways teens can put Bible and lesson principles into action

Keep It: Encourages memorizing Scripture to keep God’s Word in your heart

Inteen Reader: Whets the student’s appetite for the quarter’s theme

Feature Article: Gives teens a biblical perspective on current issues

Lit Pick: Introduces students to an inspirational, culturally relevant book

Inteen Survey: Encourages students to share their opinions in a quarterly survey

Rap Up!: Helps students review Scripture they’ve learned throughout the quarter

Keywords: UMI, Sunday School, small group, African American Christian, Black church, Uniform Lesson Series, ULS, teenage, high school